I am currently moved to a new project dealing with liferay. I have been also assigned with a new task of developing a web service using REST api in liferay portlet(i.e. to create a new plugin). I did a google search of "Calling liferay portlet as web service with REST API", I got some theory stuffs but not any sample code. I am new to this liferay stuff and my awareness regarding this is very limited. I have a very limited deadline on this.
Any pointers or sample code or tutorials on this are highly appreciable. Please help.
After a long hours on the internet I found the answer to be very crisply written(follow the link below) with some code samples and apt explanations. I found this useful. When I am done with my complete code I will also post that for everyone's benefit :)
In Laravel 4 framework, how to create a SOAP based web service. I would like to build a SOA based web application in laravel. Please clarify with an example how to use web service with some step by step examples or links as i am completely new to laravel
Thanks in advance..
You can use "php-wsdl-creator" (also supports SOAP). They have a great tutorial and many demo php files to get you started. It can also easily be implemented in laravel or any other framework for that matter. :)
You can find more information on Google Code: https://code.google.com/p/php-wsdl-creator/
Also note that SOAP requires an extension to be loaded in PHP.
For more recent needs, you should use a Project such as wsdl2phpgenerator or PackageGenerator from WsdlToPhp. This sort of projects, requirable with composer, use an OOP approach and allows to build a SOAP request easily with PHP objects then handle the response just as the request with PHP objects.
I'm sure I sound like a total noob with this question, and I've looked at a couple posts that are basically asking the same question in the title, but the body didn't give anything helpful to my skill or knowledge level.
In this post the OP mentioned that they did some "digging and drilling" to find out that there was a web service in REST format. In another post I found that the OP was using "web console" to look at the activity of a website they were visiting.
I would really like to have more knowledge and methods for finding web services that I can reference and use is some of my new or updated applications, whether RESTful or not. In summary, how do I "dig and drill" to find that a site has a web service I can use programmatically?
The only sensible way to find web services that you can use is to ask.
If the service is intended for your use, then you will be told that.
If the service is not intended for your use, then you will be told that.
If you use a service that is not intended for your use, then that will generally be a bad thing.
I'm really new in Java Web Service. I can say that my knowledge level is only 10%. Can somebody please give me a HelloWorld Example of JAX-WS (client - service) with explanations?...
This might be a common question and perhaps a duplicate one too. But I would like to provide some links which might get you started.
This mkyong blog has good explanation with all the necessary examples.
Another blog which has provided two different articles for setting up the server and accessing it with the client.
You can also search it in google and get plenty of references to look.
Hope it will help you get started.
Another Dzone article that also has provided an example.
All these examples are JAX-WS.
Or oracle tutorial:
Creating a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-WS
I'm trying to create an speech reconigtion based web. Afer some searching, i found that cmusphinx is a library quite good for speech reconigtion application. And my problem is how can communicate between cmusphinx and web ?
Sorry if this is a silly question.
Thanks for all your help !
In general, you need a web framework to marshal web requests to the Java or C code, then you just need to implement required speech-to-text methods with CMUSphinx API.
Here is the JAX-RS tutorial:
There are also more lightweight web service framework, for example Sinatra for Ruby.
You can also study existing implementations of web service using CMUSphinx, for example
Read more about it here.
I am new to ColdFusion and ColdBox (and programming). I tried to setup ColdBox but some of the links in the sample applications are broken.
My configuration is a GlassFish v3 installation with the current Railo OSS. I access my site through Apache 2.2.14.
So instead of I access my environment trough http://railo/.
In Railo I have a webroot mapping / to C:/webapps/myproject/.
I have copied the current ColdBox 3M4 to C:/webapps/myproject/coldbox. I can access the dashboard through http://railo/coldbox/dashboard/index.cfm and have access to all options.
My problems start the moment I try to open the sample gallery:
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\webapps\viss-dev\coldbox\samples
(Zugriff verweigert)
note The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are
available in the GlassFish v3 logs.
GlassFish v3
OK, no problem, just enter the link directly: http://railo/coldbox/samples/index.cfm.
The site looks plain, who cares - BUT all local links look like this: (railo is replaced with
Looks like trouble. To make my confusion perfect: when I try to access the login app: http://railo/coldbox/samples/applications/sampleloginapp/index.cfm and hit the submit button, I am redirected to this address: http://railo/railo/coldbox/samples/applications/sampleloginapp/index.cfm.
I believe that this is not really ColdBox-related, but it manifests itself when I try to use ColdBox, so here I am.
P.S.: amazon.de takes too long to ship the ColdBox book :(
Here's a suggestion, The good people at Vivotech have developed a couple of different installers for both Windows/IIS7 and various flavours of Linux for both Railo and Open BlueDragon. The setup installs Tomcat, Railo/Open Blue Dragon and the necessary connectors to the web server. Here's the link: http://www.viviotech.net/company/installers.cfm
I think you'll find using the installers to be a lot easier than working through it yourself. If you want to go that route, Adobe and various bloggers have instructions on how to do it. Matt Woodward has a very good blog posting on it: see MattWoodward.com, He also has a presentation on this, you can see it here.
Since you are new to ColdFusion (and programming in general), I would recommend developing against Adobe ColdFusion. The Developer Edition of ColdFusion is free and available from Adobe.com. You won't need to mess around or configure GlassFish since Adobe ColdFusion comes with a baked-in pre-configured Tomcat, providing both servlet engine and web server.
Just install the 'Stand-alone' version of ColdFusion Developer Edition, copy the ColdBox files into the webroot and in less than 15 minutes you be up and running.
You should also check out ColdFusion Builder which is currently available in beta from http://labs.adobe.com. It has full language support and integrated help content for learning the ins-outs of the language.
As far as the ColdBox book goes, it's available as an eBook if you really can't wait. ;-)
DISCLAIMER: I spend about 50% of my waking life devoted to making ColdFusion better as the CF Product Manager at Adobe. :-)
i have given up on glassfish and i am now struggling with tomcat :D