How and why an allocation memory can fail? - c++

This was an question I asked myself when I was a student, but failing to get a satisfying answer, I got it little by little out my mind... till today.
I known I can deal with an allocation memory error either by checking if the returned pointer is NULL or by handling the bad_alloc exception.
Ok, but I wonder: How and why the call of new can fail? Up to my knowledge, an allocation memory can fail if there is not enough space in the free store. But does this situation really occur nowadays, with several GB of RAM (at least on a regular computer; I am not talking about embedded systems)? Can we have other situations where an allocation memory failure may occur?

Although you've gotten a number of answers about why/how memory could fail, most of them are sort of ignoring reality.
In reality, on real systems, most of these arguments don't describe how things really work. Although they're right from the viewpoint that these are reasons an attempted memory allocation could fail, they're mostly wrong from the viewpoint of describing how things are typically going to work in reality.
Just for example, in Linux, if you try to allocate more memory than the system has available, your allocation will not fail (i.e., you won't get a null pointer or a strd::bad_alloc exception). Instead, the system will "over commit", so you get what appears to be a valid pointer -- but when/if you attempt to use all that memory, you'll get an exception, and/or the OOM Killer will run, trying to free memory by killing processes that use a lot of memory. Unfortunately, this may about as easily kill the program making the request as other programs (in fact, many of the examples given that attempt to cause allocation failure by just repeatedly allocating big chunks of memory should probably be among the first to be killed).
Windows works a little closer to how the C and C++ standards envision things (but only a little). Windows is typically configured to expand the swap file if necessary to meet a memory allocation request. This means that what as you allocate more memory, the system will go semi-crazy with swapping memory around, creating bigger and bigger swap files to meet your request.
That will eventually fail, but on a system with lots of drive space, it might run for hours (most of it madly shuffling data around on the disk) before that happens. At least on a typical client machine where the user is actually...well, using the computer, he'll notice that everything has dragged to a grinding halt, and do something to stop it well before the allocation fails.
So, to get a memory allocation that truly fails, you're typically looking for something other than a typical desktop machine. A few examples include a server that runs unattended for weeks at a time, and is so lightly loaded that nobody notices that it's thrashing the disk for, say, 12 hours straight, or a machine running MS-DOS or some RTOS that doesn't supply virtual memory.
Bottom line: you're basically right, and they're basically wrong. While it's certainly true that if you allocate more memory than the machine supports, that something's got to give, it's generally not true that the failure will necessarily happen in the way prescribed by the C++ standard -- and, in fact, for typical desktop machines that's more the exception (pardon the pun) than the rule.

Apart from the obvious "out of memory", memory fragmentation can also cause this. Imagine a program that does the following:
until main memory is almost full:
allocate 1020 bytes
allocate 4 bytes
free all the 1020 byte blocks
If the memory manager puts all these sequentially in memory in the order they are allocated, we now have plenty of free memory, but any allocation larger than 1020 bytes will not be able to find a contiguous space to put them, and fail.

Usually on modern machines it will fail due to scarcity of virtual address space; if you have a 32 bit process that tries to allocate more than 2/3 GB of memory1, even if there would be physical RAM (or paging file) to satisfy the allocation, simply there won't be space in the virtual address space to map such newly allocated memory.
Another (similar) situation happens when the virtual address space is heavily fragmented, and thus the allocation fails because there's not enough contiguous addresses for it.
Also, running out of memory can happen, and in fact I got in such a situation last week; but several operating systems (notably Linux) in this case don't return NULL: Linux will happily give you a pointer to an area of memory that isn't already committed, and actually allocate it when the program tries to write in it; if at that moment there's not enough memory, the kernel will try to kill some memory-hogging processes to free memory (an exception to this behavior seems to be when you try to allocate more than the whole capacity of the RAM and of the swap partition - in such a case you get a NULL upfront).
Another cause of getting NULL from a malloc may be due to limits enforced by the OS over the process; for example, trying to run this code
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
void mallocbsearch(std::size_t lower, std::size_t upper)
std::cout<<"["<<lower<<", "<<upper<<"]\n";
std::cout<<"Found! "<<lower<<"\n";
std::size_t mid=lower+(upper-lower)/2;
void *ptr=std::malloc(mid);
mallocbsearch(mid, upper);
mallocbsearch(lower, mid);
int main()
mallocbsearch(0, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
return 0;
on Ideone you find that the maximum allocation size is about 530 MB, which is probably a limit enforced by setrlimit (similar mechanisms exist on Windows).
it varies between OSes and can often be configured; the total virtual address space of a 32 bit process is 4 GB, but on all the current mainstream OSes a big chunk of it (the upper 2 GB by for 32 bit Windows with default settings) is reserved for kernel data.

The amount of memory available to the given process is finite. If the process exhausts its memory, and tries to allocate more, the allocation would fail.
There are other reasons why an allocation could fail. For example, the heap could get fragmented and not have a single free block large enough to satisfy the allocation request.


Why don't memory allocators actively return freed memory to the OS?

Yes, this might be the third time you see this code, because I asked two other questions about it (this and this)..
The code is fairly simple:
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> v;
Then I build and run it with Valgrind on Linux:
g++ && valgrind ./a.out
==8511== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==8511== HEAP SUMMARY:
==8511== in use at exit: 72,704 bytes in 1 blocks
==8511== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 0 frees, 72,704 bytes allocated
==8511== LEAK SUMMARY:
==8511== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8511== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8511== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8511== still reachable: 72,704 bytes in 1 blocks
==8511== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8511== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Here, Valgrind reports there is no memory leak, even though there is 1 alloc and 0 free.
The answer here points out the allocator used by C++ standard library don't necessarily return the memory back to the OS - it might keep them in an internal cache.
Question is:
1) Why keep them in an internal cache? If it is for speed, how is it faster? Yes, the OS needs to maintain a data structure to keep track of memory allocation, but this the maintainer of this cache also needs to do so.
2) How is this implemented? Because my program a.out terminates already, there is no other process that is maintaining this memory cache - or, is there one?
Edit: for question (2) - Some answers I've seen suggest "C++ runtime", what does it mean? If "C++ runtime" is the C++ library, but the library is just a bunch of machine code sitting on the disk, it is not a running process - the machine code is either linked to my a.out (static library, .a) or is invoked during runtime (shared objects, .so) in the process of a.out.
First, some clarification. You asked: ... my program a.out terminates already, there is no other process that is maintaining this memory cache - or, is there one?
Everything we are talking about is within the lifetime of a single process: the process always returns all allocated memory when it exits. There is no cache that outlives the process1. The memory is returned even without any help from the runtime allocator: the OS simply "takes it back" when the process is terminated. So there is no system-wide leak possible from terminated applications with normal allocations.
Now what Valgrind is reporting is memory that is in use at the moment the process terminated, but before the OS cleans everything up. It works at the runtime library level, and not at the OS level. So it's saying "Hey, when the program finished, there were 72,000 bytes that hadn't been returned to the runtime" but an unstated implication is that "these allocations will be cleaned up shortly by the OS".
The Underlying Questions
The code and Valgrind output shown doesn't really correlate well with the titular question, so let's break them apart. First we'll just try to answer the questions you asked about allocators: why they exist and why they don't generally don't immediately return freed memory to the OS, ignoring the example.
You asked:
1) Why keep them in an internal cache? If it is for speed, how is it
faster? Yes, the OS needs to maintain a data structure to keep track
of memory allocation, but this the maintainer of this cache also needs
to do so.
This is sort of two questions in one: one is why bother having a userland runtime allocator at all, and then the other one is (perhaps?) why don't these allocators immediately return memory to the OS when it is freed. They are related, but let's tackle them one at a time.
Why Runtime Allocators Exist
Why not just rely on the OS memory allocation routines?
Many operating systems, including most Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, simply don't have an OS system call to allocate and free arbitrary blocks of memory. Unix-alikes offer brk which only grows or shrinks one contiguous block of memory - you have no way to "free" arbitrary earlier allocations. They also offer mmap which allows you to independently allocate and free chunks of memory, but these allocate on a PAGE_SIZE granularity, which on Linux is 4096 bytes. So if you want request 32 bytes, you'll have to waste 4096 - 32 == 4064 bytes if you don't have your own allocator. On these operating systems you practically need a separate memory allocation runtime which turns these coarse-grained tools into something capable of efficiently allocating small blocks.
Windows is a bit different. It has the HeapAlloc call, which is part of the "OS" and does offer malloc-like capabilities of allocating and freeing arbitrarily sized chunks of memory. With some compilers then, malloc is just implemented as a thin wrapper around HeapAlloc (the performance of this call has improved greatly in recent Windows versions, making this feasible). Still, while HeapAlloc is part of the OS it isn't implemented in the kernel - it is also mostly implemented in a user-mode library, managing a list of free and used blocks, with occasional kernel calls to get chunks of memory from the kernel. So it is mostly malloc in another disguise and any memory it is holding on to is also not available to any other processes.
Performance! Even if there were appropriate kernel-level calls to allocate arbitrary blocks of memory, the simple overhead roundtrip to the kernel is usually hundreds of nanoseconds or more. A well-tuned malloc allocation or free, on other hand, is often only a dozen instructions and may complete in 10 ns or less. On top of that, system calls can't "trust their input" and so must carefully validate parameters passed from user-space. In the case of free this means that it much check that the user passed a pointer which is valid! Most runtime free implements simply crash or silently corrupt memory since there is no responsibility to protect a process from itself.
Closer link to the rest of the language runtime. The functions you use to allocate memory in C++, namely new, malloc and friends, are part of an defined by the language. It is then entirely natural to implement them as part of the runtime that implements the rest of the language, rather than the OS which is for the most part language-agnostic. For example, the language may have specific alignment requirements for various objects, which can best be handled by language aware allocators. Changes to the language or compiler might also imply necessary changes to the allocation routines, and it would be a tough call to hope for the kernel to be updated to accommodate your language features!
Why Not Return Memory to the OS
Your example doesn't show it, but you asked and if you wrote a different test you would probably find that after allocating and then freeing a bunch of memory, your processes resident set size and/or virtual size as reported by the OS might not decrease after the free. That is, it seems like the process holds on to the memory even though you have freed it. This is in fact true of many malloc implementations. First, note that this is not a leak per se - the unreturned memory is still available to the process that allocated it, even if not to other processes.
Why do they do that? Here are some reasons:
The kernel API makes it hard. For the old-school brk and sbrk system calls, it simply isn't feasible to return freed memory unless it happens to be at the end of very last block allocated from brk or sbrk. That's because the abstraction offered by these calls is a single large contiguous region that you can only extend from one end. You can't hand back memory from the middle of it. Rather than trying to support the unusual case where all the freed memory happens to be at the end of brk region, most allocators don't even bother.
The mmap call is more flexible (and this discussion generally applies also to Windows where VirtualAlloc is the mmap equivalent), allowing you to at least return memory at a page granularity - but even that is hard! You can't return a page until all allocations that are part of that page are freed. Depending on the size and allocation/free pattern of the application that may be common or uncommon. A case where it works well is for large allocations - greater than a page. Here you're guaranteed to be able to free most of the allocation if it was done via mmap and indeed some modern allocators satisfy large allocations directly from mmap and free them back to the OS with munmap. For glibc (and by extension the C++ allocation operators), you can even control this threshold:
For allocations greater than or equal to the limit specified
(in bytes) by M_MMAP_THRESHOLD that can't be satisfied from
the free list, the memory-allocation functions employ mmap(2)
instead of increasing the program break using sbrk(2).
Allocating memory using mmap(2) has the significant advantage
that the allocated memory blocks can always be independently
released back to the system. (By contrast, the heap can be
trimmed only if memory is freed at the top end.) On the other
hand, there are some disadvantages to the use of mmap(2):
deallocated space is not placed on the free list for reuse by
later allocations; memory may be wasted because mmap(2)
allocations must be page-aligned; and the kernel must perform
the expensive task of zeroing out memory allocated via
mmap(2). Balancing these factors leads to a default setting
of 128*1024 for the M_MMAP_THRESHOLD parameter.
So by default allocations of 128K or more will be allocated by the runtime directly from the OS and freed back to the OS on free. So sometimes you will see the behavior you might have expected is always the case.
Performance! Every kernel call is expensive, as described in the other list above. Memory that is freed by a process will be needed shortly later to satisfy another allocation. Rather than trying to return it to the OS, a relatively heavyweight operation, why not just keep it around on a free list to satisfy future allocations? As pointed out in the man page entry, this also avoids the overhead of zeroing out all the memory returned by the kernel. It also gives the best chance of good cache behavior since the process is continually re-using the same region of the address space. Finally, it avoids TLB flushes which would be imposed by munmap (and possibly by shrinking via brk).
The "problem" of not returning memory is the worst for long-lived processes that allocate a bunch of memory at some point, free it and then never allocate that much again. I.e., processes whose allocation high-water mark is larger than their long term typical allocation amount. Most processes just don't follow that pattern, however. Processes often free a lot of memory, but allocate at a rate such that their overall memory use is constant or perhaps increasing. Applications that do have the "big then small" live size pattern could perhaps force the issue with malloc_trim.
Virtual memory helps mitigate the issue. So far I've been throwing around terms like "allocated memory" without really defining what it means. If a program allocates and then frees 2 GB of memory and then sits around doing nothing, is it wasting 2 GB of actual DRAM plugged into your motherboard somewhere? Probably not. It is using 2 GB of virtual address space in your process, sure, but virtual address space is per-process, so that doesn't directly take anything away from other processes. If the process actually wrote to the memory at some point, it would be allocated physical memory (yes, DRAM) - after freeing it, you are - by definition - no longer using it. At this point the OS may reclaim those physical pages by use for someone else.
Now this still requires you have swap to absorb the dirty not-used pages, but some allocators are smart: they can issue a madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED) call which tells the OS "this range doesn't have anything useful, you don't have to preserve its contents in swap". It still leaves the virtual address space mapped in the process and usable later (zero filled) and so it's more efficient than munmap and a subsequent mmap, but it avoid pointlessly swapping freed memory regions to swap.2
The Demonstrated Code
As pointed out in this answer your test with vector<int> isn't really testing anything because an empty, unused std::vector<int> v won't even create the vector object as long as you are using some minimal level of optimization. Even without optimization, no allocation is likely to occur because most vector implementations allocate on first insertion, and not in the constructor. Finally, even if you are using some unusual compiler or library that does an allocation, it will be for a handful of bytes, not the ~72,000 bytes Valgrind is reporting.
You should do something like this to actually see the impact of a vector allocation:
#include <vector>
volatile vector<int> *sink;
int main() {
std::vector<int> v(12345678);
sink = &v;
That results in actual allocation and de-allocation. It isn't going to change the Valgrind output, however, since the vector allocation is correctly freed before the program exits, so there is no issue as far as Valgrind is concerned.
At a high level, Valgrind basically categorizes things into "definite leaks" and "not freed at exit". The former occur when the program no longer has a reference to a pointer to memory that it allocated. It cannot free such memory and so has leaked it. Memory which hasn't been freed at exit may be a "leak" - i.e., objects that should have been freed, but it may also simply be memory that the developer knew would live the length of the program and so doesn't need to be explicitly freed (because of order-of-destruction issues for globals, especially when shared libraries are involved, it may be very hard to reliably free memory associated with global or static objects even if you wanted to).
1 In some cases some deliberately special allocations may outlive the process, such as shared memory and memory mapped files, but that doesn't relate to plain C++ allocations and you can ignore it for the purposes of this discussion.
2 Recent Linux kernels also have the Linux-specific MADV_FREE which seems to have similar semantics to MADV_DONTNEED.

How can I make sure the std::vector allocated memory give back to operating system after deallocating?

The code below is calling foo and use while(1) to watch the memory usage. As I know, after 'finished' printed, var d is deallocated and the STL container will free the data space(heap) by himself.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
void foo() {
std::vector<std::string> d(100000000);
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) d[i] = "1,1,3";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout << "finished" << std::endl;
while(1) {;}
return 0;
But what I observed(using htop): memory is not freed back to the operating system. This is just a bench and the real code related to MESOS which has memory limitation for each process.
I have tried several versions of compiler such as g++-4.7.2 g++-4.8.1, clang++ on linux server with glibc 2.15. More, I also use tcmalloc instead of default malloc, but it still do not work(in MAC machine the problem will not happen).
What's the problem? How can I make sure the memory give back to os?
Thank you.
How can I make sure the memory give back to os?
You can terminate your process.
What's the problem?
There probably isn't one. It's normal for programs not to return memory (though Linux does return memory early for some particularly large allocations). They normally use sbrk or equivalent to grow the virtual address space available to them, but it's not normally worth the effort of trying to return deallocated memory. This may be counter-intuitive, but it's also proven workable for millions of programs over many decades, so you shouldn't bother yourself with it unless you have a specific tangible problem. It shouldn't cause problems for you as the deallocated memory will be reused when the application performs further allocations, so the "MESOS memory limitation for each process" you mention still affects the "high watermark" of maximum instantaneous memory usage the same way.
Note that OSes with virtual memory support may swap long unused deallocated pages to disk so the backing RAM can be reused by the kernel or other apps.
It's also possible to take manual control of this using e.g. memory mapped files, but writing such allocators and using the from Standard containers is a non-trivial undertaking... lots of other SO questions on how to approach that problem.
Allocating memory from the OS has two downsides:
High overhead. A system call involves a switch into protected mode which takes much longer than a simple function call, and then the memory management for the OS itself is probably quite complex.
High granularity. The OS probably has a minimum size allocation like 4K. That's a lot of overhead for a 6 byte string.
For these reasons the C++ memory allocator will only ask the OS for large blocks, then parcel out pieces of it when asked via new or malloc.
When those pieces of memory are released, they're put back into a pool to be handed out again on the next request. Now it's quite possible that all of the pieces of a larger block end up being freed, but how often does that happen in real life? Chances are that there will be at least one allocation per block that sticks around for a long time, preventing the block from being returned to the OS. And if it is returned, what do you think are the chances that the program will turn around and request it back again a short time later? As a practical matter it usually doesn't pay to return blocks to the OS. Your test program is a highly artificial case that isn't worth optimizing for.
In most modern systems the operating system manages memory in pages. Application memory is managed in pools (heaps) by library functions. When your application allocates memory, the library functions attempt to find an available block of the size you requested. If the memory is not in the pool, the library calls the system to add more pages to the process to incorporate into the pool(heap). When you free memory it goes back into the pool. The allocated pages in the pool do not return to the operating system.

Allocating more memory than there exists using malloc

This code snippet will allocate 2Gb every time it reads the letter 'u' from stdin, and will initialize all the allocated chars once it reads 'a'.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#define bytes 2147483648
using namespace std;
int main()
char input [1];
vector<char *> activate;
while(input[0] != 'q')
gets (input);
if(input[0] == 'u')
char *m = (char*)malloc(bytes);
if(m == NULL) cout << "cant allocate mem" << endl;
else cout << "ok" << endl;
else if(input[0] == 'a')
for(int x = 0; x < activate.size(); x++)
char *m;
m = activate[x];
for(unsigned x = 0; x < bytes; x++)
m[x] = 'a';
return 0;
I am running this code on a linux virtual machine that has 3Gb of ram. While monitoring the system resource usage using the htop tool, I have realized that the malloc operation is not reflected on the resources.
For example when I input 'u' only once(i.e. allocate 2GB of heap memory), I don't see the memory usage increasing by 2GB in htop. It is only when I input 'a'(i.e. initialize), I see the memory usage increasing.
As a consequence, I am able to "malloc" more heap memory than there exists. For example, I can malloc 6GB(which is more than my ram and swap memory) and malloc would allow it(i.e. NULL is not returned by malloc). But when I try to initialize the allocated memory, I can see the memory and swap memory filling up till the process is killed.
-My questions:
1.Is this a kernel bug?
2.Can someone explain to me why this behavior is allowed?
It is called memory overcommit. You can disable it by running as root:
echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
and it is not a kernel feature that I like (so I always disable it). See malloc(3) and mmap(2) and proc(5)
NB: echo 0 instead of echo 2 often -but not always- works also. Read the docs (in particular proc man page that I just linked to).
from man malloc (online here):
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy.
This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee
that the memory really is available.
So when you just want to allocate too much, it "lies" to you, when you want to use the allocated memory, it will try to find enough memory for you and it might crash if it can't find enough memory.
No, this is not a kernel bug. You have discovered something known as late paging (or overcommit).
Until you write a byte to the address allocated with malloc (...) the kernel does little more than "reserve" the address range. This really depends on the implementation of your memory allocator and operating system of course, but most good ones do not incur the majority of kernel overhead until the memory is first used.
The hoard allocator is one big offender that comes to mind immediately, through extensive testing I have found it almost never takes advantage of a kernel that supports late paging. You can always mitigate the effects of late paging in any allocator if you zero-fill the entire memory range immediately after allocation.
Real-time operating systems like VxWorks will never allow this behavior because late paging introduces serious latency. Technically, all it does is put the latency off until a later indeterminate time.
For a more detailed discussion, you may be interested to see how IBM's AIX operating system handles page allocation and overcommitment.
This is a result of what Basile mentioned, over commit memory. However, the explanation kind of interesting.
Basically when you attempt to map additional memory in Linux (POSIX?), the kernel will just reserve it, and will only actually end up using it if your application accesses one of the reserved pages. This allows multiple applications to reserve more than the actual total amount of ram / swap.
This is desirable behavior on most Linux environments unless you've got a real-time OS or something where you know exactly who will need what resources, when and why.
Otherwise somebody could come along, malloc up all the ram (without actually doing anything with it) and OOM your apps.
Another example of this lazy allocation is mmap(), where you have a virtual map that the file you're mapping can fit inside - but you only have a small amount of real memory dedicated to the effort. This allows you to mmap() huge files (larger than your available RAM), and use them like normal file handles which is nifty)
Initializing / working with the memory should work:
memset(m, 0, bytes);
Also you could use calloc that not only allocates memory but also fills it with zeros for you:
char* m = (char*) calloc(1, bytes);
1.Is this a kernel bug?
2.Can someone explain to me why this behavior is allowed?
There are a few reasons:
Mitigate need to know eventual memory requirement - it's often convenient to have an application be able to an amount of memory that it considers an upper limit on the need it might actually have. For example, if it's preparing some kind of report either of an initial pass just to calculate the eventual size of the report or a realloc() of successively larger areas (with the risk of having to copy) may significantly complicate the code and hurt performance, where-as multiplying some maximum length of each entry by the number of entries could be very quick and easy. If you know virtual memory is relatively plentiful as far as your application's needs are concerned, then making a larger allocation of virtual address space is very cheap.
Sparse data - if you have the virtual address space spare, being able to have a sparse array and use direct indexing, or allocate a hash table with generous capacity() to size() ratio, can lead to a very high performance system. Both work best (in the sense of having low overheads/waste and efficient use of memory caches) when the data element size is a multiple of the memory paging size, or failing that much larger or a small integral fraction thereof.
Resource sharing - consider an ISP offering a "1 giga-bit per second" connection to 1000 consumers in a building - they know that if all the consumers use it simultaneously they'll get about 1 mega-bit, but rely on their real-world experience that, though people ask for 1 giga-bit and want a good fraction of it at specific times, there's inevitably some lower maximum and much lower average for concurrent usage. The same insight applied to memory allows operating systems to support more applications than they otherwise would, with reasonable average success at satisfying expectations. Much as the shared Internet connection degrades in speed as more users make simultaneous demands, paging from swap memory on disk may kick in and reduce performance. But unlike an internet connection, there's a limit to the swap memory, and if all the apps really do try to use the memory concurrently such that that limit's exceeded, some will start getting signals/interrupts/traps reporting memory exhaustion. Summarily, with this memory overcommit behaviour enabled, simply checking malloc()/new returned a non-NULL pointer is not sufficient to guarantee the physical memory is actually available, and the program may still receive a signal later as it attempts to use the memory.

Why is memory not reusable after allocating/deallocating a number of small objects?

While investigating a memory link in one of our projects, I've run into a strange issue. Somehow, the memory allocated for objects (vector of shared_ptr to object, see below) is not fully reclaimed when the parent container goes out of scope and can't be used except for small objects.
The minimal example: when the program starts, I can allocate a single continuous block of 1.5Gb without problem. After I use the memory somewhat (by creating and destructing an number of small objects), I can no longer do big block allocation.
Test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class BigClass
double a[10000];
void TestMemory() {
cout<< "Performing TestMemory"<<endl;
vector<shared_ptr<BigClass>> list;
for (int i = 0; i<10000; i++) {
shared_ptr<BigClass> p(new BigClass());
void TestBigBlock() {
cout<< "Performing TestBigBlock"<<endl;
char* bigBlock = new char [1024*1024*1536];
delete[] bigBlock;
int main() {
Problem also repeats if using plain pointers with new/delete or malloc/free in cycle, instead of shared_ptr.
The culprit seems to be that after TestMemory(), the application's virtual memory stays at 827125760 (regardless of number of times I call it). As a consequence, there's no free VM regrion big enough to hold 1.5 GB. But I'm not sure why - since I'm definitely freeing the memory I used. Is it some "performance optimization" CRT does to minimize OS calls?
Environment is Windows 7 x64 + VS2012 + 32-bit app without LAA
Sorry for posting yet another answer since I am unable to comment; I believe many of the others are quite close to the answer really :-)
Anyway, the culprit is most likely address space fragmentation. I gather you are using Visual C++ on Windows.
The C / C++ runtime memory allocator (invoked by malloc or new) uses the Windows heap to allocate memory. The Windows heap manager has an optimization in which it will hold on to blocks under a certain size limit, in order to be able to reuse them if the application requests a block of similar size later. For larger blocks (I can't remember the exact value, but I guess it's around a megabyte) it will use VirtualAlloc outright.
Other long-running 32-bit applications with a pattern of many small allocations have this problem too; the one that made me aware of the issue is MATLAB - I was using the 'cell array' feature to basically allocate millions of 300-400 byte blocks, causing exactly this issue of address space fragmentation even after freeing them.
A workaround is to use the Windows heap functions (HeapCreate() etc.) to create a private heap, allocate your memory through that (passing a custom C++ allocator to your container classes as needed), and then destroy that heap when you want the memory back - This also has the happy side-effect of being very fast vs delete()ing a zillion blocks in a loop..
Re. "what is remaining in memory" to cause the issue in the first place: Nothing is remaining 'in memory' per se, it's more a case of the freed blocks being marked as free but not coalesced. The heap manager has a table/map of the address space, and it won't allow you to allocate anything which would force it to consolidate the free space into one contiguous block (presumably a performance heuristic).
There is absolutely no memory leak in your C++ program. The real culprit is memory fragmentation.
Just to be sure(regarding memory leak point), I ran this program on Valgrind, and it did not give any memory leak information in the report.
//Valgrind Report
mantosh#mantosh4u:~/practice$ valgrind ./basic
==3227== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3227== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3227== total heap usage: 20,017 allocs, 20,017 frees, 4,021,989,744 bytes allocated
==3227== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
Please find my response to your query/doubt asked in original question.
The culprit seems to be that after TestMemory(), the application's
virtual memory stays at 827125760 (regardless of number of times I
call it).
Yes, real culprit is hidden fragmentation done during the TestMemory() function.Just to understand the fragmentation, I have taken the snippet from wikipedia
when free memory is separated into small blocks and is interspersed by allocated memory. It is a weakness of certain storage allocation algorithms, when they fail to order memory used by programs efficiently. The result is that, although free storage is available, it is effectively unusable because it is divided into pieces that are too small individually to satisfy the demands of the application.
For example, consider a situation wherein a program allocates 3 continuous blocks of memory and then frees the middle block. The memory allocator can use this free block of memory for future allocations. However, it cannot use this block if the memory to be allocated is larger in size than this free block."
The above explains paragraph explains very nicely about memory fragmentation.Some allocation patterns(such as frequent allocation and deal location) would lead to memory fragmentation,but its end impact(.i.e. memory allocation 1.5GBgets failed) would greatly vary on different system as different OS/heap manager has different strategy and implementation.
As an example, your program ran perfectly fine on my machine(Linux) however you have encountered the memory allocation failure.
Regarding your observation on VM size remains constant: VM size seen in task manager is not directly proportional to our memory allocation calls. It mainly depends on the how much bytes is in committed state. When you allocate some dynamic memory(using new/malloc) and you do not write/initialize anything in those memory regions, it would not go committed state and hence VM size would not get impacted due to this. VM size depends on many other factors and bit complicated so we should not rely completely on this while understanding about dynamic memory allocation of our program.
As a consequence, there's no free VM regrion big enough to hold 1.5
Yes, due to fragmentation, there is no contiguous 1.5GB memory. It should be noted that total remaining(free) memory would be more than 1.5GB but not in fragmented state. Hence there is not big contiguous memory.
But I'm not sure why - since I'm definitely freeing the memory I used.
Is it some "performance optimization" CRT does to minimize OS calls?
I have explained about why it may happen even though you have freed all your memory. Now in order to fulfil user program request, OS will call to its virtual memory manager and try to allocate the memory which would be used by heap memory manager. But grabbing the additional memory does depend on many other complex factor which is not very easy to understand.
Possible Resolution of Memory Fragmentation
We should try to reuse the memory allocation rather than frequent memory allocation/free. There could be some patterns(like a particular request size allocation in particular order) which may lead overall memory into fragmented state. There could be substantial design change in your program in order to improve memory fragmentation. This is complex topic and require internal understanding of memory manager to understand the complete root cause of such things.
However there are tools exists on Windows based system which I am not much aware. But I found one excellent SO post regarding the which tool(on windows) can be useful to understand and check the fragmentation status of your program by yourself.
This is not memory leak. The memory U used was allocated by C\C++ Runtime. The Runtime apply a a bulk of memory from OS once and then each new you called will allocated from that bulk memory. when delete one object, the Runtime not return memory to OS immediately, it may hold that memory for performance.
There is nothing here which indicates a genuine "leak". The pattern of memory you describe is not unexpected. Here are a few points which might help to understand. What happens is highly OS dependent.
A program often has a single heap which can be extended or shrunk in length. It is however one contiguous memory area, so changing the size is just changing where the end of the heap is. This makes it very difficult to ever "return" memory to the OS, since even one little tiny object in that space will prevent its shrinking. On Linux you can lookup the function 'brk' (I know you're on Windows, but I presume it does something similar).
Large allocations are often done with a different strategy. Rather than putting them in the general purpose heap, an extra block of memory is created. When it is deleted this memory can actually be "returned" to the OS since its guaranteed nothing is using it.
Large blocks of unused memory don't tend to consume a lot of resources. If you generally aren't using the memory any more they might just get paged to disk. Don't presume that because some API function says you're using memory that you are actually consuming significant resources.
APIs don't always report what you think. Due to a variety of optimizations and strategies it may not actually be possible to determine how much memory is in use and/or available on a system at a particular moment. Unless you have intimate details of the OS you won't know for sure what those values mean.
The first two points can explain why a bunch of small blocks and one large block result in different memory patterns. The latter points indicate why this approach to detecting leaks is not useful. To detect genuine object-based "leaks" you generally need a dedicated profiling tool which tracks allocations.
For example, in the code provided:
TestBigBlock allocates and deletes array, assume this uses a special memory block, so memory is returned to OS
TestMemory extends the heap for all the small objects, and never returns any heap to the OS. Here the heap is entirely available from the applications point-of-view, but from the OS's point of view it is assigned to the application.
TestBigBlock now fails, since although it would use a special memory block, it shares the overall memory space with heap, and there just isn't enough left after 2 is complete.

Will new automatically use swap if memory is limited?

If I try to allocate memory:
int ramSize = magicLibrary.getRamSize();
assert(ramSize*2 <= pow(2,64-8));//Don't overflow the 64 bit limit (32 on some systems).
int * mainData new int[ramSize*2/sizeof(int)]; //2 times too big.
Will I get disk swap to fill in the space? If not, how can I use swap?
As long as neither RAM nor Swap-space is completely exhausted, and address space limitations (that is, 2-3GB in 32-bit, more than your ram in a 64-bit system), the system will allow you to allocate memory. If RAM is exhausted, the system will use swap-space.
Sometimes, the OS will also allow "overcommit", which is basically the same as airlines do when they "expect some passengers to not show up", so they sell a few extra tickets for that flight, and worry about "all seats full" when they get to that point. In terms of computers, that means that the OS may well allow you to allocate more memory than there really is available, and the error of "there isn't enough" is solved later by some means (typically by freeing up some memory that is "spare" or "killing some random application"). The reason the OS allows this is that applications quite often allocate large areas of memory that isn't fully used. Memory areas that are filled with zero may also be "merged" as "copy-on-write" memory, such that if you later write to it, it makes a new copy of that memory. This also may mean that if you allocate a large amount of memory, you have to actually write something (other than zero?) to it to make it "in use". Again, this reflects applications typical behaviour of "allocate a large amount of memory, fill it with zero, and only use some of it later" - so the OS tries to "save space" by not having a huge amount of "pages with just zeros in them".
Note that whether the memory is in RAM or Swap is a dynamic criteria - memory is swapped in and out all the time, and both program code and data may be swapped out at any time, and then be brought back when it's needed. It doesn't matter if this is "heap" or some other memory, all memory is pretty much equal in this respect.
It isn't entirely clear what you actually want to achieve, but hopefully this explains at least what happens.
Oh, and assuming ramSize is number of bytes, this is almost certainly always false:
assert(ramSize*2) <= 2^(64-8)
since ramSize * 2 > 0, and (2 XOR 56) = 0.
First of all, new knows nothing about swap. That's the job of the operating system (at least for general purpose operating systems, like the ones you are working with) and it will decide when to swap and what to swap out.
With that said, your attempt to allocate that much memory will almost certainly fail. Even if sufficient swap memory is available, the operating system reserves large chunks of virtual address space for itself which means what you can allocate is limited. For example, on 32-bit Windows 2GB of addresses are reserved for the kernel, and you coudln't allocate 4GB of virtual memory if you tried, because there aren't enough addresses available to represent that much memory.
What are you, actually, trying to do?
In short Swap space is the portion of virtual memory that is on the hard disk, used when RAM is full. And this is the job of OS to take care of not the new operator!
If you use new, the operating system receives a request for memory.
It then decides where to get that memory.
It is the same as with opening a file or echoing with cout. Those things are builtin to c++.
So your programms might already use swap, but you did not know about it.
If you want to know more about this subject, you might want to look up the inner workings of unix (mother and father of every operating system currently in use).