Perl regexp tr// "I dont get why it does this?" - regex

I did the following to my string $text
$text =~ tr/a-zåàâäæçéèêëîïôöœßùûüÿA-ZÅÀÂÄÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔÖŒÙÛÜŸ'()\-,.?!:;/\n/cs;
What this did was to split the string in newlines. This is what I wanted to do
but I dont get why it does this?
I thought that this line would take all chars a-zåàâäæçéèêëîïôöœßùûüÿA-ZÅÀÂÄÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔÖŒÙÛÜŸ'()-,.?!:; and replace each of them with \n
I dont get what cs in the end does either. Here you can get an explanation of cs but I dont understand what it means:
"c - is used to specify that the SEARCHLIST character set is
"s - is used to specify that the sequences of characters that were
transliterated to the same character are squashed down to a single
instance of the character"
$text= "a ar? å ..";

c - is used to specify that the SEARCHLIST character set is complemented
In this usage, "complemented" is similar to "negated" or "reversed", so instead of replacing the characters listed in your expression every character not found in your expression is replaced. In your example string this means that all of the spaces are replaced with a newline because every other character is included in the set.

If you want to turn all spaces into newlines, listing out all the things which are not spaces is cumbersome and you're likely to forget some. You can instead work directly on the spaces with a regex.
s{...}{...} is a "search and replace" using regular expressions rather than just characters. \s is regex speak for "whitespace" which includes spaces, tabs and newlines. + says to match 1 or more of them, so multiple spaces in a row will be turned into one newline. The g modifier says to do it "globally" or across every character in the string, otherwise it would stop at the first match.
foo bar baz

"c - is used to specify that the SEARCHLIST character set is complemented"
This means that it will replace anything not in the search list with \n. In your example, the only character not in the search list is a space. Therefore each space gets replaced with a newline. As Schwern pointed out, this is not a good way to do this.
"s - is used to specify that the sequences of characters that were transliterated to the same character are squashed down to a single instance of the character"
This means that if three characters in a row are translated (resulting in three \n in a row), the three \n will be "squashed" into a single \n. If you added some spaces to your example input, you could see this in action:
# Multiple spaces separating words
my $str = "a ar? å";
Without squashing:
$str =~ tr/a-zåàâäæçéèêëîïôöœßùûüÿA-ZÅÀÂÄÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔÖŒÙÛÜŸ'()\-,.?!:;/\n/c;
With squashing:
$str =~ tr/a-zåàâäæçéèêëîïôöœßùûüÿA-ZÅÀÂÄÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔÖŒÙÛÜŸ'()\-,.?!:;/\n/cs;


matching two chars with multiple lines in between

I am new to regex and I am using Perl.
I have below tag:
I want to match anything between <CFSC> and </CFSC> tags.
I tried /<CFSC>.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n<\/CFSC>/
and /<CFSC>(.*)<\/CFSC>/ but had no luck.
You need the /s single line modifier to make the regex engine include line breaks in ..
Treat string as single line. That is, change "." to match any character whatsoever, even a newline, which normally it would not match.
See this example.
my $foo = qq{<CFSC>cfsc_service=TRUE
$foo =~ m{>(.*)</CFSC>}s;
print $1;
You also need to use a different delimiter than /, or escape it.
The final s makes the . match newline chars (\n = 0x0a) which is usually doesn't match:
Treat string as single line. That is, change "." to match any
character whatsoever, even a newline, which normally it would not
Try this:
$foo =~ m/<CFSC>((?:(?!<\/CFSC>).)*)<\/CFSC>/gs;
g - Matches global
s - newline
i - case sensitive
\ - escape sequence

Substitution with \s does not work as expected

I write regex to remove more than 1 space in a string. The code is simple:
my $string = 'A string has more than 1 space';
$string = s/\s+/\s/g;
But, the result is something bad: 'Asstringshassmoresthans1sspace'. It replaces every single space with 's' character.
There's a work around is instead of using \s for substitution, I use ' '. So the regex becomes:
$string = s/\s+/ /g;
Why doesn't the regex with \s work?
\s is only a metacharacter in a regular expression (and it matches more than just a space, for example tabs, linebreak and form feed characters), not in a replacement string. Use a simple space (as you already did) if you want to replace all whitespace by a single space:
$string = s/\s+/ /g;
If you only want to affect actual space characters, use
$string = s/ {2,}/ /g;
(no need to replace single spaces with themselves).
The answer to your question is that \s is a character class, not a literal character. Just as \w represents alphanumeric characters, it cannot be used to print an alphanumeric character (except w, which it will print, but that's beside the point).
What I would do, if I wanted to preserve the type of whitespace matched, would be:
The \K (keep) escape sequence will keep the initial whitespace character from being removed, but all subsequent whitespace will be removed. If you do not care about preserving the type of whitespace, the solution already given by Tim is the way to go, i.e.:
s/\s+/ /g
\s stands for matching any whitespace. It's equivalent to this:
[\ \t\r\n\f]
When you replace with $string = s/\s+/\s/g;, you are replacing one or more whitespace characters with the letter s. Here's a link for reference:
Why doesn't the regex with \s work?
Your regex with \s does work. What doesn't work is your replacement string. And, of course, as others have pointed out, it shouldn't.
People get confused about the substitution operator (s/.../.../). Often I find people think of the whole operator as "a regex". But it's not, it's an operator that takes two arguments (or operands).
The first operand (between the first and second delimiters) is interpreted as a regex. The second operand (between the second and third delimiters) is interpreted as a double-quoted string (of course, the /e option changes that slightly).
So a substitution operation looks like this:
The regex recognises special characters like ^ and + and \s. The replacement string doesn't.
If people stopped misunderstanding how the substitution operator is made up, they might stop expecting regex features to work outside of regular expressions :-)

Removing repeated characters, including spaces, in one line

I currently have a string, say $line='55.25040882, 3,,,,,,', that I want to remove all whitespace and repeated commas and periods from. Currently, I have:
$line =~ s/[.,]{2,}//;
$line =~ s/\s{1,}//;
Which works, as I get '55.25040882,3', but when I try
$line =~ s/[.,\s]{2,}//;
It pulls out the ", " and leaves the ",,,,,,". I want to retain the first comma and just get rid of the whitespace.
Is there a way to elegantly do this with one line of regex? Please let me know if I need to provide additional information.
EDIT: Since there were so many solutions, I decided to update my question with the answer below:
$line =~ s/([.,])\1{1,}| |\t//g;
This removes all repeated periods and commas, removes all spaces and tabs, while retaining the \r and \n characters. There are so many ways to do this, but this is the one I settled for. Thanks so much!
This is mostly a critique of Rohit's answer, which seems to contain several misconceptions about character class syntax, especially the negation operator (^). Specifically:
[(^\n^\r)\s] matches ( or ^ or ) or any whitespace character, including linefeed (\n) and carriage return (\r). In fact, they're each specified twice (since \s matches them too), though the class still only consumes one character at a time.
^[\n\r]|\s matches a linefeed or carriage return at the beginning of the string, or any whitespace character anywhere (which makes the first part redundant, since any whitespace character includes linefeed and carriage return, and anywhere includes the beginning of the string).
Inside a character class, the caret (^) negates the meaning of everything that follows iff it appears immediately after the opening [; anywhere else, it's just a caret. All other metacharacters except \ lose their special meanings entirely inside character classes. (But the normally non-special characters, - and ], become special.)
Outside a character class, ^ is an anchor.
Here's how I would write the regex:
$line =~ s/([.,])\1+|\h+//g;
Since you finally went with ([.,])\1{1,}, I assume you want to match repeated periods or repeated commas, not things like ., or ,.. Success with regexes means learning to look at text the way the regex engine does, and it's not intuitive. You'll help yourself a lot if you try to describe each problem the way the regex engine would, if it could speak.
{1,} is not incorrect, but why add all that clutter to your regex when + does the same thing?
\h matches horizontal whitespace, which includes spaces and tabs, but not linefeeds or carriage returns. (That only works in Perl, AFAIK. In Ruby/Oniguruma, \h matches a hex digit; in every other flavor I know of, it's a syntax error.)
You can try using: -
my $line='55.25040...882, 3,,,,,,';
$line =~ s/[^\S\n\r]|[.,]{2,}//g; # Negates non-whitespace char, \n and \r
print $line
[^\S\n\r]|[.,]{2,} -> This means either [^\S\n\r] or [.,]{2,}
[.,]{2,} -> This means replace , or . if there is more than 2 in the same
[^\S\n\r] -> Means negate all whitespace character, linefeed, and newline.

How to test to see if a string is only whitespace in perl

Whats a good way to test to see if a string is only full of whitespace characters with regex?
#is 100% whitespace (remember 100% of the empty string is also whitespace)
#use /^\s+$/ if you want to exclude the empty string
(I have decided to edit my post to include concepts in the below conversation with tobyodavies.)
In most instances, you want to determine whether or not something is whitespace, because whitespace is relatively insignificant and you want to skip over a string consisting of merely whitespace. So, I think what you want to determine is whether or not there are significant characters.
So I tend to use the reverse test: $str =~ /\S/. Determining the predicate "string contains one Significant character".
However, to apply your particular question, this can be determined in the negative by testing: $str !~ /\S/
Your regex statement should look for ^\s+$. It will require at least one whitespace.
In case you were wondering, "white space is defined as [\t\n\f\r\p{Z}]". See
\n Match a LINE FEED, \u000A.
\f Match a FORM FEED, \u000C.
\r Match a CARRIAGE RETURN, \u000D.
\p{UNICODE PROPERTY NAME} Match any character with the specified Unicode Property.

PERL-Subsitute any non alphanumerical character to "_"

In perl I want to substitute any character not [A-Z]i or [0-9] and replace it with "_" but only if this non alphanumerical character occurs between two alphanumerical characters. I do not want to touch non-alphanumericals at the beginning or end of the string.
I know enough regex to replace them, just not to only replace ones in the middle of the string.
Of course that would hurt your chanches with "#A#B%C", so you might use a look-arounds:
That way you isolate it to just the non "alnum" character.
Or you could use the "keep flag", as well and get the same thing done.
EDIT based on input:
To not eat a newline, you could do the following:
Try this:
my $str = 'a-2=c+a()_';
$str =~ s/(?<=[A-Z0-9])[^A-Z0-9](?=[A-Z0-9])/\1_\2/gi;