Debugging multiple executions of a same project in ms visual studio - c++

I need to run the Visual C++ (2012 pro) remote debugger for multiple processes of a windows driver application.
In the solution property page there’s an option to select multiple startup projects. Is there any similar option to run the remote debugger on multiple executions of a same project?


Connect Visual Studio on Windows to the Process on Linux system

I would like to connect VS 2019 to a process on the linux system for debugging purposes. (If there is a more convenient way for that, I would like to get to know.)
Firstly, based on the information on this page,
I created an ssh server on my Linux machine and I connected VS 2019 to my Linux system via ssh
Here is the image for VS 2019 ssh connection
on my Linux machine, I am using a robot in a simulation program (ROS) and C++ code controls it.
Debugging is working on my Linux machine using Visual studio code.
Here I attached the process using Visual Studio Code
Here is the debugging using Visual Studio Code on Linux
However, I would like to connect my VS 2019 to this process for debugging purposes.
For that I open VS 2019 and click the "Attach to Process"
Here is the picture for clicking to attach process
After that , I connected to my Linux machine via SSH in VS 2019 and attached the process as I shown in the following picture.
Attaching Process to the specific Process ID on Linux machine
Selecting debug code type
Then I see a empty screen in VS 2019 shown in following picture.
After attaching process ID
Do you have any idea how can I do this? or do you know different and more convenient way?

When does Visual Studio kill an .exe launched via "Start Without Debugging"?

I'm building ASP.NET web apps in VS 2017. Start Without Debugging runs the application, however I can't tell when VS decides to kill the exe. How is that managed? I'm not encountering a problem; all behavior is per documentation. Just curious.

Remote Debugging from VS2013 getting Unable to Connect to Remote Debugging Monitor

I'm trying to remote debug from Visual Studio 2013 to a remote server running Windows Server 2012.
I have run Msvsmon from my remote server and the Server Name in Options is FEP\build#DSS1Build1. I have set Windows Authentication and also given EVERYONE permission to Debug.
On Visual Studio on my own machine I do Attach to process and in the Qualifier field put the same Server name ie. FEP\build#DSS1Build1.
However when I press Refresh I get the message:
"Unable to connect to Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging monitor... does not appear to be running on remote computer"
Is there something I need to unblock in the Firewall?
A couple of things need to be done.
On the remote server, you need to start Visual Studio Remote Debugging monitor and make sure you run it as a admin user (as otherwise you can't connect).
Make sure it is the right version (depends on if your server is 64bit or 32 bit).
Also you need to make sure that the remote debugging service is running. You can run the configuration wizard to see the status.
Then you need to put the full qualifier in as you mentioned.

Visual studio debugger not working

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio debugger to debug a remote application. These are the steps I have done
I have taken the x86 version of the msvsmon.exe in the remote machine (which has 32 bit OS) where the application to be debuggedis running. I have started the exe with the options No authentication and Allow any user to debug.
In Visual studio I set Debug option as Win32, go to Tools and Attach the process. I give the IP, choose the transport type as remote and try to start the debugger. However, I am getting the following error message --
Unable to connect to ‘MyMachine’. The Microsoft Visual studio Remote debugging monitor is either not running on the remote machine or is running in windows authentication mode.
I have checked the firewall settings. Please help if you have any idea as to what could be the issue.
If you are debugging native code then run the remote debugger in no-authentication mode. MSDN has notes here. Note that you have to connect to the remote debugger quickly (within 30 seconds) in this mode, otherwise it times-out.
Did you specify "Native debugging" in Attach to process dialog?

Automating DLL Debugging "attach to process" in Visual Studio?

I'm writing an SNMP extension agent DLL for Windows.
Is there a way to automatically attach the DLL to the SNMP service each time I want to test/debug?
This is a very tedious and time consuming process, as I currently have to stop the SNMP service, compile, restart the service and then attach the process. I'm trying to automate it more.
This may be what you want to have a look at.
Visual Studio debugger offers some command line option to attach to running process. You can probably write a Python script to enumerate running processes and attach the debugger to the service. I think you need admin priviledge to do that.
.Net has a convinient Debugger.Launch(), but I can't find an equivalent for the native.