How to write Client-Server application and implement simple protocol in Qt - c++

Maybe this is stupid question, actually it's appeal, or Qt is just to complicated for me.
Here's the thing:
I'm used to java when writing client-server application, and it's very simple. I would like to do same things in C++ (I'm very familiar with C++ itself), and I choose to learn Qt. I tried to write some applications in qt, but with partial success.
First thing that bothers me is signals and slots. I know how to use them in GUI programming but it confuses me with networking. And there's problem with blocking. When I call BufferedReader's readLine() method in java it blocks until it receives line from socket connection. In Qt I must make sure that there is line available every time, and handle it when there isn't one.
And when I connect QSocket's error signal to some of my custom slots, the signal is emitted when server sends last line and closes the connection, and in client's slot/function that reads I never read that last line. That are some problems I faced so far.
Slots and checking if there is data available makes me confused when I had to implements even the simplest protocols.
Important part:
I tried to find good example on the internet, but problem is that all examples are to complicated an big. Is there anyone how can show me how to write simple client-server application. Server accepts only one client. Client sends textual line containing command. If command is "ADD" or "SUB", server sends "SUP" indicating that command is supported. Otherwise it sends "UNS" and closes the connection. If client receives "SUP" it sends to more lines containing numbers to be subtracted or added. Server responds with result and closes connection.
I know that C++ requires more coding, but in Java this would take only 5 minutes, so it shouldn't take to long to write it in C++ either.
I'm sure this example would be very valuable to anyone who wants to learn networking in Qt.
This is my try to make the application (described above):
here is the server part:
#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QTcpServer>
class Task : public QObject
Task(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
public slots:
void run();
void on_newConnection();
void on_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
void finished();
QTcpServer server;
#endif // TASK_H
void Task::run()
if(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 9000)){
qDebug() << "listening";
qDebug() << "cannot listen";
qDebug() << server.errorString();
void Task::on_newConnection(){
std::cout << "handeling new connection...\n";
QTcpSocket* socket = server.nextPendingConnection();
QTextStream tstream(socket);
QString operation = tstream.readLine();
qDebug() << "dbg:" << operation;
if(operation != "ADD" && operation != "SUB"){
tstream << "UNS\n";
tstream << "SUP\n";
double op1,op2;
op1 = socket->readLine().trimmed().toDouble();
qDebug() << "op1:" << op1;
op2 = socket->readLine().trimmed().toDouble();
qDebug() << "op2:" << op2;
double r;
if(operation == "ADD"){
r = op1 + op2;
r = op1 - op2;
tstream << r << "\n";
qDebug() << "result is: " << r;
void Task::on_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError ){
qDebug() << "server error";
This is client side (header is similar to server's so I wont post it):
void Task::run()
QTcpSocket socket;
std::string temp;
qDebug() << "connected";
else {
qDebug() << "cannot connect";
QTextStream tstream(&socket);
QString op;
std::cout << "operation: ";
std::cin >> temp;
op = temp.c_str();
tstream << op << "\n";
qDebug() << "dbg:" << op << "\n";
QString response = tstream.readLine();
qDebug() << "dbg:" << response;
if(response == "SUP"){
std::cout << "operand 1: ";
std::cin >> temp;
op = temp.c_str();
tstream << op + "\n";
std::cout << "operand 2: ";
std::cin >> temp;
op = temp.c_str();
tstream << op + "\n";
QString result = tstream.readLine();
std::cout << qPrintable("result is: " + result);
}else if(response == "UNS"){
std::cout << "unsupported operatoion.";
std::cout << "unknown error.";
emit finished();
What I could do better?
What are some good practices in similar situations?
When using blocking (not signal/slot mechanism), what is the best way to handle event when other side closes the connection?
Can someone rewrite this to make it look more professional (I just what to see how it supposed to look like, because I think that my solution is far from perfect) ?
Can someone rewrite this using signals and slots?
Thanks you.
Sorry for my English, and probably stupidity :)

Networking with Qt is not that difficult.
Communication between two points is handled by a single class; in the case of TCP/IP, that would be the QTcpSocket class. Both the client and server will communicate with a QTcpSocket object.
The only difference with the server is that you start with a QTcpServer object and call listen() to await a connection...
QTcpServer* m_pTcpServer = new QTcpServer
//create the address that the server will listen on
QHostAddress addr(QHostAddress::LocalHost); // assuming local host (
// start listening
bool bListening = m_pServer->listen(addr, _PORT); //_PORT defined as whatever port you want to use
When the server receives a connection from a client QTcpSocket, it will notify you with a newConnection signal, so assuming you've made a connection to a socket in your own class to receive that signal, we can get the server QTcpSocket object to communicate with the client...
QTcpSocket* pServerSocket = m_pServer->nextPendingConnection();
The server will receive a QTcpSocket object for each connection made. The server socket can now be used to send data to a client socket, using the a write method...
When a socket (either client or server) receives data, it emits the readyRead signal. So, assuming you have made a connection to the readyRead signal for the socket, a slot function can retrieve the data...
QString msg = pSocket->readAll();
The other code you'll need is to handle the connect, disconnect and error signals, which you should connect relevant slots for receiving these notifications.
Ensure you only send data when you know the connection has been made. Normally, I would have the server receive a connection and send a 'hello' message back to the client. Once the client receives the message, it knows it can send to the server.
When either side disconnects, the remaining side will receive the disconnect signal and can act appropriately.
As for the client, it will just have one QTcpSocket object and after calling connectToHost, you will either receive a connected signal if the connection was succesfully made, or the error signal.
Finally, you can use QLocalServer and QLocalSocket in the same way, if you're just trying to communicate between processes on the same machine.


passing information on Threaded TcpServer from one thread to another

I tried to create simple server like in link 1.
Youtube tutorial to create multithreaded server
void Test_Server::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor_)
qDebug() << socketDescriptor_ << "connecting...";
Test_Thread *thread_ = new Test_Thread(number_,socketDescriptor_,this);
void Test_Thread::run()
qDebug() << this->Socket_Descriptor_ << "starting thread";
socket = new QTcpSocket();
qDebug() << "ERROR";
qDebug() << this->Socket_Descriptor_ << "Client connected";
QByteArray name = QByteArray::number(number_);
My goal is to connect two clients to server(i use telnet), write from Client 1 to server something, and server should pass data to Client 2.
To do that I've made QMap to storage pointers to MyThreads. When data is received from Client 1, I'm calling method:
void Test_Server::write_to_client_(int number, QByteArray data)
QByteArray name = QByteArray::number(number);
Test_Thread *pointer;
pointer = client_socket_(name);
emit send_data_(data);
qDebug() << "void Test_Server::write_to_client_(int number, QByteArray data): data sent";
void Test_Thread::write_data_(QByteArray data) const
Generally passing information works, I write in Client 1 some data, and Client 2 shows it, however I'm geting:
TQObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different
Parent Test_Thread is QNativeSocketEngine(Pointer 1), parent's thread is >(Pointer 2), current thread is (Pointer 3);
QsocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread.
My question is: how to correctly pass data from client 1, to server, and then to client 2? I've done reasearch and problem lies in proper use of Signals and Slots but I cannot find out how to do it in proper way.
Test_Thread::write_data is not running on the same thread where the socket was created, that is Test_Thread::run(). In the QThread class, only what runs on the run method runs on a separate thread.
I finally solved issue. To do that i followed similar issue solution described here: PROBLEM & SOLUTION
I've resigned to use class MyThread, instead created class Worker and moved it to thread like here below:
void Test_Server::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor_)
qDebug() << "void Test_Server::incomingConnection current thread: " << QThread::currentThread();
qDebug() << socketDescriptor_ << "connecting...";
QThread *thread_= new QThread;
qDebug() << "void Test_Server::incomingConnection new thread_: " << thread_->thread();
Test_Worker *worker = new Test_Worker(socketDescriptor_);
HINT: When i created socket via test_server signal create_socket_(int)
and socket create_socket(int), program didn't work correctly. To fix
that connect signal from starting thread to socket - create_socket_
Program now succesfuly without errors receive data from client 1 and pass it to client 2.

Client Server program in qt

I am new in Qt, I want to write a simple client server program that client send a message to server and server get it and send it back to client.I wrote the server program but i have problem in client and I don't know how should I write it. could you please help me?
Here is my client code:
#include "myclient.h"
#include "QTcpsocket"
#include "QTcpServer"
#include "mainwindow.h"
Client::Client(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
connect(&client, SIGNAL(connected()),this, SLOT(sendData()),Qt::DirectConnection);
void myclient::attemptConnection()
connect(QTcpSocket, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(connectionAccepted()));
qDebug() << "Server listening";
qDebug() << "Couldn't listen to port" << server->serverPort() << ":" << server->errorString();
void myclient::connect()
QString string = "Hello";
QByteArray array;
qDebug() << "couldn't connect";
QTcpSocket socket;
void myclient::connectionAccepted()
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readSocket()));
void myclient::readSocket()
QByteArray = socket->readAll();
I think You Should take A look at the Forutne Client Example From Qt Docs, And base your code on it.
In your code you are using Both Blocking Functions from the waitFor*(), And Non-Blocking signals/slots (readyRead() signal), The Non-Blocking approach is Highly recommended (especially if the code is executed in the GUI thread).
Also I am not sure about your function attemptConnection, which uses newConnection() signal, new Connection is not even a member of QTcpSocket.

Qt QTcpSocket() readReady Signal never fires (slot never called) in multithreaded Server applicaton. waitForReadyRead() method works fine

I'm writing a threaded TcpServer (each client in its own thread) using QTcpServer and QTcpSocket. The client application works correctly and sends data every 3 seconds but the readReady() signal never fires, meaning my receive_data() function is never called. When using socket->waitForReadyRead() and calling receive_data() by myself everything works fine. Please have a look at the code below, maybe I made some mistake with the moveToThread / connect functionality Qt offers.
#ifndef CLIENT_H
#define CLIENT_H
#include <QThread>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include "PacketDefinitions.h"
#include "tcpserver.h"
class Client : public QObject
explicit Client(int socket,TcpServer *parent,bool auto_disconnect = true);
bool isGameServer(){return is_gameserver;}
GameServerPacket getGameServerData(){return gameserver;}
void run();
QTcpSocket* client;
TcpServer *parent_server;
int socket;
GameServerPacket gameserver;
ClientPacket clientdata;
bool is_gameserver;
bool auto_disconnect;
QHostAddress client_ip;
quint16 client_port;
void disconnected(Client *);
private slots:
void remove_from_clientlist();
void receive_data();
void display_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error);
#endif // CLIENT_H
#include "client.h"
#include "PacketDefinitions.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <iostream>
Client::Client(int _socket, TcpServer *parent,bool _auto_disconnect)
auto_disconnect = _auto_disconnect;
parent_server = parent;
is_gameserver = false;
socket = _socket;
void Client::run(){
client = new QTcpSocket();
if(client->setSocketDescriptor(socket) == false){
std::cout << client->errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
if(connect(client,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(receive_data()),Qt::DirectConnection) == false) return;
client_ip = client->peerAddress();
client_port = client->peerPort();
std::cout << "New incomming connection " << client->peerAddress().toString().toStdString() << ":" << client->peerPort() << std::endl;
//this works fine
// while(client->waitForReadyRead()){
// receive_data();
// }
void Client::receive_data(){
QDataStream stream(client);
quint32 magic; stream >> magic;
//interpret data
if(magic == GAMESERVER_MAGIC){
is_gameserver = true;
gameserver.port = client_port;
gameserver.ip = client_ip;
std::cout << "GameServer " << << " registerd" << std::endl;
}else if(magic == CLIENT_MAGIC){
is_gameserver = false;
//get nearby servers
GameServerListPacket server_list = parent_server->getServerList(clientdata);
QDataStream outstream(client);
std::cout << "Sending ServerList(" << server_list.server_count << ") to " << client->peerAddress().toString().toStdString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unknown package " << magic << std::endl;
//not enough data read, somthing is wrong, just for debugging
if(client->bytesAvailable()> 0) std::cout << "BytesAvailable " << client->bytesAvailable() << std::endl;
if(auto_disconnect) remove_from_clientlist();//close the connection once the serverlist was deployed
In the TcpServer.cpp add_client() is called when newConnection() was emitted by the QTcpServer:
void TcpServer::add_client(){
QTcpSocket *socket = 0;
if(thread_pool.size() < max_connections && (socket = server->nextPendingConnection())){
QThread *thread = new QThread();
Client * client = new Client(socket->socketDescriptor(),this,auto_disconnect);
the order calling client->run() and thread->start() doesn't seem to matter. Some time ago the code (not this exact code) worked fine but I can't remember what I changed that made it fail. Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Edit 1:
I derived from QTcpServer and reimplemented void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) which works fine. I dont use QThreadPool, its just a QMap and remove_client(Client*) closes the QTcpSocket and stops the thread and removes it from the map. Everything works fine on linux, on windows I get the following error: QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread....
Caused by this remove_client(Client*)
void TcpServer::remove_client(Client *client){
QMap<Client*,QThread*>::iterator itr = thread_pool.find(client);
if(itr != thread_pool.end()){
//delete itr.key(); causes the problem on windows
delete itr.value();
Where and how should I free the Client object? If i'd use QThreadPool theres no way to iterate through the clients in case i want to send a message to more than one client. I could use a list/map holding only the Client* but then QThreadPool might delete them for me right before i want to access it. Any suggestions?
There is a problem with how you move your client object to a new thread. Actually, Client::run executes in the same thread as TcpServer::add_client.
Also QTcpSocket client remains in the default thread, while its container (Client class) is moved to a new thread. That's why the connection with Qt::DirectConnection type doesn't work.
Try this:
class Client : public QObject
public slots:
void run();
Client::Client(int _socket, TcpServer *parent,bool _auto_disconnect)
client = new QTcpSocket(this);
void Client::run()
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receive_data()));
And here's how you should move your client to a new thread:
void TcpServer::add_client()
QThread *thread = new QThread();
Client * client = new Client(socket->socketDescriptor(),this,auto_disconnect);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), client, SLOT(run()));
There are a number of things wrong with your code.
1.You have two QTcpSocket object trying to collect data from the same underlying socket descriptor. You appear to use the first one only to get access to the socket descriptor value which you then pass to your Client class. You might end up losing data because you won't be able to tell which socket will be getting what data from the operating system.
If you are creating a derived class of QTcpServer, rather reimplement QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) instead of your existing TcpServer::add_client() function. Since this protected function is called once for every new connection, you don't need to make any connections to the newConnection() signal, nor do you have to loop while new connections are pending. You will also then only have one QTcpSocket connected to each socket descriptor so you won't lose data.
2.You seem to be using QThreadPool to manage threads. If you make Client a derived class of QRunnable (take not that with multiple inheritance of QObject, QObject must always be first), you don't need to check the maximum connections and you can eliminate all the QThread boiler-plating.
Taking 1. and 2. into account, your TcpServer::add_client() function will be replaced with:
void TcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor){
Client * client = new Client(socketDescriptor,this,auto_disconnect);
With QThreadPool, there's no need to check whether the max number of threads has been reached or not. If the maximum has been reached, any new calls to start() will queue the next connection until a thread becomes available.
3.The reason your socket is not reading any data unless you call waitForReadyRead() is because you're executing the run() function in the main thread, creating the local socket in the main thread, you make a DirectConnection with the instance of Client and then move client to a different thread. You cannot have direct connections between threads.
You will need to add a local QEventLoop to your run() function to handle all events and signals of your new thread but remember to connect signals to your loop's quit() slot so the run() function will exit, otherwise your thread will continue to run forever.

Qt C++ Console Server, Wait for socket connection & accept input at same time?

I am writing a server as a Qt console application. I have the server set up to wait for a socket connection, but I also need to allow a user to input commands into the server for managing it. Both are working independently. However, the problem I ran into is that when I'm in a while loop accepting and processing input commands, the server doesn't accept connections.
I have a Socket class, and in its constructor, I have:
connect(server,SIGNAL(newConnection()),this, SLOT(newConnection()));
Right under that in the constructor, I call a function that has a more in-depth version of this for getting commands from the user:
QTextStream qin(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QString usrCmd;
while(usrCmd != "exit" && usrCmd != "EXIT") {
//Get command input and process here
Inside newConnection(), I just accept the next connection and then use the socket.
QTcpSocket *serverSocket = server->nextPendingConnection();
How can I make it so the socket can wait for connections and wait for user-inputed commands at the same time?
Problem with your code is because you are blocking event loop with your while loop. So, the solution to your problem is to read from stdin asynchronously. On Linux (and on Mac, I guess), you can use QSocketNotifier to notify when the data is arrived on stdin, and to read it manually), as per various internet sources.
As I am using Windows, I would suggest you to do it in this way (which should work on all platforms):
Open the thread for reading data from stdin
Once you get some data (perhaps line?) you can use Qt signal-slot mechanism to pass the data to main thread for processing without blocking the event loop.
So, this is the pseudocode. MainAppClass should your existing server class, just edit the constructor to create new thread, and add new slot for processing the data.
class Reader: public QThread
Reader(QObject * parent = 0 ): QThread(parent){}
void run(void)
std::string data;
std::getline (std::cin, data);
if(data == "exit")
emit exitServer();
emit dataReady(QString::fromStdString(data));
void dataReady(QString data);
void exitServer();
class MainAppClass: public QObject
Reader * tr = new Reader(this);
connect(tr, SIGNAL(dataReady(QString)), this, SLOT(processData(QString)));
connect(tr, SIGNAL(exitServer()), this, SLOT(exitServer()));
public slots:
void processData(QString data)
std::cout << "Command: " << data.toStdString() << std::endl;
void exitServer()
std::cout << "Exiting..." << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainAppClass myapp; //your server
return 0;
Since I wrote simple guidelines how to use QTcpSocket, here is the brief
When you get client QTcpSocket, connect readyRead() signal to some slot, and read data from sender() object. You don't need to read anything in the constructor.
For reading you can use standard QIODevice functions.
Note: this is pseudo code, and you may need to change few things (check the state of the stream on reading, save pointer to sockets in some list, subscribe to disconnected() signal, call listen() in constructor, check if QTcpServer is listening, etc).
So, you need to have slot onReadyRead() in your class which will have the following code:
void Server::readyReadSlot()
QTcpSocket *client = (QTcpSocket*)sender(); // get socket which emited the signal
while(client->canReadLine()) // read all lines!
// If there is not any lines received (you may not always receive
// whole line as TCP is stream based protocol),
// you will not leave data in the buffer for later processing.
QString line = client->readLine();
processLine(line); // or emit new signal if you like
Inside newConnection() you need to connect readyRead() signal with your slot.
void Server::newConnection()
QTcpSocket *clientSocket = server->nextPendingConnection();
connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyReadSlot()));

Simplest QT TCP client

I would like to connect to a listening server and transmit some data. I looked at the examples available but they seem to have extra functions that do not seem very helpful to me (i.e. connect, fortune, etc.). This is the code I have so far:
QTcpSocket t;
t.connectToHost("", 9000);
Assuming the server is listening and robust, what do I need to implement to send a data variable with datatype QByteArray?
very simple with QTcpSocket. Begin as you did...
void MainWindow::connectTcp()
QByteArray data; // <-- fill with data
_pSocket = new QTcpSocket( this ); // <-- needs to be a member variable: QTcpSocket * _pSocket;
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readTcpData()) );
_pSocket->connectToHost("", 9000);
if( _pSocket->waitForConnected() ) {
_pSocket->write( data );
void MainWindow::readTcpData()
QByteArray data = pSocket->readAll();
Be aware, though, that for reading from the TcpSocket you may receive the data in more than one transmission, ie. when the server send you the string "123456" you may receive "123" and "456". It is your responsibility to check whether the transmission is complete. Unfortunately, this almost always results in your class being stateful: the class has to remember what transmission it is expecting, whether it has started already and if it's complete. So far, I haven't figured out an elegant way around that.
In my case I was reading xml data, and sometimes I would not get all in one packet.
Here is an elegant solution. WaitForReadyRead could also have a time out in it and
then some extra error checking in case that timeout is reached. In my case I should never
receive an incomplete xml, but if it did happen this would lock the thread up indefinetly
without the timeout:
while(!xml.atEnd()) {
QXmlStreamReader::TokenType t = xml.readNext();
if(xml.error()) {
if(xml.error() == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) {
cout << "reading extra data" << endl;
cout << "extra data successful" << endl;
} else {