Clojure creating a flat map with for - clojure

I'm working my way through 4clojure and I'm stuck on Problem 156 (Map Defaults).
I can't figure out why the function bellow doesn't return a flat map
((fn [d k] (for [i k :let [r {}]]
(conj r [i d])))
[:a :b] [:foo :bar])
Current result is ({:foo [:a :b]} {:bar [:a :b]})
But I expected {:foo [:a :b], :bar [:a :b]}

Inside for, r is created anew in every iteration, gets populated with [i d] and gets yielded as an element of the lazy sequence. As a result, you obtain this sequence whose elements are small one-entry maps.
What you need is reduce. It loops over a sequence updating the accumulator using a function you provide:
(defn fun1 [d k]
(fn [acc i] (conj acc [i d]))
It starts from an empty map, and for every element i in k it calls the lambda, which adds an entry to the map (passed to the lambda as acc). The result is one big map with all these entries.

Alternatively, you could just generate the key/value pairs with your for expression, and then use the into function to shove them all in a map:
((fn [d k] (into {} (for [i k] [i d])))
[:a :b] [:foo :bar])
; => {:foo [:a :b], :bar [:a :b]}

For those coming here looking for a flatmap function in Clojure, check out mapcat:
Returns the result of applying concat to the result of applying map to
f and colls.


How to filter a sequence and retain evaluated pred values?

This is a scenario I encountered many times, yet didn't find an idiomatic approach for it...
Suppose one would like to use a self-defined self-pred function to filter a seq. This self-pred function returns nil for unwanted elements, and useful information for wanted elements. It is desirable to keep the evaluated self-pred values for these wanted elements.
My general solution is:
;; self-pred is a pred function which returns valuable info
;; in general, they are unique and can be used as key
(let [new-seq (filter self-pred aseq)]
(zipmap (map self-pred new-seq) new-seq))
Basically, it is to call self-pred twice on all wanted elements. I feel it is so ugly...
Wonder if there is any better ways. Much appreciated for any input!
In these scenarios you can use keep, but you have to change your "predicate" function to return the full information you need, or nil, for each item.
For example:
(keep (fn [item]
(when-let [tested (some-test item)]
(assoc item :test-output tested))) aseq)
i use this kind of snippet:
(keep #(some->> % self-pred (vector %)) data)
like this:
user> (keep #(some->> % rseq (vector %)) [[1 2] [] [3 4]])
;;=> ([[1 2] (2 1)] [[3 4] (4 3)])
or if you like more verbose result:
user> (keep #(some->> % rseq (hash-map :data % :result)) [[1 2] [] [3 4]])
;;=> ({:result (2 1), :data [1 2]} {:result (4 3), :data [3 4]})
I wouldn't bother with keep, but would just use plain map & filter like so:
(def data (range 6))
(def my-pred odd?)
(defn zip [& colls] (apply map vector colls)) ; like Python zip
(defn filter-with-pred
[vals pred]
(filter #(first %)
(zip (map pred vals) vals)))
(println (filter-with-pred data my-pred))
with result:
([true 1] [true 3] [true 5])
If self-pred guarantees no duplicate key creation for differing values then I'd reach for reduce (since assoc the same key twice will override the original key value pair):
(reduce #(if-let [k (self-pred %2)]
(assoc %1 k %2)
Else we can use group-by to drive a similar result:
(dissoc (group-by self-pred aseq) nil)
Although not the same since the values will be in vectors: {k1 [v1 ..], k2 [..], ..}. but this guarantees all values are kept.

ClojureScript search in nested map and vector

I have an edn in which I have nested maps. I found one very good example for this Clojure: a function that search for a val in a nested hashmap and returns the sequence of keys in which the val is contained
(def coll
{:a "aa"
:b {:d "dd"
:e {:f {:h "hh"
:i "ii"}
:g "hh"}}
:c "cc"})
With this answer
(defn find-in [coll x]
(fn [[k v]]
(cond (= v x) [k]
(map? v) (if-let [r (find-in v x)]
(into [k] r))))
My problem is that because of some I can't get a path for every result, only for the first logical truth. I tried map an keep but they break the recursion. How could I make this code to give back path to all of its results, not only the first one? Any help is appreciated.
You can use a helper function to turn a nested map into a flat map with fully qualified keys. Then find-in can just filter on the value and returns the matched keys.
(defn flatten-map [path m]
(if (map? m)
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] (flatten-map (conj path k) v)) m)
[[path m]]))
(defn find-in [coll x]
(->> (flatten-map [] coll)
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (= v x)))
(map first)))
With your sample:
(find-in coll "hh")
([:b :e :f :h] [:b :e :g])
filter gives all of the results, where some will only give you the first result, or nil if there aren't any. Oftentimes the same problem can be solved by filtering then taking the first, rather than using some.

Alternatives to repeated use of partial when using clojure's `comp`

Given a collection"
[{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}]
I would like to convert this to:
{"key_1" "value_1" "key_2" "value_2"}
An function to do this would be:
(defn long->wide [xs]
(apply hash-map (flatten (map vals xs))))
I might simplify this using the threading macro:
(defn long->wide [xs]
(->> xs
(map vals)
(apply hash-map)))
This still requires explicit definition of the function argument which I am not doing anything with other than passing to the first function. I might then rewrite this using comp to remove this:
(def long->wide
(comp (partial apply hash-map) flatten (partial map vals)))
This however requires repeated use of partial which to me is a lot of noise in the function.
Is there a some function in clojure that combines comp and ->> so I can create a higher order function without repeated use of partial, and also which out having to create a new function?
Since many of the answers here already don't answer the original question, but
suggest different approaches, I put that one back up too.
I'd go with reduce and destructuring:
(fn [m {:keys [key value]}]
(assoc m key value))
[{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}])
Note, that this will also work with string keys (which you mentioned in the comments) (note :strs):
(fn [m {:strs [key value]}]
(assoc m key value))
[{"key" "key_1" "value" "value_1"}, {"key" "key_2" "value" "value_2"}])
Another (point-free) version, when using keywords:
(partial (into {} (map (juxt :key :value))))
Since you mentioned in the comments, that you are using values from a DB, there might also be the chance, that you can switch to just return value tuples. Then the whole operation is just:
(into {} [["key_1" "value_1"]["key_2" "value_2"]])
Also note, that the use of vals on a map and expecting "insertion order" is
dangerous. Small maps are ordered only by accident:
user=> (take 3 (zipmap (range 3) (range 3)))
([0 0] [1 1] [2 2])
user=> (take 3 (zipmap (range 100) (range 100)))
([0 0] [65 65] [70 70])
An other alternative to the nice answers is also:
(apply hash-map (mapcat vals [{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}]))
((comp #(apply hash-map %) #(mapcat vals %)) [{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}])
which are exactly the same.
As with clojure, so many ways to solve most problems.
(partial #(reduce (fn [r m] (assoc r (m :key) (m :value)))
Not sure if the creation of anonymous functions violates your condition or not but this isn't adding functions to the namespace so I thought I'd throw it out there. This also has the benefit of not requiring the keys in the input maps to be keywords as :key and :value can be replaced with values of any type since the map is in the function position. For example:
(partial #(reduce (fn [r m] (assoc r (m "key") (m "value")))

Find Value of Specific Key in Nested Map

In Clojure, how can I find the value of a key that may be deep in a nested map structure? For example:
(def m {:a {:b "b"
:c "c"
:d {:e "e"
:f "f"}}})
(find-nested m :f)
=> "f"
Clojure offers tree-seq to do a depth-first traversal of any value. This will simplify the logic needed to find your nested key:
(defn find-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(some k)))
(find-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :d 2}} :c)
;; => 1
Also, finding all matches becomes a matter of replacing some with keep:
(defn find-all-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(keep k)))
(find-all-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :c 2}} :c)
;; => [2 1]
Note that maps with nil values might require some special treatment.
Update: If you look at the code above, you can see that k can actually be a function which offers a lot more possibilities:
to find a string key:
(find-nested m #(get % "k"))
to find multiple keys:
(find-nested m #(some % [:a :b]))
to find only positive values in maps of integers:
(find-nested m #(when (some-> % :k pos?) (:k %)))
If you know the nested path then use get-in.
=> (get-in m [:a :d :f])
=> "f"
See here for details:
If you don't know the path in your nested structure you could write a function that recurses through the nested map looking for the particular key in question and either returns its value when it finds the first one or returns all the values for :f in a seq.
If you know the "path", consider using get-in:
(get-in m [:a :d :f]) ; => "f"
If the "path" is unknown you can use something like next function:
(defn find-in [m k]
(if (map? m)
(let [v (m k)]
(->> m
(map #(find-in % k)) ; Search in "child" maps
(cons v) ; Add result from current level
(filter (complement nil?))
(find-in m :f) ; "f"
(find-in m :d) ; {:e "e", :f "f"}
Note: given function will find only the first occurrence.
Here is a version that will find the key without knowing the path to it. If there are multiple matching keys, only one will be returned:
(defn find-key [m k]
(loop [m' m]
(when (seq m')
(if-let [v (get m' k)]
(recur (reduce merge
(map (fn [[_ v]]
(when (map? v) v))
If you require all values you can use:
(defn merge-map-vals [m]
(reduce (partial merge-with vector)
(map (fn [[_ v]]
(when (map? v) v))
(defn find-key [m k]
(drop-while first
(iterate (fn [[m' acc]]
(if (seq m')
(if-let [v (get m' k)]
[(merge-map-vals m') (conj acc v)]
[(merge-map-vals m') acc])
[nil acc]))
[m []])))))

defn vs. let with regards to decomposition

I define a function, which takes two parameters - map and a key. The key is referenced from the map parameter decomposition
(defn myfunc [{v k} k]
when I call:
(myfunc {:a 10} :a)
It surprisingly produces expected result: 10
Similar thing in the let:
(let [{v k} {:a 10} k :a] v)
fails, because k is not defined at the moment, when first part is evaluated.
My question is: why decomposition inside function parameters behaves differently compared to decomposition in let expressions?
Macroexpanding the defn form I get the equivalent of this (removed .withMeta stuff and reformatted):
(def myfunc
(fn* myfunc
([p__11393 k]
(let* [map__11394 p__11393
map__11394 (if (seq? map__11394)
(apply hash-map map__11394)
v (get map__11394 k)]
So here we can see that the {v k} map is in fact first assigned to a local variable p__11393. Then the if statement tests if that variable is in fact a sequence and turns it into a hash-map if so, otherwise leaves it as it is. Importantly, the value assigned to k is looked up in the map after all of this happens, thus this works without error (and also would if :a wasn't in the map, get returns nil in that case).
On the other hand macroexpanding the let form I get
{:a 10}
(if (seq? map__11431) (apply hash-map map__11431) map__11431)
(get map__11431 k)
and here we can see that v gets the result of (get map__11431 k), but k isn't defined at this point yet, hence the error.
This isn't a complete answer, but the following does work:
user=> (defn myfunc [{v k} k] v)
user=> (myfunc {:a 10} :a)
user=> (let [k :a {v k} {:a 10}] v)