How to create new binary file in cpp [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new in c++. I tried to create the binary file in c++. But not able to create it.Below is my source code.
void main()
ofstream myfile;"D:\get\data.bin",ios::binary);
if (myfile.is_open())
I always get bye output only.
My required target is to create a binary file in D directory with the data as a file name.I am using VS2010 and os is win 7.
for providing the help

You have to double the backslashes :
Have a look at escaped characters.


Check if CString contains specific Text MFC [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to check if a String contains a specific Text.
Something like this
CString a;
CString b;
if (a.Find (b))
String a contains String b
Can anyone help me? Im working with mfc
If you change your if statement to
if (a.Find (b) != -1)
then you get what you want.

Using command line instructions in VS2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to call from a program in VS2010 C++ a windows application using a system call.
How is that possible in Windows? I would like to compress a file using the 7z applicaition. Can I call it from the VS2010 program?
The command is: C:\Program Files\7-Zip>7z a -mx9 -tbzip2 zip1.bz2 History.txt
Thank you
You can use
call system() function

Perl match in context [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to find a word in a text file, and save it to a variable along with some characters. for example in the text file it would be something like:
Isoelectric Point = 6.2505
I'll be looping through a directory of files, so the value of the Isoelectric Point will change, and that is why I need the characters after the match to be saved to a variable.
if (my ($point) = $str =~ /Isoelectric Point = (\S+)/) {

Format a C++ string with template [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the best way to transform a string with a special template, like a sed unix transform.
i must to do this with QT c++ :
original string : 00048500854006F85FF4B0
before c++ transform : 48500854006F85FF4B
Eliminate all the 0 in the start and the end of my string (not in the middle).
maybe a solution with sprintf ?
thank you very much for your help.
It's possible to do using regular expression:
You can always use the power of sed by calling system ("sed 's/foo/bar/' file"); or by using the Qt QProcess. In that case see this and this

C++ Reading File with bunzip2 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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int main()
ifstream fFeedList;"/ra/file");
return 0;
How to read files with .bz2 in C++? Thanks!!
Take a look at the Boost iostreams library, it can decompress bzip etc.