Skipping the second automatically generated quote in QtCreator - c++

When I begin my program and type
cout << "
it automatically puts the closing quote ("") and places the cursor in the middle, which is nice; however, I can't seem to find a way to get past the second one without having to move my hand to use the arrow keys, use the mouse, or put another " manually, which defeats the purpose.
My buddy said tab should skip it, but it just does an indent.

I am sorry if this sounds disappointing, but there is no other way than using:
a) arrow key.
b) end button on the keyboard in the regular way.
c) typing another quote.
Basically what you also mentioned yourself in the question. Even if the tab was working, you would not spare anything as you already have at least two keys with which you get over.


How does the escape sequence '\b' work in C++? Alternate display method?

So I've outputted a string of various ASCII characters. This program involves parts of this string being modified, and then re-displayed.
Instead of clearing the entire screen and re-displaying everything, which produces an unwanted flicker effect, I've decided on moving the cursor and then rewriting only the characters that have changed.
I'm moving the cursor with SetConsoleCursorPosition, part of windows.h.
However, once I try and cout something, it pushes all of the text in front of it ahead by a space; another unwanted effect.
In an attempt to fix this, I tried various forms of 'cout<<"\b";' to remove the old, unmodified character. But there was either no effect, or it actually added a space, which is obviously not a desired effect here.
I read somewhere that in order to remove the unwanted character that you actually have to use the escape sequence twice, Example: '\b\b', because the first one moves the cursor back a space, and the second one overwrites the character in front of it with a space (' ') or something like that.
'\b\b' didn't work either, unsurprisingly. Or maybe that is surprising, I don't actually know.
My question is: How do I remove the unwanted character? Or better yet, How do I overwrite text that has already been outputted with new text?
EDIT: I apologize, I'm running Windows 7
I think maybe clearing the ENABLE_INSERT_MODE with the SetConsoleMode function might help. It should prevent the console from inserting characters and pushing the old characters forward.

VS 2013 Auto Brace Complete

Visual Studio 2013's new feature, 'Auto Brace Complete', is quite useful, but I feel I have not unlocked its full potential to make it more useful.
So if I wanted to type newstr="Hello World" + oldstr;, before the 'Hello World' is typed in, the closing quotation mark is already typed in after the words. Now, how should I tell VS2013 that I finished typing in the braces so it can know that I want to leave the braces and go on to the next part?
In other words, for the above example, what is the expected behavior in step 4?
Hello World
+ oldstr;
Should it be another " key? That seems to defeat the purpose of using auto braces.
Should it be the right arrow key then? But, that key is far from the typing area, so I might as well just use " instead.
Enter key or Shift+space seem like the logical choice to me, but neither works as I intended.
Can anyone shed any light on this issue? Thank you.
Press tab to jump outside of the quotes.
Just typing the closing quotation marks " is exactly what is expected. They only serve as a visual aid, or when you're inserting a string literal in the middle of a line.
Should it be another " key? That seems to defeat the purpose of using auto braces.
Why is using " the wrong key? Auto-braces provides 2 things to the editing experience:
Inserts the closing braces so you don't have to (in this case, you only had to type the opening quote)
Makes it easy to move past the closing brace (or quote) without having to use the arrow keys or mouse. As you correctly pointed out, the arrow keys are inefficient when typing because you have to move your hand away and back. Typing another " is a much faster way to move the cursor, and it will do the Right Thing and just move the cursor forward instead of typing an unwanted ".

Custom Textbox: Highlighting and Selection

I posted a question similar to this earlier, however, after thinking about it and testing the answers, I believe I misinterpreted the answers and the answerer(s) misinterpreted me. The original question is here. I think people believed that I just wanted to highlight strings, I didn't state my exact purpose. So, I will now:
What I've been trying to do lately is create a 100% from scratch text box in C++ CLR using GDI+. I've gotten to the challange of placing the caret when the user clicks in the textbox. Doing simple math (Where they clicked divided by line width) I can figure out which line they clicked. But in order to get the character clicked, I need (unless there are better ways) to compare the bounding rectangles of all the characters in the line and place the caret before the one the mouse fits into. In order to do this, I need to get the exact bounds of each individual character, not an entire string.
I've already tried a few things, none of which seemed to work:
Graphics::MeasureString is not recommended by anyone, nor does
it give what I want
TextRenderer::MeasureText is more accurate, but for this not accurate enough
Graphics::MeasureCharacterRanges has a 32 character
cap, and I'm expecting lines to be over 32 characters long in some
I believe I can't use these methods, unless there are ways around their limitations. I hope I made my problem and expected solution a lot more clear than I previously did.
Because of the way text is kerned and anti-aliased, the boundary of a character depends on all of the characters to the left of it. However you don't need to know every character boundary, only the ones on either side of your click point. You can find those with a binary search - split your string in half, measure that (using TextRenderer::MeasureText), and determine if it's to the left or right of your click point. Keep narrowing down the size of the string until there's only one possibility remaining.

internal code-completion in vim

There's a completion type that isn't listed in the vim help files (notably: insert.txt), but which I instinctively feel the need for rather often. Let's say I have the words "Awesome" and "SuperCrazyAwesome" in my file. I find an instance of Awesome that should really be SuperCrazyAwesome, so I hop to the beginning of the word, enter insert mode, and then must type "SuperCrazy".
I feel I should be able to type "S", creating "SCrazy", and then simply hit a completion hotkey or two to have it find what's to the left of the cursor ("S"), what's to the right ("Crazy"), regex this against all words in the file ("/S\w*Crazy/"), and provide me with a completion popup menu of choices, or just do the replace if there's only one match.
I'd like to use the actual completion system for this. There exists a "user defined" completion which uses a function, and has a good example in the helps for replacing from a given list. However, I can't seem to track down many particulars that I'd need to make this happen, including:
How do I get a list of all words in the file from a vim function?
Can I list words from all buffers (with filenames), as vim's complete does?
How do I, in insert mode, get the text in the word before/after the cursor?
Can completion replace the entire word, and not just up to the cursor?
I've been at this for a couple of hours now. I keep hitting dead ends, like this one, which introduced me to \%# for matching with the cursor position, which doesn't seem to work for me. For instance, a search for \w*\%# returns only the first character of the word I'm on, regardless of where I'm in it. The \%# doesn't seem to anchor.
Although its not exactly following your desired method in the past I've written which might perform your task if you are looking for related keywords. It would fall down in this scenario if you have hundreds of matches.
It's mainly useful for 2-10 possible sequenced matches.
You would define a list
:SwapList awesomes Awesome MoreAwesome SuperCrazyAwesome FullyCompletelyAwesome UnbelievablyAwesome
and move through the matches with the incrementor decrementor keys (c+a) (c+x)
There are also a few other cycling type plugins like swap words that I know of on and github.
The advantage here is you don't have to group words together with regex.
I wrote something like that years ago when working with 3rd party libraries with rather long CamelCasePrefixes in every function different for each component. But it was in Before Git Hub era and I considered it a lost jewel, but search engine says I am not a complete ass and posted it to Vim wiki.
Here it is:
Just do not ask me what 'MKw' means. No idea.
This will need some adaptation to your needs, as it is looking up only the word up to the cursor, but the idea is there. It works for current buffer only. Iterating through all buffers would be sluggish as it is not creating any index. For those purposes I would go with external grep.

Vim: Invert string (by words)

This is my string:
"this is my sentence"
I would like to have this output:
"sentence my is this"
I would like to select a few words on a line (in a buffer) and reverse it word by word.
Can anyone help me?
It's not totally clear what the context is here: you could be talking about text in a line in a buffer or about a string stored in a VimScript variable.
note: Different interpretations of the question led to various approaches and solutions.
There are some "old updates" that start about halfway through that have been rendered more or less obsolete by a plugin mentioned just above that section. I've left them in because they may provide useful info for some people.
full line replacement
So to store the text from the current line in the current buffer in a vimscript variable, you do
let words = getline('.')
And then to reverse their order, you just do
let words = join(reverse(split(words)))
If you want to replace the current line with the reversed words, you do
call setline('.', words)
You can do it in one somewhat inscrutable line with
call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
or even define a command that does that with
command! ReverseLine call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
partial-line (character-wise) selections
As explained down in the "old updates" section, running general commands on a character- or block-wise visual selection — the former being what the OP wants to do here — can be pretty complicated. Ex commands like :substitute will be run on entire lines even if only part of the line is selected using a character-wise visual select (as initiated with an unshifted v).
I realized after the OP commented below that reversing the words in a partial-line character-wise selection can be accomplished fairly easily with
\%V within the RE matches some part of the visual selection. Apparently this does not extend after the last character in the selection: leaving out the final . will exclude the last selected character.
\= at the beginning of the replacement indicates that it is to be evaluated as a vimscript expression, with some differences.
submatch(0) returns the entire match. This works a bit like perl's $&, $1, etc., except that it is only available when evaluating the replacement. I think this means that it can only be used in a :substitute command or in a call to substitute()
So if you want to do a substitution on a single-line selection, this will work quite well. You can even pipe the selection through a system command using ...\=system(submatch(0)).
multiple-line character-wise selections
This seems to also work on a multiple-line character-wise selection, but you have to be careful to delete the range (the '<,'> that vim puts at the beginning of a command when coming from visual mode). You want to run the command on just the line where your visual selection starts. You'll also have to use \_.* instead of .* in order to match across newlines.
block-wise selections
For block-wise selections, I don't think there's a reasonably convenient way to manipulate them. I have written a plugin that can be used to make these sorts of edits less painful, by providing a way to run arbitrary Ex commands on any visual selection as though it were the entire buffer contents.
It is available at Currently there's no packaging, and it is not yet available on, but you can just git clone it and copy the contents (minus the README file) into your vimdir.
If you use vim-addon-manager, just clone visdo in your vim-addons directory and you'll subsequently be able to ActivateAddons visdo. I've put in a request to have it added to the VAM addons repository, so at some point you will be able to dispense with the cloning and just do ActivateAddons visdo.
The plugin adds a :VisDo command that is meant to be prefixed to another command (similarly to the way that :tab or :silent work). Running a command with VisDo prepended will cause that command to run on a buffer containing only the current contents of the visual selection. After the command completes, the buffer's contents are pasted into the original buffer's visual selection, and the temp buffer is deleted.
So to complete the OP's goal with VisDo, you would do (with the words to be reversed selected, and with the above-defined ReverseLine command available):
:'<,'>VisDo ReverseLine
old updates
...previous updates follow ... warning: verbose, somewhat obselete, and mostly unnecessary...
The OP's edit makes it more clear that the goal here is to be able to reverse the words contained in a visual selection, and specifically a character-wise visual selection.
This is decidedly not a simple task. The fact that vim does not make this sort of thing easy really confused me when I first started using it. I guess this is because its roots are still very much in the line-oriented editing functionality of ed and its predecessors and descendants. For example, the substitute command :'<,'>s/.../.../ will always work on entire lines even if you are in character-wise or block-wise (ctrlv) visual selection mode.
Vimscript does make it possible to find the column number of any 'mark', including the beginning of the visual selection ('<) and the end of the visual selection ('>). That is, as far as I can tell, the limit of its support. There is no direct way to get the contents of the visual selection, and there is no way to replace the visual selection with something else. Of course, you can do both of those things using normal-mode commands (y and p), but this clobbers registers and is kind of messy. But then you can save the initial registers and then restore them after the paste...
So basically you have to go to sort of extreme lengths to do with parts of lines what can easily done with entire lines. I suspect that the best way to do this is to write a command that copies the visual selection into a new buffer, runs some other command on it, and then replaces the original buffer's visual selection with the results, deleting the temp buffer. This approach should theoretically work for both character-wise and block-wise selections, as well as for the already-supported linewise selections. However, I haven't done that yet.
This 40-line code chunk declares a command ReverseCharwiseVisualWords which can be called from visual mode. It will only work if the character-wise visual selection is entirely on a single line. It works by getting the entire line containing the visual selection (using getline()) running a parameterized transformation function (ReverseWords) on the selected part of it, and pasting the whole partly-transformed line back. In retrospect, I think it's probably worth going the y/p route for anything more featureful.
" Return 1-based column numbers for the start and end of the visual selection.
function! GetVisualCols()
return [getpos("'<")[2], getpos("'>")[2]]
" Convert a 0-based string index to an RE atom using 1-based column index
" :help /\%c
function! ColAtom(index)
return '\%' . string(a:index + 1) . 'c'
" Replace the substring of a:str from a:start to a:end (inclusive)
" with a:repl
function! StrReplace(str, start, end, repl)
let regexp = ColAtom(a:start) . '.*' . ColAtom(a:end + 1)
return substitute(a:str, regexp, a:repl, '')
" Replace the character-wise visual selection
" with the result of running a:Transform on it.
" Only works if the visual selection is on a single line.
function! TransformCharwiseVisual(Transform)
let [startCol, endCol] = GetVisualCols()
" Column numbers are 1-based; string indexes are 0-based
let [startIndex, endIndex] = [startCol - 1, endCol - 1]
let line = getline("'<")
let visualSelection = line[startIndex : endIndex]
let transformed = a:Transform(visualSelection)
let transformed_line = StrReplace(line, startIndex, endIndex, transformed)
call setline("'<", transformed_line)
function! ReverseWords(words)
return join(reverse(split(a:words)))
" Use -range to allow range to be passed
" as by default for commands initiated from visual mode,
" then ignore it.
command! -range ReverseCharwiseVisualWords
\ call TransformCharwiseVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
update 2
It turns out that doing things with y and p is a lot simpler, so I thought I'd post that too. Caveat: I didn't test this all too thoroughly, so there may be edge cases.
This function replaces TransformCharwiseVisual (and some of its dependencies) in the previous code block. It should theoretically work for block-wise selections too — it's up to the passed Transform function to do appropriate things with line delimiters.
function! TransformYankPasteVisual(Transform)
let original_unnamed = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
" Reactivate and yank the current visual selection.
normal gvy
let #" = a:Transform(#")
normal gvp
call call(function('setreg'), ['"'] + original_unnamed)
So then you can just add a second command declaration
command! -range ReverseVisualWords
\ call TransformYankPasteVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
tangentially related gory detail
Note that the utility of a higher-level function like the ones used here is somewhat limited by the fact that there is no (easy or established) way to declare an inline function or block of code in vimscript. This wouldn't be such a limitation if the language weren't meant to be used interactively. You could write a function which substitutes its string argument into a dictionary function declaration and returns the function. However, dictionary functions cannot be called using the normal invocation syntax and have to be passed to call call(dictfunct, args, {}).
note: A more recent update, given above, obsoletes the above code. See the various sections preceding old updates for a cleaner way to do this.
:s/\v(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)/\4 \3 \2 \1/
Of course you probably need to be more specific in the first part to find that particular sentence. Generally you can refer to match groups as \number with \0 being the whole match.
Here's a way to do by calling out to Ruby. After selecting the line you want to reverse, you can do this in command mode to replace it:
!ruby -e 'puts\b/).reverse.join'
I found the solution myself thank to your answers and a lot of trying :)
This works:
function! Test()
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ay'
let r = join(reverse(split(getreg('a'))))
let #a = r
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ap'
Didn't thought that I was enable to write such a function :)