boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket -> how to query the socket state? - c++

I am using the boost library to create a server application. At a time one client is allowed therefore if the async_accept(...) function gets called the acceptor will be closed.
The only job of my server is to send data periodically (if sending is enabled on the server, otherwise "just sit there" until it gets enabled) to the client. Therefore I have a boost message queue - if a message arrives the send() is called on the socket.
My problem is that I cannot tell if the client is still listening. Normally you would not care, by the next transmission the send would yield an error.
But in my case the acceptor is not opened when a socket is opened. If the socket gets in the CLOSE_WAIT state I have to close it and open the acceptor again so that the client can connect again.
Waiting until the next send is also no option since it is possible that the sending is disabled therefore my server would be stuck.
How can I determine if a boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket is in a CLOSE_WAIT state?

Here is the code to do what Dmitry Poroh suggests:
typedef asio::detail::socket_option::integer<ASIO_OS_DEF(SOL_SOCKET),SO_ERROR>so_error;
so_error tmp;
int value=tmp.value();
//do something with value.

You can try to use ip::tcp::socket::get_option and get error state with level SOL_SOCKET and option name SO_ERROR. I'm surprised that I have not found the ready boost implementation for it. So you can try to meet GettableSocketOption requirements an use ip::tcp::socket::get_option to fetch the socket error state.


Find the best way to reconnect Boost::Beast websocket

I'd like get an advice about how to replace boost::beast based ssl websocket connection between 2 different servers that will minimize the reconnection time.
my web socket client object is from the following type as a member variable of std::optional<websocketMgr> mgr; and it defined as follows :
class websocketMgr {
boost::beast::ssl_stream<boost::beast::tcp_stream>> ws_;
during steady state, the web socket may send asnyc_write calls and is halting in read
ws_.async_read(buffer, yield);
From time to time, I'd like to change the connection to a different server peer. So I first need to trigger an exception on the async_read that is waiting by the current socket thread - this will eventually reach the socket d'tor and close the current connection before setting a new one.
void websocketMgr::closeWebsocket() {
mgr.emplace(...); // create new websocket, after the older one fully removed
However, as I experienced, the ssl_stream (underlying object) can take very long time to complete since it may reach timeout if the server side is currently using the connection and Is not cooperating in the shutdown process.
Perhaps anyone can suggest a way that will ensure that the older connection is closed gracefully on the background, while the new connection is created as fast as possible to reduce lack of connectivity.
Thanks !

Integrating Boost Asio with ZeroMQ, Bad File Descriptor?

I'm trying to integrate Boost Asio with ZeroMQ. The messaging is functional for the first connection, but the program exits with the error
"Bad File Descriptor"
when the initial connection ends.
I'm using the Boost.Beast example code of the Async Websocket Server to make a connection with the client. I then open a ZMQ socket. The client sends a message to the server over a Websocket connection, the message is send over a ZMQ socket to a different server, the server will do some processing, the server sends the message back over ZMQ, and the final message is sent back to the client over the same Websocket connection.
I am using This Code to integrate Boost with ZMQ. The line of importance is
int zfd;
optlen = sizeof (zfd);
zmq_getsockopt (zmq_sock_, ZMQ_FD, &zfd, &optlen);
sock_.assign (boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), zfd);
This gets a file descriptor from the ZMQ socket and wraps it with the Boost socket so everything plays nice. However, when the destructor is called:
zmq_close (zmq_sock_);
I get an error that there is a Socket operation on a Non-socket because it seems that the socket has been closed. If I remove the socket shutdown and close, I get a Bad File Descriptor issue with ZMQ. It seems that the Session Websocket object is partially destroying the Asio-ZMQ objects. If I remove the destructor entirely, the program doesn't crash, but it does not work properly anymore. i.e. it won't send any more messages over ZMQ.
I've been struggling with this problem for days and I'm hoping that I can get some help. If it helps, my code takes the my_zmq_req_client class and integrates it into the Boost.Beast session class.
I haven't looked at the linked library, but this fragment
zmq_close (zmq_sock_);
looks suspicious as sock_.close() is meddling with a socket that wasn't opened by it. I'd suggest it makes a lot more sense to release the socket on the asio side, instead of closing it, so that ZMQ can continue having the responsibility over creation/destruction.
zmq_close (zmq_sock_);

Ensuring data is being read with async_read

I am currently testing my network application in very low bandwidth environments. I currently have code that attempts to ensure that the connection is good by making sure I am still receiving information.
Traditionally I have done this by recording the timestamp in my ReadHandler function so that each time it gets called I know I have received data on the socket. With very low bandwidths this isn't sufficient because my ReadHandler is not getting called frequently enough.
I was toying around with the idea of writing my own completion condition function (right now I am using tranfer_at_least(1)) thinking it would get called more frequently and I could record my timestamp there, but I was wondering if there wasn't some other more standard way to go about this.
We had a similar issue in production: some of our connections may be idle for days, but we must detect if the remote is dead ASAP.
We solved it by enabling the TCP_KEEPALIVE option:
boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive option(true);
which had to be accompanied by new startup script that writes sensible values to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_* which have very long timeouts by default (on LInux)
You can use the read_some method to get partial reads, and deal with the book keeping. This is more efficient than transfer_at_least(1), but you still have to keep track of what is going on.
However, a cleaner approach is just to use a concurrent deadline_timer. If the timer goes off before you are finished, then is taking too long and cancel whatever is going on. If not, just stop the timer and continue. Something like:
boost::asio::deadline_timer t;
t.async_wait(bind(&Class::timed_out, this, _1));
// Do stuff.
if (!t.cancel()) {
// Timer went off, abort
// And the timeout method
void Class::timed_out(error_code const& error)
if (error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) return;
// Deal with the timeout, close the socket, etc.
I don't know how to handle low latency of network from within application. Can you be sure if it's network latency, or if peer server or peer application busy and react slowly. Does it matter if it network/server/application quilt?
Even if you can discover network latency and find it's big, what are you going to do?
You can not improve the situation.
Consider other critical case which is a subset of what you're trying to handle - network is down (e.g. you disconnect cable from your machine). Since it a subset of your problem you want to handle it too.
Let's examine the network down effect on active TCP connection.How can you discover your active TCP connection is still alive? Calling send() will success, but it merely says that the message queued in TCP outgoing queue in kernel. TCP stack will try to send it, but since TCP ACK won't be sent back, TCP stack on your side will try to resend it again and again. You can see your message in netstat output (Send-Q column).
I'm aware of the following ways to deal with it:
One standard way is TCP keep alive proposed #Cubby.
Another way is to implement Keep Alive mechanism. Send Keep Alive req message and peer is obligated to send back Keep Alive ack message.
If you don't receive ack message after predefined timeout, try to send Keep Alive req N more times (e.g. N=2). If still no success, close the socket and open it again. If peer server is not available you'll not be abable to open connection, since TCP 3 way handshake requires peer to respond.

Working with sockets in MFC

I'm trying to make a MFC application(client) that connects to a server on ("localhost",port 1234), the server replies to the client and the client reads from the server's response.
The server is able to receive the data from the client and it sends the reply back to the socket from where it received it, but I am unable to read the reply from within the client.
I am making a CAsyncSocket to connect to the server and send data and a CAsyncSocket with overloaded methods onAccet and onReceive to read the reply from the server.
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
class ServerSocket:public CAsyncSocket{
void OnAccept(int nErrorCode){
outputBox->SetWindowTextA("RECEIVED DATA");
//in ApplicationDlg I have:
socket.Send(temp,strlen(temp)); //this should be sending the initial message
if(!serverSocket.Create()) //this should get the response i guess...
AfxMessageBox("Could not create server socket");
AfxMessageBox("Could not listen to socket");
You should be aware that all network operations are potentially time-consuming operations. Now, since you're using MFC's CAsyncSocket class, it performs all the operations asynchronously (doesn't block you). But return from the function doesn't mean it's already completed.
Let's look at the following lines of code:
socket.Send(temp,strlen(temp)); //this should be sending the initial message
The first is the call to Connect, which most probably doesn't complete immediately.
Next, you call Send, but your socket isn't connected yet! It definitely returns you an error code, but since you don't bother checking its return value - you just happily wait to receive something.
So, the next rule for you, my friend, should be checking every return value for every function that you call, especially when it comes to networking where errors are legitimate and happen frequently.
You should only start sending after OnConnect has been called.
First, I don't see where you send the data to client (on server).
Second, Accept() does not mean data received. Accept means you have a new incoming connection, for which you need to create Another socket, to which data should be sent.

WSAEventSelect model

Hey I'm using the WSAEventSelect for event notifications of sockets. So far everything is cool and working like a charm, but there is one problem.
The client is a .NET application and the server is written in Winsock C++. In the .NET application I'm using System.Net.Sockets.Socket class for TCP/IP. When I call the Socket.Shutdown() and Socket.Close() method, I receive the FD_CLOSE event in the server, which I'm pretty sure is fine. Okay the problem occurs when I check the iErrorCode of WSANETWORKEVENTS which I passed to WSAEnumNetworkEvents. I check it like this
if (listenerNetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE)
if (listenerNetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_CLOSE_BIT] != 0)
// it comes here
// which means there is an error
// and the ERROR I got is
printf("FD_CLOSE failed with error %d\n",
But it fails with the WSAECONNABORTED error. Why is that so?
EDIT: Btw, I'm running both the client and server on the same computer, is it because of that? And I received the FD_CLOSE event when I do this:
server.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); // in .NET C#, client code
I'm guessing you're calling Shutdown() and then Close() immediately afterward. That will give the symptom you're seeing, because this is "slamming the connection shut". Shutdown() does initiate a graceful disconnect (TCP FIN), but immediately following it with Close() aborts that, sending a TCP RST packet to the remote peer. Your Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both) call slams the connection shut, too, by the way.
The correct pattern is:
Call Shutdown() with the direction parameter set to "write", meaning we won't be sending any more data to the remote peer. This causes the stack to send the TCP FIN packet.
Go back to waiting for Winsock events. When the remote peer is also done writing, it will call Shutdown("write"), too, causing its stack to send your machine a TCP FIN packet, and for your application to get an FD_CLOSE event. While waiting, your code should be prepared to continue reading from the socket, because the remote peer might still be sending data.
(Please excuse the pseudo-C# above. I don't speak .NET, only C++.)
Both peers are expected to use this same shutdown pattern: each tells the other when it's done writing, and then waits to receive notification that the remote peer is done writing before it closes its socket.
The important thing to realize is that TCP is a bidirectional protocol: each side can send and receive independently of the other. Closing the socket to reading is not a nice thing to do. It's like having a conversation with another person but only talking and being unwilling to listen. The graceful shutdown protocol says, "I'm done talking now. I'm going to wait until you stop talking before I walk away."