When the data structure is a template parameter, how can I tell if an operation will invalidate an iterator? - c++

Specifically, I have a class which currently uses a vector and push_back. There is an element inside the vector I want to keep track of. Pushing back on the vector may invalidate the iterator, so I keep its index around. It's cheap to find the iterator again using the index. I can't reserve the vector as I don't know how many items will be inserted.
I've considered making the data structure a template parameter, and perhaps list may be used instead. In that case, finding an iterator from the index is not a trivial operation. Since pushing back on a list doesn't invalidate iterators to existing elements, I could just store this iterator instead.
But how can I code a generic class which handles both cases easily?
If I can find out whether push_back will invalidate the iterator, I could store the iterator and update it after each push_back by storing the distance from the beginning before the operation.

You should probably try to avoid this flexibility. Quote from Item 2 "Beware the illusion of container-independent code" from Effective STL by Scott Meyers:
Face the truth: it's not worth it. The different containers are
different, and they have strengths and weaknesses that vary in significant ways. They're not designed to be interchangeable, and
there's littel you can do to paper that over. If you try, you're
merely tempting fate, and fate doesn't like to be tempted.
If you really, positively, definitely have to maintain valid iterators, use std::list. If you also need to have random access, try Boost.MultiIndex (although you'll lose contiguous memory access).
If you look at the standard container adapators (std::stack, std::queue) you see that they support the intersection of the adaptable containers interfaces, not their union.

I'd create a second class, which responsibility would be to return the iterator you are interested in.
It should also be parametrized with the same template parameter, and then you can specialize it for any type you want (vector/list etc). So inside your specializations you can use any method you want.
So it's some traits-based solution.

If you really want to stick with the vector and have that functionality maybe take a look at
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/capacity function. wrap your push_backs in defined function or even better wrap whole std::vector in ur class and before push_backing compare capacity against size() to check if resize will happen.


C++: What are the reasons for choosing a linked list / deque over a vector? [duplicate]

There's a well known image (cheat sheet) called "C++ Container choice". It's a flow chart to choose the best container for the wanted usage.
Does anybody know if there's already a C++11 version of it?
This is the previous one:
Not that I know of, however it can be done textually I guess. Also, the chart is slightly off, because list is not such a good container in general, and neither is forward_list. Both lists are very specialized containers for niche applications.
To build such a chart, you just need two simple guidelines:
Choose for semantics first
When several choices are available, go for the simplest
Worrying about performance is usually useless at first. The big O considerations only really kick in when you start handling a few thousands (or more) of items.
There are two big categories of containers:
Associative containers: they have a find operation
Simple Sequence containers
and then you can build several adapters on top of them: stack, queue, priority_queue. I will leave the adapters out here, they are sufficiently specialized to be recognizable.
Question 1: Associative ?
If you need to easily search by one key, then you need an associative container
If you need to have the elements sorted, then you need an ordered associative container
Otherwise, jump to the question 2.
Question 1.1: Ordered ?
If you do not need a specific order, use an unordered_ container, otherwise use its traditional ordered counterpart.
Question 1.2: Separate Key ?
If the key is separate from the value, use a map, otherwise use a set
Question 1.3: Duplicates ?
If you want to keep duplicates, use a multi, otherwise do not.
Suppose that I have several persons with a unique ID associated to them, and I would like to retrieve a person data from its ID as simply as possible.
I want a find function, thus an associative container
1.1. I couldn't care less about order, thus an unordered_ container
1.2. My key (ID) is separate from the value it is associated with, thus a map
1.3. The ID is unique, thus no duplicate should creep in.
The final answer is: std::unordered_map<ID, PersonData>.
Question 2: Memory stable ?
If the elements should be stable in memory (ie, they should not move around when the container itself is modified), then use some list
Otherwise, jump to question 3.
Question 2.1: Which ?
Settle for a list; a forward_list is only useful for lesser memory footprint.
Question 3: Dynamically sized ?
If the container has a known size (at compilation time), and this size will not be altered during the course of the program, and the elements are default constructible or you can provide a full initialization list (using the { ... } syntax), then use an array. It replaces the traditional C-array, but with convenient functions.
Otherwise, jump to question 4.
Question 4: Double-ended ?
If you wish to be able to remove items from both the front and back, then use a deque, otherwise use a vector.
You will note that, by default, unless you need an associative container, your choice will be a vector. It turns out it is also Sutter and Stroustrup's recommendation.
I like Matthieu's answer, but I'm going to restate the flowchart as this:
When to NOT use std::vector
By default, if you need a container of stuff, use std::vector. Thus, every other container is only justified by providing some functionality alternative to std::vector.
std::vector requires that its contents are move-constructible, since it needs to be able to shuffle the items around. This is not a terrible burden to place on the contents (note that default constructors are not required, thanks to emplace and so forth). However, most of the other containers don't require any particular constructor (again, thanks to emplace). So if you have an object where you absolutely cannot implement a move constructor, then you will have to pick something else.
A std::deque would be the general replacement, having many of the properties of std::vector, but you can only insert at either ends of the deque. Inserts in the middle require moving. A std::list places no requirement on its contents.
Needs Bools
std::vector<bool> is... not. Well, it is standard. But it's not a vector in the usual sense, as operations that std::vector normally allows are forbidden. And it most certainly does not contain bools.
Therefore, if you need real vector behavior from a container of bools, you're not going to get it from std::vector<bool>. So you'll have to make due with a std::deque<bool>.
If you need to find elements in a container, and the search tag can't just be an index, then you may need to abandon std::vector in favor of set and map. Note the key word "may"; a sorted std::vector is sometimes a reasonable alternative. Or Boost.Container's flat_set/map, which implements a sorted std::vector.
There are now four variations of these, each with their own needs.
Use a map when the search tag is not the same thing as the item you're looking for itself. Otherwise use a set.
Use unordered when you have a lot of items in the container and search performance absolutely needs to be O(1), rather than O(logn).
Use multi if you need multiple items to have the same search tag.
If you need a container of items to always be sorted based on a particular comparison operation, you can use a set. Or a multi_set if you need multiple items to have the same value.
Or you can use a sorted std::vector, but you'll have to keep it sorted.
When iterators and references are invalidated is sometimes a concern. If you need a list of items, such that you have iterators/pointers to those items in various other places, then std::vector's approach to invalidation may not be appropriate. Any insertion operation may cause invalidation, depending on the current size and capacity.
std::list offers a firm guarantee: an iterator and its associated references/pointers are only invalidated when the item itself is removed from the container. std::forward_list is there if memory is a serious concern.
If that's too strong a guarantee, std::deque offers a weaker but useful guarantee. Invalidation results from insertions in the middle, but insertions at the head or tail causes only invalidation of iterators, not pointers/references to items in the container.
Insertion Performance
std::vector only provides cheap insertion at the end (and even then, it becomes expensive if you blow capacity).
std::list is expensive in terms of performance (each newly inserted item costs a memory allocation), but it is consistent. It also offers the occasionally indispensable ability to shuffle items around for virtually no performance cost, as well as to trade items with other std::list containers of the same type at no loss of performance. If you need to shuffle things around a lot, use std::list.
std::deque provides constant-time insertion/removal at the head and tail, but insertion in the middle can be fairly expensive. So if you need to add/remove things from the front as well as the back, std::deque might be what you need.
It should be noted that, thanks to move semantics, std::vector insertion performance may not be as bad as it used to be. Some implementations implemented a form of move semantic-based item copying (the so-called "swaptimization"), but now that moving is part of the language, it's mandated by the standard.
No Dynamic Allocations
std::array is a fine container if you want the fewest possible dynamic allocations. It's just a wrapper around a C-array; this means that its size must be known at compile-time. If you can live with that, then use std::array.
That being said, using std::vector and reserveing a size would work just as well for a bounded std::vector. This way, the actual size can vary, and you only get one memory allocation (unless you blow the capacity).
Here is the C++11 version of the above flowchart. [originally posted without attribution to its original author, Mikael Persson]
Here's a quick spin, although it probably needs work
Should the container let you manage the order of the elements?
Will the container contain always exactly the same number of elements?
Does the container need a fast move operator?
Yes: std::vector
No: std::array
Do you absolutely need stable iterators? (be certain!)
Yes: boost::stable_vector (as a last case fallback, std::list)
Do inserts happen only at the ends?
Yes: std::deque
No: std::vector
Are keys associated with Values?
Do the keys need to be sorted?
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: boost::flat_map (as a last case fallback, std::map)
No: boost::flat_multimap (as a last case fallback, std::map)
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: std::unordered_multimap
No: std::unordered_map
Are elements read then removed in a certain order?
Order is:
Ordered by element: std::priority_queue
First in First out: std::queue
First in Last out: std::stack
Other: Custom based on std::vector?????
Should the elements be sorted by value?
Yes: boost::flat_set
No: std::vector
You may notice that this differs wildly from the C++03 version, primarily due to the fact that I really do not like linked nodes. The linked node containers can usually be beat in performance by a non-linked container, except in a few rare situations. If you don't know what those situations are, and have access to boost, don't use linked node containers. (std::list, std::slist, std::map, std::multimap, std::set, std::multiset). This list focuses mostly on small and middle sided containers, because (A) that's 99.99% of what we deal with in code, and (B) Large numbers of elements need custom algorithms, not different containers.

STL heap containing pointers to objects

I have an std::list<MyObject*> objectList container that I need to sort and maintain in the following scenario:
Each object has a certain field that supplies a cost (a float value for example). That cost value is used to compare two objects as if they were floating point numbers
The collection must be ordered (ascending) and must quickly find the correct position for a newly inserted element.
It is possible to delete the lowest element (in terms of cost) and it is also possible to update the cost of several arbitrarily positioned elements. The list must be then reordered as fast as possible, taking advantage of its already sorted nature.
Could I use any other stl container/mechanism to allow for the three behavioral properties? It pretty much resembles a heap and I thought using make_heap could be a good way to sort the list. I need to have a container of pointers, since there are several other data structures that rely on these pointers.
How then can I choose a better container that's also pointer friendly and allows sorting by looking at the comparison operators of the pointed types?
CLARIFICATION: I need an stl container that best fits the scenario and can successfully wrap pointers or references for that matter. (For example, I read briefly that the std::set container could be a good candidate, but I have no experience with it).
A current implementation, based on the below answers:
struct SHafleEdgeComparatorFunctor
bool operator()(SHEEdge* lhs, SHEEdge* rhs)
return (*lhs) < rhs;
std::multiset<SHEEdge*, SHafleEdgeComparatorFunctor> m_edges;
Of course, the SHEEdge data structure has an overloaded operator:
bool operator<(SHEEdge* rhs)
return this->GetCollapseError() < rhs->GetCollapseError();
I would indeed use std::set. The tricky bit in your requirements is to update existing elements.
A std::set is always sorted. You will have to either wrap your pointers in a class with a useful compare operator or you have to pass a comparison predicate to the set.
Then you get the sorted property automatically and you get constant time removal of the lowest element.
You also get updating of the cost value in log complexity: Simply remove the object from the set and re-add it. This will be as fast as it can be for a sorted container.
Inserting, and deleting is fast in a set.
I'd start using a smart pointer like shared_ptr instead of a raw pointer (raw pointers are good e.g. if they are observing pointers, like pointers passed as function parameters, but when you have ownership semantics, like in this case, it's better to use a smart pointer).
Then, I'd start with std::vector as a container.
So, try make it vector<shared_ptr<MyObject>>.
You can measure performance of it compared to list<shared_ptr<MyObject>>.
(Note also that std::list has kind of more overhead than std::vector, since it's a node-based container, and each node has some overhead; instead std::vector allocates a contiguous chunk of memory to store its data, in this case the shared_ptrs; so std::vector is also more "cache-friendly", etc.)
In general, std::vector offers very good performance, and it's a good option as a "first choice" container. In any case, your mileage may very, and the best thing is to measure performance (speed) to get a better understanding in your particular case.
if I understand correctly what you are asking, you are looking for the correct container to use.
Indeed std::set seems to be the correct container for the kind of things what you want to do, but it will depend on all the use cases
Do you need to have O(1) access to the elements?
What is the operation used that will have the most important cost?
std::set uses a key to sort the elements and doesn't allow having duplicates (if you want duplicates, have a look at std::multiset). When you add an element, it will automatically be inserted in the correct position. Generally you don't want to use raw pointers as the key, as objects can be null.
Another alternative could be to use a std::vector<std::shared_ptr>>, as #MikePro said, it is a good practice to have the pointers inside smart pointers, to prevent having to manually delete them (and avoid any memory leak in case of an exception for example). If you use a vector, you will have to use functions like std::sort, std::find present in <algorithm> header or std::vector::insert.
Generally this image helps finding your container. It's not perfect (as you have to know a bit more than what is displayed) but it usually does its job well:

Why is vector::iterator invalidated upon reallocation?

I don't understand why a vector's iterator should be invalidated when a reallocation happens.
Couldn't this have been prevented simply by storing an offset -- instead of a pointer -- in the iterator?
Why was vector not designed this way?
Just to add a citation to the performance-related justification: when designing C++, Stroustrup thought it was vital that template classes like std::vector approach the performance characteristics of native arrays:
One reason for the emphasis on run-time efficiency...was that I wanted
templates to be efficient enough in time and space to be used for
low-level types such as arrays and lists.
Higher-level alternatives -- say, a range-checked array with a size()
operation, a multidimensional array, a vector type with proper numeric
vector operations and copy semantics, etc. -- would be accepted by
users only if their run-time, space, and notational convenience
approached those of built-in arrays.
In other words, the language mechanism supplying parameterized types
should be such that a concerned user should be able to afford to
eliminate the use of arrays in favor of a standard library class.
Bjarne Stroustrup, Design and Evolution of C++, p.342.
Because for iterators to do that, they'd need to store a pointer to the vector object. For each data access, they'd need to follow the pointer to the vector, then follow the pointer therein to the current location of the data array, then add the offset * the element size. That'd be much slower, and need more memory for the size_type member.
Certainly, it's a good compromise sometimes and it would be nice to be able to choose it when wanted, but it's slower and bulkier than (C-style) direct array usage. std::vector was ruthlessly scrutinised for performance when the STL was being introduced, and the normal implementation is optimised for space and speed over this convenience/reliability factor, just as the array-equivalent operator[] is as fast as arrays but less safe than at().
You can add safety by wrapping the standard std::vector<T>::iterator, but you can't add speed by wrapping a extension::vector<T>::safe_iterator. That's a general principle, and explains many C++ design choices.
There are many reasons for these decisions. As others pointed out, the most basic implementation of iterator for a vector is a plain pointer to the element. To be able to handle push_back iterators would have to be modified to handle a pointer into the vector and a position, on access through the operator, the vector pointer would ave to be dereferenced, the pointer to the data obtained and the position added, with an extra dereference.
While that would not be the most efficient implementation, that is not really a limiting factor. The default implementation of iterators in VS/Dinkumware libraries (even in release) are checked iterators, that manage an equivalent amount of information.
The actual problem comes with other mutating operations. Consider inserting/erasing in the middle of the vector. To maintain validity of all iterators, the container would have to track all the instances of iterators and adapt the position field so that they still refer to the same element (that has been displaced by the insertion/removal).
You would need to store both the offset and a pointer to the vector object itself.
As specified, the iterator can just be a pointer, which takes less space.
TL;DR -- because you're trading simple rules for invalidation for far more complicated action-at-a-distance ones.
Please note that "store a pointer to the vector object" would cause new invalidation cases. For example, today swap preserves iterator validity, if a pointer (or reference) to the vector is stored inside iterators, it no longer could. All operations that move the vector metadata itself (vector-of-vectors anyone?) would invalidate iterators.
You trade is "iterator becomes invalid when a pointer/reference to the element is invalidated" for "iterator becomes invalid when a pointer/reference to the vector is invalidated".
The performance arguments don't much matter, because the proposed alternate implementation is not even correct.
I an iterator wasn't invalidated, should it point to the same element or to the same position after an insertion before it? In other words, even if there were no performance issues, it is non-trivial to decide which alternative definition to use.

How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11?

There's a well known image (cheat sheet) called "C++ Container choice". It's a flow chart to choose the best container for the wanted usage.
Does anybody know if there's already a C++11 version of it?
This is the previous one:
Not that I know of, however it can be done textually I guess. Also, the chart is slightly off, because list is not such a good container in general, and neither is forward_list. Both lists are very specialized containers for niche applications.
To build such a chart, you just need two simple guidelines:
Choose for semantics first
When several choices are available, go for the simplest
Worrying about performance is usually useless at first. The big O considerations only really kick in when you start handling a few thousands (or more) of items.
There are two big categories of containers:
Associative containers: they have a find operation
Simple Sequence containers
and then you can build several adapters on top of them: stack, queue, priority_queue. I will leave the adapters out here, they are sufficiently specialized to be recognizable.
Question 1: Associative ?
If you need to easily search by one key, then you need an associative container
If you need to have the elements sorted, then you need an ordered associative container
Otherwise, jump to the question 2.
Question 1.1: Ordered ?
If you do not need a specific order, use an unordered_ container, otherwise use its traditional ordered counterpart.
Question 1.2: Separate Key ?
If the key is separate from the value, use a map, otherwise use a set
Question 1.3: Duplicates ?
If you want to keep duplicates, use a multi, otherwise do not.
Suppose that I have several persons with a unique ID associated to them, and I would like to retrieve a person data from its ID as simply as possible.
I want a find function, thus an associative container
1.1. I couldn't care less about order, thus an unordered_ container
1.2. My key (ID) is separate from the value it is associated with, thus a map
1.3. The ID is unique, thus no duplicate should creep in.
The final answer is: std::unordered_map<ID, PersonData>.
Question 2: Memory stable ?
If the elements should be stable in memory (ie, they should not move around when the container itself is modified), then use some list
Otherwise, jump to question 3.
Question 2.1: Which ?
Settle for a list; a forward_list is only useful for lesser memory footprint.
Question 3: Dynamically sized ?
If the container has a known size (at compilation time), and this size will not be altered during the course of the program, and the elements are default constructible or you can provide a full initialization list (using the { ... } syntax), then use an array. It replaces the traditional C-array, but with convenient functions.
Otherwise, jump to question 4.
Question 4: Double-ended ?
If you wish to be able to remove items from both the front and back, then use a deque, otherwise use a vector.
You will note that, by default, unless you need an associative container, your choice will be a vector. It turns out it is also Sutter and Stroustrup's recommendation.
I like Matthieu's answer, but I'm going to restate the flowchart as this:
When to NOT use std::vector
By default, if you need a container of stuff, use std::vector. Thus, every other container is only justified by providing some functionality alternative to std::vector.
std::vector requires that its contents are move-constructible, since it needs to be able to shuffle the items around. This is not a terrible burden to place on the contents (note that default constructors are not required, thanks to emplace and so forth). However, most of the other containers don't require any particular constructor (again, thanks to emplace). So if you have an object where you absolutely cannot implement a move constructor, then you will have to pick something else.
A std::deque would be the general replacement, having many of the properties of std::vector, but you can only insert at either ends of the deque. Inserts in the middle require moving. A std::list places no requirement on its contents.
Needs Bools
std::vector<bool> is... not. Well, it is standard. But it's not a vector in the usual sense, as operations that std::vector normally allows are forbidden. And it most certainly does not contain bools.
Therefore, if you need real vector behavior from a container of bools, you're not going to get it from std::vector<bool>. So you'll have to make due with a std::deque<bool>.
If you need to find elements in a container, and the search tag can't just be an index, then you may need to abandon std::vector in favor of set and map. Note the key word "may"; a sorted std::vector is sometimes a reasonable alternative. Or Boost.Container's flat_set/map, which implements a sorted std::vector.
There are now four variations of these, each with their own needs.
Use a map when the search tag is not the same thing as the item you're looking for itself. Otherwise use a set.
Use unordered when you have a lot of items in the container and search performance absolutely needs to be O(1), rather than O(logn).
Use multi if you need multiple items to have the same search tag.
If you need a container of items to always be sorted based on a particular comparison operation, you can use a set. Or a multi_set if you need multiple items to have the same value.
Or you can use a sorted std::vector, but you'll have to keep it sorted.
When iterators and references are invalidated is sometimes a concern. If you need a list of items, such that you have iterators/pointers to those items in various other places, then std::vector's approach to invalidation may not be appropriate. Any insertion operation may cause invalidation, depending on the current size and capacity.
std::list offers a firm guarantee: an iterator and its associated references/pointers are only invalidated when the item itself is removed from the container. std::forward_list is there if memory is a serious concern.
If that's too strong a guarantee, std::deque offers a weaker but useful guarantee. Invalidation results from insertions in the middle, but insertions at the head or tail causes only invalidation of iterators, not pointers/references to items in the container.
Insertion Performance
std::vector only provides cheap insertion at the end (and even then, it becomes expensive if you blow capacity).
std::list is expensive in terms of performance (each newly inserted item costs a memory allocation), but it is consistent. It also offers the occasionally indispensable ability to shuffle items around for virtually no performance cost, as well as to trade items with other std::list containers of the same type at no loss of performance. If you need to shuffle things around a lot, use std::list.
std::deque provides constant-time insertion/removal at the head and tail, but insertion in the middle can be fairly expensive. So if you need to add/remove things from the front as well as the back, std::deque might be what you need.
It should be noted that, thanks to move semantics, std::vector insertion performance may not be as bad as it used to be. Some implementations implemented a form of move semantic-based item copying (the so-called "swaptimization"), but now that moving is part of the language, it's mandated by the standard.
No Dynamic Allocations
std::array is a fine container if you want the fewest possible dynamic allocations. It's just a wrapper around a C-array; this means that its size must be known at compile-time. If you can live with that, then use std::array.
That being said, using std::vector and reserveing a size would work just as well for a bounded std::vector. This way, the actual size can vary, and you only get one memory allocation (unless you blow the capacity).
Here is the C++11 version of the above flowchart. [originally posted without attribution to its original author, Mikael Persson]
Here's a quick spin, although it probably needs work
Should the container let you manage the order of the elements?
Will the container contain always exactly the same number of elements?
Does the container need a fast move operator?
Yes: std::vector
No: std::array
Do you absolutely need stable iterators? (be certain!)
Yes: boost::stable_vector (as a last case fallback, std::list)
Do inserts happen only at the ends?
Yes: std::deque
No: std::vector
Are keys associated with Values?
Do the keys need to be sorted?
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: boost::flat_map (as a last case fallback, std::map)
No: boost::flat_multimap (as a last case fallback, std::map)
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: std::unordered_multimap
No: std::unordered_map
Are elements read then removed in a certain order?
Order is:
Ordered by element: std::priority_queue
First in First out: std::queue
First in Last out: std::stack
Other: Custom based on std::vector?????
Should the elements be sorted by value?
Yes: boost::flat_set
No: std::vector
You may notice that this differs wildly from the C++03 version, primarily due to the fact that I really do not like linked nodes. The linked node containers can usually be beat in performance by a non-linked container, except in a few rare situations. If you don't know what those situations are, and have access to boost, don't use linked node containers. (std::list, std::slist, std::map, std::multimap, std::set, std::multiset). This list focuses mostly on small and middle sided containers, because (A) that's 99.99% of what we deal with in code, and (B) Large numbers of elements need custom algorithms, not different containers.

Use of iterators over array indices

I just wanted to know what is the main advantage of using the iterators over the array indices. I have googled but i am not getting the right answer.
I presume you are talking about when using a vector, right?
The main advantage is that iterator code works for all stl containers, while the array indexing operator [] is only available for vectors and deques. This means you are free to change the underlying container if you need to without having to recode every loop. It also means you can put your iteration code in a template and it will work for any container, not just for deques and vectors (and arrays of course).
All of the standard containers provide the iterator concept. An iterator knows how to find the next element in the container, especially when the underlying structure isn't array-like. Array-style operator[] isn't provided by every container, so getting in the habit of using iterators will make more consistent-looking code, regardless of the container you choose.
You can abstract the collection implementation away.
To expand upon previous answers:
Writing a loop with operator[] constrains you to a container that supports [] and uses the same index/size type. Otherwise you'd need to rewrite every loop to change the container.
Even if your container supports [], it may not be optimal for sequential traversing. [] is basically a random-access operator, which is O(1) for vector but could be as bad as O(n) depending on the underlying container.
This is a minor point, but if you use iterators, your loop could be more easily moved to using the standard algorithms, e.g. std::for_each.
There are many data structures, e.g. hash tables and linked lists cannot be naturally or quickly indexed, but they are indeed traversable. Iterators act as an interface that let you walk on any data structure without knowing the actual implementation of the source.
The STL contains algorithms, such as transform and for_each that operate on containers. They don't accept indices, but use iterators.
Iterators help hide the container implementation and allow the programmer to focus more on the algorithm. The for_each function can be applied to anything that supports a forward iterator.
As well as the points in other answers, iterators can also be faster (specifically compared to operator[]), since they are essentially iteration by pointer. If you do something like:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
Every iteration of the loop unnecessarily calculates my_vector.begin() + i. If you use iterators, incrementing the iterator means it's already pointing to the next element, so you don't need that extra calculation. It's a small thing, but can make a difference in tight loops.
One other slight difference is that you can't use erase() on an element in a vector by index, you must have an iterator. No big deal since you can always do "vect.begin() + index" as your iterator, but there are other considerations. For example, if you do this then you must always check your index against size() and not some variable you assigned that value.
None of that is really too much worth worrying about but if given the choice I prefer iterator access for the reasons already stated and this one.
I would say it's more a matter of consistency and code reuse.
Consistency in that you will use all other containers with iterators
Code reuse in that algorithms written for iterators cannot be used with the subscript operator and vice versa... and the STL has lots of algorithms so you definitely want to build on it.
Finally, I'd like to say that even C arrays have iterators.
const Foo* someArray = //...
const Foo* otherArray = new Foo[someArrayLength];
std::copy(someArray, someArray + someArrayLength, otherArray);
The iterator_traits class has been specialized so that pointers or a model of RandomAccessIterator.