C++ Name Mangler [duplicate] - c++

Is there any way to get back the mangled name from demangled name in g++.
For example , I have the demangled name func(char*, int), what should I do to get the mangled name i.e _Z4funcPci back?
My question is g++ specific.

You can simply use g++ to compile an empty function with the signature you require and extract the name from that. For example:
echo "int f1(char *, int) {} " | g++ -x c++ -S - -o- | grep "^_.*:$" | sed -e 's/:$//'
gives output
which is I think what you require. Make sure that you include any relevant header files as they will affect the way the symbols are mangled.

Based on the Bojan Nikolic's approach, here's a better script:
IFS='::' read -a array <<< "$1"
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
for index in "${indexes[#]}"
#echo "$index ${array[index]}"
if [ $index == ${indexes[-1]} ]; then
#echo "last"
middle="$rettype ${array[index]};"
elif [ -n "${array[index]}" ]; then
#echo "not empty"
prefix="${prefix}struct ${array[index]}{"
#echo "$prefix$middle$suffix $rettype $1{}"
echo "$prefix$middle$suffix $rettype $1{}" | g++ -x c++ -S - -o- | grep "^_.*:$" | sed -e 's/:$//'
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::ghi()"
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::ghi(int i, char c)"
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::def(int i, char c)" constr
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::~def()" destr
But as to constructors and destructors, remember that there are C0 C1 C2 and D0 D1 D2 ones.

What's worst, sometimes you cannot mangle a name because you must get more than one result.
See https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/q/4323/4398 (there are multiple destructors in VFT, and all of them are demangled as ClassName::~ClassName()). (The same applies to constructors, I have seen C0 and C2 constructors.)
On the other hand, that answer references the Itanium ABI: https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/cxxabi-1.75.html#mangling-type where mangling is specified.
The itanium-abi Haskell package: it did not work for me (May 2014)
There is a Haskell package
that promises both demangling and mangling, but I could run only the demangling:
Installation on Ubuntu Precise:
sudo aptitude install ghc
sudo aptitude install cabal-install
cabal update
cabal install itanium-abi
Then you run ghci and after import ABI.Itanium and import Data.Either you get:
Prelude ABI.Itanium Data.Either> cxxNameToText $ head (rights [ demangleName "_ZTI13QSystemLocale" ])
"typeinfo for QSystemLocale"
There is mangleName, but it takes a DecodedName which is a data structure rather than a string, and that data structure is produced only by demangleName (unless I overlooked something). Hopefully, this will get better in some future release.
The clang code
I did not try the clang code.


How to write unix regular expression to select for specific files in a cp for-loop

I've got a directory with a bunch of files. Instead of describing the filenames and extensions, I'll just show you what is in the directory:
P01_1.atag P03_3.tgt P05_6.src P08_3.atag P10_5.tgt
P01_1.src P03_4.atag P05_6.tgt P08_3.src P10_6.atag
P01_1.tgt P03_4.src P06_1.atag P08_3.tgt P10_6.src
P01_2.atag P03_4.tgt P06_1.src P08_4.atag P10_6.tgt
P01_2.src P03_5.atag P06_1.tgt P08_4.src P11_1.atag
P01_2.tgt P03_5.src P06_2.atag P08_4.tgt P11_1.src
P01_3.atag P03_5.tgt P06_2.src P08_5.atag P11_1.tgt
P01_3.src P03_6.atag P06_2.tgt P08_5.src P11_2.atag
P01_3.tgt P03_6.src P06_3.atag P08_5.tgt P11_2.src
P01_4.atag P03_6.tgt P06_3.src P08_6.atag P11_2.tgt
P01_4.src P04_1.atag P06_3.tgt P08_6.src P11_3.atag
P01_4.tgt P04_1.src P06_4.atag P08_6.tgt P11_3.src
P01_5.atag P04_1.tgt P06_4.src P09_1.atag P11_3.tgt
P01_5.src P04_2.atag P06_4.tgt P09_1.src P11_4.atag
P01_5.tgt P04_2.src P06_5.atag P09_1.tgt P11_4.src
P01_6.atag P04_2.tgt P06_5.src P09_2.atag P11_4.tgt
P01_6.src P04_3.atag P06_5.tgt P09_2.src P11_5.atag
P01_6.tgt P04_3.src P06_6.atag P09_2.tgt P11_5.src
P02_1.atag P04_3.tgt P06_6.src P09_3.atag P11_5.tgt
P02_1.src P04_4.atag P06_6.tgt P09_3.src P11_6.atag
P02_1.tgt P04_4.src P07_1.atag P09_3.tgt P11_6.src
P02_2.atag P04_4.tgt P07_1.src P09_4.atag P11_6.tgt
P02_2.src P04_5.atag P07_1.tgt P09_4.src P12_1.atag
P02_2.tgt P04_5.src P07_2.atag P09_4.tgt P12_1.src
P02_3.atag P04_5.tgt P07_2.src P09_5.atag P12_1.tgt
P02_3.src P04_6.atag P07_2.tgt P09_5.src P12_2.atag
P02_3.tgt P04_6.src P07_3.atag P09_5.tgt P12_2.src
P02_4.atag P04_6.tgt P07_3.src P09_6.atag P12_2.tgt
P02_4.src P05_1.atag P07_3.tgt P09_6.src P12_3.atag
P02_4.tgt P05_1.src P07_4.atag P09_6.tgt P12_3.src
P02_5.atag P05_1.tgt P07_4.src P10_1.atag P12_3.tgt
P02_5.src P05_2.atag P07_4.tgt P10_1.src P12_4.atag
P02_5.tgt P05_2.src P07_5.atag P10_1.tgt P12_4.src
P02_6.atag P05_2.tgt P07_5.src P10_2.atag P12_4.tgt
P02_6.src P05_3.atag P07_5.tgt P10_2.src P12_5.atag
P02_6.tgt P05_3.src P07_6.atag P10_2.tgt P12_5.src
P03_1.atag P05_3.tgt P07_6.src P10_3.atag P12_5.tgt
P03_1.src P05_4.atag P07_6.tgt P10_3.src P12_6.atag
P03_1.tgt P05_4.src P08_1.atag P10_3.tgt P12_6.src
P03_2.atag P05_4.tgt P08_1.src P10_4.atag P12_6.tgt
P03_2.src P05_5.atag P08_1.tgt P10_4.src
P03_2.tgt P05_5.src P08_2.atag P10_4.tgt
P03_3.atag P05_5.tgt P08_2.src P10_5.atag
P03_3.src P05_6.atag P08_2.tgt P10_5.src
I have a file that is just outside of this directory that I need to copy to all of the files that end with "_1.src" inside the directory.
I'm working with unix in the Terminal app, so I tried writing this for loop, but it rejected my regular expression:
for .*1.src in ./
> do
> cp ../1.src
> done
I've only written regular expressions in Python before and have minimal experience, but I was under the impression that .* would match any combination of characters. However, I got the following error message:
-bash: `.*1.src': not a valid identifier
I then tried the same for loop with the following regular expression:
But I got the same error message:
-bash: `^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*1.src$': not a valid identifier
I tried the same regular expression with and without quotation marks, but it always gives the same 'not a valid identifier' error message.
Tested on Bash 4.4.12, the following is possible:
$ for i in ./*_1.src; do echo "$i" ; done
This will echo every file ending with _1.src to the screen, thus moving it will be possible as well.
$ mkdir tmp
$ for i in ./*_1.src; do mv "$i" tmp/.; done
I've tested with the following data:
$ touch P{1,2}{0,1,2}_{0..6}.{src,tgt,atag}
$ ls
P10_0.atag P10_5.src P11_3.tgt P12_2.atag P20_0.src P20_5.tgt P21_4.atag P22_2.src
P10_0.src P10_5.tgt P11_4.atag P12_2.src P20_0.tgt P20_6.atag P21_4.src P22_2.tgt
P10_0.tgt P10_6.atag P11_4.src P12_2.tgt P20_1.atag P20_6.src P21_4.tgt P22_3.atag
P10_1.atag P10_6.src P11_4.tgt P12_3.atag P20_1.src P20_6.tgt P21_5.atag P22_3.src
P10_1.src P10_6.tgt P11_5.atag P12_3.src P20_1.tgt P21_0.atag P21_5.src P22_3.tgt
P10_1.tgt P11_0.atag P11_5.src P12_3.tgt P20_2.atag P21_0.src P21_5.tgt P22_4.atag
P10_2.atag P11_0.src P11_5.tgt P12_4.atag P20_2.src P21_0.tgt P21_6.atag P22_4.src
P10_2.src P11_0.tgt P11_6.atag P12_4.src P20_2.tgt P21_1.atag P21_6.src P22_4.tgt
P10_2.tgt P11_1.atag P11_6.src P12_4.tgt P20_3.atag P21_1.src P21_6.tgt P22_5.atag
P10_3.atag P11_1.src P11_6.tgt P12_5.atag P20_3.src P21_1.tgt P22_0.atag P22_5.src
P10_3.src P11_1.tgt P12_0.atag P12_5.src P20_3.tgt P21_2.atag P22_0.src P22_5.tgt
P10_3.tgt P11_2.atag P12_0.src P12_5.tgt P20_4.atag P21_2.src P22_0.tgt P22_6.atag
P10_4.atag P11_2.src P12_0.tgt P12_6.atag P20_4.src P21_2.tgt P22_1.atag P22_6.src
P10_4.src P11_2.tgt P12_1.atag P12_6.src P20_4.tgt P21_3.atag P22_1.src P22_6.tgt
P10_4.tgt P11_3.atag P12_1.src P12_6.tgt P20_5.atag P21_3.src P22_1.tgt P10_5.atag
P11_3.src P12_1.tgt P20_0.atag P20_5.src P21_3.tgt P22_2.atag
Apparently, my previous answer didn't work. But this seems to:
$ for x in `echo ./P[01][012]_1.src`; do echo "$x"; done
So, when you run this echo alone, this pattern gets expanded into many names:
$ echo ./P[01][012]_1.src # note that the 'regex' is not enclosed in quotes
./P01_1.src ./P02_1.src
And then you can iterate over these names in a loop.
BTW, as noted in the comments, you don't even need that echo, so you can plug the pattern right into the loop:
for x in ./P[01][012]_1.src; do echo "$x"; done
Please correct me if your goal is something other than
"overwrite many existing files sharing a common suffix with the contents of a single file"
find /path/to/dest_dir -type f -name "*_1.src" |xargs -n1 cp /path/to/source_file
Note that without the -maxdepth 1 option, find will recurse through your destination directory.
Thanks to everyone; this is what ended up working:
for x in `echo ./P[0-9]*_1.src`
> do
> cp ../1.src "$x"
> done
This loop allowed me to copy the contents of the one file to all of the files in the subdirectory that ended with "_1.src"

Bash variable substitution in a function

I have a function read_command defined as:
function read_command {
local __newline __lines __input __newstr __tmp i;
exec 3< "$*";
while IFS= read <&3 -r __line && [ "$__line" != '####' ]; do
echo "$__line";
while IFS= read <&3 -r __line && [ "$__line" != '####' ]; do
read -e -p "${__line#*:}$PS2" __input;
local ${__line%%:*}="$__input";
for i in "${__lines[#]}"; do
__tmp=$(echo "${i}");
__command="${__command} ${__newline} ${__tmp}";
echo -e "$__command";
In the current directory there is a file named "test", with the following
greet ${a:-"Bob"}
greet ${b:-"Jim"}
a: name of friend a
b: name of friend b
In the terminal, the command executed is
read_command test
With no input, I am expecting the output of the last statement to be:
greet Bob
greet Jim
But what I get is:
greet ${a:-"Bob"}
greet ${b:-"Jim"}
What is wrong here?
Edit: As suggested by David, adding eval works in some cases except the following one.
j=1;i="export DISPLAY=:0 && Xephyr :${j}&";k=$(eval echo "$i");
echo $k
export DISPLAY=:0
I am expecting k to be "export DISPLAY=:0 && Xephyr :1&", what's wrong here?
Edit: I tried with the following
k=$(eval "echo \"$i\"")
This is the link to the script I am working on.
During the first while loop, in echo "$__line", you have __line='greet ${a:-"Bob"}'. When you try to print that, Bash won't be expanding ${a:-"Bob"} into Bob. (Even if you remove the quotes around $__line this won't happen.) To get that effect, you need to add eval, as in, e.g., eval echo "$__line". Unfortunately eval comes with its can of worms, you have to start worrying about interactions between quoting levels and such.

How to download latest version of software from same url using wget

I would like to download a latest source code of software (WRF) from some url and automate the installation process thereafter. A sample url like is given below:-
In the above url, the version number may change time to time after the developer release the new version. Now I would like to download the latest available version from the main script. I tried the following:-
wget -k -l 0 "http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV'
With above code, I could pull all available version of the software. The output of the above code is below:-
However, I am unable to go further to filter out only later version from the link.
Usually, for processing the html-pages i recommendig some perl tools, but because this is an Directory Index output, (probably) can be done by bash tools like grep sed and such...
The following code is divided to several smaller bash functions, for easy changes
#getdata - should output html source of the page
getdata() {
#use wget with output to stdout or curl or fetch
curl -s "http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/"
#cat index.html
#filer_rows - get the filename and the date columns
filter_rows() {
sed -n 's:<tr><td.*href="\([^"]*\)">.*>\([0-9].*\)</td>.*</td>.*</td></tr>:\2#\1:p' | grep "${1:-.}"
#sort_by_date - probably don't need comment... sorts the lines by date... ;)
sort_by_date() {
while IFS=# read -r date file
echo "$(date --date="$date" +%s)#$file"
done | sort -gr
file=$(getdata | filter_rows WRFV | sort_by_date | head -1 | cut -d# -f2)
echo "You want download: $file"
You want download: WRFV3-Chem-3.6.1.TAR.gz
What about adding a numeric sort and taking the top line:
wget -k -l 0 "http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV[0-9]*[0-9]\.[0-9]' | sort -r -n | head -1

Getting mangled name from demangled name

Is there any way to get back the mangled name from demangled name in g++.
For example , I have the demangled name func(char*, int), what should I do to get the mangled name i.e _Z4funcPci back?
My question is g++ specific.
You can simply use g++ to compile an empty function with the signature you require and extract the name from that. For example:
echo "int f1(char *, int) {} " | g++ -x c++ -S - -o- | grep "^_.*:$" | sed -e 's/:$//'
gives output
which is I think what you require. Make sure that you include any relevant header files as they will affect the way the symbols are mangled.
Based on the Bojan Nikolic's approach, here's a better script:
IFS='::' read -a array <<< "$1"
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
for index in "${indexes[#]}"
#echo "$index ${array[index]}"
if [ $index == ${indexes[-1]} ]; then
#echo "last"
middle="$rettype ${array[index]};"
elif [ -n "${array[index]}" ]; then
#echo "not empty"
prefix="${prefix}struct ${array[index]}{"
#echo "$prefix$middle$suffix $rettype $1{}"
echo "$prefix$middle$suffix $rettype $1{}" | g++ -x c++ -S - -o- | grep "^_.*:$" | sed -e 's/:$//'
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::ghi()"
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::ghi(int i, char c)"
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::def(int i, char c)" constr
$ ./mangle.bash "abc::def::~def()" destr
But as to constructors and destructors, remember that there are C0 C1 C2 and D0 D1 D2 ones.
What's worst, sometimes you cannot mangle a name because you must get more than one result.
See https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/q/4323/4398 (there are multiple destructors in VFT, and all of them are demangled as ClassName::~ClassName()). (The same applies to constructors, I have seen C0 and C2 constructors.)
On the other hand, that answer references the Itanium ABI: https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/cxxabi-1.75.html#mangling-type where mangling is specified.
The itanium-abi Haskell package: it did not work for me (May 2014)
There is a Haskell package
that promises both demangling and mangling, but I could run only the demangling:
Installation on Ubuntu Precise:
sudo aptitude install ghc
sudo aptitude install cabal-install
cabal update
cabal install itanium-abi
Then you run ghci and after import ABI.Itanium and import Data.Either you get:
Prelude ABI.Itanium Data.Either> cxxNameToText $ head (rights [ demangleName "_ZTI13QSystemLocale" ])
"typeinfo for QSystemLocale"
There is mangleName, but it takes a DecodedName which is a data structure rather than a string, and that data structure is produced only by demangleName (unless I overlooked something). Hopefully, this will get better in some future release.
The clang code
I did not try the clang code.

Autoconf macro for Boost MPI?

I'm searching an autoconf macro to use in my configure.ac that checks for Boost MPI.
It's not hard to find a couple of them on the Internet but none of the one I tried worked as expected.
What ax_boost_mpi.m4 do you use?
EDIT: I'll explain my requirement better. I need the macro to tell me if Boost MPI is available or not (defining HAVE_BOOST_MPI) to store the compiler and linker flags somewhere and to switch the compiler from the nornal c++ compiler to an available mpiCC or mpic++.
If the Boost MPI is not found I'd like to be able to choose if I want to stop the configuration process with an error or continue using g++ without HAVE_BOOST_MPI defined.
As a plus it should define an MPIRUN variable to allow running some checks.
I'm unaware of a turnkey solution here, but that doesn't mean one's unavailable.
With some work, you could probably adapt http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_mpi.html#ax_mpi and http://github.com/tsuna/boost.m4 to do what you want. The former digging up the MPI compiler and the latter checking for Boost MPI. You'd have to add a Boost MPI check to boost.m4 as it doesn't have one. You'd have to add your own MPIRUN-searching mechanism.
If you find a solution and/or roll your own, please do share.
# ===========================================================================
# Test for MPI library from the Boost C++ libraries. The macro
# requires a preceding call to AX_BOOST_BASE, AX_BOOST_SERIALIZATION
# and AX_MPI. You also need to set CXX="$MPICXX" before calling the
# macro.
# This macro calls:
# And sets:
# Based on Boost Serialize by:
# Copyright (c) 2008 Thomas Porschberg <thomas#randspringer.de>
# Copyright (c) 2010 Mirko Maischberger <mirko.maischberger#gmail.com>
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
#serial 1
[use the MPI library from boost - it is possible to
specify a certain library for the linker
e.g. --with-boost-mpi=boost_mpi-gcc-mt-d-1_33_1 ]),
if test "$withval" = "no"; then
elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
export LDFLAGS
export LIBS
AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether the Boost::MPI library is available,
AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#%:#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
[[int argc = 0;
char **argv = 0;
boost::mpi::environment env(argc,argv);
return 0;
ax_cv_boost_mpi=yes, ax_cv_boost_mpi=no)
if test "x$ax_cv_boost_mpi" = "xyes"; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_MPI,,[define if the Boost::MPI library is available])
BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/#<:#^\/#:>#*//'`
if test "x$ax_boost_user_mpi_lib" = "x"; then
for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_mpi*.{so,a}* 2>/dev/null | grep -v python | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_mpi.*\)\.so.*$;\1;' -e 's;^lib\(boost_mpi.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do
AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
[BOOST_MPI_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_MPI_LIB) link_mpi="yes"; break],
if test "x$link_mpi" != "xyes"; then
for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_mpi*.{dll,a}* 2>/dev/null | grep -v python | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_mpi.*\)\.dll.*$;\1;' -e 's;^\(boost_mpi.*\)\.a*$;\1;'` ; do
AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
[BOOST_MPI_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_MPI_LIB) link_mpi="yes"; break],
for ax_lib in $ax_boost_user_mpi_lib boost_mpi-$ax_boost_user_mpi_lib; do
AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
[BOOST_MPI_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_MPI_LIB) link_mpi="yes"; break],
if test "x$link_mpi" != "xyes"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
This comment is a bit late, but I will add it here so that others searching for the same topic can find it. I had personally been looking for a function integrated into boost.m4 that defined similar variables as the other boost libraries (BOOST_MPI_LDFLAGS, BOOST_MPI_LIBS). I finally just added one and submitted a pull request here:
This uses the MPICXX variable for CXX/CXXCPP if it is already defined (by ax_mpi.m4, acx_mpi.m4, etc), otherwise it uses the existing CXX/CXXCPP.