So I can successfully change the C++ entry point to be in a class, which helps me isolate my graphics system initialization from the main program code. But when I call some library code from the new main the whole program crashes. For example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int ENTRY(){
cout << "hello from here" << endl;
I compile it with these linker options: -e__Z5ENTRYv -nostartfiles
Without the /cout/ line it works fine, else it crashes with /Access Violation/ at
Is there something that I'm missing?
What exactly do you think -nostartfiles does?
It suppresses the CRT initialization, which among other things is responsible for calling global constructors. Without global constructors, cout isn't initialized. Without initialization, your program goes boom.
Why mess with this anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to just link in a small boilerplate main? It could look like this:
// app.hpp
class App {
virtual ~App();
virtual int run(/*args if you want them*/) = 0;
int startup(/*args if you want them*/);
friend int app_run(/*args if you want them*/);
// app.cpp: just add this to your project
namespace { App* the_app; }
App::App() { the_app = this; }
App::~App() {}
int App::startup() {
// Add whatever code you want here, e.g. to create a window.
return run();
int app_run() { return the_app->startup(); }
int main() { return app_run(); }
int wmain() { return app_run(); }
int WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, char*, int) { return app_run(); }
int wWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, WCHAR*, int) { return app_run(); }
Now just derive your main class from App and add a global object of that type.
In C++, main is a magic function; the compiler can generate
extra code in it to, for example, initialize static variables.
Or, depending on the implementation, this may be done by the
startup code. In either case, setting some other global symbol
as entry point will probably mean that static variables will not
be initialized. Don't do it: changing the entry point like this
is really only valid if you use no static variables, anywhere,
and even then, it's shaky.
I am not sure why my function is not working. It should be printing out something out (an error message after the user goes out of bounds)I have set the array index at 3 index slots. I'm also getting an error "unused variable 'yourArray' I am not sure where to go from here. Still trying to learn c++ so and advice or help will be greatly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class safeArray{
void outofBounds(int,int);
int yourArray[3];
int i;
void outofBounds(int,int);
int yourArray[3];
int i;
void outofBounds(int yourArray[],int sizeofArray) {
for (i=0;i<sizeofArray;i++){
cout<<"Please enter integer";
cin >>yourArray[i];
for (i=0;i>sizeofArray;){
cout<<"safeArray yourArray (" <<yourArray[0]<<","<<yourArray[3]<<")"
int main() {
void outofBounds(int,int);
int yourArray[3]; //Error: Used variable "yourArray"
Your Program is running fine. Unless you added the "-Werror" flag to the compiler, which would treat the "unused variable"-Warning as an Error.
The code compiles fine as seen on here:
Though your Program does not do what you want it to do, because of the following reasons:
1.) You have 3 redefinitions of outofBounds inside different namespaces:
one inside the classes namespace SafeArray which is a member function
of it
then inside the global space
and then inside the main-function (the entry point)
But the one being actually defined is the one in the global space (2nd one)
2.) You are not passing anything to the function inside main.
define your Array there first then call the function by doing:
int yourArray[3];
outofBounds(yourArray, 3);
3.) You probably wanted to define the member method "outofBounds" inside SafeArray-class. This can be done by writing the scope operator:: which specifies the class to which the member function belongs to:
class SafeArray { // is a class, can also be struct since everything is public anyways
void outofBounds(int,int); // a member of the class SafeArray
// private:
int yourArray[3];
int i;
void SafeArray::outofBounds(int yourArray[],int sizeofArray) {
// do something...
but then again you need some constructor that initializes the members of your class. Some work needs to be done to make it work, like you want. Good Luck :)
Suppose that I have this code:
class MyClass
void SomeFunction()
// Find somehow if this is first, second, or third call of a function in a main loop
// If the function is called first time create new variables that will be used just for this function call
MyClass myClassObject;
int main()
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // First call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // Second call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // Third call
How can I know inside function what number of call is it?
Note that I will probably have 100 function calls placed in code. Also this should work in Visual Studio on Windows and Clang on Mac.
I had one workaround:
void SomeFunction(const char* indetifier = "address")
CheckAddress(indetifier); // This will check if address is stored. If it is not, create variables, if it is, if addresses matches use variables that are tied to that address.
I tried not to assign a new string to an "indetifier" and to let it to use default string ("address"). This of course didn't worked well as compiler will optimize "indetifier", so I was thinking that maybe a solution would be to disable optimizations for that variable, but I didn't because there should be some more elegant solution.
Also one thing came on my mind, maybe I could force inline a function and then get it's address, but this also seams like bad workaround.
I could also create new classes for every call but I would like to avoid this as there will be a lot of function calls and I don't want to think 100 different names.
If there is a way to create class object only at first call this would be awesome.
I hope that you understand what I want, sorry if something is not that clear as I am beginner coder.. :D
I can't use static for variables in a class because software that I am developing is a plugin that could have multiple instances loaded inside host and this will probably mess up the variables. I have tested static variables and if I create for example "static int value" anywhere and write something in it in one instance of a plugin this "value" will be updated for all instances of a plugin and this is not something that I want.
void SomeFunction()
// Find somehow if this is first, second, or third call of a function in a main loop
// If the function is called first time create new variables that will be used just for this function call
If the first call is to be tracked per object, then you need a member variable that keeps track of how many times SomeFuntion has been called for that object.
If the first call is to be tracked independent of objects, then you can use a static function variable that keeps track of how many times SomeFuntion has been called for that object.
I can't use static for variables in a class because software that I am developing is a plugin that could have multiple instances loaded inside host and this will probably mess up the variables. I have tested static variables and if I create for example "static int value" anywhere and write something in it in one instance of a plugin this "value" will be updated for all instances of a plugin and this is not something that I want.
So make a non-static counter?
class MyClass {
int count;
MyClass () : count(0) { }
void SomeFunction () {
++ count;
// do stuff with 'count'
MyClass myClassObject;
int main () {
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // First call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // Second call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(); // Third call
Or just pass it as a parameter...
class MyClass {
void SomeFunction (int count) {
// do stuff with 'count'
MyClass myClassObject;
int main () {
myClassObject.SomeFunction(1); // First call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(2); // Second call
myClassObject.SomeFunction(3); // Third call
But I'm really wondering what you're actually trying to do, and I highly suggest sitting back and rethinking this whole thing, because there are a number of red flags / confusing points here...
If you're only interested in checking whether it's the first call, you can add a bool SomeFunction_first_call; to the MyClass, to act as a flag. The constructor sets the bool to true. MyClass::SomeFunction() uses the conditional check if (SomeFunction_first_call) /* ... */ to determine whether it's the first call, as follows:
class MyClass
bool SomeFunction_first_call;
MyClass() : SomeFunction_first_call(true) {}
void SomeFunction()
if (SomeFunction_first_call)
// This code only executes on first call.
// Successfully handled first call, set flag to false.
SomeFunction_first_call = false;
// This code always executes.
Similarly, if you're only concerned about the first HOWEVER_MANY_CALLS calls, where HOWEVER_MANY_CALLS is a number, you can use something like this:
#include <cstdint>
class MyClass
uint8_t SomeFunction_calls;
MyClass() : SomeFunction_calls(0) {}
void SomeFunction()
// This segment will be executed until (SomeFunction_calls == HOWEVER_MANY_CALLS).
// After this, the segment will be skipped, and the counter will no longer increment.
if (SomeFunction_calls < HOWEVER_MANY_CALLS)
// This code only executes on first HOWEVER_MANY_CALLS calls.
// Increment counter.
// This code always executes.
Make sure to use the appropriately signed variable for the number of calls that need special handling (i.e. uint8_t for 0..255, uint16_t for 256..65,535, etc.). If different instances of MyClass will need to keep track of a different number of calls, then use a non-type template parameter to indicate this, and optionally, a defaulted typename to indicate what type the counter should be.
#include <cstdint>
template<uint64_t N, typename T = uint64_t>
class MyClass {
T SomeFunction_calls;
void SomeFunction()
if (SomeFunction_calls < N) {
In this case, a MyClass<4> will have special treatment for the first 4 calls to SomeFunction(), a MyClass<4444444444444444444> will have special treatment for the first 4,444,444,444,444,444,444 calls, and so on. The counter will default to uint64_t, as that should be large enough to hold the value; when only a smaller number of calls need special treatment, you can specify a smaller type, such as MyClass<4, uint8_t> or MyClass<444444444, uint32_t>.
In C++ you can use the static keyword in a local variable context to create the object only once at the first call:
#include <iostream>
struct MyObject {
MyObject() {
std::cout << "Creating instance " << this << "\n";
void foo() {
static MyObject my_instance;
std::cout << "... inside function foo ...\n";
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
std::cout << "About to call foo...\n";
std::cout << "... second call ...\n";
std::cout << "... third call ...\n";
return 0;
With the above code you will notice that only on object MyObject will be created, on the first call to foo.
Note that if your function is a template then for each instantiation of the template you will get another distinct static variable. For example with:
template<int N>
void foo() {
static MyObject my_instance;
std::cout << "... inside function foo ...\n";
the all the calls to foo<1>() will use the same variable but calling instead foo<2>() will access another copy of the function (another instantiation of the function template), that will have its own distinct static variable created on the first call to foo<2>(). All static variables that have been initialized will be destroyed after the end of main when the program terminates.
Context :
In my application, I have some functions using global variables. Due to the undefined order of allocation of the global variables, I want to forbid the call to these functions before the main function is running. For the moment, I only document it by a \attention in Doxygen, but I would like to add an assertion.
My question :
Is there a elegant way to know that the main function is not running yet ?
Example (uniqid.cpp):
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <cassert>
unsigned long int uid = 0;
boost::mutex uniqid_mutex;
unsigned long int uniquid()
assert(main_is_running() && "Forbidden call before main is running");
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(uniqid_mutex);
return ++uid;
My first (ugly) idea :
My first idea to do that is by checking another global variable with a specific value. Then the probability to have this value in the variable before initialisation is very small :
// File main_is_running.h
void launch_main();
bool main_is_running();
// File main_is_running.cpp
unsigned long int main_is_running_check_value = 0;
void launch_main()
main_is_running_check_value = 135798642;
bool main_is_running()
return (main_is_running_check_value == 135798642);
// File main.cpp
#include "main_is_running.h"
int main()
// ...
return 0;
Is there a better way to do that ?
Note that I can't use C++11 because I have to be compatible with gcc 4.1.2.
If static std::atomic<bool> s; is defined, along with a little toggling struct:
struct toggle
toggle(std::atomic<bool>& b) : m_b(b)
m_b = true;
m_b = false;
std::atomic<bool>& m_b;
Then, in main, write toggle t(s); as the first statement. This is one of those instances where having a reference as a member variable is a good idea.
s can then tell you if you're in main or not. Using std::atomic is probably overkill given that the behaviour of main calling itself is undefined in C++. If you don't have C++11, then volatile bool is adequate: effectively your not in main until that extra statement has completed.
This has defeated me. I want to have a static class variable which is a pointer to a (non-static) member function. I've tried all sorts of ways, but with no luck (including using typedefs, which just seemed to give me a different set of errors). In the code below I have the static class function pointer funcptr, and I can call it successfully from outside the class, but not from within the member function CallFuncptr - which is what I want to do. Any suggestions?
#include <stdio.h>
class A
static int (A::*funcptr)();
int Four() { return 4;};
int CallFuncptr() { return (this->*funcptr)(); }
// doesn't link - undefined reference to `A::funcptr'
int (A::*funcptr)() = &A::Four;
int main()
A fred;
printf("four? %d\n", (fred.*funcptr)()); // This works
printf("four? %d\n", fred.CallFuncptr()); // But this is the way I want to call it
Try this instead:
#include <iostream>
class A {
typedef int (A::*AMemFn)();
static AMemFn funcptr;
int Four() { return 4; }
int CallFuncptr() { return (this->*funcptr)(); }
A::AMemFn A::funcptr = &A::Four;
int main()
A fred;
std::cout << "four? " << fred.CallFuncptr() << std::endl;
jweyrich has a nice looking work around (and I suggest you use it), but I thought I'd elaborate on what the real problem in the code is:
Your problem is this line:
int (A::*funcptr)() = &A::Four;
This is defining a global variable called funcptr that is of the right type, rather than A::funcptr.
What you need is this mess:
int (A::*(A::funcptr))() = &A::Four;
This ugly mess is why I suggest you go down the typedef path to get a nice looking version like jweyrich's solution.
A static variable is not a member of a particular object -- it can only be accessed through the classes namespace. CallFuncptr should be rewritten:
int CallFuncptr() { return (*funcptr)();
which I think should work, since this function can access functions in A's namespace without specifying it.
Also, function pointers are more of a C construct than C++. You can access the static variable outside the class with the code:
since CallFunctptr just resides in A's namespace
I'm considering a certain solution where I would like to initialize a cell of an array that is defined in other module (there will be many modules initializing one table). The array won't be read before running main (so there is not problem with static initialization order).
My approach:
/* secondary module */
extern int i[10]; // the array
const struct Initialize {
Initialize() { i[0] = 12345; }
} init;
/* main module */
#include <stdio.h>
int i[10];
int main()
printf("%d\n", i[0]); // check if the value is initialized
Compiler won't strip out init constant because constructor has side effects. Am I right? Is the mechanism OK? On GCC (-O3) everything is fine.
In a real world there will be many modules. I want to avoid an extra module, a central place that will gathered all minor initialization routines (for better scalability). So this is important that each module triggers its own initialization.
This works with MSVC compilers but with GNU C++ does not (at least for me). GNU linker will strip all the symbol not used outside your compilation unit. I know only one way to guarantee such initialization - "init once" idiom. For examle:
template <typename T>
class InitOnce
T *instance;
static unsigned refs;
InitOnce() {
if (!refs++) {
instance = new T();
~InitOnce() {
if (!--refs) {
delete instance;
template <typename T> unsigned InitOnce<T>::refs(0);
#include "init_once.h"
class Init : public InitOnce<Init>
static Init module_init_;
#include "unit.h"
extern int i[10]; // the array
i[0] = 12345;
I don't think you want the extern int i[10]; in your main module, though, adf88.
/*secondary module (secondary.cpp) */
int i[10];
void func()
/*main module (main.cpp)*/
extern int i[];
void func();
int main()
std::cout<<i[0]; //prints 1
Compile, link and create and executable using g++ secondary.cpp main.cpp -o myfile
In general constructors are used(and should be used) for initializing members of a class only.
This might work, but it's dangerous. Globals/statics construction order within a single module is undefined, and so is module loading order (unless you're managing it explicitly). For example, you assume that during secondary.c Initialize() ctor run, i is already present. You'd have to be very careful not to have two modules initialize the same common data, or have two modules carry out initializations with overlapping side effects.
I think a cleaner design to tackle such a need is to have the owner of the common data (your main module) expose it as a global singleton, with an interface to carry out whichever data initializations needed. You'd have a central place to control init-order, and maybe even control concurrent access (using critical sections or other concurrency primitives). Along the lines of your simplified example, that might be -
/main module (main.c)/
class CommonDat
int i;
const int GetI() { return i;}
void SetI(int newI) { i = newI; }
void incI()
CommonDat g_CommonDat;
CommonDat* getCommonDat() { return &g_CommonDat; }
int main(void)
It's also preferable to have the secondary modules call these interfaces at controlled times in runtime (and not during the global c'tors pass).
(NOTE: you named the files as C files, but tagged the question as c++. The suggested code is c++, of course).
May I ask why you use an array (running the risk of getting out of bounds) when you could use a std::vector ?
std::vector<int>& globalArray()
static std::vector<int> V;
return V;
bool const push_back(std::vector<int>& vec, int v)
return true; // dummy return for static init
This array is lazily initialized on the first call to the function.
You can use it like such:
// module1.cpp
static bool const dummy = push_back(globalArray(), 1);
// module2.cpp
static bool const dummy = push_back(globalArray(), 2);
It seems much easier and less error-prone. It's not multithread compliant until C++0x though.