Summing the indexes from a generated list of arrays - python-2.7

Hello I have list of arrays generated from a defined function below. I am wondering if there is way to sum up the same index in each array in the list giving me only 1 array?
import numpy as np
Tsp = np.linspace(3500, 40000, 3)
wcm = np.linspace(100, 10000, 5)
def blackbody(T, wcm):
k = 1.38*10**-16.0 #ergs/k
h = 6.625*10**-27.0 #erg/s
c = 3*10.0**10.0 #cm/s
bbtop = (2.0*h*c**2.0)
bbbot = (wcm**5.0)*(np.exp((h*c)/(wcm*k*T)) - 1)
bbs = bbtop/bbbot
return bbs
outflux = [blackbody(T_i, wcm) for T_i in Tsp]

Change the definition to:
def blackbody(T, wcm):
k = 1.38*10**-16.0 #ergs/k
h = 6.625*10**-27.0 #erg/s
c = 3*10.0**10.0 #cm/s
bbtop = (2.0*h*c**2.0)
T = np.atleast_1d(T) #So you can pass a single number if desired.
bbbot = (wcm**5.0)*(np.exp((h*c)/(wcm*k*T[:,None])) - 1) #Changed T to T[:,None]
bbs = bbtop/bbbot
return bbs
Now you can call it as:
blackbody(Tsp, wcm)
Double check that they are equal:
looped = np.array([blackbody(T_i, wcm) for T_i in Tsp])
broadcast = blackbody(Tsp, wcm)
print np.allclose(looped,broadcast)
Now that you have a single array you can sum on the axis you need using np.sum:
data = blackbody(Tsp, wcm)
[[ 2.89799404e-10 6.59157826e-16 4.45587348e-17 9.03800033e-18
[ 1.80089940e-09 4.09619532e-15 2.76900716e-16 5.61647169e-17
[ 3.31199940e-09 7.53323285e-15 5.09242710e-16 1.03291433e-16
[ 2.89800119e-10 1.80090385e-09 3.31200758e-09]
[ 5.40269821e-09 1.22885860e-14 8.30702161e-16 1.68494151e-16
The data is aligned in both axes, but im not sure which you want from your question.


Implementation of Karger's Algorithm in Python Taking too Long

Wondering if you can help me understand where the critical flaw may be with my attempt at implementing Karger's algorithm in python. My program appears to take far too long to run and my computer starts to overwork running large sets of vertices. The purpose of the program is to output the minimum cut of the graph.
from random import choice
from statistics import mode
import math
fhand = open("mincuts.txt", "r")
vertices = fhand.readlines()
d = {}
for index,line in enumerate(vertices):
d["{0}".format(index+1)] = line.split()
def randy(graph, x):
y = str(choice(list(graph)))
if x == y:
y = randy(graph, x)
return y
count = 0
def contract(graph):
global count
if len(graph) == 2:
a = list(graph.keys())[0]
b = list(graph.keys())[1]
for i in range(1, len(graph[a])):
if graph[a][i] in graph[b]:
count = count + 1
x = str(choice(list(graph)))
y = randy(graph, x)
graph[x] = graph[x] + graph[y]
#remove self loops
for key in graph:
#method to remove duplicate entries in the arrays of the vertices. Source:
graph[key] = list(dict.fromkeys(graph[key]))
N = len(d)
runs = int(N*N*(math.log(N)))
outcomes = []
for i in range(runs):
e = d.copy()
count = 0
#returns most common minimum cut value
Below is a link to the graph I am running in mincuts.txt:

How do I fit a pymc3 model when each person has multiple data points?

I'm trying to practice using pymc3 on the kinds of data I come across in my research, but I'm having trouble thinking through how to fit the model when each person gives me multiple data points, and each person comes from a different group (so trying a hierarchical model).
Here's the practice scenario I'm using: Suppose we have 2 groups of people, N = 30 in each group. All 60 people go through a 10 question survey, where each person can response ("1") or not respond ("0") to each question. So, for each person, I have an array of length 10 with 1's and 0's.
To model these data, I assume each person has some latent trait "theta", and each item has a "discrimination" a and a "difficulty" b (this is just a basic item response model), and the probability of responding ("1") is given by: (1 + exp(-a(theta - b)))^(-1). (Logistic applied to a(theta - b) .)
Here is how I tried to fit it using pymc3:
traces = {}
for grp in range(2):
group = prac_data["Group ID"] == grp
data = prac_data[group]["Response"]
with pm.Model() as irt:
# Priors
a_tmp = pm.Normal('a_tmp',mu=0, sd = 1, shape = 10)
a = pm.Deterministic('a', np.exp(a_tmp))
# We do this transformation since we must have a >= 0
b = pm.Normal('b', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 10)
# Now for the hyperpriors on the groups:
theta_mu = pm.Normal('theta_mu', mu = 0, sd = 1)
theta_sigma = pm.Uniform('theta_sigma', upper = 2, lower = 0)
theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu = theta_mu,
sd = theta_sigma, shape = N)
p = getProbs(Disc, Diff, theta, N)
y = pm.Bernoulli('y', p = p, observed = data)
traces[grp] = pm.sample(1000)
The function "getProbs" is supposed to give me an array of probabilities for the Bernoulli random variable, as the probability of responding 1 changes across trials/survey questions for each person. But this method gives me an error because it says to "specify one of p or logit_p", but I thought I did with the function?
Here's the code for "getProbs" in case it's helpful:
def getProbs(Disc, Diff, THETA, Nprt):
# Get a large array of probabilities for the bernoulli random variable
n = len(Disc)
m = Nprt
probs = np.array([])
for th in range(m):
for t in range(n):
p = item(Disc[t], Diff[t], THETA[th])
probs = np.append(probs, p)
return probs
I added the Nprt parameter because if I tried to get the length of THETA, it would give me an error since it is a FreeRV object. I know I can try and vectorize the "item" function, which is just the logistic function I put above, instead of doing it this way, but that also got me an error when I tried to run it.
I think I can do something with pm.Data to fix this, but the documentation isn't exactly clear to me.
Basically, I'm used to building models in JAGS, where you loop through each data point, but pymc3 doesn't seem to work like that. I'm confused about how to build/index my random variables in the model to make sure that the probabilities change how I'd like them to from trial-to-trial, and to make sure that the parameters I'm estimating correspond to the right person in the right group.
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm pretty new to pymc3 and trying to get the hang of it, and wanted to try something different from JAGS.
EDIT: I was able to solve this by first building the array I needed by looping through the trials, then transforming the array using:
p = theano.tensor.stack(p, axis = 0)
I then put this new variable in the "p" argument of the Bernoulli instance and it worked! Here's the updated full model: (below, I imported theano.tensor as T)
group = group.astype('int')
data = prac_data["Response"]
with pm.Model() as irt:
# Priors
# Item parameters:
a = pm.Gamma('a', alpha = 1, beta = 1, shape = 10) # Discrimination
b = pm.Normal('b', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 10) # Difficulty
# Now for the hyperpriors on the groups: shape = 2 as there are 2 groups
theta_mu = pm.Normal('theta_mu', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 2)
theta_sigma = pm.Uniform('theta_sigma', upper = 2, lower = 0, shape = 2)
# Individual-level person parameters:
# group is a 2*N array that lets the model know which
# theta_mu to use for each theta to estimate
theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu = theta_mu[group],
sd = theta_sigma[group], shape = 2*N)
# Here, we're building an array of the probabilities we need for
# each trial:
p = np.array([])
for n in range(2*N):
for t in range(10):
x = -a[t]*(theta[n] - b[t])
p = np.append(p, x)
# Here, we turn p into a tensor object to put as an argument to the
# Bernoulli random variable
p = T.stack(p, axis = 0)
y = pm.Bernoulli('y', logit_p = p, observed = data)
# On my computer, this took about 5 minutes to run.
traces = pm.sample(1000, cores = 1)
print(az.summary(traces)) # Summary of parameter distributions

keras custom activation to drop under certain conditions

I am trying to drop the values less than 1 and greater than -1 in my custom activation like below.
def ScoreActivationFromSigmoid(x, target_min=1, target_max=9) :
condition =, 1),, -1))
case_true =[x.shape[1] * x.shape[2]], tf.float32), shape=([0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
case_false = x
changed_x =, case_true, case_false)
activated_x = K.sigmoid(changed_x)
score = activated_x * (target_max - target_min) + target_min
return score
the data type has 3 dimensions: batch_size x sequence_length x number of features.
But I got this error
nvalidArgumentError: Inputs to operation activation_51/Select of type Select must have the same size and shape. Input 0: [1028,300,64] != input 1: [1,300,64]
[[{{node activation_51/Select}} = Select[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:#training_88/Adam/gradients/activation_51/Select_grad/Select_1"], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"](activation_51/LogicalAnd, activation_51/Reshape, dense_243/add)]]
[[{{node metrics_92/acc/Mean_1/_9371}} = _Recv[client_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_473_metrics_92/acc/Mean_1", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]()]]
I understand what the problem is; custom activation function cannot find the proper batch size of inputs. But I don't know how to control them.
Can anyone fix this or suggest other methods to replace some of the element values in some conditions?
The error message I got when running your code is:
ValueError: Cannot reshape a tensor with 19200 elements to shape
[1028,300,64] (19737600 elements) for 'Reshape_8' (op: 'Reshape') with
input shapes: [19200], [3] and with input tensors computed as partial
shapes: input[1] = [1028,300,64].
And the problem should be that you cannot reshape a tensor of shape [x.shape[1] * x.shape[2]] to ([0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]). This is because their element counts are different.
So the solution is just creating a zero array in right shape.
This line:
case_true =[x.shape[1] * x.shape[2]], tf.float32), shape=([0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
should be replace with:
case_true =[x.shape[0] * x.shape[1] * x.shape[2]],, shape=([0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2]))
or using
case_true =
Workable code:
import keras.backend as K
import numpy as np
def ScoreActivationFromSigmoid(x, target_min=1, target_max=9) :
condition =, 1),, -1))
case_true =
case_false = x
changed_x =, case_true, case_false)
activated_x =
score = activated_x * (target_max - target_min) + target_min
return score
with as sess:
x =, shape=(1028, 300, 64), name='x')
score =, feed_dict={'x:0':np.random.randn(1028, 300, 64)})

Image segmentation using k-means

I 'm trying to use k-means algorithm for an image segmentation task . The problem is that my program does not segment the image.
Would you please help me to find the error in my code ?
In fact , I have fixed the number of clusters to 32.
I have used the following data structures:
3 arrays bleu,vert,rouge to store RGB values for each pixel
3 arrays cluster_bleu,cluster_rouge,cluster_vert to store RGB value for each cluster
groupe[i,0]=k maps each pixel i to cluster k
import cv2
import numpy
import random
def main():
K = 32 #Le fameux parametre K de l'algorithme
imagecolor = cv2.imread('perr.jpg')
if imagecolor.shape[0] > MAX_LARGEUR or imagecolor.shape[1] > MAX_HAUTEUR:
factor1 = float(MAX_LARGEUR) / imagecolor.shape[0]
factor2 = float(MAX_HAUTEUR) / imagecolor.shape[1]
factor = min(factor1, factor2)
imagecolor = cv2.resize(imagecolor, None, fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
nb_pixels = imagecolor.shape[0] * imagecolor.shape[1]
bleu = imagecolor[:, :, 0].reshape(nb_pixels, 1)
vert = imagecolor[:, :, 1].reshape(nb_pixels, 1)
rouge = imagecolor[:, :, 2].reshape(nb_pixels, 1)
cluster_bleu = numpy.zeros(K)
cluster_vert = numpy.zeros(K)
cluster_rouge = numpy.zeros(K)
groupe = numpy.zeros((nb_pixels, 1))
for i in range(0,K):
for i in range(K,nb_pixels):
groupe[i,0]=random.randint(0, K-1)
condition =False
def etape1(indices,i):
#calcul de barycentre des points
if s==0:
if s >=1:
for j in range(0,s):
#mise jour des clusters
oldGroupe = numpy.copy(groupe)
while(condition==False) :
for i in range(0,K):
for i in range(0,nb_pixels):
for j in range(0,K):
oldGroupe = numpy.copy(groupe)
groupe=numpy.reshape(groupe, (imagecolor.shape[0], imagecolor.shape[1]))
for i in range(0, imagecolor.shape[0]):
for j in range(0, imagecolor.shape[1]):
imagecolor[i,j,0] = (cluster_bleu[groupe[i,j]])
imagecolor[i,j,1] = (cluster_vert[groupe[i,j]])
imagecolor[i,j,2] = (cluster_rouge[groupe[i,j]])
cv2.imshow("sortie", imagecolor)
key = cv2.waitKey(0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The problem is assignment oldGroupe=groupe; which doesn't copy an array, but creates reference with different name (oldGroupe), that points to the same data as groupe. Thus, when you change groupe you also change oldGroupe, and condition is always True.
What you want is to create a copy of data in groupe with oldGroupe = numpy.copy(groupe).

Changing values in an list? [duplicate]

I want to remove some words from a list of words. I have a list with a recurring word and I want to get rid of it and I have no idea. I don't know whether I need to use a whole loop or regex.
from xlrd import open_workbook,error_text_from_code
book = open_workbook(inp)
sheet0 = book.sheet_by_index(0)
x = 0
y = 0
countr = sheet0.nrows
countc = sheet0.ncols
names = ''
variables = []
"different variables-----------------"
while x < countr -1:
x = x+1
y = y+1
cell = sheet0.cell(y,0)
names = names+ str(cell)
cell = sheet0.cell(y,1)
country_text = names
countries = ', '.join(re.findall("('.*?')", country_text))
countries = countries.split()
print (variables)
print (countries)
What I get :
[number:150000.0, number:140000.0, number:300000.0]
and I need
[150000, 140000, 300000]
If you use a loop you can access to the value of a cell using this function:
sheet0.cell_value(curr_row, curr_cell)