Getting access to any process's memory - c++

I'm using Windows 8 64 bit. I know C++ and basics of assembly. If I were to write an anti-virus program, it should be able to access any process's memory, right? I have managed to write a program that is able to read most process's memory, using VirtualQueryEx and ReadProcessMemory. However, I've come across an application that doesn't let me use VirtualQueryEx. Even with debug privileges it fails with Access Denied error.
Is there anything I can do to enable myself the access to the process's memory using VirtualQueryEx? Or should I take other approach to access such hard accessible processes?
I've already done some research and wonder which approach should I follow:
I've come across an information that it's possible to read any memory in kernel mode without any restrictions. Is that true? But in kernel mode there is no functions such us VirtualQueryEx or ReadProcessMemory. I guess I need to implement them by myself? But I've seen opinions that such functions are very unstable and in the future I might get a BSOD or sth... Some say I shouldn't even use kernel mode for reading memory purposes. Could somebody give me an answer how it actually is with this kernel mode?
I heard that applications might hook some APIs so that it prevents other apps from using these functions. Might VirtualQueryEx be hooked in that process? and that's the reason I get access denied all the time? If that's the case how could I unhook this?
Anti-viruses are not likely to do this probably, but would simple DLL injection work? I mean, if I were able to inject dll to that process then inside my dll I would already be withing that process's virtual address space so reading its memory shouldn't be a problem then?
Another approach?
I would be really grateful for any tips and help in this matter!

Yes it's possible, but it will be very tedious and error prone. It will not be as easy as VirtualQueryEx/RPM. I would actually just ensure my user-mode application has enough rights to do the API calls and not read the memory in the kernel. Also you can't easily load a self made driver on a 64-bit Windows. You either need to sign your driver (costs money) or find some security hole in Windows (or start your machine in an unsafe mode).
Yes, that's possible. One way to hook APIs globally would be to write a driver that redirects the API calls. Another way would be global or targeted dll injection to hook the API calls. The latter you can check with a debugger. If the kernel redirects the calls, you can only detect that by being in the kernel yourself.
I doubt that this would work, because you'd need way more process rights to inject a dll than to query/read some memory. If you want to read a specific known application you could try to get the target to load your dll by writing a wrapper for some dll it loads and replace the original.
Are you sure you need to read memory from this process? Is it any of the System Process, Idle Process, CSRSS that cannot be opened from user mode? Have you lowered your requested rights as much as possible? It think you only need PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION and PROCESS_VM_READ.


How (and why?) do memory editors work

Memory editors such as Cheat Engine are able to read the memory of other processes and modify it.
How do they do it?(a code snippet would be interesting!) A process does typically not have the ability to access the memory of another one, the only cases that I've heard of are in sub-processes/threading, but memory editors are typically not related to the target process in any way.
Why do they work? In what scenario is this ability useful aside from using it to hack other processes, why wouldn't the operating system simply disallow unrelated processes from reading the memory of each other?
On Windows, the function typically used to alter the memory of another process is called WriteProcessMemory:
If you search the Cheat Engine source code for WriteProcessMemory you can find it both in their Pascal code and the C kernel code. It needs PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access to the process which basically means you need to run Cheat Engine as admin.
WriteProcessMemory is used any time you want to alter the runtime behavior of another process. There are legitimate uses, such as with Cheat Engine or ModOrganizer, and of course lots of illegitimate ones. It's worth mentioning that anti-virus software is typically trained to look for this API call (among others) so unless your application has been whitelisted it might get flagged because of it.
Operating systems typically expose system calls that allow a userspace program to inspect a target process's memory using said system calls.
For instance, the linux kernel supports the ptrace system call. This system call is primarily used by the well known debugger gdb and by popular system call tracing utilities such as strace.
The ptrace system call allows for the inspection of memory contents of the target process, code injection, register manipulation and much more. I would suggest this as a resource if you are interested in learning more.
On Linux, you can either run a binary from within gdb, or attach to a process. In case of the latter, you need elevated privileges. There are other protections that try to limit what you can do with ptrace, such as the one mentioned here.
On Windows you can achieve the same effect by using the following functions in order : OpenProcess, GetProcAddress, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread. I would suggest this as a resource if you are interested in knowing more. You might need elevated privileges to do this on newer Windows versions.

Can I get access to memory outside of of used by current application?

Is it's possible to get access to memory that located outside current application? For example I need to check how App2 is using it's memory (check memory fragmentation). afaik every app have own virtual memory, but I need to check memory that located outside it.
Yes, that's how debuggers work, and you can allocate shared memory if the two program will cooperate on it. You can also request access to the raw system memory through the kernel if your program is running with sufficient administrator powers and the system is configured for it.
On Windows, there is a function called ReadProcessMemory that will make a copy for you. On Linux, you can open /proc/[pid]/mem and access it through that. You can also look up tutorials on how to write a debugger and attach to a process that way.
However, I wouldn't attempt this yourself unless you're already experienced... It is so much harder than you realize to get anything useful. Instead, try using existing programs like debuggers and memory analyzers, or instrument your App2 to report on itself.

Dynamic Linking ~ Limiting a DLL's system access

I know the question might seem a little vague but I will try to explain as clearly as I can.
In C++ there is a way to dynamically link code to your already running program. I am thinking about creating my own plugin system (For learning/research purposes) but I'd like to limit the plugins to specific system access for security purposes.
I would like to give the plugins limited access to for example disk writing such that it can only call functions from API I pass from my application (and write through my predefined interface) Is there a way to enforce this kind of behaviour from the application side?
If not: Are there other language's that support secure dynamically linked modules?
You should think of writing a plugin container (or a sand-box), then coordinate everything through the container, also make sure to drop privileges that you do not need inside the container process before running the plugin. Being run in a process means, you can run the container also as a unique user and not the one who started the process, after that you can limit the user and automatically the process will be limited. Having a dedicated user for a process is the most common and easiest way, it is also the only cross-platform way to limit a process, even on Windows you can use this method to limit a process.
Limiting access to shared resources that OS provides, like disk or RAM or CPU depends heavily on the OS, and you have not specified what OS. While it is doable on most OSes, Linux is the prime choice because it is written with multi-seat and server-use-cases in mind. For example in Linux you can use cgroups here to limit CPU, or RAM easily for each process, then you will only need to apply it for your plugin container process. There is blkio to control disk access, but you can still use the traditional quote mechanism in Linux to limit per-process or per-user share of disk space.
Supporting plugins is an involved process, and the best way to start is reading code that does some of that, Chromium sand-boxing is best place I can suggest, it is very cleanly written, and has nice documentation. Fortunately the code is not very big.
If you prefer less involvement with actual cgroups, there is an even easier mechanism for limiting resources, docker is fairly new but abstracts away low level OS constructs to easily contain applications, without the need to run them in Virtual Machines.
To block some calls, a first idea may be to hook the system calls which are forbidden and others API call which you don't want. You can also hook the dynamic linking calls to prevent your plugins to load another DLLs. Hook disk read/write API to block read/write.
Take a look at this, it may give you an idea to how can you forbid function calls.
You can also try to sandbox your plugins, try to look some open source sandbox and understand how they work. It should help you.
In this case you really have to sandbox the environment in that the DLL runs. Building such a sandbox is not easy at all, and it is something you probably do not want to do at all. System calls can be hidden in strings, or generated through meta programming at execution time, so hard to detect by just analysing the binary. Luckyly people have already build solutions. For example google's project native client with the goal to generally allow C++ code to be run safely in the browser. And when it is safe enough for a browser, it is probably safe enough for you and it might work outside of the browser.

identify memory code injection by memory dumping of process or dll

In order to identify memory code injection (on windows systems), I want to a hash the memory of all processes on the system, for example, if the memory of calc.exe is always x and now it is y, I know that someone injected into calc.exe code.
1: Is this thinking correct? What part of the process memory always stays the same and what part is changing?
2: Dose dll have a separate memory, or it is in the memory of the exe? In other words, can i generate a hash for memory of a dll?
3: How can I dump the memory of a process or of a dll in c++?
Code is continually being injected in processes when running windows.
One example are delay loaded DLLs. When a process starts up, only the core DLLS are loaded. When certain features get exercised, the code first loads the new DLLs (code) from disk and then executes it.
Another example is .NET managed applications. Most code sits as uncompiled code on disk. When new parts of the application need to be run, the .NET runtime loads that uncompiled code, compiles it (aka JITs it) and then executes it.
The problem you are trying to solve is worthwhile, but extremely hard. The OS itself tries to solve this problem to protect your processes.
If you are trying to do something more advanced than what windows is doing for you behind the scenes, the first thing to do will be to understand all the steps windows takes to protect process and validate the code being injected in them, while still enabling processes to load code dynamically (which is a necessity).
Good luck.
Or maybe you have a more specific problem you are trying to solve?
1) The idea is nice. But as long as the process runs, they change their memory (or they do nothing) so it won't work. What you could do, is to hash the code part of the memory.
2) No, DLL are libraries linked to your code, not a separate process. They are just loaded dynamically instead of statically (
3) Normally your OS prohibits you from accessing memory of neighbour processes. If it would allow it for your process, then it would be very easy for malware to propagate, and your system would be very instable, as one crashing process could crash all the others. So it'll be very very tricky to do such kind of dumps ! But if your process has the right priviledges, you could have a look at ReadProcessMemory()
I have just done something similar I basically c#'s these scripts:

Accessing Memory of other applications C++

I am thinking about a problem I have been having for some time now.. I would like to write a C/C++ program (under windows first) that can access(read/change values) the memory(stack, heap, everything) of other running programs. (Not like shared memory but any memory the computer has..) Without having to start the application from my own application..
I have seen something like this before but I just can't figure out how it's done.. If I were to access the memory of any running program I would get errors from the OS right?
Any help is appreciated!
As #sharptooth said, this requires support from the OS. Different OS does it differently. Since you are on Windows, there are a few steps you could follow:
Call OpenProcess, or CreateProcess to access, or launch a new process. In this call, you must request PROCESS_VM_READ access.
Call ReadProcessMemory to read a chunk of memory in that opened process.
If you want to change memory of another process, you then need PROCESS_VM_WRITE access and use WriteProcessMemory to achieve that.
In Linux, for example, you'd use ptrace to attach to a process and peek, poke its memory.
You can start a process (another program) from your own application, and access some of its information (especially shared memory). The contrary is very difficult, the CPU fakes the memory addresses so each process believes that it has the whole memory available...
You might be interested in taking a look at the Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory function.