OpenGL Frustum visibility test with sphere : Far plane not working - c++

I am doing a program to test sphere-frustum intersection and being able to determine the sphere's visibility. I am extracting the frustum's clipping planes into camera space and checking for intersection. It works perfectly for all planes except the far plane and I cannot figure out why. I keep pulling the camera back but my program still claims the sphere is visible, despite it having been clipped long ago. If I go far enough it eventually determines that it is not visible, but this is some distance after it has exited the frustum.
I am using a unit sphere at the origin for the test. I am using the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library for vector and matrix data structures and for its built in math functions. Here is my code for the visibility function:
void visibilityTest(const struct MVP *mvp) {
static bool visLastTime = true;
bool visThisTime;
const glm::vec4 modelCenter_worldSpace = glm::vec4(0,0,0,1); //at origin
const int negRadius = -1; //unit sphere
//Get cam space model center
glm::vec4 modelCenter_cameraSpace = mvp->view * mvp->model * modelCenter_worldSpace;
//---------Get Frustum Planes--------
//extract projection matrix row vectors
//NOTE: since glm stores their mats in column-major order, we extract columns
glm::vec4 rowVec[4];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
rowVec[i] = glm::vec4( mvp->projection[0][i], mvp->projection[1][i], mvp->projection[2][i], mvp->projection[3][i] );
//determine frustum clipping planes (in camera space)
glm::vec4 plane[6];
//NOTE: recall that indices start at zero. So M4 + M3 will be rowVec[3] + rowVec[2]
plane[0] = rowVec[3] + rowVec[2]; //near
plane[1] = rowVec[3] - rowVec[2]; //far
plane[2] = rowVec[3] + rowVec[0]; //left
plane[3] = rowVec[3] - rowVec[0]; //right
plane[4] = rowVec[3] + rowVec[1]; //bottom
plane[5] = rowVec[3] - rowVec[1]; //top
//extend view frustum by 1 all directions; near/far along local z, left/right among local x, bottom/top along local y
// -Ax' -By' -Cz' + D = D'
plane[0][3] -= plane[0][2]; // <x',y',z'> = <0,0,1>
plane[1][3] += plane[1][2]; // <0,0,-1>
plane[2][3] += plane[2][0]; // <-1,0,0>
plane[3][3] -= plane[3][0]; // <1,0,0>
plane[4][3] += plane[4][1]; // <0,-1,0>
plane[5][3] -= plane[5][1]; // <0,1,0>
//----------Determine Frustum-Sphere intersection--------
//if any of the dot products between model center and frustum plane is less than -r, then the object falls outside the view frustum
visThisTime = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if( glm::dot(plane[i], modelCenter_cameraSpace) < static_cast<float>(negRadius) ) {
visThisTime = false;
if(visThisTime != visLastTime) {
printf("Sphere is %s visible\n", (visThisTime) ? "" : "NOT " );
visLastTime = visThisTime;
The polygons appear to be clipped by the far plane properly so it seems that the projection matrix is set up properly, but the calculations make it seem like the plane is way far out. Perhaps I am not calculating something correctly or have a fundamental misunderstanding of the calculations that are required?
The calculations that deal specifically with the far clipping plane are:
plane[1] = rowVec[3] - rowVec[2]; //far
plane[1][3] += plane[1][2]; // <0,0,-1>
I'm setting the plane to be equal to the 4th row (or in this case column) of the projection matrix - the 3rd row of the projection matrix. Then I'm extending the far plane one unit further (due to the sphere's radius of one; D' = D - C(-1) )
I've looked over this code many times and I can't see why it shouldn't work. Any help is appreciated.
I can't answer my own question as I don't have the rep, so I will post it here.
The problem was that I wasn't normalizing the plane equations. This didn't seem to make much of a difference for any of the clip planes besides the far one, so I hadn't even considered it (but that didn't make it any less wrong). After normalization everything works properly.


Frustum Culling Bug

So I've implemented Frustum Culling in my game engine and I'm experiencing a strange bug. I am rendering a building that is segmented into chunks and I'm only rendering the chunks which are in the frustum. My camera starts at around (-.033, 11.65, 2.2) and everything looks fine. I start moving around and there is no flickering. When I set a breakpoint in the frustum culling code I can see that it is indeed culling some of the meshes. Everything seems great. Then when I reach the center of the building, around (3.9, 4.17, 2.23) meshes start to disappear that are in view. The same is true on the other side as well. I can't figure out why this bug could exist.
I implement frustum culling by using the extraction method listed here Extracting View Frustum Planes (Gribb & Hartmann method). I had to use glm::inverse() rather than transpose as it suggested and I think the matrix math was given for row-major matrices so I flipped that. All in all my frustum plane calculation looks like
std::vector<Mesh*> render_meshes;
auto comboMatrix = proj * glm::inverse(view * model);
glm::vec4 p_planes[6];
p_planes[0] = comboMatrix[3] + comboMatrix[0]; //left
p_planes[1] = comboMatrix[3] - comboMatrix[0]; //right
p_planes[2] = comboMatrix[3] + comboMatrix[1]; //bottom
p_planes[3] = comboMatrix[3] - comboMatrix[1]; //top
p_planes[4] = comboMatrix[3] + comboMatrix[2]; //near
p_planes[5] = comboMatrix[3] - comboMatrix[2]; //far
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
p_planes[i] = glm::normalize(p_planes[i]);
for (auto mesh : meshes) {
if (!frustum_cull(mesh, p_planes)) {
I then decide to cull each mesh based on its bounding box (as calculated by ASSIMP with the aiProcess_GenBoundingBoxes flag) as follows (returning true means culled)
glm::vec3 vmin, vmax;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// X axis
if (p_planes[i].x > 0) {
vmin.x = m->getBBoxMin().x;
vmax.x = m->getBBoxMax().x;
else {
vmin.x = m->getBBoxMax().x;
vmax.x = m->getBBoxMin().x;
// Y axis
if (p_planes[i].y > 0) {
vmin.y = m->getBBoxMin().y;
vmax.y = m->getBBoxMax().y;
else {
vmin.y = m->getBBoxMax().y;
vmax.y = m->getBBoxMin().y;
// Z axis
if (p_planes[i].z > 0) {
vmin.z = m->getBBoxMin().z;
vmax.z = m->getBBoxMax().z;
else {
vmin.z = m->getBBoxMax().z;
vmax.z = m->getBBoxMin().z;
if (glm::dot(glm::vec3(p_planes[i]), vmin) + p_planes[i][3] > 0)
return true;
return false;
Any guidance?
Update 1: Normalizing the full vec4 representing the plane is incorrect as only the vec3 represents the normal of the plane. Further, normalization is not necessary for this instance as we only care about the sign of the distance (not the magnitude).
It is also important to note that I should be using the rows of the matrix not the columns. I am achieving this by replacing
p_planes[0] = comboMatrix[3] + comboMatrix[0];
p_planes[0] = glm::row(comboMatrix, 3) + glm::row(comboMatrix, 0);
in all instances.
You are using GLM incorrectly. As per the paper of Gribb and Hartmann, you can extract the plane equations as a sum or difference of different rows of the matrix, but in glm, mat4 foo; foo[n] will yield the n-th column (similiar to how GLSL is designed).
This here
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
p_planes[i] = glm::normalize(p_planes[i]);
also doesn't make sense, since glm::normalize(vec4) will simply normalize a 4D vector. This will result in the plane to be shifted around along its normal direction. Only thexyz components must be brought to unit length, and w must be scaled accordingly. It is even explained in details in the paper itself. However, since you only need to know on which half-space a point lies, normalizing the plane equation is a waste of cycles, you only care about the sign, not the maginitude of the value anyway.
After following #derhass solution for normalizing the planes correctly for intersection tests you would do as follows
For bounding box plane intersection after projecting your box onto that plane which we call p and after calculating the midpoint of the box say m and after calculating the distance of that mid point from the plane say d to check for intersection we do
But for frustum culling we just don't want our box to NOT intersect wih our frustum plane but we want it to be at -p distance from our plane and only then we know for sure that NO PART of our box is intersecting our plane that is
if(d<=-p)//then our box is fully not intersecting our plane so we don't draw it or cull it[d will be negative if the midpoint lies on the other side of our plane]
Similarly for triangles we have check if the distance of ALL 3 points of the triangle from the plane are negative.
To project a box onto a plane we take the 3 axises[x,y,z UNIT VECTORS] of the box,scale them by the boxes respective HALF width,height,depth and find the sum of each of their dot products[Take only the positive magnitude of each dot product NO SIGNED DISTANCE] with the planes normal which will be your 'p'
Not with the above approach for an AABB you can also cull against OOBB's with the same approach cause only the axises will change.
how to project a bounding box onto a plane?
Let's consider an AABB for our example
It has the following parameters
Lower extent Min(x,y,z)
Upper extent Max(x,y,z)
Up Vector U=(0,1,0)
Left Vector. L=(1,0,0)
Front Vector. F=(0,0,1)
Step 1: calculate half dimensions
Step 2: Project each individual axis of the box onto the plane normal,take only the positive magnitude of each dot product scaled by each half dimension and find the total sum. make sure both the box axis and the plane normal are unit vectors.
float p=(abs(dot(L,N))*half_width)+
abs() returns absolute magnitude we want it to be positive
because we are dealing with distances
Where N is the planes normal unit vector
Step 3: compute mid point of box
Step 4: compute distance of the mid point from plane
Step 5: do the check
d<=-p //return true i.e don't render or do culling
U can see how to use his for OOBB where the U,F,L vectors are the axises of the OOBB and the centre(mid point) and half dimensions are parameters you pass in manually
For an sphere as well you would calculate the distance of the spheres center from the plane (called d) but do the check
d<=-r //radius of the sphere
Put this in an function called outside(Plane,Bounds) which returns true if the bounds is fully outside the plane then for each of the 6 planes
bool is_inside_frustum()
for(Plane plane:frustum_planes)
return false
return true;

calling glm::unproject() correctly, confused

I'm trying to use glm::unproject() to convert my SDL mouse coordinates into a world position vector, on the x/z-plane. Basically I want to figure out which "x/z" coordinate the user clicked on with a mouse.
From other stack overflow answers I came up needing to call glm::unproject(). I think I'm passing it the wrong arguments, because the values I'm getting back for the world position (printed std std::cerr) aren't world position values as I would expect.
Am I constructing the arguments to glm::unproject() correctly below? Specifically should I be combing the camera's world position and the view matrix (computed using glm::lookAt) to compute the modelview matrix passed into glm::unproject?
struct Dimensions {
int x, y, w, h;
Camera::view_matrix() const
// VIEW matrix is created by looking at some target member
auto const& target = target_->translation;
auto const position_xyz = world_position();
glm::vec3 const UP{0, 1, 0};
return glm::lookAt(position_xyz, target, UP);
Camera::projection_matrix() const
auto const fov = glm::radians(90.0f);
return glm::perspective(fov, 4.0f/3.0f, 0.1f, 200.0f);
calculate_worldpos(Camera const& camera, int const mouse_x, int const mouse_y)
float const width = 1024.0f, height = 768.0f;
glm::vec4 const viewport = glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
glm::mat4 const modelview = camera.view_matrix();
glm::mat4 const projection = camera.projection_matrix();
float z = 0.0;
glm::vec3 screenPos = glm::vec3(mouse_x, height - mouse_y - 1, z);
std::cerr << "screenpos: xyz: '" << glm::to_string(screenPos) << "'\n";
glm::vec3 worldPos = glm::unProject(screenPos, modelview, projection, viewport);
std::cerr << "worldpos: xyz: '" << glm::to_string(worldPos) << "'\n";
return worldPos;
In the image below, I have the follow setup.
camera lookAt target = (0, 0, 0)
camera world position = (-0.009, 5.107, -0.368)
(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_z) = (286, 393, 0)
If you look at the image below, you can see that my mouse is hovering over the world position (3, 0, 0) as shown by the grid. I would expect calculating the world position of my mouse (as shown in the picture) would return me the vector (3, 0, 0). It does not, instead I get the vector: (0.049, 5.007, -0.360).
Does anyone see where I might be going wrong? I'm assuming I'm making some kind of incorrect assumption somewhere.
Your assumption is wrong: glm::unproject returns the worldspace coordinates of the input given by a xy-position in pixel coordinates and a z-coordinate storing the depth value. On every pixel on the screen, there is an infinite number of points in worldspace that project to this pixel (All that lie on the ray going from the projecting center through this pixel). Which one you want is identified by choosing the depth coordinate which than results in one specific point on this ray. Choosing z = 0 means that the result will always be a point on the near-plane of the camera.
What you are actually looking for is the intersection of this ray (going through the camera position and the calculated point) and the xz-plane (where y=0).
The ray is given by the two points on it (camera position C, near plane point P) as follows:
-0.009 0.058
C + l * (P-C) = ( 5.107 ) + l * ( -0.100 )
-0.368 0.008
, where l is a free variable.
As already said, we are looking for the intersection point (a,b) with the y=0 plane, thus we can formulate the following equation:
-0.009 0.058 a
( 5.107 ) + l * ( -0.100 ) = ( 0 )
-0.368 0.008 b
Solving the y-equation (5.107 + l * -0.1 = 0) for l results in l = 51.07. Pasting back in the equations for x and z yields:
a = -0.009 + 51.07 * 0.058 = 2.95306
b = -0.368 + 51.07 * 0.008 = 0.04056
Which is close to the expected worldspace position. The difference is most probably given by the fact that you just showed rounded numbers in the question. For accuracy reasons, I would also not calculate a point on the near-plane but one on the far plane (z=1) since the near-plane distance is usually quite small and could lead to numerical issues.
Conclusion: All values supplied are correct, but you were just not calculating what you expected.

How do I calculate collision with rotation in 3D space?

In my program I need to calculate collision between a rotated box and a sphere as well as collision between 2 rotated boxes. I can't seem to find any information on it and trying to figure the math out in my own is boggling my mind.
I have collision working for 2 boxes and a sphere and a box, but now I need to factor in angles. This is my code so far:
class Box
float m_CenterX, m_CenterY, m_CenterZ, m_Width, m_Height, m_Depth;
float m_XRotation, m_YRotation, m_ZRotation;
class Sphere
float m_CenterX, m_CenterY, m_CenterZ, radius;
unsigned char m_Colour[3];
bool BoxBoxCollision(BoxA, BoxB)
//The sides of the Cubes
float leftA, leftB;
float rightA, rightB;
float topA, topB;
float bottomA, bottomB;
float nearA, nearB;
float farA, farB;
//center pivot is at the center of the object
leftA = A.GetCenterX() - A.GetWidth();
rightA = A.GetCenterX() + A.GetWidth();
topA = A.GetCenterY() - A.GetHeight();
bottomA = A.GetCenterY() + A.GetHeight();
farA = A.GetCenterZ() - A.GetDepth();
nearA = A.GetCenterZ() + A.GetDepth();
leftB = B.GetCenterX() - B.GetWidth();
rightB = B.GetCenterX() + B.GetWidth();
topB = B.GetCenterY() - B.GetHeight();
bottomB = B.GetCenterY() + B.GetHeight();
farB = B.GetCenterZ() - B.GetDepth();
nearB = B.GetCenterZ() + B.GetDepth();
//If any of the sides from A are outside of B
if( bottomA <= topB ) { return false; }
if( topA >= bottomB ) { return false; }
if( rightA <= leftB ) { return false; }
if( leftA >= rightB ) { return false; }
if( nearA <= farB ) { return false; }
if( farA >= nearB ) { return false; }
//If none of the sides from A are outside B
return true;
bool SphereBoxCollision( Sphere& sphere, Box& box)
float sphereXDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterX() - box.GetCenterX());
float sphereYDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterY() - box.GetCenterY());
float sphereZDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterZ() - box.GetCenterZ());
if (sphereXDistance >= (box.GetWidth() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereYDistance >= (box.GetHeight() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereZDistance >= (box.GetDepth() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereXDistance < (box.GetWidth())) { return true; }
if (sphereYDistance < (box.GetHeight())) { return true; }
if (sphereZDistance < (box.GetDepth())) { return true; }
float cornerDistance_sq = ((sphereXDistance - box.GetWidth()) * (sphereXDistance - box.GetWidth())) +
((sphereYDistance - box.GetHeight()) * (sphereYDistance - box.GetHeight()) +
((sphereYDistance - box.GetDepth()) * (sphereYDistance - box.GetDepth())));
return (cornerDistance_sq < (sphere.getRadius()*sphere.getRadius()));
How do I factor in rotation? Any suggestions would be great.
First of all, your objects are boxes, not rectangles. The term rectangle is strictly reserved for the 2D figure.
When you are dealing with rotations, you should generally view them as a special form of an affine transform. An affine transform can be a rotation, a translation, a scaling operation, a shearing operation, or any combination of these, and it can be represented by a simple 4x4 matrix that is multiplied to the vectors that give the vertices of your boxes. That is, you can describe any rotated, scaled, sheared box as the unit box (the box between the vectors <0,0,0> to <1,1,1>) to which an affine transform has been applied.
The matrix of most affine transforms (except those that scale by a factor of zero) can be inverted, so that you can both transform any point into the coordinate system of the box and then compare it against <0,0,0> and <1,1,1> to check whether its inside the box, and transform any point in the coordinates of the box back into your world coordinate system (for instance you can find the center of your box by transforming the vector <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>). Since any straight line remains a straight line when an affine transform is applied to it, all you ever need to transform is the vertices of your boxes.
Now, you can just take the vertices of one box (<0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, ...), transform them into your world coordinate system, then transform them back into the coordinate system of another box. After that, the question whether the two boxes overlap becomes the question whether the box described by the transformed eight vertices overlaps the unit box. Now you can easily decide whether there is a vertex above the base plane of the unit box (y > 0), below the top plane (y < 1), and so on. Unfortunately there is a lot of cases to cover for a box/box intersection, it is much easier to intersect spheres, rays, planes, etc. than such complex objects like boxes. However, having one box nailed to the unit box should help a lot.
For rotations in 3D, it pays to know how to use quaternions for that. Euler angles and similar systems all have the issue of gimbal lock, quaternions do not have this restriction.
Basically, every unit quaternion describes a rotation around a single, free axis. When you multiply two unit quaternions, you get a third one that gives you the rotation that results from applying the two quaternions one after the other. And, since it is trivial to compute the multiplicative inverse of a quaternion, you can also divide one quaternion by another to answer the question what one-axis rotation you would need to apply to get from one rotation state to another. That last part is simply impossible to do in terms of Euler angles. Quaternions are really one of the sweetest parts of mathematics.
I simply cannot cover all the details in this answer, the topic is quite a broad and interesting one. That is why I linked the four wikipedia articles. Read them if you need further details.
For Box-Box collision transform the coordinates in such a way that the first box is centered at the origin and is aligned with the axis. Then checking if the second box collides with it is easier even tho is not quite trivial. For most cases (physics engine at small dt*v where you can assume movement is continuous) it suffices to check if any of the vertices fall inside the first box.
For Box-Sphere is simpler. Like before, transform the coordinates in such a way that the box is centered at the origin and is aligned with the axis. Now you only need to check that the distance between the center of the box and each of the canonical planes (generated by the axes) is less than the radius of the sphere plus half of the span of the box in the normal direction.

Why do I have to divide by Z?

I needed to implement 'choosing an object' in a 3D environment. So instead of going with robust, accurate approach, such as raycasting, I decided to take the easy way out. First, I transform the objects world position onto screen coordinates:
glm::mat4 modelView, projection, accum;
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)&projection);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)&modelView);
accum = projection * modelView;
glm::mat4 transformed = accum * glm::vec4(objectLocation, 1);
Followed by some trivial code to transform the opengl coordinate system to normal window coordinates, and do a simple distance from the mouse check. BUT that doesn't quite work. In order to translate from world space to screen space, I need one more calculation added on to the end of the function shown above:
transformed.x /= transformed.z;
transformed.y /= transformed.z;
I don't understand why I have to do this. I was under the impression that, once one multiplied your vertex by the accumulated modelViewProjection matrix, you had your screen coordinates. But I have to divide by Z to get it to work properly. In my openGL 3.3 shaders, I never have to divide by Z. Why is this?
EDIT: The code to transform from from opengl coordinate system to screen coordinates is this:
int screenX = (int)((trans.x + 1.f)*640.f); //640 = 1280/2
int screenY = (int)((-trans.y + 1.f)*360.f); //360 = 720/2
And then I test if the mouse is near that point by doing:
float length = glm::distance(glm::vec2(screenX, screenY), glm::vec2(mouseX, mouseY));
if(length < 50) {//you can guess the rest
This method is called upon a mouse click event:
glm::mat4 modelView;
glm::mat4 projection;
glm::mat4 accum;
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)&projection);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)&modelView);
accum = projection * modelView;
float nearestDistance = 1000.f;
gameObject* nearest = NULL;
for(uint i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
gameObject* o = objects[i];
o->selected = false;
glm::vec4 trans = accum * glm::vec4(o->location,1);
trans.x /= trans.z;
trans.y /= trans.z;
int clipX = (int)((trans.x+1.f)*640.f);
int clipY = (int)((-trans.y+1.f)*360.f);
float length = glm::distance(glm::vec2(clipX,clipY), glm::vec2(mouseX, mouseY));
if(length<50) {
nearestDistance = trans.z;
nearest = o;
if(nearest) {
nearest->selected = true;
mouseRightPressed = true;
The code as a whole is incomplete, but the parts relevant to my question works fine. The 'objects' vector contains only one element for my tests, so the loop doesn't get in the way at all.
I've figured it out. As Mr David Lively pointed out,
Typically in this case you'd divide by .w instead of .z to get something useful, though.
My .w values were very close to my .z values, so in my code I change the statement:
transformed.x /= transformed.z;
transformed.y /= transformed.z;
transformed.x /= transformed.w;
transformed.y /= transformed.w;
And it still worked just as before. explains that division by w will be done later in the pipeline. Obviously, because my code simply multiplies the matrices together, there is no 'later pipeline'. I was just getting lucky in a sense, because my .z value was so close to my .w value, there was the illusion that it was working.
The divide-by-Z step effectively applies the perspective transformation. Without it, you'd have an iso view. Imagine two view-space vertices: A(-1,0,1) and B(-1,0,100).
Without the divide by Z step, the screen coordinates are equal (-1,0).
With the divide-by-Z, they are different: A(-1,0) and B(-0.01,0). So, things farther away from the view-space origin (camera) are smaller in screen space than things that are closer. IE, perspective.
That said: if your projection matrix (and matrix multiplication code) is correct, this should already be happening, as the projection matrix will contain 1/Z scaling components which do this. So, some questions:
Are you really using the output of a projection transform, or just the view transform?
Are you doing this in a pixel/fragment shader? Screen coordinates there are normalized (-1,-1) to (+1,+1), not pixel coordinates, with the origin at the middle of the viewport. Typically in this case you'd divide by .w instead of .z to get something useful, though.
If you're doing this on the CPU, how are you getting this information back to the host?
I guess it is because you are going from 3 dimensions to 2 dimensions, so you are normalizing the 3 dimension world to a 2 dimensional coordinates.
P = (X,Y,Z) in 3D will be q = (x,y) in 2D where x=X/Z and y = Y/Z
So a circle in 3D will not be circle in 2D.
You can check this video out:
I hope I understand your question correctly.

Precision issue - viewpoint far from origin - OpenGL C++

I have a camera class for controlling the camera, with the main function:
void PNDCAMERA::renderMatrix()
float dttime=getElapsedSeconds();
ScreenToClient(hWnd, &cmc.p_cursorPos);
double d_horangle=((double)cmc.p_cursorPos.x-(double)cmc.p_origin.x)/(double)screenWidth*PI;
double d_verangle=((double)cmc.p_cursorPos.y-(double)cmc.p_origin.y)/(double)screenHeight*PI;
if(cmc.verticalAngle>PI/2) cmc.verticalAngle=PI/2;
if(cmc.verticalAngle<-PI/2) cmc.verticalAngle=-PI/2;
rightVector=glm::vec3(sin(horizontalAngle - PI/2.0f),0,cos(horizontalAngle - PI/2.0f));
directionVector=glm::vec3(cos(verticalAngle) * sin(horizontalAngle), sin(verticalAngle), cos(verticalAngle) * cos(horizontalAngle));
projection_matrix=glm::perspective(60.0f, float(screenWidth) / float(screenHeight), 1.0f, 40000.0f);
view_matrix = glm::lookAt(
It runs smooth, I can control the angle with my mouse in X and Y directions, but not around the Z axis (the Y is the "up" in world space).
In my rendering method I render the terrain grid with one VAO call. The grid itself is a quad as the center (highes lod), and the others are L shaped grids scaled by powers of 2. It is always repositioned before the camera, scaled into world space, and displaced by a heightmap.
rcampos.x = round((camera_position.x)/(pow(2,6)*gridscale))*(pow(2,6)*gridscale);
rcampos.y = 0;
rcampos.z = round((camera_position.z)/(pow(2,6)*gridscale))*(pow(2,6)*gridscale);
vPos = vec3(uv.x,0,uv.y)*pow(2,LOD)*gridscale + rcampos;
vPos.y = texture(hmap,vPos.xz/horizontal_scale).r*vertical_scale;
The problem:
The camera starts at the origin, at (0,0,0). When I move it far away from that point, it causes the rotation along the X axis discontinuous. It feels like the mouse cursor was aligned with a grid in screen space, and only the position at grid points were recorded as the cursor movement.
I've also recorded the camera position when it gets pretty noticeable, it's about at 1,000,000 from the origin in X or Z directions. I've noticed that this 'lag' increases linearly with distance, (from the origin).
There is also a little Z-fighting at this point(or similar effect), even if I use a single plane with no displacement, and no planes can overlap. (I use tessellation shaders and render patches.) Black spots appear on the patches. May be caused by fog:
float fc = (view_matrix*vec4(Pos,1)).z/(view_matrix*vec4(Pos,1)).w;
float fResult = exp(-pow(0.00005f*fc, 2.0));
fResult = clamp(fResult, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0),vec4(n,1),fResult));
Another strange behavior is the little rotation by the Z axis, this increases with distance too, but I don't use this kind of rotation.
Variable formats:
The vertices are unsigned short format, the indexes are in unsigned int format.
The cmc struct is the camera/cursor struct with double variables.
PI and C_SPEED are #define constants.
Additional information:
The grid is created with the above mentioned ushort array, with the spacing of 1. In the shader I scale it with a constant, then use tessellation to achieve the best performance and the largest view distance.
The final position of a vertex is calculated in the tessellation evaluation shader.
mat4 MVP = projection_matrix*view_matrix*model_matrix;
As you could see I send my matrices to the shader with the glm library.
How could the length of a float (or any other format) cause this kind of 'precision loss', or whatever causes the problem. The view_matrix could be a cause of this, but I still cannot output it on the screen at runtime.
PS: I don't know If this helps, but the view matrix at about the 'lag start location' is
-0.49662 -0.49662 0.863129 0
0.00514956 0.994097 0.108373 0
-0.867953 0.0582648 -0.493217 0
1.62681e+006 16383.3 -290126 1
Comparing the camera position and view matrix:
view matrix = 0.967928 0.967928 0.248814 0
-0.00387854 0.988207 0.153079 0
-0.251198 -0.149134 0.956378 0
-2.88212e+006 89517.1 -694945 1
position = 2.9657e+006, 6741.52, -46002
It's a long post so I might not answer everything.
I think it is most likely precision issue. Lets start with the camera rotation problem. I think the main problem is here
view_matrix = glm::lookAt(
As you said, position is quite a big number like 2.9657e+006 - and look what glm does in glm::lookAt:
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<T> lookAt
detail::tvec3<T> const & eye,
detail::tvec3<T> const & center,
detail::tvec3<T> const & up
detail::tvec3<T> f = normalize(center - eye);
detail::tvec3<T> u = normalize(up);
detail::tvec3<T> s = normalize(cross(f, u));
u = cross(s, f);
In your case, eye and center are these big (very similar) numbers and then glm subtracts them to compute f. This is bad, because if you subtract two almost equal floats, the most significant digits are set to zero, which leaves you with the insignificant (most erroneous) digits. And you use this for further computations, which only emphasizes the error. Check this link for some details.
The z-fighting is similar issue. Z-buffer is not linear, it has the best resolution near the camera because of the perspective divide. The z-buffer range is set according to your near and far clipping plane values. You always want to have the smallest possible ration between far and near values (generally far/near should not be greater than 30000). There is a very good explanation of this on the openGL wiki, I suggest you read it :)
Back to the camera issue - first, I would consider if you really need such a huge scene. I don't think so, but if yes, you could try computing your view matrix differently, compute rotation and translation separately, which could help your case. The way I usually handle camera:
glm::vec3 cameraPos;
glm::vec3 cameraRot;
glm::vec3 cameraPosLag;
glm::vec3 cameraRotLag;
int ox, oy;
const float inertia = 0.08f; //mouse inertia
const float rotateSpeed = 0.2f; //mouse rotate speed (sensitivity)
const float walkSpeed = 0.25f; //walking speed (wasd)
void updateCameraViewMatrix() {
//camera inertia
cameraPosLag += (cameraPos - cameraPosLag) * inertia;
cameraRotLag += (cameraRot - cameraRotLag) * inertia;
// view transform
g_CameraViewMatrix = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), cameraRotLag[0], glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
g_CameraViewMatrix = glm::rotate(g_CameraViewMatrix, cameraRotLag[1], glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
g_CameraViewMatrix = glm::translate(g_CameraViewMatrix, cameraPosLag);
void mousePositionChanged(int x, int y) {
float dx, dy;
dx = (float) (x - ox);
dy = (float) (y - oy);
ox = x;
oy = y;
if (mouseRotationEnabled) {
cameraRot[0] += dy * rotateSpeed;
cameraRot[1] += dx * rotateSpeed;
void keyboardAction(int key, int action) {
switch (key) {
case 'S':// backwards
cameraPos[0] -= g_CameraViewMatrix[0][2] * walkSpeed;
cameraPos[1] -= g_CameraViewMatrix[1][2] * walkSpeed;
cameraPos[2] -= g_CameraViewMatrix[2][2] * walkSpeed;
This way, the position would not affect your rotation. I should add that I adapted this code from NVIDIA CUDA samples v5.0 (Smoke Particles), I really like it :)
Hope at least some of this helps.