Can JPA used with EE 5 servers - java-ee-5

Can JPA 2.1 be used in EE 5 servers? I want to benefit the option of calling stored procedure capability. Iknow JPA can be used in a stand alone but i woder if this will has any affect on transactions management when used as a managed entity manager by the server as the specs specify that only JPA 1 which must be supported

JSR 338: JavaTM Persistence 2.1 support is available starting from Java EE 7
Java EE 7 application servers could be found on official Oracle site


Using Oracle12C Driver with Oracle 19c Database

We are working on a product migration from jboss 7 running on jdk 7 to wildfly 15 running on jdk 11 and we wanted to do this activity in phases.
So as part of the initial phase release we are first migrating our product's database from oracle 12c to oracle 19c and in the later phase we shall be migrating the product from jboss 7 (running on jdk 7) to wildfly 15 (running on jdk11).
We are aware 19c only supports ojdbc8 and higher versions but to have ojdbc8 or higher we have to migrate jdk first but we see lot of complications as part of jdk migration and jboss migrations, so we wanted to give a initial release with only the database migrated.
so would jdbc7.jar work well with oracle 19c or will there be any complication? from our initial analysis we haven't seen any feature breaks in the product till now.
Oracle JDBC Driver are all backward compatible, only if you don't use new API JDBC functionnalities (you probably see as a compilation error in this case). Read this page, more precisely these topics :
Which version of JDBC drivers are supported ?
What is the JDBC and RDBMS interoperability matrix or the certification matrix?
What are the Oracle JDBC releases Vs JDK versions?
What are the Oracle JDBC releases Vs JDBC specifications?
You need to upgrade driver only if you want to use new functionnalities of the JDBC driver (see or if you want to be JDK compatible regarding the matrix compatibility shown in the Oracle FAQ.
Though, the older drivers are forward compatible, it is a best practice to have the JDBC driver from the same version as that of the Database. If you have any tighter dependency on 12 driver then you could go with that combination. Otherwise, it is better to consider the latest version.

How to configure: WS-AT Narayana standalone?

I want to use Narayana - WS-Transaction in a standalone springboot app that calls two different Webservics in a single transaction. One of those internally uses db resource for insert/update.
Is standalone-WSAT-possible with narayana? If yes :
How do I configure UserTransaction, PlatformTransactionManger etc in Springboot java config?
How to add those two WebServiceTemplate (s) as "WS-AT transactional resources"?
The example here does not show those beans:
Unfortunately there is no Narayana Spring Boot WS-AT quickstart that would show you how to utilize the technology. WS-AT is the best integrated in WildFly application server. You can find the Narayana quickstarts containing examples of running it at If you consider using Spring Boot then in general it should be possible but you need to configure all the integration on your own. That's not prepared and/or maintained by the Narayana team. You can get inspiration at quickstarts of itegrating Narayana with Spring Boot at If you want to check how the integration to WildFly is done then a good starting point could be

ABBYY FlexiCapture web service in workflow

I need to implement a custom workflow for a batch type. Inside this workflow it is necessary to communicate with another system through a web service (REST).
Is there any predefined API for ABBYY I can use?
I only found solutions to call ABBYY through other systems, not calling other systems from ABBYY.
Thanks in advance.
I've tried to implement a solution inside Abbyy, but since I'm using FlexiCapture 11, only .Net Framework 3.5 is supported. Because I have to use objects which require .Net version 4.5 I've switched to the solution to call an external program from Abbyy which does all the web service implementation.

Dynamic JPA Entities

I'm using EJB and JPA to develop a Java EE project. The server is Jboss AS 7.1 which uses Hibernate as the JPA provider.
In this project I'd like to add many new tables to the database. I'd also like to add many new columns to these tables at run-time. After these columns have been added, I'll add 、delete or select data in the table (at run-time as well).
How can I do this with JPA?

What is multiserver installation in Coldfusion?

I'm not clear that what is the benefits of Multiserver installation in Coldfusion? Which benefits can I get when I installed like that in my server?
So that you can have 1 CF project per CF instance.
Each instance can have their own webserver and CFAdmin settings (i.e. data source, mapping, etc.)
Very useful especially when you work on multiple projects. (e.g. maps to CF instance A, and maps to CF Instance B)
Note: only available in Developer / Enterprise edition, not Standard.
If you're using Win 7 Pro, use IIS. Otherwise, use Apache with virtual hostings (vhost.conf) to support multiple sites on your development machine.