QPixmap::save() returns successful, but yields no file - c++

The docs say this should work:
bool did=pixmap.save( "hoppy.png" );
qDebug("did is: %d",did);
My logging returns 1 suggesting, as per docs, that the save was successful. However, no file appears on my drive. According to the docs, this save() should indeed save a file, so what is missing?

According to the docs, this save() should indeed save a file, so what is missing?
Nothing missing; it is simply saved to the folder of where you run the qt executable from. If it is a direct invocation, then it is beside the executable, otherwise it is beside the script or other program that calls the qt executable (sure, the other program could modify the current working directory, but let us forget about that for a bit).
If that is not what you would like to do, you better use an absolute path to the location where you wish to save it. However, if it is some common location, consider using QStandardPaths.

Another answer notes:
Nothing missing; it is simply saved to the folder of where you run the qt executable from
However my question indicated that this is actually not the case here.
Using the full path rather than a relative path or instead of using the ~ character, resolved it.


Having a beamer_presentation and a pdf_book in the same Bookdown project

In my Bookdown project, I have both a bookdown::pdf_book and a beamer_presentation specificed in the _output.yml. (Why? Here is an example, and here is the explanation.)
The problem is that pdf_book seems to respect the output_dir specified in _bookdown.yml, but not the beamer_presentation. Thus, when hitting the Build Book button, the presentation won't get into the docs directory, it'll appear in the base directory.
Is there any way to make beamer_presentation respect the output_dir specification?
(Also, it'll mean that something has to be done with the filenames, as by default the the names would be the same.)
EDIT: I realized that using bookdown::beamer_presentation2 instead of beamer_presentation will solve the problem, as it'll respect the output_dir. But I'd call it a partial answer, as my fears in the last sentence realized: this will simply overwrite the pdf_book (as they'll indeed have the same name), so it is still not really working...
Yes, you need to use bookdown::beamer_presentation2, which will respect the output_dir setting in _bookdown.yml.
Regarding to your second problem (two formats having the same output filename), there isn't a nice solution at the moment if you only want to click the Knit button in RStudio---you have to call rmarkdown::render() and specify the output filename in the call, e.g.,
rmarkdown::render('file.Rmd', 'bookdown::pdf_book', output_file = 'book.pdf')
rmarkdown::render('file.Rmd', 'bookdown::beamer_presentation2', output_file = 'beamer.pdf')

Set screenshot path from default project location to different folder location

I have a suite which has 50 test cases. When I execute my suite, I get all the failed screenshots listed in the project's folder. I want to point and store those screenshots to a different directory with the name of the test case. I wanted it to be a one time setup than doing it explicitly for every test cases.
There's quite a few ways to change the screenshots default directory.
One way is to set the screenshot_root_directory argument when importing Selenium2Library. See the importing section of Selenium2Library's documentation, and importing libraries in the user guide.
Another way is to use the Set Screenshot Directory keyword, which will do pretty much the same thing as specifying a path when importing the library. Though, using this keyword you can set the path to a new one whenever you like. For example, you could make it so that each test case could have it's own screenshot directory using this keyword. According to your question, this may be the best solution.
And finally, you may also post-process screenshots using an external tool, or even a listener, that would move all screenshots to another directory. Previously mentioned solutions are in most cases much better, but you still may want to do this in some cases, where say, the directory where you want screenshots to be saved would be created only after the tests have finished executing.
I suggest you to do the follow:
For new directory, you should put the following immediately after where you open a browser such:
Open Browser ${URL} chrome
Set screenshot directory ${OUTPUT FILE}${/}..${/}${TEST_NAME}${/}
For replace the screenshot name from the default to your own name, create the following keyword:
Capture page screenshot filename=${SUITE_NAME}-{index}.png
Then, create another keyword and run it on Setup's test case:
Register Keyword To Run On Failure sc
In the above example, I created a new folder with the test case name, which create a screenshot (in case of failure) with the name of suite project name (instead of 'selenium-screenshot-1.png').

How to combine the working directory with a user specified file (w or w/o path) to get the up-dir of the file

at the moment I'm writing a kind of lib, which gets from outside the file name 'sFilename'. With it data were written to a file it will be created, data were append to an existing file with data, data were updated in an existing file with data or the data were read from an existing data.
The user of the application with my lib should get as much as possible on information about errors of file handling.
For this purpose I code a method FileExists(...) which uses _stat() to determine if a file exists or not and a method "bool checkPermission(std::string sFilename, CFile::EOpenmode iOpenmode)" which gives back a bool if the specified file (sFilename) with the iOpenmode (Read, Write, Readwrite) have the permission to be read, written or read and written.
This method works with _stat(sFilename.c_str(), &buf) too and gives the desired information of the file back in buf.
Before checking any file I want to check if the directory containing the specified file has the desired permissions and for that I want to use the checkPermission method [works with _stat()] for the directory!
Now the problem: how can I determine easyly the containing directory? If the user just give a filename "test.txt" the file will be created or read in working directory. So its easy to get the up-directory. Its the same like the working directory. (And there its simple to use checkPermission to get detailed information about the directory).
But what about when the user not only give the file name? For exaample "....\test.txt" or "dir1\dir2\test.txt". How to combine the working directory with a specific path to gain the up-directory of the file and then to check the permissions?
Phew, I hope all is clear and it was'nt too long ;-)
I'd suggest using the Boost FileSystem library at www.boost.org. In particular, check out the path class, which has methods such as make_absolute and parent_path.
This is Windows example code GetFileNameFromHandle to show you how to get the path from a HANDLE. I think it is what you are looking for.
I found out that _stat() and _access() doesn't really works for the permissions of the directories. See this stackoverflow page.
With _stat() you can't use ".\" to get information about the current directory. But _access() at least can check if a directory exists as well ".\" or "..\".
In conclusion I use _access() to check the existence of a directory and _stat() to check the permissions of an existing file. If a file should be created I'll check it by doing.
And by the way ;-) I don't need to combine working directory with the user specified file because I can use the specified file alone in _access() to determine if directory exists.

How to override the default text in MATLAB

In MATLAB, when you click File -> New -> Function M-File, you get a file with the following contents:
function [ output_args ] = Untitled( input_args )
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Is it possible to override this behaviour, and specify your own text?
(The motivation is that I'm trying to persuade my colleagues to document their m-files more thoroughly, and having default text for them to fill in might encourage them.)
I didn't even know File->New->Function did that.
The way I solved the issue was to write a function that you call via
>>newFunction myNewFunctionName
It then
pops up an inputdlg window, which asks the user for the synopsis and the H1 line and allows to already write help to explain input and output arguments. There, the user also selects whether myNewFunctionName is a function or a class in order to choose the right header and 'function call'
checks whether a function of the same name exists already
asks for a folder to save the function, and
opens the function in the editor
The header is set up so that it's easy to fill in info about input and output. It also automatically lists the username of the person who created the file as well as the date and the Matlab version.
For new classes, the template function automatically makes sure that they subclass my general superclass that implements methods such as 'help' (which calls doc(class(obj)) )
Now if the template functionwould also write the algorithm part of the function, it would be really convenient. :)
Here's a link to the function on the file exchange.
I would suggest making your own default m-file template, called default.m for example, and placing it in a folder on the MATLAB path where your colleagues can access it. You should then set the file to be read-only. Your colleagues can then execute any one of the following commands in the MATLAB Command Window when they want to create a new function m-file:
open default.m
edit default.m
The functions OPEN and EDIT will open a file in the MATLAB Editor. Since the file default.m is read-only, if anyone tries to save over it they will get a dialog box warning them as such and asking them to save to a new file (or overwrite it). That should keep them from accidentally modifying the template.
I searched through all text files starting from matlabroot folder, but could not find that template. Seems it's hard-coded, which is weird.
I like Jonas approach. As my two cents, you can download a function (not mine) doing similar things with some customization from here.
After more pondering, I've come up with a solution that I'm happy with, combining Jonas' and gnovice's answers. It's a function that creates a new m-file (with template documentation), and opens it in the editor. It is available from the Matlab Central File Exchange.

Is there a way to make cffile.oldFileSize return a correct value?

When working with cffile in ColdFusion, after an upload of a file to a webserver, the cffile structure is created that is supposed to have a value in it called "oldFileSize". Every time I do an upload and examine that value, it has the new file's size, not the overwritten file's size. Is there some setting somewhere to correct that or is this a bug in cffile in cf8?
Clarification: If you use the cffile command to upload a file to a server, it will attempt to store that file in the location you tell it in the command. If the destination already has a file there with the same name and path, then one of the options in your cffile command can bet to overwrite any existing file. If you do that, a structure is returned called cffile with an attribute called "oldFileSize". The documentation states that oldFileSize should be the size of the file that was overwritten. Instead, it's returning the size of the file being uploaded.
If the oldfilesize attribute is not returning correctly, I would use nameconflict=unique to preserve the old file. Then, you can use cfdirectory to check the old filesize, and cffile action="delete" and action="rename" to replace the old file, so that you have essentially overwritten the old file, only manually.
A bit of work, but if you need the information....
Ben Doom is correct about the work-around to the problem, but if you're not seeing the documented behavior, that's a bug and you should report it! Currently, there is no public bug tracker you can submit to (although there is a push for one and we should probably see it soon-ish), so the defacto standard is to post it as a comment on the documentation page.
Adobe staff does read and respond to comments and they will likely either respond that it will be fixed, or acknowledge that it is a bug but indicate there is no plan to fix it at this time. Either way, the responsible thing to do is to report the bug.
What overwritten file? It seems you are talking about two files when you only refer to one.