Not sure if I should use celery - django

I have never used celery before and I'm also a django newbie so I'm not sure if I should use celery in my project.
Brief description of my project:
There is an API for sending (via SSH) jobs to scientific computation clusters. The API is an abstraction to the different scientific job queue vendors out there.
My project is basically about doing a web GUI for this API with django.
So, my concern is that, if I use celery, I would have a queue in the local web server and another one in each of the remote clusters. I'm afraid this might complicate the implementation needlessly.
The API is still in development and some of the features aren't fully finished. There is a function for checking the state of the remote job execution (running, finished, etc.) but the callback support for state changes is not ready. Here is where I think celery might be appropriate. I would have one or several periodic task(s) monitoring the job states.
Any advice on how to proceed please? No celery at all? celery for everything? celery just for the job states?

I use celery for similar purpose and it works well. Basically I have one node running celery workers that manage the entire cluster. These workers generate input data for the cluster nodes, assign tasks, process the results for reporting or generating dependent tasks.
Each cluster node is running a very small python server which takes a db id of it's assigned job. It then calls into the main (http) server to request the data it needs and finally posts the data back when complete. In my case, the individual nodes don't need to message each other and run time of each task is very long (hours). This makes the delays introduced by central management and polling insignificant.
It would be possible to run a celery worker on each node taking tasks directly from the message queue. That approach is appealing. However, I have complex dependencies that are easier to work out from a centralized control. Also, I sometimes need to segment the cluster and centralized control makes this possible to do on the fly.
Celery isn't good at managing priorities or recovering lost tasks (more reasons for central control).
Thanks for calling my attention to SAGA. I'm looking at it now to see if it's useful to me.

Celery is useful for execution of tasks which are too expensive to be executed in the handler of HTTP request (i.e. Django view). Consider making an HTTP request from Django view to some remote web server and think about latencies, possible timeouts, time for data transfer, etc. It also makes sense to queue computation intensive tasks taking much time for background execution with Celery.
We can only guess what web GUI for API should do. However Celery fits very well for queuing requests to scientific computation clusters. It also allows to track the state of background task and their results.
I do not understand your concern about having many queues on different servers. You can have Django, Celery broker (implementing queues for tasks) and worker processes (consuming queues and executing Celery tasks) all on the same server.


Difference between usage of Django celery and Django cron-jobs?

I am sorry if its basics but I did not find any answers on the Internet comparing these two technologies. How should I decide when to use which as both can be used to schedule and process periodic tasks.
This is what an article says:
Django-celery :
Jobs are essential part of any application that does
some processing for you in the background. If your job is real time
Django application celery can be used.
Django-cronjobs :
django-cronjobs can be used to schedule periodic_task which is a
valid job. django-cronjobs is a simple Django app that runs registered
cron jobs via a management command.
can anyone explain me the difference between when should I choose which one and Why? Also I need to know why celery is used when the computing is distributed and why not cron jobs
The two things can be used for the same goal (background execution). However, if you are going to choose wisely, you should really understand that they are actually completely different things.
Here's what I wish someone had told me back when I was a noob (instead of the novice level that I have achieved today :)).
The concept of a cron job is that we want a command / process to be executed on some schedule. Furthermore, we want that process to receive x,y,z parameters, run with a,b,c environment variables, and as user id 123.
Some cron systems may facilitate a few extra features, such as:
catching up on missed tasks (e.g. the server was off for a power outage all night and as soon as we turn it on, it runs the 8 instances of the command we normally run hourly).
might help you with the type of locking you normally do using a pid file in order to avoid parallel runs of the same command.
For the most part, cron systems are meant to be dumb: "just run this command at this time, thanks!".
The concept of Celery is much more sophisticated. It works with tasks, chains & chords of tasks, error handling, and (in most cases) collection of work result. It has a queue (or many queues) of work and a worker (or many). When a task (really just a message describing requested work) enters the queue it waits there until a worker is available to handle it. Much the same way as 1 or more employees at the DMV service a room full of waiting customers.
Furthermore, Celery can facilitate distributed work. That's a bit like (if I may torture the analogy a bit) - the difference between a DMV office where every worker shares the same phone, computer, copier, etc and a DMV where workers have dedicated resources and are never blocked by other workers.
Celery for web apps
In web applications, Celery is often used when a bit of web access results in a thing to be done that should be handled out of band of the conversation with the web browser. For example:
the web user just did something which should result in an email being sent. In order to send an email, your web server will need to contact a mail server. This could take time, the server could be busy, etc - we cant make the web user just wait, seeing nothing on their browser while we do this. Well, you can but it won't work reliably. So, we do that email send as a bit of work in the queue. That way, it can happen "whenever" and the web server can get back to communicating with the browser.
the user just submitted a credit card as payment. You're going to need to contact the card processor, but that might take several seconds. You might even have to contact them multiple times (e.g. they are really busy there right now). Again, you don't want your user's web browser to just sit blankly and you don't want a web server process or thread of execution tied up. Instead, you use Celery to create a job, you tell the browser to check back in a few seconds (or use a "web socket"), and your web server moves on and talks to other web users. When the browser checks back later, you lookup the task id and find out from celery whether it is finished and what the outcome was (card declined, etc).
Using Celery as cron
When you use Celery as a "cron system" all you are really doing is saying: "hey, can someone please generate work of X type on Y schedule". A process is created that runs continuously which sleeps most of the time and wakes up occasionally to inject a bit of work into the queue on the schedule you requested.
Usually the "hey someone" that you ask to do that for you is: celery beat and beat gets the schedule you want from somewhere in the database or from your settings file.
I searched for celery vs cron and found a few results that might be helpful to you.
Why would running scheduled tasks with Celery be preferable over crontab?
Distributed task queues (Ex. Celery) vs crontab scripts

How to create one docker container per web service request?

I have a quite heavy batch process (a python script called "") on which I have very little control, it can be launched by a single user through a web api but it read and writes from disk so it wouldn't handle parallel requests.
Now, I'd like to have one docker container instanciated per request so that all requests can be handled in parallel, what would be the way to do this ? Is this even doable with Docker ? What would be the module responsible to instanciate the container and pass the http request to it ?
Generally you don’t do this. There are two good reasons for that: if you unconditionally launch a container per request it becomes very easy to swamp your system with these background jobs to the point where none can progress; and the setup that would allow you to launch more Docker containers would also give you unlimited root-level access to the host, which you don’t want in a process that accepts network requests.
A better approach is to set up a job queue system. RabbitMQ is popular and open-source, but by no means the only option. When you receive a request that needs background work, you add a job to the queue and return immediately. Meanwhile, you have some number of worker processes which accept jobs from the queue and do the work.
This gives you a couple of benefits. You control how much work can be done in parallel (by controlling the number of worker containers). If you need to do more work by setting up a second server (or even more), they can all connect back to the same queue server, without requiring a complex multi-host container setup. If your workers crash (or get OOM-killed) their jobs will be returned to the queue and can be picked up and retried by other workers. If you decide Docker doesn’t work for you, or that you need a different orchestrator (Nomad, Kubernetes) you can run this exact same setup without making any code changes, just changing the deployment configuration.

Django and Celery Confusion

After reading a lot of blogposts, I decided to switch from crontab to Celery for my middle-scale Django project. I have a few things I didn't understand:
1- I'm planning to start a micro EC2 instance which will be dedicated to RabbitMQ, would this be sufficient for a small-to-medium heavy tasking? (Such as dispatching periodical e-mails to Amazon SES).
2- Computing of tasks, does compution of tasks occur on the Django server or the rabbitMQ server (assuming the rabbitMQ is on a seperate server)?
3- When I need to grow my system and have 2 or more application servers behind a load balancer, do these two celery machines need to connect to the same rabbitMQ vhost? Assuming application servers are the carbon copy and tasks are same and everything is sync on the database level.
I don't know the answer to this question, but you can definitely configure it to be suitable (e.g. use -c1 for a single process worker to avoid using much memory, or eventlet/gevent pools), see also the --autoscale option. The choice of broker transport also matters here, the ones that are not polling are more CPU effective (rabbitmq/redis/beanstalk).
Computing happens on the workers, the broker is only responsible for accepting, routing and delivering messages (and persisting messages to disk when necessary).
To add additional workers these should indeed connect to the same virtual host. You would
only use separate virtual hosts if you would want applications to have separate message buses.

How do I handle blocking IO in mod_wsgi/django?

I am running Django under Apache+mod_wsgi in daemon mode with the following config:
WSGIDaemonProcess myserver processes=2 threads=15
My application does some IO on the backend, which could take several seconds.
def my_django_view:
content=... # Do some processing on backend file
return HttpResponse(content)
It appears that if I am processing more than 2 http requests that are handling this kind of IO, Django will simply block until one of the previous requests completes.
Is this expected behavior? Shouldn't threading help alleviate this i.e. shouldn't I be able to process up to 15 separate requests for a given WSGI process, before I see this kind of wait?
Or am I missing something here?
If the processing is in python, then Global Interpreter Lock is not being released -- in a single python process only one thread of python code can be executing at a time. The GIL is usually released inside C code though -- like most I/O, for example.
If this kind of processing is going to happen a lot, you might consider running a second "worker" application as a deamon, reading tasks from the database, performing the operations and writing resulsts back to the database. Apache might decide to kill processes that take too long to respond.
+1 to Radomir Dopieralski's answer.
If the task takes long you should delegate it to a process outside the request-response cycle, either by using a standard cron, or some distributed task queue like Celery
Databases for workload offloading were quite the thing in 2010, and a good idea then, but we've come a bit farther now.
We're using Apache Kafka as a queue to store our in-flight workload. So, Dataflow is now:
User -> Apache httpd -> Kafka -> python daemon processor
User post operation puts data into system to be processed via wsgi app that just writes it very fast to a Kafka queue. Minimal sanity checking is done in the post operation to keep it fast but find some obvious problems. Kafka stores the data very fast so the http response is zippy.
A separate set of python daemons pull data from Kafka and do processing on it. We actually have multiple processes that need to process it differently, but Kafka makes that fast by only writing once and having multiple readers read the same data if needed; no penalty for duplicate storage is incurred.
This allows very, very fast turnaround; optimal resource usage since we have other boxes offline handle the pull-from-kafka and can tune that to reduce lag as needed. Kafka is HA with same data written to multiple boxes in the cluster so my manager doesn't complain about 'what happens if' scenarios.
We're quite happy with Kafka.

System architecture: simple approach for setting up background tasks behind a web application -- will it work?

I have a Django web application and I have some tasks that should operate (or actually: be initiated) on the background.
The application is deployed as follows:
mod_wsgi in daemon mode (1 process, 15 threads).
The background tasks have the following characteristics:
they need to operate in a regular interval (every 5 minutes or so);
they require the application context (i.e. the application packages need to be available in memory);
they do not need any input other than database access, in order to perform some not-so-heavy tasks such as sending out e-mail and updating the state of the database.
Now I was thinking that the most simple approach to this problem would be simply to piggyback on the existing application process (as spawned by mod_wsgi). By implementing the task as part of the application and providing an HTTP interface for it, I would prevent the overhead of another process that is holding all of the application into memory. A simple cronjob can be setup that sends a request to this HTTP interface every 5 minutes and that would be it. Since the application process provides 15 threads and the tasks are quite lightweight and only running every 5 minutes, I figure they would not be hindering the performance of the web application's user-facing operations.
Yet... I have done some online research and I have seen nobody advocating this approach. Many articles suggest a significantly more complex approach based on a full-blown messaging component (such as Celery, which uses RabbitMQ). Although that's sexy, it sounds like overkill to me. Some articles suggest setting up a cronjob that executes a script which performs the tasks. But that doesn't feel very attractive either, as it results in creating a new process that loads the entire application into memory, performs some tiny task, and destroys the process again. And this is repeated every 5 minutes. Does not sound like an elegant solution.
So, I'm looking for some feedback on my suggested approach as described in the paragraph before the preceeding paragraph. Is my reasoning correct? Am I overlooking (potential) problems? What about my assumption that application's performance will not be impeded?
All are reasonable approaches depending on your specific requirements.
Another is to fire up a background thread within the process when the WSGI script is loaded. This background thread could simply sleep and wake up occasionally to perform required work and then go back to sleep.
This method necessitates though that you have at most one Django process which the background thread runs in to avoid different processing doing the same work on any database etc.
Using daemon mode with a single process as you are would satisfy that criteria. There are potentially other ways you could achieve that though even in a multiprocess configuration.
Note that celery works without RabbitMQ as well. It can use a ghetto queue (SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, etc, and Redis, MongoDB), which is useful in testing or for simple setups where RabbitMQ seems overkill.
(Using Celery with Redis/Database as the messaging queue.)