How to iterate throgh a vector within vector? - c++

I have a vector within a vector defined as:
std::vector<std::vector<myObj>> some_list(list_size);
some of the entries in some_list have elements and some don't those that have 3 elements have size 3 those with 4 have size 4 etc. for example:
some_list[0] {size=3}
some_list[1] {size=4}
but at some point there is an empty entry with 0 elements such as:
some_list[14] {size=0}
after which point every entry that follows has size 0 as well.
I am trying to resize my vector so it excludes such entries and is left with only the entries that have elements. But for some reason I can't make it work. Here's what I have:
int snum = 0;
for (std::vector<std::vector<myObj>>::iterator a_it = a_list.begin();
a_it != a_list.end(); a_it++) {
while (a_it->size() != 0) {

This line:
while (a_it->size() != 0) {
should probably read:
if (a_it->size() != 0) {

If you are sure all the entries after the first empty one will also be empty, you can use std::find_if to get an iterator to the first empty element, then use std::vector::erase:
#include <algorithm>
bool is_empty(const std::vector<myObj>& v) { return v.empty(); }
v.erase(std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), is_empty), v.end() );
or, if you have C++11 support, you can use a lambda:
[](const std::vector<myObj>& v){ return v.empty(); }),
v.end() );
where I used v is some_list.
Oherwise, if empty entries are not all at the end, you can remove the entries with zero elements using the erase remove idiom with a suitable function.
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), is_empty), v.end() );

You should first remove the empty elements. You can do with with a ready-made algorithm:
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
some_list.erase(std::remove_if(some_list.begin(), some_list.end(),
Then you can resize: some_list.resize(N). In fact, if you want the new elements to be empty anyway, you can skip the erase step and only do the remove_if part.


check if all item array equal in array [duplicate]

If I have a vector of values and want to check that they are all the same, what is the best way to do this in C++ efficiently? If I were programming in some other language like R one way my minds jumps to is to return only the unique elements of the container and then if the length of the unique elements is more than 1, I know all the elements cannot be the same. In C++ this can be done like this:
//build an int vector
std::sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
//Use unique algorithm to get the unique values.
it = std::unique(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
if (myvector.size() > 1) {
std::cout << "All elements are not the same!" << std::endl;
However reading on the internet and SO, I see other answers such using a set or the find_if algorithm. So what is the most efficient way of doing this and why? I imagine mine is not the best way since it involves sorting every element and then a resizing of the vector - but maybe I'm wrong.
You need not to use std::sort. It can be done in a simpler way:
if ( std::adjacent_find( myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), std::not_equal_to<>() ) == myvector.end() )
std::cout << "All elements are equal each other" << std::endl;
you can use std::equal
version 1:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
if ( std::equal(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), v.begin()) )
//all equal
This will compare each element with the previous one.
version 2:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
int e = v[0]; //preferably "const auto& e" instead
bool all_equal = true;
for(std::size_t i = 1,s = v.size();i<s && all_equal;i++)
all_equal = e == v[i];
Regarding performance, after testing with 100m elements i found out that in Visual Studio 2015 version 1 is about twice as fast as version 2. This is because the latest compiler for vs2015 uses sse instructions in c++ std implementations when you use ints, float , etc..
if you use _mm_testc_si128 you will get a similar performance to std::equal
using std::all_of and C++11 lambda
if (all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [&] (int i) {return i == values[0];})){
//all are the same
Given no constraints on the vector, you have to iterate through the vector at least once, no matter the approach. So just pick the first element and check that all others are equal to it.
While the asymptotic complexity of std::unique is linear, the actual cost of the operation is probably much larger than you need, and it is an inplace algorithm (it will modify the data as it goes).
The fastest approach is to assume that if the vector contains a single element, it is unique by definition. If the vector contains more elements, then you just need to check whether all of them are exactly equal to the first. For that you only need to find the first element that differs from the first, starting the search from the second. If there is such an element, the elements are not unique.
if (v.size() < 2) return true;
auto different = std::find_if(v.begin()+1, v.end(),
[&v](auto const &x) { x != v[0]; });
return different == v.end();
That is using C++14 syntax, in an C++11 toolchain you can use the correct type in the lambda. In C++03 you could use a combination of std::not, std::bind1st/std::bind2nd and std::equal in place of the lambda.
The cost of this approach is distance(start,different element) comparisons and no copies. Expected and worst case linear cost in the number of comparisons (and no copies!)
Sorting is an O(NlogN) task.
This is easily solvable in O(N), so your current method is poor.
A simple O(N) would be as Luchian Grigore suggests, iterate over the vector, just once, comparing every element to the first element.
if(std::all_of(myvector.begin()+1, myvector.end(), std::bind(std::equal_to<int>(),
std::placeholders::_1, myvector.front())) {
// all members are equal
You can use FunctionalPlus(
std::vector<std::string> things = {"same old", "same old"};
if (fplus::all_the_same(things))
std::cout << "All things being equal." << std::endl;
Maybe something like this. It traverses vector just once and does not mess with the vector content.
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::count_if(values.begin(), values.end(), [ &values ] (auto size) { return size == values[0]; }) == values.size();
If the values in the vector are something different than basic type you have to implement equality operator.
After taking into account underscore_d remarks, I'm changing possible solution
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::all_of(values.begin(),values.end(),[ &values ] (auto item) { return item == values[0]; });
In your specific case, iterating over vector element and finding a different element from the first one would be enough. You may even be lucky enough to stop before evaluating all the elements in your vector. (A while loop could be used but I sticked with a for loop for readability reasons)
bool uniqueElt = true;
int firstItem = *myvector.begin();
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = myvector.begin()+1; it != myvector.end() ; ++it) {
if(*it != firstItem) {
uniqueElt = false;
In case you want to know how many different values your vector contains, you could build a set and check its size to see how many different values are inside:
std::set mySet;
std::copy(mySet.begin(), myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
You can simply use std::count to count all the elements that match the starting element:
std::vector<int> numbers = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
if (std::count(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), numbers.front()) == numbers.size())
std::cout << "Elements are all the same" << std::endl;
LLVM provides some independently usable headers+libraries:
#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
if (llvm::is_splat(myvector))
std::cout << "All elements are the same!" << std::endl;
for the sake of completeness, because it still isn't the most efficient, you can use std::unique in a more efficient way to decide whether all members are the same, but beware that after using std::unique this way the container is useless:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
if (std::distance(cntnr.begin(), std::unique(cntnr.begin(), cntnr.end()) == 1)
// all members were the same, but
Another approach using C++ 14:
bool allEqual = accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), true, [first = v[0]](bool acc, int b) {
return acc && (b == first);
which is also order N.
Here is a readable C++17 solution which might remind students of the other constructors of std::vector:
if (v==std::vector(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
...before C++17, the std::vector rvalue would need its type provided explicitly:
if (v==std::vector<typename decltype(v)::value_type>(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
The C++ function is defined in library in STL. This function operates on whole range of array elements and can save time to run a loop to check each elements one by one. It checks for a given property on every element and returns true when each element in range satisfies specified property, else returns false.
// C++ code to demonstrate working of all_of()
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::vector<int> v(10, 2);
// illustrate all_of
if (std::all_of(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [](int i){ return i % 2 == 0; }))
std::cout << "All numbers are even\n";

remove_if removes element even when predicate returns false?

I am writing an octree algorithm.
Inside function I traverse octree.
I get node pointer and Sphere as input. I check if node should hold sphere then I want to add it
to nodes object list and remove it from its parents list. following is code
if (!node->objectList.empty())
node->objectList.erase(std::remove_if(node->objectList.begin(), node->objectList.end()-1 , [&t](auto& temp) { return temp == t; }));
typedef struct Sphere
Sphere() = default;
Sphere(const Vector3 centre_, const float radius_, const Material& material_) : centre(centre_), radius(radius_), material(material_)
assert(radius != 0);
invRadius = 1.0 / radius;
Vector3 radiusOffset = Vector3(radius);
aabb.min = Vector3(centre - radiusOffset);
aabb.max = Vector3(centre + radiusOffset);
bool operator==(const Sphere& rhs)
return (centre == rhs.centre) && (radius == rhs.radius);
Vector3 centre;
float radius;
float invRadius;
Material material;
AABB aabb;
As you can see for Sphere I have operator== defined.
I see that remove_if is removing element even when predicate is returning false.
for example, first iteration it finds one sphere t and removed it from parents vector using remove_if. This t was present at last of vector. consider now parent remains with 3 spheres in its vector but, when I go to other child now we still try to search t in parent and remove_if still removes last entry. I don't get why?
std::remove_if returns the end iterator provided when it doesn't find anything to remove. You've given node->objectList.end()-1 as the end iterator which is an iterator to the last element in node->objectList. This is what you pass to erase when you don't find t so the last element gets erased.
To fix the problem, use the overload of erase that takes a range of elements :
if (!node->objectList.empty())
auto end_iter = node->objectList.end();
auto to_remove = std::remove_if(
node->objectList.begin(), end_iter,
[&t](auto& temp) { return temp == t; });
node->objectList.erase(to_remove, end_iter);
Now if t isn't found erase won't do anything at all. In that case, remove_if returns end_iter and erase tried to erase the elements in the empty range defined by end_iter and itself.
I'm not sure why you were using node->objectList.end() - 1. I'm assuming it was either a mistake or a workaround for the crash that you would otherwise likely get with the previous code.
As you are calling the method erase that accepts only one iterator (not a range of iterators) and the algorithm std::remove_if is called with the second iterator of the range of container elements specified like
then even if the element is not found in the container the algorithm remove_if will return the iterator node->objectList.end()-1 that points to a valid object in the container. This object will be erased from the container.
Here is a demonstrative program that reproduces the problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
for ( const auto &item : v ) std::cout << item << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
while ( v.size() > 1 )
v.erase( std::remove_if( std::begin( v ), std::prev( std::end( v ) ),
[]( const auto &item )
return item % 2 == 0;
} ) );
for ( const auto &item : v ) std::cout << item << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
Its output is
1 3 5 7 9
That is none element in the vector is an even number. Nevertheless all elements except one were erased from the vector.
It seems that you are incorrectly specifying the range. It should be specified like a pair
node->objectList.begin(), node->objectList.end()
Or before erasing an element you should check whether the returned iterator is equal to node->objectList.end() - 1 (provided that you indeed want to use the range shown in your question). In this case the method erase should not be called. Or you should specify an erased range of iterators like
if (!node->objectList.empty())
node->objectList.erase(std::remove_if(node->objectList.begin(), node->objectList.end()-1 , [&t](auto& temp) { return temp == t; }).
Again provided that you indeed want to use the second iterator of the range like node->objectList.end()-1 instead of node->objectList.end().

Remove duplicates without using any STL containers

I was asked the following question in a 30-minute interview:
Given an array of integers, remove the duplicates without using any STL containers. For e.g.:
For the input array [1,2,3,4,5,3,3,5,4] the output should be:
Note that the first 3, 4 and 5 have been included, but the subsequent ones have been removed since we have already included them once in the output array. How do we do without using an extra STL container?
In the interview, I assumed that we only have positive integers and suggested using a bit array to mark off every element present in the input (assume every element in the input array as an index of the bit array and update it to 1). Finally, we could iterate over this bit vector, populating (or displaying) the unique elements. However, he was not satisfied with this approach. Any other methods that I could have used?
Just use std::sort() and std::unique():
int arr[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,3,3,5,4 };
std::sort( std::begin(arr), std::end(arr) );
auto end = std::unique( std::begin(arr), std::end(arr) );
Live example
We can first sort the array then check if the next element is equal to the previous one and finally give the answer with the help of another array of size 2 larger than the previous one like this.
Initialize the second array with a value that first array will not take (any number larger/smaller than the limit given) ,suppose 0 for simplicity then
int arr1[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,3,3,5,4 };
int arr2[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
std::sort( std::begin(arr1), std::end(arr1) );
int position=1;
arr2[0] = arr1[0];
for(int* i=begin(arr1)+1;i!=end(arr1);i++){
arr2[position] = (*i);
int size = 0;
for(int* i=begin(arr2);i!=end(arr2);i++){
int ans[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
Easy algorithm in O(n^2):
void remove_duplicates(Vec& v) {
// range end
auto it_end = end(v);
for (auto it = begin(v); it != it_end; ++it) {
// remove elements matching *it
it_end = remove(it+1, it_end, *it);
// erase now-unused elements
v.erase(it_end, end(v));
See also erase-remove idiom
Edit: This is assuming you get a std::vector in, but it would work with C-style arrays too, you would just have to implement the erasure yourself.

Looping through std::vector and deleting elements results in out of range exception [duplicate]

I have a vector of IInventory*, and I am looping through the list using C++11 range for, to do stuff with each one.
After doing some stuff with one, I may want to remove it from the list and delete the object. I know I can call delete on the pointer any time to clean it up, but what is the proper way to remove it from the vector, while in the range for loop? And if I remove it from the list will my loop be invalidated?
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
for (IInventory* index : inv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
No, you can't. Range-based for is for when you need to access each element of a container once.
You should use the normal for loop or one of its cousins if you need to modify the container as you go along, access an element more than once, or otherwise iterate in a non-linear fashion through the container.
For example:
auto i = std::begin(inv);
while (i != std::end(inv)) {
// Do some stuff
if (blah)
i = inv.erase(i);
Every time an element is removed from the vector, you must assume the iterators at or after the erased element are no longer valid, because each of the elements succeeding the erased element are moved.
A range-based for-loop is just syntactic sugar for "normal" loop using iterators, so the above applies.
That being said, you could simply:
[](IInventory* element) -> bool {
// Do "some stuff", then return true if element should be removed.
return true;
You ideally shouldn't modify the vector while iterating over it. Use the erase-remove idiom. If you do, you're likely to encounter a few issues. Since in a vector an erase invalidates all iterators beginning with the element being erased upto the end() you will need to make sure that your iterators remain valid by using:
for (MyVector::iterator b = v.begin(); b != v.end();) {
if (foo) {
b = v.erase( b ); // reseat iterator to a valid value post-erase
else {
Note, that you need the b != v.end() test as-is. If you try to optimize it as follows:
for (MyVector::iterator b = v.begin(), e = v.end(); b != e;)
you will run into UB since your e is invalidated after the first erase call.
Is it a strict requirement to remove elements while in that loop? Otherwise you could set the pointers you want to delete to NULL and make another pass over the vector to remove all NULL pointers.
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back( new Foo() );
inv.push_back( new Bar() );
for ( IInventory* &index : inv )
// do some stuff
// ok I decided I need to remove this object from inv...?
if (do_delete_index)
delete index;
index = NULL;
std::remove(inv.begin(), inv.end(), NULL);
sorry for necroposting and also sorry if my c++ expertise gets in the way of my answer, but if you trying to iterate through each item and make possible changes (like erasing an index), try using a backwords for loop.
for(int x=vector.getsize(); x>0; x--){
//do stuff
//erase index x
when erasing index x, the next loop will be for the item "in front of" the last iteration. i really hope this helped someone
OK, I'm late, but anyway: Sorry, not correct what I read so far - it is possible, you just need two iterators:
std::vector<IInventory*>::iterator current = inv.begin();
for (IInventory* index : inv)
if(/* ... */)
delete index;
*current++ = index;
inv.erase(current, inv.end());
Just modifying the value an iterator points to does not invalidate any other iterator, so we can do this without having to worry. Actually, std::remove_if (gcc implementation at least) does something very similar (using a classic loop...), just does not delete anything and does not erase.
Be aware, however, that this is not thread safe(!) - however, this applies, too, for some of the other solutions above...
I will show with example, the below example remove odd elements from vector:
void test_del_vector(){
std::vector<int> vecInt{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 1
for(auto it = vecInt.begin();it != vecInt.end();){
if(*it % 2){// remove all the odds
it = vecInt.erase(it);
} else{
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
// recreate vecInt, and use method 2
vecInt = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 2
for(auto it=std::begin(vecInt);it!=std::end(vecInt);){
if (*it % 2){
it = vecInt.erase(it);
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
// recreate vecInt, and use method 3
vecInt = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 3
vecInt.erase(std::remove_if(vecInt.begin(), vecInt.end(),
[](const int a){return a % 2;}),
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
output aw below:
Keep in mind, the method erase will return the next iterator of the passed iterator.
From here , we can use a more generate method:
template<class Container, class F>
void erase_where(Container& c, F&& f)
c.erase(std::remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(),std::forward<F>(f)),
void test_del_vector(){
std::vector<int> vecInt{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 4
auto is_odd = [](int x){return x % 2;};
erase_where(vecInt, is_odd);
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
See here to see how to use std::remove_if.
In opposition to this threads title, I'd use two passes:
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
std::vector<IInventory*> toDelete;
for (IInventory* index : inv)
// Do some stuff
if (deleteConditionTrue)
for (IInventory* index : toDelete)
inv.erase(std::remove(inv.begin(), inv.end(), index), inv.end());
A much more elegant solution would be to switch to std::list (assuming you don't need fast random access).
list<Widget*> widgets ; // create and use this..
You can then delete with .remove_if and a C++ functor in one line:
widgets.remove_if( []( Widget*w ){ return w->isExpired() ; } ) ;
So here I'm just writing a functor that accepts one argument (the Widget*). The return value is the condition on which to remove a Widget* from the list.
I find this syntax palatable. I don't think I would ever use remove_if for std::vectors -- there is so much inv.begin() and inv.end() noise there you're probably better off using an integer-index-based delete or just a plain old regular iterator-based delete (as shown below). But you should not really be removing from the middle of a std::vector very much anyway, so switching to a list for this case of frequent middle of list deletion is advised.
Note however I did not get a chance to call delete on the Widget*'s that were removed. To do that, it would look like this:
widgets.remove_if( []( Widget*w ){
bool exp = w->isExpired() ;
if( exp ) delete w ; // delete the widget if it was expired
return exp ; // remove from widgets list if it was expired
} ) ;
You could also use a regular iterator-based loop like so:
for( list<Widget*>::iterator iter = widgets.begin() ; iter != widgets.end() ; )
if( (*iter)->isExpired() )
delete( *iter ) ;
iter = widgets.erase( iter ) ; // _advances_ iter, so this loop is not infinite
++iter ;
If you don't like the length of for( list<Widget*>::iterator iter = widgets.begin() ; ..., you can use
for( auto iter = widgets.begin() ; ...
I think I would do the following...
for (auto itr = inv.begin(); itr != inv.end();)
// Do some stuff
if (OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv')
itr = inv.erase(itr);
you can't delete the iterator during the loop iteration because iterator count get mismatch and after some iteration you would have invalid iterator.
1) take the copy of original vector
2) iterate the iterator using this copy
2) do some stuff and delete it from original vector.
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
std::vector<IInventory*> copyinv = inv;
iteratorCout = 0;
for (IInventory* index : copyinv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
inv.erase(inv.begin() + iteratorCout);
Erasing element one-by-one easily leads to N^2 performance.
Better to mark elements that should be erased and erase them at once after the loop.
If I may presume nullptr in not valid element in your vector, then
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
// ... push some elements to inv
for (IInventory*& index : inv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
delete index;
index =nullptr;
inv.erase( std::remove( begin( inv ), end( inv ), nullptr ), end( inv ) );
should work.
In case your "Do some stuff" is not changing elements of the vector and only used to make decision to remove or keep the element, you can convert it to lambda (as was suggested in somebody's earlier post) and use
inv.erase( std::remove_if( begin( inv ), end( inv ), []( Inventory* i )
// DO some stuff
return OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
} ), end( inv ) );

Removing item from vector, while in C++11 range 'for' loop?

I have a vector of IInventory*, and I am looping through the list using C++11 range for, to do stuff with each one.
After doing some stuff with one, I may want to remove it from the list and delete the object. I know I can call delete on the pointer any time to clean it up, but what is the proper way to remove it from the vector, while in the range for loop? And if I remove it from the list will my loop be invalidated?
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
for (IInventory* index : inv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
No, you can't. Range-based for is for when you need to access each element of a container once.
You should use the normal for loop or one of its cousins if you need to modify the container as you go along, access an element more than once, or otherwise iterate in a non-linear fashion through the container.
For example:
auto i = std::begin(inv);
while (i != std::end(inv)) {
// Do some stuff
if (blah)
i = inv.erase(i);
Every time an element is removed from the vector, you must assume the iterators at or after the erased element are no longer valid, because each of the elements succeeding the erased element are moved.
A range-based for-loop is just syntactic sugar for "normal" loop using iterators, so the above applies.
That being said, you could simply:
[](IInventory* element) -> bool {
// Do "some stuff", then return true if element should be removed.
return true;
You ideally shouldn't modify the vector while iterating over it. Use the erase-remove idiom. If you do, you're likely to encounter a few issues. Since in a vector an erase invalidates all iterators beginning with the element being erased upto the end() you will need to make sure that your iterators remain valid by using:
for (MyVector::iterator b = v.begin(); b != v.end();) {
if (foo) {
b = v.erase( b ); // reseat iterator to a valid value post-erase
else {
Note, that you need the b != v.end() test as-is. If you try to optimize it as follows:
for (MyVector::iterator b = v.begin(), e = v.end(); b != e;)
you will run into UB since your e is invalidated after the first erase call.
Is it a strict requirement to remove elements while in that loop? Otherwise you could set the pointers you want to delete to NULL and make another pass over the vector to remove all NULL pointers.
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back( new Foo() );
inv.push_back( new Bar() );
for ( IInventory* &index : inv )
// do some stuff
// ok I decided I need to remove this object from inv...?
if (do_delete_index)
delete index;
index = NULL;
std::remove(inv.begin(), inv.end(), NULL);
sorry for necroposting and also sorry if my c++ expertise gets in the way of my answer, but if you trying to iterate through each item and make possible changes (like erasing an index), try using a backwords for loop.
for(int x=vector.getsize(); x>0; x--){
//do stuff
//erase index x
when erasing index x, the next loop will be for the item "in front of" the last iteration. i really hope this helped someone
OK, I'm late, but anyway: Sorry, not correct what I read so far - it is possible, you just need two iterators:
std::vector<IInventory*>::iterator current = inv.begin();
for (IInventory* index : inv)
if(/* ... */)
delete index;
*current++ = index;
inv.erase(current, inv.end());
Just modifying the value an iterator points to does not invalidate any other iterator, so we can do this without having to worry. Actually, std::remove_if (gcc implementation at least) does something very similar (using a classic loop...), just does not delete anything and does not erase.
Be aware, however, that this is not thread safe(!) - however, this applies, too, for some of the other solutions above...
I will show with example, the below example remove odd elements from vector:
void test_del_vector(){
std::vector<int> vecInt{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 1
for(auto it = vecInt.begin();it != vecInt.end();){
if(*it % 2){// remove all the odds
it = vecInt.erase(it);
} else{
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
// recreate vecInt, and use method 2
vecInt = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 2
for(auto it=std::begin(vecInt);it!=std::end(vecInt);){
if (*it % 2){
it = vecInt.erase(it);
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
// recreate vecInt, and use method 3
vecInt = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 3
vecInt.erase(std::remove_if(vecInt.begin(), vecInt.end(),
[](const int a){return a % 2;}),
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
output aw below:
Keep in mind, the method erase will return the next iterator of the passed iterator.
From here , we can use a more generate method:
template<class Container, class F>
void erase_where(Container& c, F&& f)
c.erase(std::remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(),std::forward<F>(f)),
void test_del_vector(){
std::vector<int> vecInt{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//method 4
auto is_odd = [](int x){return x % 2;};
erase_where(vecInt, is_odd);
// output all the remaining elements
for(auto const& it:vecInt)std::cout<<it;
See here to see how to use std::remove_if.
In opposition to this threads title, I'd use two passes:
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
std::vector<IInventory*> toDelete;
for (IInventory* index : inv)
// Do some stuff
if (deleteConditionTrue)
for (IInventory* index : toDelete)
inv.erase(std::remove(inv.begin(), inv.end(), index), inv.end());
A much more elegant solution would be to switch to std::list (assuming you don't need fast random access).
list<Widget*> widgets ; // create and use this..
You can then delete with .remove_if and a C++ functor in one line:
widgets.remove_if( []( Widget*w ){ return w->isExpired() ; } ) ;
So here I'm just writing a functor that accepts one argument (the Widget*). The return value is the condition on which to remove a Widget* from the list.
I find this syntax palatable. I don't think I would ever use remove_if for std::vectors -- there is so much inv.begin() and inv.end() noise there you're probably better off using an integer-index-based delete or just a plain old regular iterator-based delete (as shown below). But you should not really be removing from the middle of a std::vector very much anyway, so switching to a list for this case of frequent middle of list deletion is advised.
Note however I did not get a chance to call delete on the Widget*'s that were removed. To do that, it would look like this:
widgets.remove_if( []( Widget*w ){
bool exp = w->isExpired() ;
if( exp ) delete w ; // delete the widget if it was expired
return exp ; // remove from widgets list if it was expired
} ) ;
You could also use a regular iterator-based loop like so:
for( list<Widget*>::iterator iter = widgets.begin() ; iter != widgets.end() ; )
if( (*iter)->isExpired() )
delete( *iter ) ;
iter = widgets.erase( iter ) ; // _advances_ iter, so this loop is not infinite
++iter ;
If you don't like the length of for( list<Widget*>::iterator iter = widgets.begin() ; ..., you can use
for( auto iter = widgets.begin() ; ...
I think I would do the following...
for (auto itr = inv.begin(); itr != inv.end();)
// Do some stuff
if (OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv')
itr = inv.erase(itr);
you can't delete the iterator during the loop iteration because iterator count get mismatch and after some iteration you would have invalid iterator.
1) take the copy of original vector
2) iterate the iterator using this copy
2) do some stuff and delete it from original vector.
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
inv.push_back(new Foo());
inv.push_back(new Bar());
std::vector<IInventory*> copyinv = inv;
iteratorCout = 0;
for (IInventory* index : copyinv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
inv.erase(inv.begin() + iteratorCout);
Erasing element one-by-one easily leads to N^2 performance.
Better to mark elements that should be erased and erase them at once after the loop.
If I may presume nullptr in not valid element in your vector, then
std::vector<IInventory*> inv;
// ... push some elements to inv
for (IInventory*& index : inv)
// Do some stuff
// OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
delete index;
index =nullptr;
inv.erase( std::remove( begin( inv ), end( inv ), nullptr ), end( inv ) );
should work.
In case your "Do some stuff" is not changing elements of the vector and only used to make decision to remove or keep the element, you can convert it to lambda (as was suggested in somebody's earlier post) and use
inv.erase( std::remove_if( begin( inv ), end( inv ), []( Inventory* i )
// DO some stuff
return OK, I decided I need to remove this object from 'inv'...
} ), end( inv ) );