Will QWizard delete QWizardPage or will it leak? - c++

If I have QWizard, and I instantiate this without specifying parent, will it delete its pages when it goes out of scope or will they leak?
WelcomeWizard wiz;
wiz.addPage(new QWizardPage);
I think QWizard will delete them however I would really appreciate any more detailed explanation.

QWizard::addPage internally calls setPage, which calls page->setParent(...) as one of the first things done.
So yes, the wizard does take ownership of the pages, and they will be subject to normal QObject lifetimes. Deleting the wizard will delete all of the pages.

Yes Qt automatically deletes the child of a widget when the parent is deleting


Would this QChangesOpacityEffect usage cause a potential memory leak? (but only way to force repaint...)

So, I am working with some QWidgets inside a QMdiArea, and i want to play with the opacity og a graphicview inside the QWidgets with a dial, using the QGraphicsOpacityEffect.
This is the slot that receives the dial signal to set the new opacity:
void MainWindow::changeWindow1Transparency(int dialValue)
QGraphicsOpacityEffect* op = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(ui->graphicsView); //Potential memory leak here
This is the only way i've managed to make the opacity change immediately when turning the dial. But I fear that this might cause a memory leak because of the new constantly creating new effects.
I have tried to set this QGraphicOpacityEffect *op as an attribute of the class. But then, when I turn the dial, the opacity doesn't change immediately but only when I move the window around the QMdiArea. The same happens when calling the QGraphicsView->GraphicsEffects().. Any ideas on why this is happening? how could I prevent the memory leak and at the same time force that the opacity changes immediately with the dial?
There shouldn't be a memory leak as long as you pass a parent object to your QGraphicsOpacityEffect or set a widget with the effect.
The way you've set it up ui->graphicsView->setGraphicsEffect(op), According to QWidget::setGraphicsEffect:
Sets effect as the widget's effect. If there already is an effect installed on this widget, QWidget will delete the existing effect before installing the new effect.
You've got yourself a guarantee that the intermediate objects will be deleted. With regards to the final GraphicsEffect, as your ui->graphicsView widget is destroyed, so does the GraphicsOpacityEffect (see Qt Object Trees and Ownership).
As for forcing the opacity changes to your dial, try adding repaint(); to your slot. This will repaint your entire widget. (And after that, also try parentWidget()->repaint() as the parent sometimes needs a little nudging.)
As Jeremy Friesner mentions in the comments and as you've tried before, it may be more efficient to set QGraphicOpacityEffect *op as a member of the class, calling op->setOpacity(x) in your slot without having to create a new effect each time the slot is triggered. Keep in mind the repaint semantics above.

QT clear widget contents

I have QWidget renameWidget which is referred to as ui->renameWidget. Within this, I have a QVBoxLayout *renamebox and within this I have several labels and textedits.
What I need to happen is that when I hit a button to submit these textedits, I need everything within the QWidget to be deleted. This will give the effect of the box being emptied or cleared.
I've tried to just delete the vboxlayout and I've also tried this:
qDeleteAll(ui->renameWidget->findChildren<QVBoxLayout *>());
Nothing has worked, any ideas?
qDeleteAll(ui->renamebox->findChildren<QLabel *>());
qDeleteAll(ui->renamebox->findChildren<QTextEdit *>());
Although it's typically better to call deleteLater on most QObject based classes because it allows the objects to be cleaned up in the next pass through the event loop, not in the middle of an event being processed
qDeleteAll(ui->renamebox->children()); would delete all children.

Setting common parent Qt widget for new widget in separate thread

I need to create a widget in a separate thread and to set MainWindow for it as a parent widget. Creation of a thread cannot be avoided.
In the constructor of a new widget I am specifying a pointer to MainWindow, but give
QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
How to solve this?
P.S. Child widgets may be numerous.
You cannot create UI widgets outside of main thread
This is not possible. See the following code reference for details why not:
QObject source code
In particular, you would need to pay attention to this warning:
"qWarning("QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread");"
which you got on the command line based on your question, so this is all expected.
As the warning says, you need to make sure that the parenting happens in the same thread between the parent and child.
Creation of a thread cannot be avoided. How to solve this?
I am afraid you will need to refactor the code by either moveing this out of your thread into the same where the parent is or/and not have the separate thread at all.
Based on the information in your question, currently, it is not possible to say more since we do not yet completely know the functionality of your other thread.
Hope this helps with explaining it.

Freeing allocated memory with Qt toolbars and actions

Do I need to free Qt toolbars and actions?
I created them this way
QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar(this);
tb->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Actions"));
QAction *a;
a = actionUndo = new QAction(...ecc..);
are these deallocated automatically or do I need to free them up?
In short, yes they are deallocated automatically as part of the Qt framework as it appears you are properly passing in the parent (i.e. this in your case). Also, in the case of the QToolBar, calling addToolBar will cause it to be 're-parented' if it didn't already have a correct parent.

What is the purpose of QWidget's parent?

If I subclassed any widget the usual pattern is:
ZTabWidget::ZTabWidget(QWidget *parent):QTabWidget(parent){
blah ... blah ...
The usual pattern is:
WidgetB widgetb = new WidgetB(widgeta)
Is there any harm in having all my widgets assigned MainWindow as their respective parent - even though, following the trails of addWidget hierarchy, most of those widgets have another widget as the addWidget parent:
WidgetB widgetb = new WidgetB(mainWindow)
The reason I wish to do this is because mainWindow holds all the main items of the application and that I could have my any of my subclassed widgets reference those items.
In fact, I am thinking of a proxy widget that is merely used to hold some common references and use that proxy widget as the common parent of all my widgets. Any problem in that?
Exactly, what is the use of having registered a parent for a QWidget? Is the parent even used internally?
Does the addWidget parent have to be the same as the constructor parent?
There are actually two aspects two your questions:
Memory management
The tree-like organization of QWidgets (and in fact of any QObjects) is part of the memory management strategy used within the Qt-Framework. Assigning a QObject to a parent means that ownership of the child object is transferred to the parent object. If the parent is deleted, all its children are also deleted. From the docs:
QObjects organize themselves in object trees. When you create a
QObject with another object as parent, the object will automatically
add itself to the parent's children() list. The parent takes ownership
of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its
destructor. You can look for an object by name and optionally type
using findChild() or findChildren().
This means you can organize your widgets in any way that seems sensible to you (as long as you don't introduce memory leaks). I think, however, that it is a common practice to assign all the widgets to their respective container (either explicitly, or better, using methods like addWidget).
If a widget is assigned to a QLayout using addWidget, then ownership of the widget is transferred to the layout (which in turn is probably owned by another surrounding layout or the main window). So yes, the relationship defined by this method includes the more general parent-child relationship described above.
Now, as soon as the main window gets destroyed, basically the whole tree of QObjects is deleted as you'd expect.
Consequently, if you leave an object "parentless", it is your own responsibility to delete it.
GUI semantics
As Frank noted correctly, in some contexts the parent-child relationship between QWidgets also bears a semantically meaning to the GUI framework. An example of this are modal dialogs, who block their parent as long as they stay open.