Best method for scaling a vector to desired length - c++

The question is about the most robust and the fastest implementation about this rather basic operation:
Given a vector (X,Y) compute the collinear vector of the given length desiredLength. There are at least two methods for that:
One. Find the length of (X,Y) and rescale accordingly:
double currentLength = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);
if(currentLength == 0) { /* Aye, Caramba! */ }
double factor = desiredLength / currentLength;
X *= factor;
Y *= factor;
Two. Find the direction of (X,Y) and form a vector of desiredLength in that direction:
if(X == 0 && Y == 0) { /* Aye, Caramba! */ }
double angle = atan2(Y, X);
X = desiredLength * cos(angle);
Y = desiredLength * sin(angle);
Which method would be preferable for developing robust app, better numerical stability, faster execution, etc.?

There's no one right answer, since it will depend on the implementation.
However: on any reasonable modern implementation, the four basic
operations and sqrt will be exact to the last binary digit. From a
quality of implementation point of view, one would hope that the same
thing would be true for all of the functions in math.h, but it's less
certain. On a machine with IEEE arithmetic (Windows and the mainstream
Unix platforms), the four operations and sqrt will be implemented in
hardware, where as the trigonomic operations will generally require a
software implementation, often requiring tens of more basic operations.
Although some floating point processors do support them directly, at
least over limited ranges, even then, they are often a magnitude slower
than the four basic operations.
All of which speaks in favor of your first implementation, at least with
regards to speed (and probably with regards to numeric stability as

I would expect method one to be better At least on the performance front as doing sqrt + 2 multiplications should be cheaper than 3 trig operations.
I would guess it is also better (or not worse) on the other fronts as well since it involves one approximation (sqrt) instead of 2 (per axis). The sqrt approximation is also "shared" by both x and y.

Thu shalt better use hypot(x,y) rather than sqrt(x*x+y*y) because a reasonnable implementation of hypot can save you from underflow/overflow conditions.
Examples: hypot(1.0e300,1.0e300) or hypot(1.0e-300,1.0e-300)
Then evaluating x/hypot(x,y) is safe, even in case of gradual underflow (denormalized numbers) like x=1.0e-320, y=0, while evaluating desiredLength/hypot(x,y) might well overflow.
So I would write
double h = hypot(x,y);
double xd = desiredLength*(x/h);
double yd = desiredLength*(y/h);
You'll get some division by zero exception and nan results if both x,y are zero, so don't bother handling it in a if.


Calculation sine and cosine in one shot

I have a scientific code that uses both sine and cosine of the same argument (I basically need the complex exponential of that argument). I was wondering if it were possible to do this faster than calling sine and cosine functions separately.
Also I only need about 0.1% precision. So is there any way I can find the default trig functions and truncate the power series for speed?
One other thing I have in mind is, is there any way to perform the remainder operation such that the result is always positive? In my own algorithm I used x=fmod(x,2*pi); but then I would need to add 2pi if x is negative (smaller domain means I can use a shorter power series)
EDIT: LUT turned out to be the best approach for this, however I am glad I learned about other approximation techniques. I will also advise using an explicit midpoint approximation. This is what I ended up doing:
const int N = 10000;//about 3e-4 error for 1000//3e-5 for 10 000//3e-6 for 100 000
double *cs = new double[N];
double *sn = new double[N];
for(int i =0;i<N;i++){
double A= (i+0.5)*2*pi/N;
The following part approximates (midpoint) sincos(2*pi*(wc2+t[j]*(cotp*t[j]-wc)))
double A=(wc2+t[j]*(cotp*t[j]-wc));
int B =(int)N*(A-floor(A));
re += cs[B]*f[j];
im += sn[B]*f[j];
Another approach could have been using the chebyshev decomposition. You can use the orthogonality property to find the coefficients. Optimized for exponential, it looks like this:
double fastsin(double x){
x=x-floor(x/2/pi)*2*pi-pi;//this line can be improved, both inside this
//function and before you input it into the function
double x2 = x*x;
return (((0.00015025063885163012*x2-
0.008034350857376128)*x2+ 0.1659789684145034)*x2-0.9995812174943602)*x;} //7th order chebyshev approx
If you seek fast evaluation with good (but not high) accuracy with powerseries you should use an expansion in Chebyshev polynomials: tabulate the coefficients (you'll need VERY few for 0.1% accuracy) and evaluate the expansion with the recursion relations for these polynomials (it's really very easy).
Tabulated coefficients:
Evaluation of chebyshev expansion:
You'll need to (a) get the "reduced" argument in the range -pi/2..+pi/2 and consequently then (b) handle the sign in your results when the argument actually should have been in the "other" half of the full elementary interval -pi..+pi. These aspects should not pose a major problem:
determine (and "remember" as an integer 1 or -1) the sign in the original angle and proceed with the absolute value.
use a modulo function to reduce to the interval 0..2PI
Determine (and "remember" as an integer 1 or -1) whether it is in the "second" half and, if so, subtract pi*3/2, otherwise subtract pi/2. Note: this effectively interchanges sine and cosine (apart from signs); take this into account in the final evaluation.
This completes the step to get an angle in -pi/2..+pi/2
After evaluating sine and cosine with the Cheb-expansions, apply the "flags" of steps 1 and 3 above to get the right signs in the values.
Just create a lookup table. The following will let you lookup the sin and cos of any radian value between -2PI and 2PI.
var LUT_SIN_COS = [];
var N = 14400;
var HALF_N = N >> 1;
var STEP = 4 * Math.PI / N;
var INV_STEP = 1 / STEP;
for(var i=0, r = -2*Math.PI; i < N; i++, r += STEP) {
LUT_SIN_COS[2*i] = Math.sin(r);
LUT_SIN_COS[2*i + 1] = Math.cos(r);
You index into the lookup table by:
var index = ((r * INV_STEP) + HALF_N) << 1;
var sin = LUT_SIN_COS[index];
var cos = LUT_SIN_COS[index + 1];
Here's a fiddle that displays the % error you can expect from different sized LUTS
EDIT Here's an ideone (c++) with a ~benchmark~ vs the float sin and cos. For whatever a benchmark on is worth the LUT is 5 times faster.
One way to go would be to learn how to implement the CORDIC algorithm. It is not difficult and pretty interesting intelectually. This gives you both the cosine and the sine. Wikipedia gives a MATLAB example that should be easy to adapt in C++.
Note that you can augment speed and reduce precision simply by lowering the parameter n.
About your second question, it has already been asked here (in C). It seems that there is no simple way.
You can also calculate sine using a square root, given the angle and the cosine.
The example below assumes the angle ranges from 0 to 2π:
double c = cos(angle);
double s = sqrt(1.0-c*c);
For single-precision floats, Microsoft uses 11-degree polynomial approximation for sine, 10-degree for cosine: XMScalarSinCos.
They also have faster version, XMScalarSinCosEst, that uses lower-degree polynomials.
If you aren’t on Windows, you’ll find same code + coefficients on under Boost license.

Numerical stability of division expression

I stumbled across code like
double x,y = ...;
double n = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
if (n > 0)
double d1 = (x*x)/n;
double d2 = (x*y)/n;
and I am wondering about the numerical stability of such an expression for small values of x and y.
For both expressions, lim (x->0, y->0) (...) = 0, so from a mathematical point of view, it looks safe (the nominator O(x²) whereas the denominator is O(x)).
Nevertheless my question is: Are there any possible numerical problems with this code?
EDIT: If possible I'd like to avoid re-writing the expressions because n is actually used more than twice and to keep readability (it's relatively clear in the context what happens).
If x and y are very close to DBL_MIN, the calculations are
succeptible to underflow or extreme loss of precision: if x is
very close to DBL_MIN, for example x * x may be 0.0, or
(for somewhat larger values) it may result in what is called
gradual underflow, with extreme loss of precision: e.g. with
IEEE double (most, if not all desktop and laptop PCs), 1E-300
* 1E-300 will be 0.0. Obviously, if this happens for both
* x and y, you'll end up with n == 0.0, even if x and
y are both positive.
In C++11, there is a function hypot, which will solve the
problem for n; if x * x is 0.0, however, d1 will still
be 0.0; you'll probably get better results with (x / n) * x
(but I think that there still may be limit cases where you'll
end up with 0.0 or gradual underflow—I've not analyzed it sufficiently to be sure). A better solution
would be to scale the data differently, to avoid such limit

Does calculating Sqrt(x) as x * InvSqrt(x) make any sense in the Doom 3 BFG code?

I browsed through the recently released Doom 3 BFG source code, when I came upon something that does not appear to make any sense. Doom 3 wraps mathematical functions in the idMath class. Some of the functions just foward to the corresponding functions from math.h, but some are reimplementations (e.g. idMath::exp16()) that I assume have a higher performance than their math.h counterparts (maybe at the expense of precision).
What baffles me, however, is the way they have implemented the float idMath::Sqrt(float x) function:
ID_INLINE float idMath::InvSqrt( float x ) {
return ( x > FLT_SMALLEST_NON_DENORMAL ) ? sqrtf( 1.0f / x ) : INFINITY;
ID_INLINE float idMath::Sqrt( float x ) {
return ( x >= 0.0f ) ? x * InvSqrt( x ) : 0.0f;
This appears to perform two unnecessary floating point operations: First a division and then a multiplication.
It is interesting to note that the original Doom 3 source code also implemented the square root function in this way, but the inverse square root uses the fast inverse square root algorithm.
ID_INLINE float idMath::InvSqrt( float x ) {
dword a = ((union _flint*)(&x))->i;
union _flint seed;
assert( initialized );
double y = x * 0.5f;
seed.i = (( ( (3*EXP_BIAS-1) - ( (a >> EXP_POS) & 0xFF) ) >> 1)<<EXP_POS) | iSqrt[(a >> (EXP_POS-LOOKUP_BITS)) & LOOKUP_MASK];
double r = seed.f;
r = r * ( 1.5f - r * r * y );
r = r * ( 1.5f - r * r * y );
return (float) r;
ID_INLINE float idMath::Sqrt( float x ) {
return x * InvSqrt( x );
Do you see any advantage in calculating Sqrt(x) as x * InvSqrt(x) if InvSqrt(x) internally just calls math.h's fsqrt(1.f/x)? Am I maybe missing something important about denormalized floating point numbers here or is this just sloppiness on id software's part?
I can see two reasons for doing it this way: firstly, the "fast invSqrt" method (really Newton Raphson) is now the method used in a lot of hardware, so this approach leaves open the possibility of taking advantage of such hardware (and doing potentially four or more such operations at once). This article discusses it a little bit:
How slow (how many cycles) is calculating a square root?
The second reason is for compatibility. If you change the code path for calculating square roots, you may get different results (especially for zeroes, NaNs, etc.), and lose compatibility with code that depended on the old system.
As far as I know, the InvSqrt is used to compute colors in the sense that color depends on the angle from which light bounces off a surface, which gives you some function using the inverse of the square root.
In their case, they don't need huge precision when computing these numbers, so the engineers behind Doom 3's code (originally from Quake III) came up with a very very very fast method of computing an approximation for InvSqrt using only several Newton-Raphson's iterations.
This is why they use InvSqrt in all their code, instead of using built-in (slower) functions. I guess the use of x * InvSqrt(x) is there to avoid multiplying work by two (by having two very efficient functions, one for InvSqrt and another for Sqrt).
You should read this article, it might shed some light on this issue.
When code has been modified by multiple people, it becomes hard to answer questions about why it has its current form, especially without revision history.
However, given a third of a century of programming experience, this code fits the pattern others have mentioned: At one time, InvSqrt was fast, and it made sense to use it to compute the square root. Then InvSqrt changed, and nobody updated Sqrt.
It is also possible that they came across a relatively naive version of sqrtf which was notably slower for bigger numbers.

Fast equivalent to sin() for DSP referenced in STK

I'm using bits of Perry Cook's Synthesis Toolkit (STK) to generate saw and square waves. STK includes this BLIT-based sawtooth oscillator:
inline STKFloat BlitSaw::tick( void ) {
StkFloat tmp, denominator = sin( phase_ );
if ( fabs(denominator) <= std::numeric_limits<StkFloat>::epsilon() )
tmp = a_;
else {
tmp = sin( m_ * phase_ );
tmp /= p_ * denominator;
tmp += state_ - C2_;
state_ = tmp * 0.995;
phase_ += rate_;
if ( phase_ >= PI )
phase_ -= PI;
lastFrame_[0] = tmp;
return lastFrame_[0];
The square wave oscillator is broadly similar. At the top, there's this comment:
// A fully optimized version of this code would replace the two sin
// calls with a pair of fast sin oscillators, for which stable fast
// two-multiply algorithms are well known.
I don't know where to start looking for these "fast two-multiply algorithms" and I'd appreciate some pointers. I could use a lookup table instead, but I'm keen to learn what these 'fast sin oscillators' are. I could also use an abbreviated Taylor series, but thats way more than two multiplies. Searching hasn't turned up anything much, although I did find this approximation:
#define AD_SIN(n) (n*(2.f- fabs(n)))
Plotting it out shows that it's not really a close approximation outside the range of -1 to 1, so I don't think I can use it when phase_ is in the range -pi to pi:
Here, Sine is the blue line and the purple line is the approximation.
Profiling my code reveals that the calls to sin() are far and away the most time-consuming calls, so I really would like to optimise this piece.
EDIT Thanks for the detailed and varied answers. I will explore these and accept one at the weekend.
EDIT 2 Would the anonymous close voter please kindly explain their vote in the comments? Thank you.
Essentially the sinusoidal oscilator is one (or more) variables that change with each DSP step, rather than getting recalculated from scratch.
The simplest are based on the following trig identities: (where d is constant, and thus so is cos(d) and sin(d) )
sin(x+d) = sin(x) cos(d) + cos(x) sin(d)
cos(x+d) = cos(x) cos(d) - sin(x) sin(d)
However this requires two variables (one for sin and one for cos) and 4 multiplications to update. However this will still be far faster than calculating a full sine at each step.
The solution by Oli Charlesworth is based on solutions to this general equation
A_{n+1} = a A_{n} + A_{n-1}
Where looking for a solution of the form A_n = k e^(i theta n) gives an equation for theta.
e^(i theta (n+1) ) = a e^(i theta n ) + b e^(i theta (n-1) )
Which simplifies to
e^(i theta) - e^(-i theta ) = a
2 cos(theta) = a
A_{n+1} = 2 cos(theta) A_{n} + A_{n-1}
Whichever approach you use you'll either need to use one or two of these oscillators for each frequency, or use another trig identity to derive the higher or lower frequencies.
How accurate do you need this?
This function, f(x)=0.398x*(3.1076-|x|), does a reasonably good job for x between -pi and pi.
An even better approximation is f(x)=0.38981969947653056*(pi-|x|), which keeps the absolute error to 0.038158444604 or less for x between -pi and pi.
A least squares minimization will yield a slightly different function.
It's not possible to generate one-off sin calls with just two multiplies (well, not a useful approximation, at any rate). But it is possible to generate an oscillator with low complexity, i.e. where each value is calculated in terms of the preceding ones.
For instance, consider that the following difference equation will give you a sinusoid:
y[n] = 2*cos(phi)*y[n-1] - y[n-2]
(where cos(phi) is a constant)
(From the original author of the VST BLT code).
As a matter of fact, I was porting the VST BLT oscillators to C#, so I was googling for good sin oscillators. Here's what I came up with. Translation to C++ is straightforward. See the notes at the end about accuumulated round-off errors.
public class FastOscillator
private double b1;
private double y1, y2;
private double fScale;
public void Initialize(int sampleRate)
fScale = AudioMath.TwoPi / sampleRate;
// frequency in Hz. phase in radians.
public void Start(float frequency, double phase)
double w = frequency * fScale;
b1 = 2.0 * Math.Cos(w);
y1 = Math.Sin(phase - w);
y2 = Math.Sin(phase - w * 2);
public double Tick()
double y0 = b1 * y1 - y2;
y2 = y1;
y1 = y0;
return y0;
Note that this particular oscillator implementation will drift over time, so it needs to be re-initialzed periodically. In this particular implementation, the magnitude of the sin wave decays over time. The original comments in the STK code suggested a two-multiply oscillator. There are, in fact, two-multiply oscillators that are reasonably stable over time. But in retrospect, the need to keep the sin(phase), and sin(m*phase) oscillators tightly in synch probably means that they have to be resynched anyway. Round-off errors between phase and m*phase mean that even if the oscillators were stable, they would drift eventually, running a significant risk of producing large spikes in values near the zeros of the BLT functions. May as well use a one-multiply oscillator.
These particular oscillators should probably be re-initialized every 30 to 100 cycles (or so). My C# implementation is frame based (i.e. it calculates an float[] array of results in a void Tick(int count, float[] result) method. The oscillators are re-synched at the end of each Tick call. Something like this:
void Tick(int count, float[] result)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
result[i] = bltResult;
// re-initialize the oscillators to avoid accumulated drift.
this.phase = (this.phase + this.dPhase*count) % AudioMath.TwoPi;
Probably missing from the STK code. You might want to investigate this. The original code provided to the STK did this. Gary Scavone tweaked the code a bit, and I think the optimization was lost. I do know that the STK implementations suffer from DC drift, which can be almost entirely eliminated when implemented properly.
There's a peculiar hack that prevents DC drift of the oscillators, even when sweeping the frequency of the oscillators. The trick is that the oscillators should be started with an initial phase adjustment of dPhase/2. That just so happens to start the oscillators off with zero DC drift, without having to figure out wat the correct initial state for various integrators in each of the BLT oscillators.
Strangely, if the adjustment is re-adjusted whenever the frequency of the oscillator changes, then this also prevents wild DC drift of the output when sweeping the frequency of the oscillator. Whenever the frequency changes, subtract dPhase/2 from the previous phase value, recalculate dPhase for the new frequency, and then add dPhase/2.I rather suspect this could be formally proven; but I have not been able to so. All I know is that It Just Works.
For a block implementation, the oscillators should actually be initialized as follows, instead of carrying the phase adjustment in the current this.phase value.
You might want to take a look here:
There's some sample code that calculates a very good appoximation of sin/cos using only multiplies, additions and the abs() function. Quite fast too. The comments are also a good read.
It essentiall boils down to this:
float sine(float x)
const float B = 4/pi;
const float C = -4/(pi*pi);
const float P = 0.225;
float y = B * x + C * x * abs(x);
return P * (y * abs(y) - y) + y;
and works for a range of -PI to PI
If you can, you should consider memorization based techniques. Essentially store sin(x) and cos(x) values for a bunch values. To calculate sin(y), find a and b for which precomputed values exist such that a<=y<=b. Now using sin(a), sin(b), cos(a), cos(b), y-a and y-b approximately calculate sin(y).
The general idea of getting periodically sampled results from the sine or cosine function is to use a trig recursion or an initialized (barely) stable IIR filter (which can end up being pretty much the same computations). There are bunches of these in the DSP literature, of varying accuracy and stability. Choose carefully.

Very fast 3D distance check?

Is there a way to do a quick and dirty 3D distance check where the results are rough, but it is very very fast? I need to do depth sorting. I use STL sort like this:
bool sortfunc(CBox* a, CBox* b)
return a->Get3dDistance(,a->center) <
float CBox::Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = c2.x - c1.x;
float dy = c2.y - c1.y;
float dz = c2.z - c1.z;
return sqrt((float)(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
Is there possibly a way to do it without a square root or possibly without multiplication?
You can leave out the square root because for all positive (or really, non-negative) numbers x and y, if sqrt(x) < sqrt(y) then x < y. Since you're summing squares of real numbers, the square of every real number is non-negative, and the sum of any positive numbers is positive, the square root condition holds.
You cannot eliminate the multiplication, however, without changing the algorithm. Here's a counterexample: if x is (3, 1, 1) and y is (4, 0, 0), |x| < |y| because sqrt(1*1+1*1+3*3) < sqrt(4*4+0*0+0*0) and 1*1+1*1+3*3 < 4*4+0*0+0*0, but 1+1+3 > 4+0+0.
Since modern CPUs can compute a dot product faster than they can actually load the operands from memory, it's unlikely that you would have anything to gain by eliminating the multiply anyway (I think the newest CPUs have a special instruction that can compute a dot product every 3 cycles!).
I would not consider changing the algorithm without doing some profiling first. Your choice of algorithm will heavily depend on the size of your dataset (does it fit in cache?), how often you have to run it, and what you do with the results (collision detection? proximity? occlusion?).
What I usually do is first filter by Manhattan distance
float CBox::Within3DManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2, float distance )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
if (dx > distance) return 0; // too far in x direction
if (dy > distance) return 0; // too far in y direction
if (dz > distance) return 0; // too far in z direction
return 1; // we're within the cube
Actually you can optimize this further if you know more about your environment. For example, in an environment where there is a ground like a flight simulator or a first person shooter game, the horizontal axis is very much larger than the vertical axis. In such an environment, if two objects are far apart they are very likely separated more by the x and y axis rather than the z axis (in a first person shooter most objects share the same z axis). So if you first compare x and y you can return early from the function and avoid doing extra calculations:
float CBox::Within3DManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2, float distance )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
if (dx > distance) return 0; // too far in x direction
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
if (dy > distance) return 0; // too far in y direction
// since x and y distance are likely to be larger than
// z distance most of the time we don't need to execute
// the code below:
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
if (dz > distance) return 0; // too far in z direction
return 1; // we're within the cube
Sorry, I didn't realize the function is used for sorting. You can still use Manhattan distance to get a very rough first sort:
float CBox::ManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
return dx+dy+dz;
After the rough first sort you can then take the topmost results, say the top 10 closest players, and re-sort using proper distance calculations.
Here's an equation that might help you get rid of both sqrt and multiply:
max(|dx|, |dy|, |dz|) <= distance(dx,dy,dz) <= |dx| + |dy| + |dz|
This gets you a range estimate for the distance which pins it down to within a factor of 3 (the upper and lower bounds can differ by at most 3x). You can then sort on, say, the lower number. You then need to process the array until you reach an object which is 3x farther away than the first obscuring object. You are then guaranteed to not find any object that is closer later in the array.
By the way, sorting is overkill here. A more efficient way would be to make a series of buckets with different distance estimates, say [1-3], [3-9], [9-27], .... Then put each element in a bucket. Process the buckets from smallest to largest until you reach an obscuring object. Process 1 additional bucket just to be sure.
By the way, floating point multiply is pretty fast nowadays. I'm not sure you gain much by converting it to absolute value.
I'm disappointed that the great old mathematical tricks seem to be getting lost. Here is the answer you're asking for. Source is Paul Hsieh's excellent web site: . Note that you don't care about distance; you will do fine for your sort with square of distance, which will be much faster.
In 2D, we can get a crude approximation of the distance metric without a square root with the formula:
distanceapprox (x, y) =
which will deviate from the true answer by at most about 8%. A similar derivation for 3 dimensions leads to:
distanceapprox (x, y, z) =
with a maximum error of about 16%.
However, something that should be pointed out, is that often the distance is only required for comparison purposes. For example, in the classical mandelbrot set (z←z2+c) calculation, the magnitude of a complex number is typically compared to a boundary radius length of 2. In these cases, one can simply drop the square root, by essentially squaring both sides of the comparison (since distances are always non-negative). That is to say:
√(Δx2+Δy2) < d is equivalent to Δx2+Δy2 < d2, if d ≥ 0
I should also mention that Chapter 13.2 of Richard G. Lyons's "Understanding Digital Signal Processing" has an incredible collection of 2D distance algorithms (a.k.a complex number magnitude approximations). As one example:
Max = x > y ? x : y;
Min = x < y ? x : y;
if ( Min < 0.04142135Max )
|V| = 0.99 * Max + 0.197 * Min;
|V| = 0.84 * Max + 0.561 * Min;
which has a maximum error of 1.0% from the actual distance. The penalty of course is that you're doing a couple branches; but even the "most accepted" answer to this question has at least three branches in it.
If you're serious about doing a super fast distance estimate to a specific precision, you could do so by writing your own simplified fsqrt() estimate using the same basic method as the compiler vendors do, but at a lower precision, by doing a fixed number of iterations. For example, you can eliminate the special case handling for extremely small or large numbers, and/or also reduce the number of Newton-Rapheson iterations. This was the key strategy underlying the so-called "Quake 3" fast inverse square root implementation -- it's the classic Newton algorithm with exactly one iteration.
Do not assume that your fsqrt() implementation is slow without benchmarking it and/or reading the sources. Most modern fsqrt() library implementations are branchless and really damned fast. Here for example is an old IBM floating point fsqrt implementation. Premature optimization is, and always will be, the root of all evil.
Note that for 2 (non-negative) distances A and B, if sqrt(A) < sqrt(B), then A < B. Create a specialized version of Get3DDistance() (GetSqrOf3DDistance()) that does not call sqrt() that would be used only for the sortfunc().
If you worry about performance, you should also take care of the way you send your arguments:
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 );
implies two copies of Vec3 structure. Use references instead:
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 const & c1, Vec3 const & c2 );
You could compare squares of distances instead of the actual distances, since d2 = (x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2+ (z1-z2)2. It doesn't get rid of the multiplication, but it does eliminate the square root operation.
How often are the input vectors updated and how often are they sorted? Depending on your design, it might be quite efficient to extend the "Vec3" class with a pre-calculated distance and sort on that instead. Especially relevant if your implementation allows you to use vectorized operations.
Other than that, see the article on approximating distance functions for a discussion on yet another approach.
Depending slightly on the number of points that you are being used to compare with, what is below is pretty much guaranteed to be the get the list of points in approximate order assuming all points change at all iteration.
1) Rewrite the array into a single list of Manhattan distances with
out[ i ] = abs( posn[ i ].x - player.x ) + abs( posn[ i ].y - player.y ) + abs( posn[ i ].z - player.z );
2) Now you can use radix sort on floating point numbers to order them.
Note that in practice this is going to be a lot faster than sorting the list of 3d positions because it significantly reduces the memory bandwidth requirements in the sort operation which all of the time is going to be spend and in which unpredictable accesses and writes are going to occur. This will run on O(N) time.
If many of the points are stationary at each direction there are far faster algorithms like using KD-Trees, although implementation is quite a bit more complex and it is much harder to get good memory access patterns.
If this is simply a value for sorting, then you can swap the sqrt() for a abs(). If you need to compare distances against set values, get the square of that value.
E.g. instead of checking sqrt(...) against a, you can compare abs(...) against a*a.
You may want to consider caching the distance between the player and the object as you calculate it, and then use that in your sortfunc. This would depend upon how many times your sort function looks at each object, so you might have to profile to be sure.
What I'm getting at is that your sort function might do something like this:
and you would calculate the distance between the player and 'a' every time.
As others have mentioned, you can leave out the sqrt in this case.
If you could center your coordinates around the player, use spherical coordinates? Then you could sort by the radius.
That's a big if, though.
If your operation happens a lot, it might be worth to put it into some 3D data structure. You probably need the distance sorting to decide which object is visible, or some similar task. In order of complexity you can use:
Uniform (cubic) subdivision
Divide the used space into cells, and assign the objects to the cells. Fast access to element, neighbours are trivial, but empty cells take up a lot of space.
Given a threshold, divide used space recursively into four quads until less then threshold number of object is inside. Logarithmic access element if objects don't stack upon each other, neighbours are not hard to find, space efficient solution.
Same as Quadtree, but divides into 8, optimal even if objects are above each other.
Kd tree
Given some heuristic cost function, and a threshold, split space into two halves with a plane where the cost function is minimal. (Eg.: same amount of objects at each side.) Repeat recursively until threshold reached. Always logarithmic, neighbours are harder to get, space efficient (and works in all dimensions).
Using any of the above data structures, you can start from a position, and go from neighbour to neighbour to list the objects in increasing distance. You can stop at desired cut distance. You can also skip cells that cannot be seen from the camera.
For the distance check, you can do one of the above mentioned routines, but ultimately they wont scale well with increasing number of objects. These can be used to display data that takes hundreds of gigabytes of hard disc space.