Clojure: a function that search for a val in a nested hashmap and returns the sequence of keys in which the val is contained - clojure

Say we have a collection containing a nested data structure:
(def coll
{:a "aa"
:b {:d "dd"
:e {:f {:h "hh"
:i "ii"}
:g "gg"}}
:c "cc"})
I would like to create a function that search for a val anywhere in the nested structure and returns the sequence of keys in which the val is contained
(search-parents "gg" coll) ; or (search-parents coll "gg")
;> [:b :e :g]

As far as I can tell, there's no built-in function that does this. It seems like you're essentially looking for an inverse of clojure.core/get-in. I thinking clojure.walk might be useful here, but I don't think this is a very good fit.
However, it's pretty straightforward to code up a recursive function to do the search and only return matching keys:
(defn find-in [coll x]
(fn [[k v]]
(cond (= v x) [k]
(map? v) (if-let [r (find-in v x)]
(into [k] r))))

I had a need to expand it to cover also a vector of maps:
(defn find-in [coll x]
(fn [[k v]]
(cond (= v x) [k]
(map? v) (if-let [r (find-in v x)]
(into [k] r))
(vector? v) (let [v1 (mapv #(find-in % x) v)]
(if-let [r (some #(when % %) v1)]
(let [i (.indexOf v1 r)]
(into (into [k] [i]) r))


ClojureScript search in nested map and vector

I have an edn in which I have nested maps. I found one very good example for this Clojure: a function that search for a val in a nested hashmap and returns the sequence of keys in which the val is contained
(def coll
{:a "aa"
:b {:d "dd"
:e {:f {:h "hh"
:i "ii"}
:g "hh"}}
:c "cc"})
With this answer
(defn find-in [coll x]
(fn [[k v]]
(cond (= v x) [k]
(map? v) (if-let [r (find-in v x)]
(into [k] r))))
My problem is that because of some I can't get a path for every result, only for the first logical truth. I tried map an keep but they break the recursion. How could I make this code to give back path to all of its results, not only the first one? Any help is appreciated.
You can use a helper function to turn a nested map into a flat map with fully qualified keys. Then find-in can just filter on the value and returns the matched keys.
(defn flatten-map [path m]
(if (map? m)
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] (flatten-map (conj path k) v)) m)
[[path m]]))
(defn find-in [coll x]
(->> (flatten-map [] coll)
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (= v x)))
(map first)))
With your sample:
(find-in coll "hh")
([:b :e :f :h] [:b :e :g])
filter gives all of the results, where some will only give you the first result, or nil if there aren't any. Oftentimes the same problem can be solved by filtering then taking the first, rather than using some.

clojure find arbitrarily nested key

Is there an easy way in Clojure (maybe using specter) to filter collections depending on whether the an arbitrarily nested key with a known name contains an element ?
Ex. :
(def coll [{:res [{:a [{:thekey [
"the value I am looking for"
{:res ...}
{:res ...}
Knowing that :a could have a different name, and that :thekey could be nested somewhere else.
Let's say I would like to do :
#(find-nested :thekey #{"the value I am looking for"} coll) ;; returns a vector containing the first element in coll (and maybe others)
use zippers.
in repl:
user> coll
[{:res [{:a [{:thekey ["the value I am looking for"]}]} {:res 1} {:res 1}]}]
user> (require '[ :as z])
user> (def cc (z/zipper coll? seq nil coll))
user> (loop [x cc]
(if (= (z/node x) :thekey)
(z/node (z/next x))
(recur (z/next x))))
["the value I am looking for"]
this version is flawed, since it doesn't care about :thekey being the key in a map, or just keyword in a vector, so it would give unneeded result for coll [[:thekey [1 2 3]]]. Here is an updated version:
(defn lookup-key [k coll]
(let [coll-zip (z/zipper coll? #(if (map? %) (vals %) %) nil coll)]
(loop [x coll-zip]
(when-not (z/end? x)
(if-let [v (-> x z/node k)] v (recur (z/next x)))))))
in repl:
user> (lookup-key :thekey coll)
["the value I am looking for"]
user> (lookup-key :absent coll)
lets say we have the same keyword somewhere in a vector in a coll:
(def coll [{:res [:thekey
{:a [{:thekey ["the value I am looking for"]}]}
{:res 1} {:res 1}]}])
user> (lookup-key :thekey coll)
["the value I am looking for"]
which is what we need.

Find Value of Specific Key in Nested Map

In Clojure, how can I find the value of a key that may be deep in a nested map structure? For example:
(def m {:a {:b "b"
:c "c"
:d {:e "e"
:f "f"}}})
(find-nested m :f)
=> "f"
Clojure offers tree-seq to do a depth-first traversal of any value. This will simplify the logic needed to find your nested key:
(defn find-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(some k)))
(find-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :d 2}} :c)
;; => 1
Also, finding all matches becomes a matter of replacing some with keep:
(defn find-all-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(keep k)))
(find-all-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :c 2}} :c)
;; => [2 1]
Note that maps with nil values might require some special treatment.
Update: If you look at the code above, you can see that k can actually be a function which offers a lot more possibilities:
to find a string key:
(find-nested m #(get % "k"))
to find multiple keys:
(find-nested m #(some % [:a :b]))
to find only positive values in maps of integers:
(find-nested m #(when (some-> % :k pos?) (:k %)))
If you know the nested path then use get-in.
=> (get-in m [:a :d :f])
=> "f"
See here for details:
If you don't know the path in your nested structure you could write a function that recurses through the nested map looking for the particular key in question and either returns its value when it finds the first one or returns all the values for :f in a seq.
If you know the "path", consider using get-in:
(get-in m [:a :d :f]) ; => "f"
If the "path" is unknown you can use something like next function:
(defn find-in [m k]
(if (map? m)
(let [v (m k)]
(->> m
(map #(find-in % k)) ; Search in "child" maps
(cons v) ; Add result from current level
(filter (complement nil?))
(find-in m :f) ; "f"
(find-in m :d) ; {:e "e", :f "f"}
Note: given function will find only the first occurrence.
Here is a version that will find the key without knowing the path to it. If there are multiple matching keys, only one will be returned:
(defn find-key [m k]
(loop [m' m]
(when (seq m')
(if-let [v (get m' k)]
(recur (reduce merge
(map (fn [[_ v]]
(when (map? v) v))
If you require all values you can use:
(defn merge-map-vals [m]
(reduce (partial merge-with vector)
(map (fn [[_ v]]
(when (map? v) v))
(defn find-key [m k]
(drop-while first
(iterate (fn [[m' acc]]
(if (seq m')
(if-let [v (get m' k)]
[(merge-map-vals m') (conj acc v)]
[(merge-map-vals m') acc])
[nil acc]))
[m []])))))

Clojure multimethod dispatching on functions and values

I have a function that returns the indexes in seq s at which value v exists:
(defn indexes-of [v s]
(map first (filter #(= v (last %)) (zipmap (range) s))))
What I'd like to do is extend this to apply any arbitrary function for the existence test. My idea is to use a multimethod, but I'm not sure exactly how to detect a function. I want to do this:
(defmulti indexes-of ???)
(defmethod indexes-of ??? [v s] ;; v is a function
(map first (filter v (zipmap (range) s))))
(defmethod indexes-of ??? [v s] ;; v is not a function
(indexes-of #(= v %) s))
Is a multimethod the way to go here? If so, how can I accomplish what I'm trying to do?
If you want to use a multimethod it should be on the filter function, which is the one changing according to the existence test type.
(defmulti filter-test (fn [value element]
(fn? value) :function
:else :value)))
(defmethod filter-test :function
[value element]
(apply value [element]))
(defmethod filter-test :value
[value element]
(= value element))
(defn indexes-of [v s]
(map first (filter #(filter-test v (last %)) (zipmap (range) s))))
Consider the JVM doesn't support first-class functions, or lambdas, out of the box, so there's no "function" data type to dispatch on, that's the reason the fn? test.
None the less the predicate solution proposed by noisesmith is the proper way to go in this situation IMO.
(defmulti indexes-of (fn [v _]
(if (fn? v)
(defmethod indexes-of :function
[f coll]
(keep-indexed (fn [i v] (when (f v) i)) coll))
(defmethod indexes-of :value
[v coll]
(indexes-of (partial = v) coll))
How about something simpler and more general:
(defn index-matches [predicate s]
(map first (filter (comp predicate second) (map vector (range) s))))
user> (index-matches even? (reverse (range 10)))
(1 3 5 7 9)
user> (index-matches #{3} [0 1 2 3 1 3 44 3 1 3])
(3 5 7 9)
thanks to a suggestion from lgrapenthin, this function is also now effective for lazy input:
user> (take 1 (index-matches #{300000} (range)))

idiomatic way to only update the first elem matching a pred in a coll

I have a seq, (def coll '([:a 20] [:b 30] [:c 50] [:d 90]))
I want to iterate through the seq, and modify only the first element that matches a predicate.
The predicate (def pred (fn [[a b]] (> b 30)))
(f pred (fn [[a b]] [a (+ b 2)]) coll) => ([:a 20] [:b 30] [:c 52] [:d 90])
f is the fn I want, which takes a pred, and a fn to apply to the first elem which matches the pred. All the rest of the elems are not modified and returned in the seq.
What is the idiomatic way to do the above?
One possible way is to split the collection with split-with, apply the function f to the first element of the second collection returned by split-with, and concat the elements together again.
(defn apply-to-first [pred f coll]
(let [[h t] (split-with (complement pred) coll)]
(concat h (list (f (first t))) (rest t))))
Note that the pred function in your example should probably look like this:
(def pred #(> (second %) 30))
As with most problems, there is a number of ways to solve it. This is but one of them.
If you're running Clojure 1.5, give this a try:
(fn [acc [a b]]
(if (pred b)
(reduced (concat (:res acc) [[a (+ b 2)]] (rest (:coll acc))))
(assoc acc
:res (conj (:res acc) [a b])
:coll (rest (:coll acc)))))
{:coll coll :res []}
;; ([:a 20] [:b 30] [:c 52] [:d 90])
The key in this algorithm is the use of the reduced (note the 'd') function - it essentially tells reduce to halt the iteration and return the result. From its doc string:
Wraps x in a way such that a reduce will terminate with the value x
The code is a bit terse, but it should give you the basic idea.
Hope this helps.
This function is not hard to write recursively "from scratch". Not only is this a good learning exercise, it also produces the best solution: it is as lazy as possible, and does the absolute minimum amount of computation. So far, only one answer to this question is lazy, and that one calls pred twice on all the items before the update occurs: once in the take-while, and once in the drop-while, parts of split-with.
(defn update-first [pred f coll]
(when-let [coll (seq coll)]
(if (pred (first coll))
(cons (f (first coll))
(rest coll))
(cons (first coll)
(update-first pred f (rest coll)))))))
To keep it straightforward: find first element, find its index and use assoc to "update" the element at index:
(let [e (first (filter pred coll))
ind (.indexOf coll e)]
(assoc (vec coll) ind ((fn [[a b]] [a (+ b 2)]) e) ))
Dominic's note about pred applies:
(def pred #(> (second %) 30))