I am trying to link ember-models to the ember-table to pull paginated records from the server and add them to the table when scrolling down.
I can get it working by just requesting my api url with page number like in the ajax example on http://addepar.github.io/ember-table/ but i cant figure out how to integrate it with ember-model to create and ember objects and then add them to the table.
Here is my code to just make an ajax request and add to table. Can anyone tell me how i can change this to use ember-model / ember-data instead.
App.TableAjaxExample = Ember.Namespace.create()
App.TableAjaxExample.LazyDataSource = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend
createGithubEvent: (row, event) ->
row.set 'id', event.id
row.set 'name', event.name
row.set 'isLoaded', yes
requestGithubEvent: (page) ->
content = #get 'content'
start = (page - 1) * 30
end = start + 30
per_page = 40
# something like this ???
#App.Detail.find(type: 'companies', page: page, per_page: per_page).on 'didLoad', ->
url = "http:/myurl.dev/admin/details.json?type=companies&page=#{page}&per_page=30"
Ember.$.getJSON url, (json) =>
json.details.forEach (event, index) =>
row = content[start + index]
#createGithubEvent row, event
[start...end].forEach (index) ->
content[index] = Ember.Object.create eventId: index, isLoaded: no
objectAt: (index) ->
content = #get 'content'
#if index is content.get('length') - 1
# content.pushObjects(new Array(30))
row = content[index]
return row if row and not row.get('error')
#requestGithubEvent Math.floor(index / 30 + 1)
App.TableAjaxExample.TableController =
hasHeader: yes
hasFooter: no
numFixedColumns: 0
numRows: 21054
rowHeight: 35
columns: Ember.computed ->
columnNames = ['id', 'name']
columns = columnNames.map (key, index) ->
columnWidth: 150
headerCellName: key.w()
contentPath: key
content: Ember.computed ->
content: new Array(#get('numRows'))
.property 'numRows'
Is the possible or does this slow it down to much?
Thanks for the help.
Here's a JSBin that I got working with Ember Data and the RESTAdapter: http://jsbin.com/eVOgUrE/3/edit
It works very similarly to the AJAX loading example, but uses Ember Data to load the data. I created a RowProxy object that is returned immediately to the Ember Table so that it can render a row. After Ember Data loads a page full of data it sets the object property on the RowProxy which updates the view.
window.App = Ember.Application.create();
// The main model that will be loaded into Ember Table
App.Gallery = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
smallUrl: DS.attr('string')
// This is a temporary buffer object that sits between
// Ember Table and the model object (Gallery, in this case).
App.RowProxy = Ember.Object.extend({
getObjectProperty : function(prop){
var obj = this.get('object');
if(obj){ console.log(prop + " : " + obj.get(prop)); }
return obj ? obj.get(prop) : 'loading...';
isLoaded : function(){ return !!this.get('object'); }.property('object'),
name : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('name'); }.property('object.name'),
id : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('id'); }.property('object.id'),
smallUrl : function(){ return this.getObjectProperty('smallUrl'); }.property('object.smallUrl')
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
tableController: Ember.computed(function() {
return Ember.get('App.TableAjaxExample.TableController').create({
// We need to pass in the store so that the table can use it
store : this.get('store')
App.TableAjaxExample = Ember.Namespace.create();
App.TableAjaxExample.ImageTableCell = Ember.Table.TableCell.extend({
templateName: 'img-table-cell',
classNames: 'img-table-cell'
App.TableAjaxExample.LazyDataSource = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
requestPage : function(page){
var content, end, start, url, _i, _results,
_this = this;
content = this.get('content');
start = (page - 1) * 3;
end = start + 3;
// Find galleries and then update the RowProxy to hold a gallery as 'object'
return galleries.forEach(function(gallery, index) {
var position = start + index;
// Fill the 'content' array with RowProxy objects
// Taken from the 'requestGithubEvent' method of the original example
return (function() {
_results = [];
for (var _i = start; start <= end ? _i < end : _i > end; start <= end ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
return _results;
}).apply(this).forEach(function(index) {
return content[index] = App.RowProxy.create({
index: index
objectAt: function(index) {
var content, row;
content = this.get('content');
row = content[index];
if (row && !row.get('error')) {
return row;
this.requestPage(Math.floor(index / 3 + 1));
return content[index];
App.TableAjaxExample.TableController = Ember.Table.TableController.extend({
hasHeader: true,
hasFooter: false,
numFixedColumns: 0,
numRows: 19,
rowHeight: 35,
columns: Ember.computed(function() {
var avatar, columnNames, columns;
avatar = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
columnWidth: 80,
headerCellName: 'smallUrl',
tableCellViewClass: 'App.TableAjaxExample.ImageTableCell',
contentPath: 'smallUrl'
columnNames = ['id', 'name'];
columns = columnNames.map(function(key, index) {
return Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
columnWidth: 150,
headerCellName: key.w(),
contentPath: key
return columns;
content: Ember.computed(function() {
return App.TableAjaxExample.LazyDataSource.create({
content: new Array(this.get('numRows')),
store : this.get('store')
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
host: 'http://files.cloudhdr.com/api/v1/public',
// This is here to use underscores in API params
pathForType: function(type) {
var underscored = Ember.String.underscore(type);
return Ember.String.pluralize(underscored);
// Everything below is all here to use underscores in API params.
// You may or may not need this.
modelTypeFromRoot: function(root) {
console.log("modelTypeFromRoot " + root);
var camelized = Ember.String.camelize(root);
return Ember.String.singularize(camelized);
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
normalize: function(type, hash, property) {
var normalized = {}, normalizedProp;
for (var prop in hash) {
if (prop.substr(-3) === '_id') {
// belongsTo relationships
normalizedProp = prop.slice(0, -3);
} else if (prop.substr(-4) === '_ids') {
// hasMany relationship
normalizedProp = Ember.String.pluralize(prop.slice(0, -4));
} else {
// regualarAttribute
normalizedProp = prop;
normalizedProp = Ember.String.camelize(normalizedProp);
normalized[normalizedProp] = hash[prop];
return this._super(type, normalized, property);
In my app I have a google map and I want to add many marker on it and so I load the data via ajax (I'm in Django). I have the probem with infocontent and the 'click' event on the marker load via ajax: When I do 'click' on the marker nothing happened. This is my code:
function initialize() {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({{lat}}, {{long}});
var myOptions = {
zoom: 16,
center: latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapCanvas"), myOptions);
var contentString = '<div id="content">{{name}}<br><span style="font-size:10px;">{{road}}</span><br><span style="font-size:10px;">{{city}} ({{prov}})</span></div>';
var infowindow_strutt = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: contentString
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
map: map,
title: '{{name}}'
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
var markers = [];
var markers_strutt = [];
var markers_concor = [];
var icon_strutt = {
url: 'http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/graphicloads/colorful-long-shadow/24/Home-icon.png'
var icon_concor = {
url: 'http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/graphicloads/100-flat/24/home-icon.png'
var marker_concor
var marker_strutt
map.addListener('bounds_changed', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var southWest = bounds.getSouthWest();
var northEast = bounds.getNorthEast();
url: '/api/get_marker/',
cache: false,
data: {
'fromlat': southWest.lat(),
'tolat': northEast.lat(),
'fromlng': southWest.lng(),
'tolng': northEast.lng()
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.type = 1) {
var marker_concor = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(item.lat, item.lng),
icon: icon_concor,
map: map,
draggable: false
} else if (item.type = 2) {
var marker_strutt = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(item.lat, item.lng),
icon: icon_strutt,
map: map,
draggable: false
//Create an infoWindow
var infowindow_strutt = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
//set the content of infoWindow (the name)
//add click listner to marker which will open infoWindow
map.addListener(marker_strutt, 'click', function() {
infowindow_strutt.open(marker_strutt); // click on marker opens info window
if (marker_strutt) {
if (marker_concor) {
jQuery(document).ready(function(e) {
Where is the issue? Thanks a lot
EDIT: View code
def view_get_marker(request):
id = 24
list_id = []
list_marker = []
# type 1 data
A_list = tab_A.objects.filter(id_struttura=id).filter(lat__gt=request.GET.get('fromlat'), lat__lt=request.GET.get('tolat')).filter(lng__gt=request.GET.get('fromlng'), lng__lt=request.GET.get('tolng'))
for a in A_list:
list_marker.append([a.lat, a.lng, a.name, a.road, a.city, a.id, 1])
# type 2 data
B_list = list(tab_B.objects.all().values_list('lat','lng','name','road','city','id').exclude(lng__isnull=True).exclude(id__in=lista_id).filter(lat__gt=request.GET.get('fromlat'), lat__lt=request.GET.get('tolat')).filter(lng__gt=request.GET.get('fromlng'), lng__lt=request.GET.get('tolng')))
for lat, lng, name, road, city, id in B_list:
list_marker.append([lat, lng, name, road, city, id, 2])
if request.is_ajax():
results = []
for row in list_marker:
h_json = {}
h_json['lat'] = row[0]
h_json['lng'] = row[1]
h_json['name'] = unicode(row[2])
h_json['road'] = unicode(row[3])
h_json['city'] = unicode(row[4])
h_json['id'] = row[5]
h_json['type'] = row[6]
data = json.dumps(results)
data = 'fail'
mimetype = 'application/json'
return HttpResponse(data, mimetype)
I found the solution. The problem was in the event 'click' declaration. The right way is this:
google.maps.event.addListener(marker_strutt, 'click', (function(marker_strutt, i) {
return function() {
infowindow.setContent('my content');
infowindow.open(map, marker_strutt);
})(marker_strutt, i));
In this way I have the popoup!
Ember 1.5.1
Ember-Data 1.0 beta 7
I've tried to modify the DS.ActiveModelAdapter's findMany so it'll get in chunks of 40... this is because I can't use the links feature and it seems to be generating 400 errors because it has too many ids in the URL its creating.
I tried using this adapter, but I keep getting error messages that look like this:
Error: Assertion Failed: Error: no model was found for 'super'
Here's my Adapter:
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises).then(function(resolvedBinRequests) {
var resolvedObjects = Em.A([]);
resolvedBinRequests.forEach(function(resolvedBin) {
}, function(error) {
Can anyone help me out with this? It'd be really appreciated. Am I just missing something obvious or have I perhaps done something silly?
Thanks in advance!
[edit] Okay so further to this I've figured out why it's not working, and that's because the response that's coming back is a promise for the JSON payload, but what I'm doing is joining multiples of these into an array and returning that... which obviously won't be right... but what I need to do is merge the arrays inside the objects returned into one, I think (in concept)... I'm not really sure how to do this in actuality, though... I've tried various things, but none of them seem to work well... :(
I'm not sure how much control you have over the back-end, but this seems like a perfect use case for using links instead of returning all of the ids.
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
bars: DS.hasMany('bar', {async:true})
App.Bar = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr()
Then when you query for foo your json returns a link instead of a list of ids
foo: {
links: {
bars: '/foo/1/bars' // or anything, you could put /bars?start=1&end=9000
Here's an example with 1000 relationship records hitting a simple endpoint:
Okay so I finally worked out how to make this work.
I'll share my answer here for future posterity ;-)
Of interest is that the required response had to be a promise and it had to contain a straight up JS object, so I "munged" all the responses into one JS object and manually built the pluralized camelized type key... I wasn't sure how else to do this. So... sorry it's so hacky, but this actually works and lets me fix my app for now until the "links" feature is working again.
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
// build an array of promises, then resolve using Ember.RSVP.all
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
// build the required return object, which is a promise containing a plain JS object
// note this can't be an Ember object
Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises).then(function(resolvedBinRequests) {
var pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey = type.typeKey.decamelize().pluralize();
var resolvedObjects = Em.A([]);
var returnObject = {};
returnObject[pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey] = resolvedObjects;
resolvedBinRequests.forEach(function(resolvedBin) {
var theArray = resolvedBin[pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey];
var responsePromise = Ember.RSVP.Promise.cast(returnObject);
}, function(error) {
After some feedback I updated this response to attempt to extract the response payloads in the serializer instead of attempting to mimic the store's logic in the adapter.
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
// build an array of promises, then resolve using Ember.RSVP.all
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
return Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises);
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.ActiveModelSerializer.extend({
extractFindMany: function(store, type, responsePayloads) {
// responsePayloads is the resolved value from the Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises) promise
var serializer = this;
var extractedResponses = responsePayloads.map(function(payload) {
return serializer.extractArray(store, type, payload);
// extractedResponses is an array of arrays. We need to flatten it into 1 array.
return [].concat.apply([], extractedResponses);
If you imagine two models defined thus:
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
emails: DS.hasMany('email', {embedded: 'always'}),
App.Email = DS.Model.extend({
address: DS.attr('string'),
alias: DS.attr('string'),
user: DS.belongsTo('user')
... and a REST Adapter:
App.UserAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
url: 'http://whatever.com',
namespace: 'api/v1'
... with routing set up like so:
App.Router.map(function () {
this.route('index', { path: '/' });
this.resource('users', function () {
this.resource('user', { path: ':user_id' }, function () {
this.resource('emails', function () {
this.resource('email', { path: ':email_id' }, function () {
... and a controller action to save the edited email, which looks like this:
App.EmailEditController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
save: function () {
var self = this;
var email = this.get('model');
self.transitionToRoute('email', email);
The issue is this...
The PUT request is being sent to: http://whatever.com/api/v1/emails/[email_id]
However the correct API endpoint is: http://whatever.com/api/v1/users/[user_id]/emails/[email_id]
What is the correct way to remedy this issue?
The solution I came up with was just to rewrite createRecord, updateRecord and deleteRecord in the REST adapter.
I added a 'parent' attribute to the models affected. In the *Record hooks, I can check if this is set and edit the path sent to buildURL accordingly.
My createRecord, updateRecord and deleteRecord hooks now looks something similar to this:
App.UserAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
createRecord: function (store, type, record) {
if (!record.get('parent') || null === record.get('parent')) {
return this._super(store, type, record);
var data = {};
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type.typeKey);
var parent_type = record.get('parent');
var parent_id = record.get(parent_type).get('id');
var child_type = Ember.String.camelize(
var path = Ember.String.pluralize(parent_type) + '/' + parent_id + '/' + child_type;
serializer.serializeIntoHash(data, type, record, { includeId: true });
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(path), "POST", { data: data });
updateRecord: function(store, type, record) {
if(!record.get('parent') || null === record.get('parent')){
return this._super(store, type, record);
var data = {};
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type.typeKey);
var parent_type = record.get('parent');
var parent_id = record.get(parent_type).get('id');
var child_type = Ember.String.camelize(
var path = Ember.String.pluralize(parent_type) + '/' + parent_id + '/' + child_type;
serializer.serializeIntoHash(data, type, record);
var id = record.get('id');
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(path, id), "PUT", { data: data });
deleteRecord: function (store, type, record) {
if (!record.get('parent')) {
return this._super(store, type, record);
var parent_type = record.get('parent');
var parent_id = record.get('parent_id');
var child_type = Ember.String.camelize(
var path = Ember.String.pluralize(parent_type) + '/' + parent_id + '/' + child_type;
var id = record.get('id');
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(path, id), "DELETE");
The Email model in the example would be something like:
App.Email = DS.Model.extend({
address: DS.attr('string'),
alias: DS.attr('string'),
user: DS.belongsTo('user'),
parent: 'user'
I solved this by overriding the buildURL method in model-specific adapters when required, using a mixin to encapsulate the method. Basically, it uses the default method to get the URL built according to Ember's rules and then it slices and puts additional info in place. Of course, this works because in buildURL we have access to the record...
Here is the basic idea in CoffeeScript:
module.exports = App.RestWithParentMixin = Ember.Mixin.create
host: App.Environment.get('hostREST')
namespace: App.Environment.get('apiNamespace')
ancestorTypes: null
buildURL: (type, id, record) ->
url = #_super(type, id, record)
ancestorTypes = #get('ancestorTypes')
if ancestorTypes == null
urlFixed = url
urlPrefix = #urlPrefix()
urlWithoutPrefix = url.slice(urlPrefix.length)
ancestry = []
if not Array.isArray(ancestorTypes)
ancestorTypes = [ancestorTypes]
for ancestorType in ancestorTypes
ancestor = record.get(ancestorType)
ancestorID = ancestor.get('id')
urlFixed = urlPrefix + '/' + ancestry.join('/') + urlWithoutPrefix
PS: A small edit to add that I this was made using Ember 1.7.1 and Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.11
I'm using Ember.js 1.0.0 and Ember-Data-beta2.
I have a model Product which belongsTo Company. When creating a product, the user can select which company it belongsTo in a dropdown menu. This adds "company":"25" to the form post, which for the most part is just what I want. Instead of "company", however, I want the form to submit "company_id". How can I change this?
From what I can tell, Ember-Data serializers only normalize incoming data, not outgoing data. Would this be handled in the adapter? If so, how do I communicate this convention to Ember?
Use the ActiveModelAdapter (see PR here):
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend();
Edit: This solution is outdated, use ActiveModelAdapter instead, as suggested by Panagiotis Panagi.
With the recent versions of ember-data you have to override the serializer, in order to get "rails freindly behaivor". Like so:
// See https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/master/TRANSITION.md
// and http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/changes-with-ds-restadapter/2406/8
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
normalize: function(type, hash, property) {
var normalized = {}, normalizedProp;
for (var prop in hash) {
if (prop.substr(-3) === '_id') {
// belongsTo relationships
normalizedProp = prop.slice(0, -3);
} else if (prop.substr(-4) === '_ids') {
// hasMany relationship
normalizedProp = Ember.String.pluralize(prop.slice(0, -4));
} else {
// regualarAttribute
normalizedProp = prop;
normalizedProp = Ember.String.camelize(normalizedProp);
normalized[normalizedProp] = hash[prop];
return this._super(type, normalized, property);
serialize: function(record, options) {
json = {}
record.eachAttribute(function(name) {
json[name.underscore()] = record.get(name)
record.eachRelationship(function(name, relationship) {
if (relationship.kind == 'hasMany') {
key = name.singularize().underscore() + '_ids'
json[key] = record.get(name).mapBy('id')
} else {
key = name.underscore() + '_id'
json[key] = record.get(name + '.id')
if (options && options.includeId) {
json.id = record.get('id')
return json
typeForRoot: function(root) {
var camelized = Ember.String.camelize(root);
return Ember.String.singularize(camelized);
serializeIntoHash: function(data, type, record, options) {
var root = Ember.String.decamelize(type.typeKey);
data[root] = this.serialize(record, options);
serializeAttribute: function(record, json, key, attribute) {
var attrs = Ember.get(this, 'attrs');
var value = Ember.get(record, key), type = attribute.type;
if (type) {
var transform = this.transformFor(type);
value = transform.serialize(value);
// if provided, use the mapping provided by `attrs` in
// the serializer
key = attrs && attrs[key] || Ember.String.decamelize(key);
json[key] = value;
I hope this helps.
I am trying to figure out how to properly perform save using ember data. My models are defined as:
AS.AnalyticsRun = DS.Model.extend({
'exerciseId' : DS.attr('number'),
'exerciseRunId' : DS.attr('number'),
'queued' : DS.attr('boolean'),
'final' : DS.attr('boolean'),
'analyticsRunParameters' : DS.hasMany('analyticsRunParameter')
AS.AnalyticsRunParameter = DS.Model.extend({
'name' : DS.attr('string'),
'category' : DS.attr('string'),
'filteredOut' : DS.attr('boolean', { 'default' : false }),
'equalsDefaultValue' : function() {
/* computed property : returns css class name that should be used for the row with parameter having value other than default one*/
return this.get('value') == this.get('default');
}.property('value', 'default'),
'analyticsRun' : DS.belongsTo('analyticsRun')
And in my controller I have a function that performs an insert:
createNewAnalyticsRun : function(createRunFrom, createRunFromId){
var self = this;
type: "POST",
url: AS.baseURL+"analyticsRuns",
data: {"createFrom": createRunFrom, "id" : createRunFromId, "exerciseId" : AS.Analytics.get('exerciseId'), "exerciseRunId" : AS.Analytics.get('exerciseRunId')},
success: function(newAnalyticsRun){
self.get('store').push('analyticsRun', newAnalyticsRun.analyticsRun);
for(var i = 0, len = newAnalyticsRun.analyticsRunParameters.length; i<len; i++){
self.get('store').push('analyticsRunParameter', newAnalyticsRun.analyticsRunParameters[i]);
dataType: "JSON"
My route looks like:
AS.AnalyticsRunsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model : function() {
var store = this.get('store');
return store.find('analyticsRun',{'exerciseId':1});
This setup works perfectly(updates my template with added data on save) when my route is setup like:
return store.find('analyticsRun');
But with
return store.find('analyticsRun',{'exerciseId':1});
my template does not get updated upon save even when the added record has exerciseId of 1. When I refresh my page, the newly added data shows up. I am pretty sure that adding filter to the find is causing the issue.
SOLUTION: I ended up using jquery ajax call to rest api to get the data in confluence with the solution provide by #sly7_7, like this
AS.AnalyticsRunsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model : function() {
var store = this.get('store'), self = this;
var exerciseId = //get exercise id from some other logic
type: "GET",
url: AS.baseURL+"analyticsRuns",
data: {"exerciseId" : exerciseId},
success: function(analyticsRunData){
for(var i = 0, len = analyticsRunData.analyticsRuns.length; i<len; i++){
self.get('store').push('analyticsRun', analyticsRunData.analyticsRuns[i]);
for(i = 0, len = analyticsRunData.analyticsRunParameters.length; i<len; i++){
self.get('store').push('analyticsRunParameter', analyticsRunData.analyticsRunParameters[i]);
dataType: "JSON"
//perfect since I need to return model anyways without calling find
return store.filter('analyticsRun', function(analyticRun){
return analyticRun.get('exerciseId') == exerciseId;
setupController : function(controller,model){
Did you try to use store.filter instead of store.find ? If what you want is filtering and keeping the result as a live array, then filter is the way to go.
In the model hook, I would write something like:
AS.AnalyticsRunsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model : function() {
store.find('analyticsRun', {exerciseId: 1});
return store.filter('analyticsRun', function(analyticRun){
return analyticRun.get('exerciseId') == 1;