Memory Issues in C++ - c++

I am having run-time memory allocation errors with a C++ application. I have eliminated memory leaks, invalid pointer references and out-of-bounds vector assignments as the source of the issue - I am pretty sure it's something to do with memory fragmentation and I am hoping to get help with how to further diagnose and correct the problem.
My code is too large to post (about 15,000 lines - I know not huge but clearly too large to put online), so I am going to describe things with a few relevant snippets of code.
Basically, my program takes a bunch of string and numerical data sets as inputs (class objects with vector variables of type double, string, int and bool), performs a series of calculations, and then spits out the resulting numbers. I have tested and re-tested the calculations and outputs - everything is calculating as it should, and on smaller datasets things run perfectly.
However, when I scale things up, I start getting memory allocation errors, but I don't think I am even close to approaching the memory limits of my system - please see the two graphs program cycles through a series of scenarios (performing identical calculations under a different set of parameters for each scenario) - in the first graph, I run 7 scenarios on a dataset of about 200 entries. As the graph shows, each "cycle" results in memory swinging up and back down to its baseline, and the overall memory usage is tiny (see the seven small blips on the right half of the bottom graph). On the second graph, I am now running a dataset of about 10,000 entries (see notes on dataset below). In this case, I only get through 2 full cycles before getting my error (as it is trying to resize a class object for the third scenario). You can see the first two scenarios in the bottom right-half graph; a lot more memory usage than before, but still only a small fraction of available memory. And as with the smaller dataset, usage increases while my scenario runs, and then decreases back to it's initial level before reaching the next scenario.
This pattern, along with other tests I have done, lead me to believe it's some sort of fragmentation problem. The error always occurs when I am attempting to resize a vector, although the particular resize operation that causes the error varies based on the dataset size. Can anyone help me understand what's going on here and how I might fix it? I can describe things in much greater detail but already felt like my post was getting long...please ask questions if you need to and I will respond/edit promptly.
Clarification on the data set
The numbers 200 and 10,000 represent the number of unique records I am analyzing. Each record contains somewhere between 75 and 200 elements / variables, many of which are then being manipulated. Further, each variable is being manipulated over time and across multiple iterations (both dimensions variable). As a result, for an average "record" (the 200 to 10,000 referenced above), there could be easily as many as 200,000 values associated with it - a sample calculation:
1 Record * 75 Variables * 150 periods * 20 iterations = 225,000 unique values per record.
Offending Code (in this specific instance):
vector<LoanOverrides> LO;
LO.resize(NumOverrides + 1); // Error is occuring here. I am certain that NumOverrides is a valid numerical entry = 2985
// Sample class definition
class LoanOverrides {
string IntexDealName;
string LoanID;
string UniqueID;
string PrepayRate;
string PrepayUnits;
double DefaultRate;
string DefaultUnits;
double SeverityRate;
string SeverityUnits;
double DefaultAdvP;
double DefaultAdvI;
double RecoveryLag;
string RateModRate;
string RateModUnits;
string BalanceForgivenessRate;
string BalanceForgivenessRateUnits;
string ForbearanceRate;
string ForbearanceRateUnits;
double ForbearanceRecoveryRate;
string ForbearanceRecoveryUnits;
double BalloonExtension;
double ExtendPctOfPrincipal;
double CouponStepUp;

You have a 64-bit operating system capable of allocating large quantities of memory, but have built your application as a 32-bit application, which can only allocate a maximum of about 3GB of memory. You are trying to allocate more than that.
Try compiling as a 64-bit application. This may enable you to reach your goals. You may have to increase your pagefile size.
See if you can dispose of intermediate results earlier than you are currently doing so.
Try calculating how much memory is being used/would be used by your algorithm, and try reworking your algorithm to use less.
Try avoiding duplicating data by reworking your algorithm. I see you have a lot of reference data, which by the looks of it isn't going to change during the application run. You could put all of that into a single vector, which you allocate once, then refer to them via integer indexes everywhere else, rather than copying them. (Just guessing that you are copying them).
Try avoiding loading all the data at once by reworking your algorithm to work on batches.
Without knowing more about your application, it is impossible to offer better advice. But basically you are running out of memory because you are allocating a huge, huge amount of it, and based on your application and the snippets you have posted I think you can probably avoid doing so with a little thought. Good luck.


Storing large amounts of compile time constant data

I hope that this question hasn’t been asked before, but I couldn’t find any answer after googling for an hour.
I have the following problem: I do numerical mathematics and I have about 40 MB of doubles in the form of certain matrices that are compile time constants. I very frequently use these matrices throughout my program. The creation of these matrices takes a week of computation, so I do not want to compute them on the fly but use precomputed values.
What is the best way of doing this in a portable manner? Right now I have some very large CPP-files, in which I create dynamically allocated matrices with the constants as initialiser lists. Something along the lines:
namespace // Anonymous
// math::matrix uses dynamic memory internally
const math::matrix K { 3.1337e2, 3.1415926e00, /* a couple of hundred-thousand numbers */ };
const math::matrix& get_K() { return K; }
const math::matrix& get_K();
I am not sure if this can cause problems with too much data on the stack, due to the initialiser list. Or if this can crash some compilers. Or if this is the right way to go about things. It does seem to be working though.
I also thought about loading the matrices at program startup from an external file, but that also seems messy to me.
Thank you very much in advance!
I am not sure if this can cause problems with too much data on the stack, due to the initialiser list.
There should not be a problem assuming it has static storage with non-dynamic initialisation. Which should be the case if math::matrix is an aggregate.
Given that the values will be compile time constant, you might consider defining them in a header, so that all translation units can take advantage of them at compile time. How beneficial that would be depends on how the values are used.
I also thought about loading the matrices at program startup from an external file
The benefit of this approach is the added flexibility that you gain because you would not need to recompile the program when you change the data. This is particularly useful if the program is expensive to compile.
A slightly cleaner approach:
// math::matrix uses dynamic memory internally
const math::matrix K {
#include "matrix_initial_values.h"
And, in the included header,
3.1337e2, 3.1415926e00, 1,2,3,4,5e6, 7.0,...
Considering your comment of "A few hundred thousand" float values: 1M double values takes 8,000,000 bytes, or about 7.6MB. That's not going to blow the stack. Win64 has a max stack size of 1GB, so you'd have to go really, really nuts, and that's assuming that these values are actually placed on the stack, which they should not be given that it's const.
This is probably implementation-specific, but a large block of literals is typically stored as a big chunk of code-space data that's loaded directly into the process' memory space. The identifier (K) is really just a label for that data. It doesn't exist on the stack or the heap anymore than code does.

Reading text into string vs. directly initialize string with text

I want to store in an array of strings many lines of text(the text is always the same). I can think of 2 ways to so:
One way:
string s[100]={"first_line","second_line",...,"100th_line"};
The other way would be
string s[100];
fstream fin("text.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
The actual number of lines will be around 500 and the length of each line will be 50-60 characters long.
So my question is: which way is faster/better?
L.E.: How can I put the text from the first method in another file and still be able to use the string s in my source.cpp? I want to do so because I don't want my source.cpp to get messy from all those lines of initialization.
Here some latency number every programmer should know:
memory read from cache: 0.5-7 nanoseconds
memory read from main memory: 100 nanoseconds
SSD disk access: 150 000 nanoseconds (reach location to read)
Hard disk access : 10 000 000 nanoseconds (reach location to read)
So what's the fastest for you ?
The first version will always be faster: the text is loaded together with your executable (no access overhead), and the string objects are constructed in memory (see assembly code online).
The second version will require several disk accesses (at least to open current directory, and to access the file), a couple of operating system actions (e.g. access control), not to forget the buffering of input in memory. Only then would the string objects be created in memory as in first version.
Fortunately, user don't notice nanoseconds and will probably not realize the difference: the human eye requires 13 ms to identify an image and the reaction time from eye to mouse is around 215 ms (215 000 000 nanoseconds)
So, my advice: no premature optimization. Focus on functionality (easy customization of content) and maintenability (e.g. easy localization if software used in several languages) before going too deep on performance.
In the grand scheme of things, with only 500 relatively short strings, which approach is better is mostly an academic question, with little practical difference.
But, if one wants to be picky, reading it from a file requires a little bit more work at runtime than just immediately initializing the string array. Also, you have to prepare for the possibility that the initialization file is missing, and handle that possibility, in some way.
Compiling-in the initial string values as part of the code avoids the need to do some error handling, and saves a little bit of time. The biggest win will be lack of a need to handle the possibility that the initialization file is missing. There's a direct relationship between the likelyhood that something might go wrong, and the actual number of things that could potentially go wrong.
I'd go with the first one, since its constructing the string directly inside the array, which is practically emplace (Or perhaps its moving them, if so I might be wrong), without any more operations, so its probably much better than reading from hard-disk and then doing the same procedure as the first method.
If the data does not change then hard code it into a source file.
If you ever need to change the data, for testing or maintenance, the data should be placed into a file.
Don't worry about execution speed until somebody complains. Concentrate your efforts on robust and easily readable code. Most of the time spent with applications is in maintenance. If you make your code easy to maintain, you will spend less time maintaining it.

Is there any workaround to "reserve" a cache fraction?

Assume I have to write a C or C++ computational intensive function that has 2 arrays as input and one array as output. If the computation uses the 2 input arrays more often than it updates the output array, I'll end up in a situation where the output array seldom gets cached because it's evicted in order to fetch the 2 input arrays.
I want to reserve one fraction of the cache for the output array and enforce somehow that those lines don't get evicted once they are fetched, in order to always write partial results in the cache.
Update1(output[]) // Output gets cached
DoCompute1(input1[]); // Input 1 gets cached
DoCompute2(input2[]); // Input 2 gets cached
Update2(output[]); // Output is not in the cache anymore and has to get cached again
I know there are mechanisms to help eviction: clflush, clevict, _mm_clevict, etc. Are there any mechanisms for the opposite?
I am thinking of 3 possible solutions:
Using _mm_prefetch from time to time to fetch the data back if it has been evicted. However this might generate unnecessary traffic plus that I need to be very careful to when to introduce them;
Trying to do processing on smaller chunks of data. However this would work only if the problem allows it;
Disabling hardware prefetchers where that's possible to reduce the rate of unwanted evictions.
Other than that, is there any elegant solution?
Intel CPUs have something called No Eviction Mode (NEM) but I doubt this is what you need.
While you are attempting to optimise the second (unnecessary) fetch of output[], have you given thought to using SSE2/3/4 registers to store your intermediate output values, update them when necessary, and writing them back only when all updates related to that part of output[] are done?
I have done something similar while computing FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) where part of the output is in registers and they are moved out (to memory) only when it is known they will not be accessed anymore. Until then, all updates happen to the registers. You'll need to introduce inline assembly to effectively use SSE* registers. Of course, such optimisations are highly dependent on the nature of the algorithm and data placement.
I am trying to get a better understanding of the question:
If it is true that the 'output' array is strictly for output, and you never do something like
output[i] = Foo(newVal, output[i]);
then, all elements in output[] are strictly write. If so, all you would ever need to 'reserve' is one cache-line. Isn't that correct?
In this scenario, all writes to 'output' generate cache-fills and could compete with the cachelines needed for 'input' arrays.
Wouldn't you want a cap on the cachelines 'output' can consume as opposed to reserving a certain number of lines.
I see two options, which may or may not work depending on the CPU you are targeting, and on your precise program flow:
If output is only written to and not read, you can use streaming-stores, i.e., a write instruction with a no-read hint, so it will not be fetched into cache.
You can use prefetching with a non-temporally-aligned (NTA) hint for input. I don't know how this is implemented in general, but I know for sure that on some Intel CPUs (e.g., the Xeon Phi) each hardware thread uses a specific way of cache for NTA data, i.e., with an 8-way cache 1/8th per thread.
I guess solution to this is hidden inside, the algorithm employed and the L1 cache size and cache line size.
Though I am not sure how much performance improvement we will see with this.
We can probably introduce artificial reads which cleverly dodge compiler and while execution, do not hurt computations as well. Single artificial read should fill cache lines as many needed to accommodate one page. Therefore, algorithm should be modified to compute blocks of output array. Something like the ones used in matrix multiplication of huge matrices, done using GPUs. They use blocks of matrices for computation and writing result.
As pointed out earlier, the write to output array should happen in a stream.
To bring in artificial read, we should initialize at compile time the output array at right places, once in each block, probably with 0 or 1.

Best way to store, load and use an inverted index in C++ (~500 Mo)

I'm developing a tiny search engine using TF-IDF and cosine similarity. When pages are added, I build an inverted index to keep words frequency in the different pages. I remove stopwords and more common words, and plural/verb/etc. are stemmed.
My inverted index looks like:
map< string, map<int, float> > index
word_a => [ id_doc=>frequency, id_doc2=>frequency2, ... ],
word_b => [ id_doc->frequency, id_doc2=>frequency2, ... ],
With this data structure, I can get the idf weight with word_a.size(). Given a query, the program loops over the keywords and scores the documents.
I don't know well data structures and my questions are:
How to store a 500 Mo inverted index in order to load it at search time? Currently, I use boost to serialize the index:
ofstream ofs_index("", ios::binary);
boost::archive::bynary_oarchive oa(ofs_index);
oa << index;
And then I load it at search time:
ifstream ifs_index("", ios::binary);
boost::archive::bynary_iarchive ia(ifs_index);
ia >> index;
But it is very slow, it takes sometines 10 seconds to load.
I don't know if map are efficient enough for inverted index.
In order to cluster documents, I get all keywords from each document and I loop over these keywords to score similar documents, but I would like to avoid reading again each document and use only this inverted index. But I think this data structure would be costly.
Thank you in advance for any help!
The answer will pretty much depend on whether you need to support data comparable to or larger than your machine's RAM and whether in your typical use case you are likely to access all of the indexed data or rather only a small fraction of it.
If you are certain that your data will fit into your machine's memory, you can try to optimize the map-based structure you are using now. Storing your data in a map should give pretty fast access, but there will always be some initial overhead when you load the data from disk into memory. Also, if you only use a small fraction of the index, this approach may be quite wasteful as you always read and write the whole index, and keep all of it in memory.
Below I list some suggestions you could try out, but before you commit too much time to any of them, make sure that you actually measure what improves the load and run times and what does not. Without profiling the actual working code on actual data you use, these are just guesses which may be completely wrong.
map is implemented as a tree (usually black-red tree). In many cases, a hash_map may give you better performance as well as better memory usage (fewer allocations and less fragmentation for example).
Try reducing the size of the data - less data means it will be faster to read it from disk, potentially less memory allocation, and sometimes better in-memory performance due to better locality. You may for example consider that you use float to store the frequency, but perhaps you could store only the number of occurrences as an unsigned short in the map values and in a separate map store the number of all words for each document (also as a short). Using the two numbers, you can re-calculate the frequency, but use less disk space when you save the data to disk, which could result in faster load times.
Your map has quite a few entries, and sometimes using custom memory allocators helps improve performance in such a case.
If your data could potentially grow beyond the size of your machine's RAM, I would suggest you use memory-mapped files for storing the data. Such an approach may require re-modelling your data structures and either using custom STL allocators or using completely custom data structures instead of std::map but it may improve your performance an order of magnitude if done well. In particular, this approach frees your from having to load the whole structure into memory at once, so your startup times will improve dramatically at the cost of slight delays related to disk accesses distributed over time as you touch different parts of the structure for the first time. The subject is quite broad, and requires much deeper changes to your code than just tuning the map, but if you plan handling huge data, you should certainly have a look at mmap and friends.

What is the most efficient (yet sufficiently flexible) way to store multi-dimensional variable-length data?

I would like to know what the best practice for efficiently storing (and subsequently accessing) sets of multi-dimensional data arrays with variable length. The focus is on performance, but I also need to be able to handle changing the length of an individual data set during runtime without too much overhead.
Note: I know this is a somewhat lengthy question, but I have looked around quite a lot and could not find a solution or example which describes the problem at hand with sufficient accuracy.
The context is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code that is based on the discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) (cf. Kopriva (2009), Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations). For the sake of simplicity, let us assume a 2D data layout (it is in fact in three dimensions, but the extension from 2D to 3D should be straightforward).
I have a grid that consists of K square elements k (k = 0,...,K-1) that can be of different (physical) sizes. Within each grid element (or "cell") k, I have N_k^2 data points. N_k is the number of data points in each dimension, and can vary between different grid cells.
At each data point n_k,i (where i = 0,...,N_k^2-1) I have to store an array of solution values, which has the same length nVars in the whole domain (i.e. everywhere), and which does not change during runtime.
Dimensions and changes
The number of grid cells K is of O(10^5) to O(10^6) and can change during runtime.
The number of data points N_k in each grid cell is between 2 and 8 and can change during runtime (and may be different for different cells).
The number of variables nVars stored at each grid point is around 5 to 10 and cannot change during runtime (it is also the same for every grid cell).
Performance is the key issue here. I need to be able to regularly iterate in an ordered fashion over all grid points of all cells in an efficient manner (i.e. without too many cache misses). Generally, K and N_k do not change very often during the simulation, so for example a large contiguous block of memory for all cells and data points could be an option.
However, I do need to be able to refine or coarsen the grid (i.e. delete cells and create new ones, the new ones may be appended to the end) during runtime. I also need to be able to change the approximation order N_k, so the number of data points I store for each cell can change during runtime as well.
Any input is appreciated. If you have experience yourself, or just know a few good resources that I could look at, please let me know. However, while the solution will be crucial to the performance of the final program, it is just one of many problems, so the solution needs to be of an applied nature and not purely academic.
Should this be the wrong venue to ask this question, please let me know what a more suitable place would be.
Often, these sorts of dynamic mesh structures can be very tricky to deal with efficiently, but in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement codes (common in astrophysics, where complex geometries aren't important) or your spectral element code where you have large block sizes, it is often much less of an issue. You have so much work to do per block/element (with at least 10^5 cells x 2 points/cell in your case) that the cost of switching between blocks is comparitively minor.
Keep in mind, too, that you can't generally do too much of the hard work on each element or block until a substantial amount of that block's data is already in cache. You're already going to have to had flushed most of block N's data out of cache before getting much work done on block N+1's anyway. (There might be some operations in your code which are exceptions to this, but those are probably not the ones where you're spending much time anyway, cache or no cache, because there's not a lot of data reuse - eg, elementwise operations on cell values). So keeping each the blocks/elements beside each other isn't necessarily a huge deal; on the other hand, you definitely want the blocks/elements to be themselves contiguous.
Also notice that you can move blocks around to keep them contiguous as things get resized, but not only are all those memory copies also going to wipe your cache, but the memory copies themselves get very expensive. If your problem is filling a significant fraction of memory (and aren't we always?), say 1GB, and you have to move 20% of that around after a refinement to make things contiguous again, that's .2 GB (read + write) / ~20 GB/s ~ 20 ms compared to reloading (say) 16k cache lines at ~100ns each ~ 1.5 ms. And your cache is trashed after the shuffle anyway. This might still be worth doing if you knew that you were going to do the refinement/derefinement very seldom.
But as a practical matter, most adaptive mesh codes in astrophysical fluid dynamics (where I know the codes well enough to say) simply maintain a list of blocks and their metadata and don't worry about their contiguity. YMMV of course. My suggestion would be - before spending too much time crafting the perfect data structure - to first just test the operation on two elements, twice; the first, with the elements in order and computing on them 1-2, and the second, doing the operation in the "wrong" order, 2-1, and timing the two computations several times.
For each cell, store the offset in which to find the cell data in a contiguous array. This offset mapping is very efficient and widely used. You can reorder the cells for cache reuse in traversals. When the order or number of cells changes, create a new array and interpolate, then throw away the old arrays. This storage is much better for external analysis because operations like inner products in Krylov methods and stages in Runge-Kutta methods can be managed without reference to the mesh. It also requires minimal memory per vector (e.g. in Krylov bases and with time integration).