I have the following class:
class LinkUserService() {
//** cake pattern **
oauthProvider: OAuthProvider =>
def isUserLinked(userId: String, service: String) = {
val cred = oauthProvider.loadCredential(userId)
cred != null
def linkUserAccount(userId: String, service: String): (String, Option[String]) = {
if (isUserLinked(userId, service)) {
} else {
val authUrl = oauthProvider.newAuthorizationUrl
("SERVICE_NOT_LINKED", Some(authUrl))
def setLinkAuthToken(userId: String, service:String, token:String):String = {
oauthProvider.createAndStoreCredential(userId, token)
Typically I'd use this class in production like so:
val linkService = LinkUserService with GoogleOAuthProvider
When it comes to testing, I want to replace the oauthProvider with a mock such that's been trained by my unit test to respond like so: oauthProvider.loadCredential("nobody") returns null. Is this possible? If so, how would I set up my unit test to do so?
You have this problem because you are not using cake pattern to full extent. If you write something like
trait LinkUserServiceComponent {
this: OAuthProviderComponent =>
val linkUserService = new LinkUserService
class LinkUserService {
// use oauthProvider explicitly
trait GoogleOAuthProviderComponent {
val oauthProvider = new GoogleOAuthProvider
class GoogleOAuthProvider {
And then you use a mock like this:
val combinedComponent = new LinkUserServiceComponent with OAuthProviderComponent {
override val oauthProvider = mock(...)
Then your problem disappears. If you also make generic interface traits like this (and make other components depend on interface, not on implementation):
trait OAuthProviderComponent {
def oauthProvider: OAuthProvider
trait OAuthProvider {
// Interface declaration
then you also would have generic reusable and testable code.
This is very similar to your suggestion and it really is the essence of cake pattern.
The only solution I've been able to come up wiht is a sort of delegate mock trait as demonstrated:
trait MockOAuthProvider extends OAuthProvider {
val mockProvider = mock[OAuthProvider]
def loadCredential(userId: String) = mockProvider.loadCredential(userId)
def newAuthorizationUrl() = mockProvider.newAuthorizationUrl
def createAndStoreCredential(userId: String, authToken: String) = mockProvider.createAndStoreCredential(userId, authToken)
I place that at the top of my Spec, then when I declare my LinkUserService I mix in this Mock trait like so:
val linkUserService = new LinkUserService() with MockOAuthProvider
val mockOAuth = linkUserService.mockProvider
Finally in my unit tests I do things like:
mockOAuth.loadCredential("nobody") returns null
It works, but I could see that being a PITA if my trait was larger
In order to store state in jetpack compose I have so far used the the following pattern:
private val _largeDataClass:MutableState<LargeDataClass> = mutableStateOf(LargeDataClass())
val largeDataClass :State<LargeDataClass> = _largeDataClass
then I display some or all of the properties of this class in my composition. When the user changes a property of this data class I need to update the state and I do it in the following way:
fun onUserEvent(somePropertyChange:String){
_largeDataClass.value=largeDataClass.value.copy(someProperty = somePropertyChange)
I got this approach from the following post. It works and has the benefit of keeping my codebase relatively small (as there might be 20+ different properties in LargeDataClass that I dont need to declare individually as mutable state) BUT, if I am not mistaken, following this approach will trigger the recomposition of my entire screen even if the user just types a single letter in one of my many TextFields. As all my composables display some property of largeDataClass and they have just been notified that its value has changed.
My first question is wether I am right in this last assumption. Will my current way of holding state negatively affect my apps performance because I am forcing the screen to redraw itself completely constantly? Or are there some optimizations, that I'm unaware of, in compose that prevent this from happening and render my appoach safe?
my second question: I would really love it if there was a way of turning a data class, say:
data class Student(
val key: String = "s0",
val firstName: String = "",
val lastName: String = "")
into an equivalent state holder class (something similar to the following)
class StudentState(s:Student){
val key= mutableStateOf(s:Key),
val firstName= mutableStateOf(s.firstName),
val lastName= mutableStateOf(s.lastName)}
(Ideally without having to explicitly write such a class myself every time) Does this exist already? is there a way of using reflection or the like to achieve this for a generic data class?
I am still learning to deal with state in jetpack compose and I want to get it right. It seems to me that tracking the properties of my data classes individually either in the ViewModel or in a State Holder class is the right thing to do, but on the other hand this makes my code a lot longer and it just feels like I am doing a lot of stuff twice and my code becomes less readable and maintainable. Any insights are much appreciated
You could use reflection to create mutableStates for the members of any class like so:
fun createStateMap(baseObject: Any) = with(baseObject::class.memberProperties) {
map { it.name }.zip(map { mutableStateOf(it.getter.call(baseObject)) }).toMap()
And then use it like this:
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val student = Student(firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe")
val studentStateMap = createStateMap(student)
fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
val student = viewModel.studentStateMap
onClick = { student["firstName"]?.value = "Jack" }
) {
Text(text = student["firstName"]?.value.toString())
I wouldn't use it, it's not typesafe, it's messy and ugly, but it's possible.
An Annotation to store data class #AsState
Well I am still not sure about wether it is fine to simply .copy(changedValue = "...") a large data class or if this is inefficient because it triggers unecessary recompositions.
In any case just to be safe (and cause I think its cleaner) I wrote an AnnotationProcessor that takes my data classes and creates both a mutable and immutable version of the class holding all properties as state. It supports both lists and maps but is shallow (meaning that it wont repeat the same process for nested classes). Here an example of the class with the annotation and the result.
please let me know if you consider this to be usefull in order to track state more cleanly when a data class is displayed/edited in a composable (and also if you dont)
The original class
data class Test(val name:String, val age:Int, val map:HashMap<String,Int>, val list:ArrayList<String>)
The mutable verion of the class with a custonm constructor and rootClass getter
public class TestMutableState {
public val name: MutableState<String>
public val age: MutableState<Int>
public val map: SnapshotStateMap<String, Int>
public val list: SnapshotStateList<String>
public constructor(rootObject: Test) {
public fun getTest(): Test = Test(name = this.name.value,
age = this.age.value,
map = HashMap(this.map),
list = ArrayList(this.list),
The immutable version that can be public in the ViewModel
public class TestState {
public val name: State<String>
public val age: State<Int>
public val map: SnapshotStateMap<String, Int>
public val list: SnapshotStateList<String>
public constructor(mutableObject: TestMutableState) {
Next I am pasting the source code for my annotation processor so you can implement it. I basically followed this article and implemented some of my own changes based on arduous googling. I might make this a module in the future so that other people can more easily implement this in their projects i there is any interest:
Annotation class
public annotation class AsState
Annotation processor
class AnnotationProcessor : AbstractProcessor() {
companion object {
const val KAPT_KOTLIN_GENERATED_OPTION_NAME = "kapt.kotlin.generated"
override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> {
return mutableSetOf(AsState::class.java.name)
override fun getSupportedSourceVersion(): SourceVersion = SourceVersion.latest()
override fun process(annotations: MutableSet<out TypeElement>?, roundEnv: RoundEnvironment): Boolean {
.forEach {
if (it.kind != ElementKind.CLASS) {
processingEnv.messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Only classes can be annotated")
return true
return false
#OptIn(KotlinPoetMetadataPreview::class, com.squareup.kotlinpoet.DelicateKotlinPoetApi::class)
private fun processAnnotation(element: Element) {
val className = element.simpleName.toString()
val pack = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(element).toString()
val kmClass = (element as TypeElement).toImmutableKmClass()
//create vessel for mutable state class
val mutableFileName = "${className}MutableState"
val mutableFileBuilder= FileSpec.builder(pack, mutableFileName)
val mutableClassBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(mutableFileName)
val mutableConstructorBuilder= FunSpec.constructorBuilder()
var helper="return ${element.simpleName}("
//create vessel for immutable state class
val stateFileName = "${className}State"
val stateFileBuilder= FileSpec.builder(pack, stateFileName)
val stateClassBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(stateFileName)
val stateConstructorBuilder= FunSpec.constructorBuilder()
//import state related libraries
val mutableStateClass= ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime","MutableState")
val stateClass=ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime","State")
val snapshotStateMap= ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots","SnapshotStateMap")
val snapshotStateList=ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots","SnapshotStateList")
fun processMapParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
val clName =
((property.type?.abbreviatedType?.classifier) as KmClassifier.TypeAlias).name
val arguments = property.type?.abbreviatedType?.arguments?.map {
((it.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
val paramName = property.name
arguments?.let {
snapshotStateMap.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
arguments?.let {
snapshotStateMap.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = ${paramClass.simpleName}(this.${paramName}),\n")
fun processListParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
val clName =
((property.type?.abbreviatedType?.classifier) as KmClassifier.TypeAlias).name
val arguments = property.type?.abbreviatedType?.arguments?.map {
((it.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
val paramName = property.name
arguments?.let {
snapshotStateList.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
arguments?.let {
snapshotStateList.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = ${paramClass.simpleName}(this.${paramName}),\n")
fun processDefaultParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
val clName = ((property.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
val paramName = property.name
mutableStateClass.parameterizedBy(paramClass), KModifier.PUBLIC
helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = this.${paramName}.value,\n")
"this.${paramName}=mutableStateOf(rootObject.${paramName}) "
for (property in kmClass.constructors[0].valueParameters) {
val javaPackage = (property.type!!.classifier as KmClassifier.Class).name.replace("/", ".")
val javaClass=try {
}catch (e:Exception){
Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(javaClass) ->{ //if property is of type map
List::class.java.isAssignableFrom(javaClass) ->{ //if property is of type list
else ->{ //all others
helper=helper.plus(")") //close off method
val getRootBuilder= FunSpec.builder("get$className")
val kaptKotlinGeneratedDir = processingEnv.options[KAPT_KOTLIN_GENERATED_OPTION_NAME]
val mutableFile = mutableFileBuilder
.addImport("androidx.compose.runtime", "mutableStateOf")
val stateFile = stateFileBuilder
gradle annotation
plugins {
id 'java-library'
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
gradle processor
plugins {
id 'kotlin'
id 'kotlin-kapt'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation project(':annotations')
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.6.10"
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.squareup/kotlinpoet
implementation 'com.squareup:kotlinpoet:1.10.2'
implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet-metadata:1.7.1"
implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet-metadata-specs:1.7.1"
implementation "com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0.1"
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-metadata-jvm
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-metadata-jvm:0.4.2"
implementation 'org.json:json:20211205'
kapt "com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0.1"
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
So i have repository, which provides the Observable to the client. Is there a way i can mock this repository, so i don't need to send location from my emulator or using the real device to gain some Location?
Here is how the interface looks like:
interface RxLocationRepository {
fun onLocationUpdate(): Observable<Location>
fun stopLocationUpdates()
In my client side i use this like this:
class LocationManager(
val rxLocationRepository: RxLocationRepository){
private fun appendGeoEvent(location: Location) {
val locationGeoEvent = LocationGeoEvent(
accuracy = location.accuracy.toDouble(),
latitude = location.latitude,
longitude = location.longitude,
timestampGeoEvent = location.time
.subscribe(Consumer { location ->
So i sending this obtained location to my appendGeoEvent method.
I can use for example Mockito, but i don't know how to mock this repository so i can use the fake locations.
Also, i want to use Kotlin.
If using Mockito, you could do something like this:
import android.location.Location
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.mockito.Mockito.`when`
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner
import java.util.*
class LocationsTest{
fun should_return_one_location() {
val location = Location("test").apply {
latitude = 1.234
longitude = 5.678
// ...
val mockRepository = mock(RxLocationRepository::class.java)
// use the mock
I am using: testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:2.11.0"
I needed to setup different Dagger module, which just provide me implementation of this repository - it returns different Observable stream.
I set it up like this.
abstract class StubLocationRepositoryModule {
internal abstract fun bindsRxLocationRepository(stubRxLocationRepository: StubRxLocationRepository) : RxLocationRepository
I was just using this in my androidTest package in component.
So my implementation was like this:
just an example:
class StubRxLocationRepository #Inject constructor(val stubLocationParameterName: String) : RxLocationRepository {
val location = Location("test").apply {
latitude = 1.234
longitude = 5.678
accuracy = 20f
time = Date().time
override fun onLocationUpdate(): Observable<Location> {
Log.v("StubLocationRepository", "CHOSEN PARAMETER: $stubLocationParameterName")
return when (stubLocationParameterName) {
"highFreq" -> Observable.interval(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.doOnNext{ t: Location -> Log.v("onLocationUpdate", t.toString()) }
else -> Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.doOnNext{ t: Location -> Log.v("onLocationUpdate", t.toString()) }
override fun stopLocationUpdates() {
Log.v("StubLocationRepository", "stopLocationUpdates")
So in my Dagger Component builder i expose a method which will provide me some parameter in which i will depend in the StubRxLocation implementation - it will return me some stream i need for specific test case.
So the component:
#Component(modules = arrayOf(StubLocationRepositoryModule::class,
LocationTestInstrumentalModule::class, StubRssiRepositoryModule::class))
interface LocationTestInstrumentalComponent{
fun locationClient(): LocationClient
interface Builder {
fun context(context: Context): Builder
fun stubLocationRepositoryParameter(stubLocationRepositoryParameter: String): Builder
fun build(): LocationTestInstrumentalComponent
So in every test i can bring the mocked repository it like this, which will be ready form me to use for that test case:
fun someTest(){
val component = DaggerLocationTestInstrumentalComponent.builder().stubLocationRepositoryParameter("highFreq").context(InstrumentationRegistry.getContext()).build()
val client = component.locationClient()
//i can expose some other methods, not only this 'locationClient' in this Component to return me some classes, like this RxLocationRepository(which will behave as i want) and others
Given the following, how do I mock processMessage() using Spock, so that I can check that processBulkMessage() calls processMessage() n times, where n is the number of messages within a BulkMessage?
class BulkMessage {
List messages
class MyService {
def processBulkMessage(BulkMessage msg) {
msg.messages.each {subMsg->
def processMessage(Message message) {
You can use spies and partial mocks (requires Spock 0.7 or newer).
After creating a spy, you can listen in on the conversation between the caller and the real object underlying the spy:
def subscriber = Spy(SubscriberImpl, constructorArgs: ["Fred"])
subscriber.receive(_) >> "ok"
Sometimes, it is desirable to both execute some code and delegate to the real method:
subscriber.receive(_) >> { String message -> callRealMethod(); message.size() > 3 ? "ok" : "fail" }
In my opinion this is not a well designed solution. Tests and design walk hand in hand - I recommend this talk to investigate it better. If there's a need to check if other method was invoked on an object being under test it seems it should be moved to other object with different responsibility.
Here's how I would do it. I know how visibility works in groovy so mind the comments.
import spock.lang.*
class MessageServiceSpec extends Specification {
def 'test'() {
def service = new MessageService()
def sender = GroovyMock(MessageSender)
service.sender = sender
3 * sender.sendMessage(_)
class MessageSender { //package access - low level
def sendMessage(String message) {
class MessageService {
MessageSender sender //package access - low level
def sendMessages(Iterable<String> messages) {
messages.each { m -> sender.sendMessage(m) }
It does not use Spock built-in Mocking API (not sure how to partially mock an object), but this should do the trick:
class FooSpec extends Specification {
void "Test message processing"() {
given: "A Bulk Message"
BulkMessage bulk = new BulkMessage(messages: ['a', 'b', 'c'])
when: "Service is called"
def processMessageCount = 0
MyService.metaClass.processMessage { message -> processMessageCount++ }
def service = new MyService()
then: "Each message is processed separately"
processMessageCount == bulk.messages.size()
For Java Spring folks testing in Spock:
constructorArgs is the way to go, but use constructor injection. Spy() will not let you set autowired fields directly.
// **Java Spring**
class A {
private ARepository aRepository;
public A(aRepository aRepository){
this.aRepository = aRepository;
public String getOne(String id) {
public String tryStubMe(String id) {
return aRepository.findOne(id)
public void tryStubVoid(String id) {
// **Groovy Spock**
class ATest extends Specification {
def 'lets stub that sucker' {
ARepository aRepository = Mock()
A a = Spy(A, constructorArgs: [aRepository])
// Stub tryStubMe() on a spy
// Make it return "XXX"
// Verify it was called once
1 * a.tryStubMe("1") >> "XXX"
Spock - stubbing void method on Spy object
// **Groovy Spock**
class ATest extends Specification {
def 'lets stub that sucker' {
ARepository aRepository = Mock()
A a = Spy(A, constructorArgs: [aRepository]) {
1 * tryStubVoid(_) >> {}
I am trying to invent some kind of mocking SecureSocial action generators, or SecureSocial itself to be able to unit-test controller methods.
I've found some approaches, like Unit-testing methods secured with Securesocial annotation and Testing a Play2 application with SecureSocial using dependency injection but the thing is, that in that questions authors, in fact, don't do unit testing, but integration testing.
My unit tests look like this:
trait MockDaoProvider extends IDaoProvider {
def entityDao = entityDaoMock
val controller = new MyController with MockDaoProvider
"MyController.list" should {
"return an OK" in {
val result = controller.list()(FakeRequest())
status(result) must equalTo(OK)
As one can see, I mocked dependencies to isolate and test the behavior that controller method actually does.
Everything was OK until I used SecuredAction from securesocial for MyController.list method. Now I get an exception, and the test fails. I have no idea how I could mock, stub or override SecuredAction and UserAwareAction objects from securesocial. Still I don't want to convert my tests into route(...) tests. They are intended to test only the controller's behavior.
Have someone encountered the same problem? May be there are any hints how it could be solved?
PS: Play framework 2.2.1, securesocial - 2.1.2
It seem like the author of the code really hasn't emphasized testability, which has forced users to come up with their own novel solutions. This one by user jeantil could be helpful:
class FakeAuthenticatorStore(app:Application) extends AuthenticatorStore(app) {
var authenticator:Option[Authenticator] = None
def save(authenticator: Authenticator): Either[Error, Unit] = {
def find(id: String): Either[Error, Option[Authenticator]] = {
Some(authenticator.filter(_.id == id)).toRight(new Error("no such authenticator"))
def delete(id: String): Either[Error, Unit] = {
abstract class WithLoggedUser(val user:User,override val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()) extends WithApplication(app) with Mockito{
lazy val mockUserService=mock[UserService]
val identity=IdentityUser(Defaults.googleId, user)
import helpers._
import TestUsers._
def cookie=Authenticator.create(identity) match {
case Right(authenticator) => authenticator.toCookie
override def around[T: AsResult](t: =>T): execute.Result = super.around {
mockUserService.find(Defaults.googleId) returns Some(identity)
val excludedPlugins=List(
val includedPlugins = List(
def minimalApp = FakeApplication(withGlobal =minimalGlobal, withoutPlugins=excludedPlugins,additionalPlugins = includedPlugins)
which then allows testing like this
"create a new user password " in new WithLoggedUser(socialUser,minimalApp) {
val controller = new TestController
val req: Request[AnyContent] = FakeRequest().
withHeaders((HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")).
withCookies(cookie) // Fake cookie from the WithloggedUser trait
val requestBody = Enumerator("password=foobarkix".getBytes) andThen Enumerator.eof
val result = requestBody |>>> controller.create.apply(req)
val actual: Int= status(result)
actual must be equalTo 201
After some thinking, probing and experimenting I've ended up with an elegant solution. The solution relies on "cake pattern" of dependency injection. Like this:
Code in controller:
trait AbstractSecurity {
def Secured(action: SecuredRequest[AnyContent] => Result): Action[AnyContent]
trait SecureSocialSecurity extends AbstractSecurity with securesocial.core.SecureSocial {
def Secured(action: SecuredRequest[AnyContent] => Result): Action[AnyContent] = SecuredAction { action }
abstract class MyController extends Controller with AbstractSecurity {
def entityDao: IEntityDao
def list = Secured { request =>
object MyController extends MyController with PsqlDaoProvider with SecureSocialSecurity
And test code:
trait MockedSecurity extends AbstractSecurity {
val user = Account(NotAssigned, IdentityId("test", "userpass"), "Test", "User",
"Test user", Some("test#user.com"), AuthenticationMethod("userPassword"))
def Secured(action: SecuredRequest[AnyContent] => play.api.mvc.Result): Action[AnyContent] = Action { request =>
action(new SecuredRequest(user, request))
val controller = new MyController with MockDaoProvider with MockedSecurity
"IssueController.list" should {
"return an OK" in {
val result = controller.list()(FakeRequest())
status(result) must equalTo(OK)
Still there is a drawback - the tests depends on securesocial classes as well... but... is it really a drawback?
I don't know how this approach will work in more complex situations, we'll see.
Is it possible to test the sort propertyName which is defined in the staticMappingBlock?
This works during the integration phase but not during the unit phase where my domain has:
static mapping = {
sort 'lastName'
void testDefaultSortOrder(){
def agent1 = new CommissionAgent(firstName: 'fred', lastName: 'b', active:true).save()
def agent2 = new CommissionAgent(firstName: 'fred2', lastName:'a', active:false).save()
def agents = CommissionAgent.list()
assertEquals 'sort order is wrong', agents[0].lastName, agent2.lastName
assertEquals 'sort order is wrong', agents[1].lastName, agent1.lastName
Grails version is 1.3.1
There isn't any good way to test the actual sorting in unit tests that I'm aware of. What you're trying to test is really such an integral part of the GORM integration that testing it on mocked domain objects, even if they support the sort mapping, doesn't test the actual code that will be run.
The closest thing that you could do in a unit test would be to take a look at the static mapping object to assert that the value of "sort" is set to what you expect it to be.
I put together a blog post a while ago on how to interrogate groovy closures for values. This technique could be used to assert the sort order is set to what you expect like this:
Foo domain object:
package com.example
class Foo {
String name
static mapping = {
sort "name"
FooTests unit test:
package com.example
import grails.test.*
class FooTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
void testFooSort() {
def mappingValues = ClosureInterrogator.extractValuesFromClosure(Foo.mapping)
assertEquals "name", mappingValues.sort
ClosureInterrogator class that allows you to see what a closure does:
package com.example
class ClosureInterrogator {
private Map closureValueMap = [:]
static Map extractValuesFromClosure(Closure closure) {
def interrogator = new ClosureInterrogator(closure)
return interrogator.closureValueMap
private ClosureInterrogator(Closure closure) {
def oldResolveStrategy = closure.getResolveStrategy()
def oldDelegate = closure.getDelegate()
closure.delegate = this
closure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
try {
} finally {
// property getter
def propertyMissing(String name) {
return closureValueMap[name]
// property setter
def propertyMissing(String name, value) {
closureValueMap[name] = value
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
if (args.size() == 1) {
closureValueMap[name] = args[0]
} else {
closureValueMap[name] = args