Where/how to create a background function/thread in Ember.js? - ember.js

I would like to run a function in the background of an Ember App. I am also using Ember Data. Does Ember.js have a particular way to create a background function/thread?
Say I have a function with a while(true) that runs forever doing the things I would like it to do. Where should I put that function in an Ember App?
Update: Here are some ways (if clickable, you can to see an example in jsbin):
Use Ember.run.schedule on Ember.run.later. See this post and the api.
Using a simple setInterval() in ApplicationRoute. The UI seems to be running smoothly.
Use setInterval() inside a Web Worker.
How is Ember.run.schedule or later better than setInterval?


Selenium - show notes about what is going on in browser

I'm working on Selenium test which simulates every User action on my website. From registration to modifying forms etc.
There are hundreds of actions so I would like to see what is currently going on. Is there a way to add some notes to Selenium so I can see them in the browser real time? For example some transparent overlay with text?
I think it is possible to create a workaround using AJAX but maybe there is something built in.

Using Ember.js in Existing Application

I've done some example apps in Ember, and now I'm ready for using it in existing application. Its traditional web application (request-response, full reload and some ajax loaded content, no rest/api things)
So lets assume I've few page (urls) like
1 abc.com/home.php
2. abc.com/support.php ,
3. abc.com/support.php?call=meeting
and so on..
so is it possible to use just one url with ember app and rest leave as such untill its ready?
PS: I did try for support.php as this.route("support",{path:"/support.php"}) and have SupportController and support.hbs template but its not working. I'm not sure how to put it in jsfiddle.
Include your ember app only on the page that needs it, so only on abc.com/support.php
As far as ember can see, when you go to abc.com/support.php you are on the index page (of the ember app), and you will need to use the index.hbs tempate.

How do we make Trek's Pretender play nice with Ember Testing?

So, my current Ember project is built using Ember App Kit. My tests are using the wonderful httpRespond to mock out ajax requests.
However, I have started to notice that while httpRespond is great, you really only test how your app responds to responses from the API and not so much how your app responds to interactions from the user. An example of this I guess is submitting a form with server side field validations.
With httpRespond you mock out the response, which will be returned regardless of what the request looked like. So, I can essentially click the submit button on my form and successfully submit the form without having filled in any fields. This feels like we're missing something.
Enter Trek's Pretender. This is a bit like a sup'ed up version of httpRespond. It looks a little like a mock server but is just mocking out the xhr like httpRespond. Except you get access to the request which you can inspect before deciding what response to return.
I like this idea a lot and I want to use it. However....
Pretender is not yet Ember Testing aware. httpRepond understands the async workings of Ember and will wait for async events in Ember to finish before carrying on in the test. Pretender however, does not do this yet.
For instance, if I click a link in my Ember app which kicks off a few different async events, my test will not wait for these async events to finish before continuing and therefore, the test finishes executing before the async events have finished.
Which brings me to my question...
How do we go about making Pretender Ember Testing aware?
Trek has mentioned that this is something he has yet to do, but I'm not sure when he might have time to get to it. So I'd love to get it going if possible.
Does anyone have any thoughts how we might about attempting this?
I'm having a lot of success with ember-cli-mirage. It sits on top of pretender and allows you to create both fixtures for development and factories for use in tests. If you're still having trouble with this, or for anyone else, this is a really easy way to get control over your apps development data.

ember.js - common functionality shared across controllers - popups, notifications

i've red quite a of lot tuts and articles on ember.js and made some basic stuffs - some sanbox and test things, complete login screen with many outlets, actions, ajax and so on... but I am now facing one problem.
Ember.js is for "Single Page Application" and I did not found a way (yet?) how can I make and share basic functionality across more "ember apps"/parts?
I have some backend and then some modules (users, files, news,...) and each is made by classic:
App = Ember.Application.Create()
But I need to have some shared functionality and I dont want to repeat in at each app - I want to be able to show some notification - once from user app then from files app and so on. Or to have unified modal window, or function that check some things in background on server and push updates to notifications area that is running on each of those app parts...
How should I solve it? Is there any way of extending base App? or have to separates App on one page that communicates to each other? I've also read something about Ember namespaces but I am not sure if it is the right thing and how to user it :(
note: Each module (dashboard, users, files,...) is loaded as new page (complete html, new scripts,...), but module itself work as a SPA and on AJAX.
Ember.js has awesome documentation but real word example articles on how to use it are showing slowly and I had no lucky finding some tut/article on solving this problem in real world.
You can set another module and run it as another ember app in the same page, define the root element of the apps
var AppNotification = Ember.Application.create({
rootElement: '#notifications'
var AppUsers = Ember.Application.create({
rootElement: '#users'
So you need to associate the main apps to a div (#dashboard,#users,#files) and another div for the notifications.
I don't know if it it possible to communicate from one app to another, this is very advanced, but you can investigate ember instrumentation...http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Instrumentation.html
Good Luck
I just remembered (beer enligthment) other different way I've read months ago... load async code from the router JSBin example
You can have your notification js stuff and take the templates using this SO answer

Ember.js hybrid application - maybe embeded outlets

I am creating an Ember.js application which basically has a very simple UI: header, content, footer -- all this in the application layer.
But, when you see the site at first, you have a hybrid application -- google needs to reach parts of it, but login, registration, dashboard, and other pages, should be handled by Ember.
And I might have a bit of an issue, because if I render some views, say on the homepage, in some outlets, then those outlets are going to be different after login, on the user's dashboard.
I cannot show off the UI, but i could try to provide more details if needed.
My question would be how to handle this issue?
I used a bit of a hack for now: just before Ember initialize, I remove from the DOM the content rendered server-side.
This might be ugly, but it works. This way robots may reach the content I want them to reach, the users on the other hand will see something better.