RegEx ActionScript 3 [closed] - regex

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to figure out a regex to strip extra single quotes so that I would end up with only one single quote. To explain my question better, here is an example.
Let's say I have 3 different strings such as this ones.
(two single quotes)
Name<span fontSize=''16'' baselineShift=''superscript''>ABC</span>
(three single quotes)
Name<span fontSize='''16''' baselineShift='''superscript'''>ABC</span>
(four single quotes)
Name<span fontSize=''''16'''' baselineShift=''''superscript''''>ABC</span>
I am trying to sanitize the string to end up with this:
Name<span fontSize='16' baselineShift='superscript'>ABC</span>
I tried several online tools. This one is my favourite one: But I just can't get it right.
Could someone please help me out? Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

Did you try '+?
var str:String = "Name<span fontSize=''''16'''' baselineShift=''''superscript''''>ABC</span>";
trace( str.replace(/'+/g, "'") );

Have you looked at the docs for AS3's RegEx code? AS3 Replace
You could try something like this
var myPattern:RegExp = /'{2,100}/g;
var str:String = "fontSize=''''16''''";
trace(str.replace(myPattern, "'"));
The '{2,100} essentially looks for a match of ' that occurs between 2 - 100 times and replaces it with a single '.


Get string between string/ and / [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Ive been trying for ages to get the id 30393 from the below string.
Any ideas how? Its the / causing me issues. Been trying (?<=/).*?(?=/) but obviously it doesn't work.
You could try this:
The answer is this (?<=service_requests\/).*?(?=\/)
Some of the comments inspired me. Just made an alteration to #bhusak comment.
This might not be a job for regexes, but for existing tools in your language of choice.  Regexes are not a magic wand you wave at every problem that happens to involve strings. You probably want to use existing code that has already been written, tested, and debugged.
In PHP, use the parse_url function.
Perl: URI module.
Ruby: URI module.
.NET: 'Uri' class
Split the string on / characters and return the 2nd-to-last element. Here's the JavaScript solution, but it should be similar in other languages.
let url = '';
let arr = url.split('/');
let id = arr[arr.length-2];

Questions about using regular expressions [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn more about regex and I'm running into a block
my current query:
function telephoneCheck(str) {
return str.match(/[0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{4}/g)? true : false
This will only work for a specific inputs such as "555-555-5555", but for other inputs such as "1 (555) 555-5555" it will not. I'm at a loss on how to query for optional characters and whitespace. Moreover bracket handling is odd and I've found some crazy queries such as /(\d+-)\1\d{4}/g but I have no idea what its doing and I don't want to use code I don't understand.
Can someone show me a query that solves for "1 (555) 555-5555" where the first two characters (the one and space) are optional inputs?
These are inputs that the regex should be able to handle:
"1 (555) 555-5555"
"1 555-555-5555"
I found a solution
regex: function telephoneCheck(str) {
var regex = /^(1\s?)?(\(\d{3}\)|\d{3})[\s\-]?\d{3}[\s\-]?\d{4}$/;
return regex.test(str);
But I have no idea whats going on in here. If someone could explain whats happening I'd be happy to give you the answer for this posted question :)
You have be wary of trying to be all things within regex and question why the data is so varied in the first place.
If you are just parsing a bunch of what you are thinking should be phone numbers for example and notice a lot of different formats it might actually be more readable to use logic.
There is probably a really clever way of doing the above but I tend to be a bit more brute force with regex until I need more.
The below combines both patterns in to one regex expression. You use the | separator to say or. Also if your strings are exactly as you say, you should to use the ^ (starts with) and $ ends with to ensure you don't get false positives.
var pattern = /^[0-9] \([0-9]{3}\) [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$|^[0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{4}$/
pattern.test('555-555-5555') //true
pattern.test('1 (555) 555-5555') // true
pattern.test('(555) 555-5555') // false
And as I say if you have lots of different formats in one. Question why, is there a way to clean things up first. Then perhaps use logic and separate statements.
var parensPattern = /^[0-9] \([0-9]{3}\) [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/
var noParensPattern = /^[0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{4}$/
if(parensPattern.test('1 (555) 555-5555')) {
// do something
} else if (noParensPattern.test('555-555-5555)) {
// do something
Check out, it is a great resource.

RegEx Splitting to a List<string> [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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RegEx is a bit confusing to me and I have been at it for 3.5 hours on one line.
I have a string:
" Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 "
I would like to split it up into a List and cannot get it to work.
I tried this and it was close but still not what I am looking to do:
List<string> lineWords = Regex
.Matches(line, #"[Layier_]*\s*\s*[1-9]")
.Select(match => match.Value)
Where am I in error?
Thank you.
You didn't write it explicitly, but I assume, you are using C#.
Your code requires only minor corrections:
I changed the regex a little (compare).
ToArray() is not needed.
Instead of List() use ToList().
So the code given below works.
List<string> lineWords = Regex.Matches(line, #"[Layier_]+\s*[1-9]")
.Select(match => match.Value)

Replace Specific Instance [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm completely new to RegEx and could really use some help with my delimma. I have a large text file of IP addresses and corresponding Hosts.
I need a find and replace algorithm that apeends to the beginning and end of each line and replaces the delimeter, which in this case is just a space.
eg. the ouput after running the regex should be
'text1' 'text2' 'text3'
'text1' 'text2' 'text3'
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Find what:
Replace with:
'text1' $1 'text2' $2 'text3'
You can use a Macro for this instead of a regex. Record keystrokes on the first line. I'm on a Mac right now, so I can't be sure this is right, but it should be close to:
Home, [type 'text1'], CTRL+RightArrow [repeat 7 times], [type 'text2],
space, End, space, [type 'text3'], DownArrow
Once your Macro is recorded, re-run your Macro for the entire file. Again, I can't see the exact options, but it will be something like the following:
Go to Macros>Run a Macro Multiple Times..., select Current recorded macro, and Run until the end of file.

RegExp Remove content outside of commas [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Alright, so I have a database where you can get information from that'll show off in this kind of way:
ID, Display name, Likes Cake, Likes Coffee, Likes Dogs
So if you get the information, it would show something a little like to this:
Now it's not very popular so I would like to show the people who has answered this so I would like the "1,!anonymous!,1,0,1" (anything outside the !'s) gone. I looked around and found a RegExp code that would remove stuff outside quotes, but it's rather hard and I'm rather impatient to put all the display names in quotes.
So if there was a RegExp that would erase the numbers so I could put the usernames up, would be delicious.
Well, you could do something like this:
Replae '^[^,]+([^,]+).*' With '$1'
How it looks exactly in your language may vary, of course.
But in your case this looks like CSV, so isn't parsing the CSV file easier in that case? E.g. in PowerShell you could do
Import-Csv foo.csv | select 'Display name'
and likewise for other languages that have such parsing built-in somewhere. Besides, most other options may break depending on the input because fields in CSV may contain commas too which breaks both above regex and a naïve splitting method.
You can split the database result string and then get the relevant array index.
string dbString = "1,anonymous,1,0,1";
string username = dbString.Split(',')[1];
//value of username will be "anonymous"