Is there any way to use calabash-android without gem install command - calabash

Is there any way to use calabash-android without gem install command?
I do not want to use gem install command and wants just folder where it is extracted. Is is it possible to do it?
I am using windows 7 OS.

You can clone Git repository and build that using rake build command. Also you can refer calabash-android build which explains all the steps.


Ruby gems issue with upgrading

I run rails generate controller welcome index
I got the warning
You're using Rubygems 2.0.14 with Spring. Upgrade to at least Rubygems 2.1.0 and run gem pristine --all
I updated gem --system and also added paths into ~/.bashrc, but still same result, is there any suggestion?
Since I had an older Ruby version 2.0 from the past, so it made apache confuse. I could either explicitly telling apache to use which directory, or use RVM (Ruby Version Manager) which do all jobs. Just need to go through these steps:
Install RVM:
rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles
Then tell which version you tend to use:
rvm use 2.2.0
Update gems
gem install rails
Now ready to go!
Go to your Gemfile.lock and change your version of Ruby. That might do it.
What Ruby manager are you using?

How to use Zurb Foundation in conjunction with Codekit.

I'd like to use zurb foundation (SCSS) in conjunction with codekit on my laptop, currently running mavericks but I'm unable to do so once I try to use the compass
I've installed the required gems:
sudo gem install sass
sudo gem install compass
gem install zurb-foundation
sudo gem environment .
I open codekit, open preferences, click sass/scss and select the 'use the sass executable at this path' then proceed to choose 'sass' from the bin folder.
When I try to do the same process for compass, the compass file isn't present in the bin folder.
I've attempted to locate it elsewhere but I've been unable to do so.
Has anyone else encountered this problem/anyone have any idea how to fix it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try install foundation using Bower and then just include foundation classes into your main styles file. For me it works great with a codekit.

Foundation 5 Sass Creates Empty Project Folder

I'm following the guide over here to install Foundation with Sass. I've got Git, Ruby and Node.js installed. I also believe Bower is installed correctly because when I type bower help into the command line I get information on its command.
When I try to install Foundation with gem install foundation I get this error:
Fetching: foundation-1.0.4.gem (100%)
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
Permission denied - /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/foundation-1.0.4/.gitignore
If I then try adding sudo to the beginning of that command it seems to install just fine. Is this the correct way to do this?
Then when I enter foundation new test-project it creates that directory and seems to create those files, but when I go into the "test-project" folder it's empty.
Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so it seems like it with a problem with my git install. I uninstalled git and installed the latest version, and that seemed to do the trick. That folder is now populated with the Foundation files and I can get to work!

Compiling ember-data

In the Read-Me for ember-data I found the following lines:
Getting ember-data:
Currently you must build ember-data.js yourself.
Clone the repository, run bundle then rake dist. You'll find
ember-data.js in the dist directory."
I'm a little confused though... what does "run bundle" mean?
It's a ruby thing. Bundler is a rubygem for managing application dependencies. The bundle command is used to install all of the rubygems that are required by the ember-data project. Try this:
git clone git://
cd data
bundle install
If bundle command is missing, you'll need to install the bundler gem:
gem install bundler
Of course you also need to have a modern version of ruby and rubygems ;-)
See for more info on bundler
run bundle means install the package dependencies via Bundler which will read the Gemfile and install the dependencies defined in it.
To install the dependencies run the command bundle install

"rails plugin install git://" is not working in rails 3.0.6

I want to install prawnto plug-in in my rails 3.0.6 application but when i fire the command as given here
rails plugin install git://
it gives me result as given below
mkdir -p /var/www/octo11/vendor/plugins/prawnto
rm -rf /var/www/octo11/vendor/plugins/prawnto
which create and delete plugin directory automatically
Please anyone suggest me any alternatively to install the prawnto plugin. My system configuration is as given below
rails 3.0.6
ruby 1.8.7
ubuntu 11.04
thorny-sun seems to have deleted their fork, try one with recent updates, including docs on using with 3.1 in the readme:
The best way to install seems to be using the gem version of this fork:
gem "prawnto_2", :require => "prawnto"
and then
bundle install