UnsupportedOperationException in DSS server - wso2

I am getting below exception when I try to connect DSS server to mssql 2008 r2. I have already added the sqljdbc4.jar file to wso2dss-3.0.1\repository\components\lib. Anyway still I am getting below error:
SEVERE: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 is not supported by this driver.
Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0.
[2013-09-17 19:40:38,790] ERROR {org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver}
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 is not supported by this driver.
Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library,

sqljdbc4.jar class library requires JRE version to be 6.0 or later. So sqljdbc4.jar needs to be used when your java version is 1.6 or above. If your java version is 1.5 or less use sqljdbc.jar. You can download sqljdbc.jar here, http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/s/Downloadsqljdbcjar.htm


Compatibility between MongoDB server and Mongo C++ Driver

I'm new to the MongoDB. My virtual machine runs Ubuntu 14.04.5 with mongod, which is standard for this OS:
hekto#ubuntu:~$ mongod --version
db version v2.4.9
Tue Jun 5 18:00:23.923 git version: nogitversion
I've built a Mongo C++ Driver Ver 3.2.0 from sources and tried to write some tests. All of them output an exception below:
Server at localhost:27017 reports wire version 0, but this version of libmongoc requires at least 3 (MongoDB 3.0): generic server error
It looks like the C++ client and the server are incompatible.
Are there any tricks, which can be used with the Mongo C++ Driver to force it to work with older Mongo servers?
I can't convert the database itself to any new format for now, but also wouldn't like to learn the obsolete driver API.
MongoDB 2.4.9 has been end-of-life for quite some time: https://www.mongodb.com/support-policy, and most drivers have dropped support for talking to it.
If you are just starting with MongoDB, you should start with the newest available stable version, which is currently 3.6.5.
You can obtain packages for Ubuntu 14.04 according to the instructions here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/

WSO2: Where to get a working Eclipse plugin from to start WSO2 from within Eclipse?

I have an Eclipse Luna installation and want to start the already installed WSO2 5.2.1 from within Eclipse. How can I do this and where can I get a plugin which is able to be installed successfully? I tried to install it via Eclipse Marketplace but always get an error
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session
context was:(profile=epp.package.jee,
phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=,
action=). Unable to read repository at
Connection reset
I also tried to download the WSO2 Developer Studio 3.7.0 (wso2-developer-studio_3.7.0.zip) but it also doesn't work.
In the end I want to start the WSO2 Application Server from within Eclipse and to debug the implemented web service.
Well, first I ran Eclipse under jdk 1.6.30. Now with jdk 1.7.45 I see a lot of WSO2 features...
I had to install WSO2 Developer Studio 3.6.0 via Eclipse Marketplace first and have to update to version 3.7.0 afterwards because http://dist.wso2.org/p2/developer-studio/releases/3.7.0/plugins/org.wso2.developerstudio.eclipse.libraries-3.7.0.jar is not readable.

Not able to install feature pack for web services WAS 6.1

I tried creating the Webservices on my RAD 7.5 with WAS 6.1 but it says that the feature pack for Webservices JAX-WS is not available.
When i tried installing the feature pack by using the Modify option from IBM Installation manager it's asking me some type of repository.
""A repository used for installation is unavailable. To continue, make the repository available"
Specify the repository for package for IBM Websphere Application Server 6.1 (32 bit) Test environment Alternatively you can specify a repository location and browse for a repository location
I am not sure what repository location needs to be provided here.
You can try to install it manually as listed in link below :
The profiles have to be recreated based on WebServices Templates as existing profiles cannot use the Feature pack. Also WAS v7.x has this feature specs post GA.
NOTE : You will have to install WebServices Base code on WAS first, then PK53084 (using Update Installer) and then fixpack for WebServices matching WAS fixpack ( using Update installer).
The only down side is that you would have to use Update installer to apply updates to WAS and WebServices code. IM cannot be used to apply updates to test environment.

Is Sun/Oracle JDK required to build WSO2 4.1.x?

Is Sun/Oracle JDK required to build WSO2 4.1.x?
I tried building with OpenJDK, but ran into the following issue:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile
(default-compile) on project axis2-transport-testkit: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] ... carbon_kernel_4.1.0/dependencies/transports/1.1.0-wso2v8/modules/testkit/
error: package com.sun.javadoc does not exist
Yes, Oracle JDK is required to build Carbon.
Currently Open JDK is not recommended.
Please make sure to use Oracle JDK 1.6 for building Carbon.
You can use Oracle JRE 1.7 for running WSO2 products, but there are known issues with compiling the source code with Java 7.
See http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/Carbon410/Installation+Prerequisites for additional info.

Developer Studio 2.1.0 and jdk 1.7

I am using the WSO2 Developer Studio version 2.1.0 which I downloaded in November. I want to use the jdk 1.7 to compile my projects.
I added this to the eclipse.ini file:
-vm C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_11/bin
When i attempt to set the Java Compiler preferences, the highest Compiler Compliance level is 1.6 - any idea how I can get eclipse to allow me to compile for 1.7?
Assuming you are using the Developer Studio 2.1.0 preinstalled Eclipse distribution I will answer your question.
I do not believe Eclipse Helios support Java 1.7 by default. Hence you need to add the JDK 1.7 to your JDK list as explained in here.
After that you should be able to use your Developer Studio with JDK 1.7.
However we have seen some issues running Eclipse Helios, Indigo and Juno with JDK 1.7 since Eclipse instances experienced some issues while installing new plugins with Eclipse P2 Updater due to some changes in JDK 1.7 implementations. Therefore I strongly recommend you to use JDK 1.6 instead of JDK 1.7 unless you are using Juno SR2.