Return the first non empty/blank value? - clojure

I have 2 bindings I'm calling path and callback.
What I am trying to do is to return the first non-empty one. In javascript it would look like this:
var final = path || callback || "";
How do I do this in clojure?
I was looking at the "some" function but I can't figure out how to combine the compjure.string/blank check in it. I currently have this as a test, which doesn't work. In this case, it should return nil I think.
(some (clojure.string/blank?) ["1" "2" "3"])
In this case, it should return 2
(some (clojure.string/blank?) ["" "2" "3"])

(first (filter (complement clojure.string/blank?) ["" "a" "b"]))
Edit: As pointed out in the comments, (filter (complement p) ...) can be rewritten as (remove p ...):
(first (remove clojure.string/blank? ["" "a" "b"]))

If you are so lucky to have "empty values" represented by nil and/or false you could use:
(or nil false "2" "3")
Which would return "2".
An equivalent to your JavaScript example would be:
(let [final (or path callback "")]
(println final))

If you want the first non blank string of a sequence you can use something like this:
(first (filter #(not (clojure.string/blank? %)) ["" "2" "3"]))
This will return 2
What i don't understand is your first example using the some function, you said that it should return nil but the first non blank string is "1".

This is how you would use the some function:
(some #(when-not (empty? %) %) ["" "foo" ""])
(some #(when-not (empty? %) %) ["bar" "foo" ""])
As others have pointed out, filter is another option:
(first (filter #(not (empty? %)) ["" "" "foo"])
A third option would be to use recursion:
(defn first-non-empty [& x]
(let [[y & z] x]
(if (not (empty? y))
(when z (recur z)))))
(first-non-empty "" "bar" "")
(first-non-empty "" "" "foo")
(first-non-empty "" "" "")
I used empty? instead of blank? to save on typing, but the only difference should be how whitespace is handled.

It was difficult for me to tell exactly what you wanted, so this is my understanding of what you are trying to do.
In my case, I wanted to find if an item in one report was missing in a second report. A match returned nil, and a non-match returned the actual item that did not match.
The following functions wind up comparing the value of a mapped value with a key.
Using something like find-first is probably what you want to do.
(defn find-first
"This is a helper function that uses filter, a comparision value, and
stops comparing once the first match is found. The actual match
is returned, and nil is returned if comparision value is not matched."
[pred col]
(first (filter pred col)))
(defn str-cmp
"Takes two strings and compares them. Returns 0 if a match; and nil if not."
[str-1 str-2 cmp-start-pos substr-len]
(let [computed-str-len (ret-lowest-str-len str-1 str-2 substr-len)
rc-1 (subs str-1 cmp-start-pos computed-str-len)
rc-2 (subs str-2 cmp-start-pos computed-str-len)]
(if (= 0 (compare rc-1 rc-2))
(defn cmp-one-val
"Return nil if first key match found,
else the original comparision row is returned.
cmp-row is a single sequence of data from a map. i
cmp-key is the key to extract the comparision value.
cmp-seq-vals contain a sequence derived from
one key in a sequence of maps.
cmp-start and substr-len are start and stop
comparision indicies for str-cmp."
[cmp-row cmp-key cmp-seq-vals cmp-start substr-len]
(if (find-first #(str-cmp (cmp-key cmp-row) %1 cmp-start substr-len) cmp-seq-vals)


How to really shuffle sequence in Clojure?

(defn shuffle-letters
(let [letters (clojure.string/split word #"")
shuffled-letters (shuffle letters)]
(clojure.string/join "" shuffled-letters)))
But if you put in "test" you can get "test" back sometimes.
How to modify the code to be sure that output will never be equal to input.
I feel embarrassing, I can solve it easily in Python, but Clojure is so different to me...
Thank you.
P.S. I thing we can close the topic now... The loop is in fact all I needed...
You can use loop. When the shuffled letters are the same as the original, recur back up to the start of the loop:
(defn shuffle-letters [word]
(let [letters (clojure.string/split word #"")]
(loop [] ; Start a loop
(let [shuffled-letters (shuffle letters)]
(if (= shuffled-letters letters) ; Check if they're equal
(recur) ; If they're equal, loop and try again
(clojure.string/join "" shuffled-letters)))))) ; Else, return the joined letters
There's many ways this could be written, but this is I think as plain as it gets. You could also get rid of the loop and make shuffle-letters itself recursive. This would lead to unnecessary work though. You could also use let-fn to create a local recursive function, but at that point, loop would likely be cleaner.
Things to note though:
Obviously, if you try to shuffle something like "H" or "HH", it will get stuck and loop forever since no amount of shuffling will cause them to differ. You could do a check ahead of time, or add a parameter to loop that limits how many times it tries.
This will actually make your shuffle less random. If you disallow it from returning the original string, you're reducing the amount of possible outputs.
The call to split is unnecessary. You can just call vec on the string:
(defn shuffle-letters [word]
(let [letters (vec word)]
(loop []
(let [shuffled-letters (shuffle letters)]
(if (= shuffled-letters letters)
(clojure.string/join "" shuffled-letters))))))
Here's another solution (using transducers):
(defn shuffle-strict [s]
(let [letters (seq s)
xform (comp (map clojure.string/join)
(filter (fn[v] (not= v s))))]
(when (> (count (into #{} letters)) 1)
(first (eduction xform (iterate shuffle letters))))))
(for [_ (range 20)]
(shuffle-strict "test"))
;; => ("etts" "etts" "stte" "etts" "sett" "tste" "tste" "sett" "ttse" "sett" "ttse" "tset" "stte" "ttes" "ttes" "stte" "stte" "etts" "estt" "stet")
(shuffle-strict "t")
;; => nil
(shuffle-strict "ttttt")
;; => nil
We basically create a lazy list of possible shuffles, and then we take the first of them to be different from the input. We also make sure that there are at least 2 different characters in the input, so as not to hang (we return nil here since you don't want to have the input string as a possible result).
If you want your function to return a sequence:
(defn my-shuffle [input]
(when (-> input set count (> 1))
(->> input
(iterate #(apply str (shuffle (seq %))))
(remove #(= input %)))))
(->> "abc" my-shuffle (take 5))
;; => ("acb" "cba" "bca" "acb" "cab")
(->> "bbb" my-shuffle (take 5))
;; => ()

Howto find a listitem which contains a specific substring

I have a list of strings, fx '("abc" "def" "gih") and i would like to be able to search the list for any items containing fx "ef" and get the item or index returned.
How is this done?
Combining filter and re-find can do this nicely.
user> (def fx '("abc" "def" "gih"))
user> (filter (partial re-find #"ef") fx)
user> (filter (partial re-find #"a") fx)
In this case I like to combine them with partial though defining an anonymous function works fine in that case as well. It is also useful to use re-pattern if you don't know the search string in advance:
user> (filter (partial re-find (re-pattern "a")) fx)
If you want to retrieve all the indexes of the matching positions along with the element you can try this:
(filter #(re-find #"ef" (second %)) (map-indexed vector '("abc" "def" "gih")))
=>([1 "def"])
map-indexed vector generates an index/value lazy sequence
user> (map-indexed vector '("abc" "def" "gih"))
([0 "abc"] [1 "def"] [2 "gih"])
Which you can then filter using a regular expression against the second element of each list member.
#(re-find #"ef" (second %))
Just indices:
(keep-indexed #(if (re-find #"ef" %2)
%1) '("abc" "def" "gih"))
=> (1)
Using loop/recur
(loop [[str & strs] '("abc" "def" "gih")
idx 0
acc []]
(if str
(recur strs
(inc idx)
(cond-> acc
(re-find #"ef" str) (conj idx)))
For just the element, refer to Arthur Ulfeldts answer.
Here is a traditional recursive definition that returns the index. It's easy to modify to return the corresponding string as well.
(defn strs-index [re lis]
(let [f (fn [ls n]
(empty? ls) nil
(re-find re (first ls)) n
:else (recur (rest ls) (inc n))))]
(f lis 0)))
user=> (strs-index #"de" ["abc" "def" "gih"])
user=> (strs-index #"ih" ["abc" "def" "gih"])
user=> (strs-index #"xy" ["abc" "def" "gih"])
(Explanation: The helper function f is defined as a binding in let, and then is called at the end. If the sequence of strings passed to it is not empty, it searches for the regular expression in the first element of the sequence and returns the index if it finds the string. This uses the fact that re-find's result counts as true unless it fails, in which case it returns nil. If the previous steps don't succeed, the function starts over with the rest of the sequence and an incremented index. If it gets to the end of the sequence, it returns nil.)

Clojure not nil check

In Clojure nil? checks for nil. How does one check for not nil?
I want to do the Clojure equivalent of the following Java code:
if (value1==null && value2!=null) {
Follow-up: I was hoping for a not nil check instead of wrapping it with not. if has a if-not counterpart. Is there such a counterpart for nil??
After Clojure 1.6 you can use some?:
(some? :foo) => true
(some? nil) => false
This is useful, eg, as a predicate:
(filter some? [1 nil 2]) => (1 2)
Another way to define not-nil? would be using the complement function, which just inverts the truthyness of a boolean function:
(def not-nil? (complement nil?))
If you have several values to check then use not-any?:
user> (not-any? nil? [true 1 '()])
user> (not-any? nil? [true 1 nil])
If you are not interested in distinguishing false from nil, you can just use the value as the condition:
(if value1
"value1 is neither nil nor false"
"value1 is nil or false")
In Clojure, nil counts as false for the purposes of conditional expressions.
As a result (not x) works actually works exactly the same as as (nil? x) in most cases (with the exception of boolean false). e.g.
(not "foostring")
=> false
(not nil)
=> true
(not false) ;; false is the only non-nil value that will return true
=> true
So to answer your original question you can just do:
(if (and value1 (not value2))
condition: (and (nil? value1) (not (nil? value2)))
if-condition: (if (and (nil? value1) (not (nil? value2))) 'something)
Charles Duffy provides correct custom definition for not-nil?:
You want a not-nil? Easily done: (def not-nil? (comp not nil?))
If you want your test to return true when given false, then you need one of the other answers here. But if you just want to test that returns a truthy value whenever it's passed something other than nil or false, you can use identity. For example, to strip nils (or falses) from a sequence:
(filter identity [1 2 nil 3 nil 4 false 5 6])
=> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
You can try when-not :
user> (when-not nil (println "hello world"))
=>hello world
user> (when-not false (println "hello world"))
=>hello world
user> (when-not true (println "hello world"))
user> (def value1 nil)
user> (def value2 "somevalue")
user> (when-not value1 (if value2 (println "hello world")))
=>hello world
user> (when-not value2 (if value1 (println "hello world")))
If you want a not-nil? function, then I'd suggest just defining it as follows:
(defn not-nil?
(^boolean [x]
(not (nil? x)))
Having said that it is worth comparing the usage of this to the obvious alternative:
(not (nil? x))
(not-nil? x)
I'm not sure that introducing an extra non-standard function is worth it for saving two characters / one level of nesting. It would make sense though if you wanted to use it in higher order functions etc.
One more option:
(def not-nil? #(not= nil %))

clojure: Efficiently determining if a string begins with any prefix in a collection

I'm have a collection of prefix/value pairs, and wish to find any value in this connection associated with a prefix that my current target string begins with. (It is not important that behavior be defined in the case where more than one prefix matches, as the nature of my use case is such that this should never occur).
A naive (working) implementation follows:
(defn prefix-match [target-str pairs]
(fn [[k v]]
(if (.startsWith target-str k)
Such that:
user=> (prefix-match "foobar" {"meh" :qux, "foo" :baz})
This works as intended, but is O(n) with the length of the pairs sequence. (Fast insertion into pairs is also desirable, but not as important as fast lookup).
The first thing that comes to mind is bisecting a sorted collection with efficient random access, but I'm not sure which data structures in Clojure are most appropriate to the task. Suggestions?
How about a trie?
(defn build-trie [seed & kvs]
(fn [trie [k v]]
(assoc-in trie (concat k [:val]) v))
(partition 2 kvs)))
(defn prefix-match [target trie]
(when (seq target)
(when-let [node (trie (first target))]
(or (:val node)
(recur (rest target) node)))))
user> (def trie (build-trie {} "foo" :baz "meh" :qux))
user> trie
{\m {\e {\h {:val :qux}}}, \f {\o {\o {:val :baz}}}}
user> (prefix-match "foobar" trie)
user> (prefix-match "foo" trie)
user> (prefix-match "f" trie)
user> (prefix-match "abcd" trie)
An efficient, terse approach is to take advantage of rsubseq, which works on any type implementing clojure.lang.Sorted -- which includes sorted-map.
(defn prefix-match [sorted-map target]
(let [[closest-match value] (first (rsubseq sorted-map <= target))]
(if closest-match
(if (.startsWith target closest-match)
This passes the relevant tests in my suite:
(deftest prefix-match-success
(testing "prefix-match returns a successful match"
(is (prefix-match (sorted-map "foo" :one "bar" :two) "foobar") :one)
(is (prefix-match (sorted-map "foo" :one "bar" :two) "foo") :one)))
(deftest prefix-match-fail
(testing "prefix-match returns nil on no match"
(is (= nil (prefix-match (sorted-map "foo" :one, "bar" :two) "bazqux")))
(is (= nil (prefix-match (sorted-map "foo" :one, "bar" :two) "zzz")))
(is (= nil (prefix-match (sorted-map "foo" :one, "bar" :two) "aaa")))))
It seems simplest to just turn the list of prefixes into a regular expression, and feed those into a regex matcher, which is optimized for exactly this sort of task. Something like
(java.util.regex.Pattern/compile (str "^"
(clojure.string/join "|"
(map #(java.util.regex.Pattern/quote %)
Should get you a regex suitable for testing against a string (but I haven't tested it at all, so maybe I got some method names wrong or something).
The following solution finds the longest matching prefix and works surprisingly well when the map is huge and strings are relatively short. It tries to match e.g. "foobar", "fooba", "foob", "foo", "fo", "f" in order and returns the first match.
(defn prefix-match
[s m]
(->> (for [end (range (count s) 0 -1)] (.subSequence s 0 end)) ; "foo", "fo", "f"
(map m) ; match "foo", match "fo", ...
(remove nil?) ; ignore unmatched
(first))) ; Take first and longest match

Clojure: index of a value in a list or other collection

How do I get the index of any of the elements on a list of strings as so:
(list "a" "b" "c")
For example, (function "a") would have to return 0, (function "b") 1, (function "c") 2 and so on.
and... will it be better to use any other type of collection if dealing with a very long list of data?
Christian Berg's answer is fine. Also it is possible to just fall back on Java's indexOf method of class String:
(.indexOf (appl­y str (list­ "a" "b" "c"))­ "c")
; => 2
Of course, this will only work with lists (or more general, seqs) of strings (of length 1) or characters.
A more general approach would be:
(defn index-of [e coll] (first (keep-indexed #(if (= e %2) %1) coll)))
More idiomatic would be to lazily return all indexes and only ask for the ones you need:
(defn indexes-of [e coll] (keep-indexed #(if (= e %2) %1) coll))
(first (indexes-of "a" (list "a" "a" "b"))) ;; => 0
I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you want the nth letter of each of the strings in a list? That could be accomplished like this:
(map #(nth % 1) (list "abc" "def" "ghi"))
The result is:
(\b \e \h)
After reading your comment on my initial answer, I assume your question is "How do I find the index (position) of a search string in a list?"
One possibility is to search for the string from the beginning of the list and count all the entries you have to skip:
(defn index-of [item coll]
(count (take-while (partial not= item) coll)))
Example: (index-of "b" (list "a" "b" "c")) returns 1.
If you have to do a lot of look-ups, it might be more efficient to construct a hash-map of all strings and their indices:
(def my-list (list "a" "b" "c"))
(def index-map (zipmap my-list (range)))
(index-map "b") ;; returns 1
Note that with the above definitions, when there are duplicate entries in the list index-of will return the first index, while index-map will return the last.
You can use the Java .indexOf method reliably for strings and vectors, but not for lists. This solution should work for all collections, I think:
(defn index-of
"Clojure doesn't have an index-of function. The Java .indexOf method
works reliably for vectors and strings, but not for lists. This solution
works for all three."
[item coll]
(let [v (if
(or (vector? coll) (string? coll))
(apply vector coll))]
(.indexOf coll item)))
Do you mean, how do you get the nth element of a list?
For example, if you want to get the 2nd element on the list (with zero-based index):
(nth (list "a" "b" "c") 2)
Cat-skinning is fun. Here's a low-level approach.
(defn index-of
([item coll]
(index-of item coll 0))
([item coll from-idx]
(loop [idx from-idx coll (seq (drop from-idx coll))]
(if coll
(if (= item (first coll))
(recur (inc idx) (next coll)))
This is a Lispy answer, I suspect those expert in Clojure could do it better:
(defn position
"Returns the position of elt in this list, or nil if not present"
([list elt n]
(empty? list) nil
(= (first list) elt) n
true (position (rest list) elt (inc n))))
([list elt]
(position list elt 0)))
You seem to want to use the nth function.
From the docs for that function:
([coll index] [coll index not-found])
Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied. nth
also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
in O(n) time, for sequences.
That last clause means that in practice, nth is slower for elements "farther off" in sequences, with no guarantee to work quicker for collections that in principle support faster access (~ O(n)) to indexed elements. For (clojure) sequences, this makes sense; the clojure seq API is based on the linked-list API and in a linked list, you can only access the nth item by traversing every item before it. Keeping that restriction is what makes concrete list implementations interchangeable with lazy sequences.
Clojure collection access functions are generally designed this way; functions that do have significantly better access times on specific collections have separate names and cannot be used "by accident" on slower collections.
As an example of a collection type that supports fast "random" access to items, clojure vectors are callable; (vector-collection index-number) yields the item at index index-number - and note that clojure seqs are not callable.
I know this question has been answered a million time but here is a recursive solution that leverages deconstructing.
(defn index-of-coll
([coll elm]
(index-of-coll coll elm 0))
([[first & rest :as coll] elm idx]
(cond (empty? coll) -1
(= first elm) idx
:else (recur rest elm (inc idx)))))
(defn index-of [item items]
(or (last (first (filter (fn [x] (= (first x) item))
(map list items (range (count items))))))
seems to work - but I only have like three items in my list