Getting all foreign keys from a QuerySet - django

I have two models, Story and FollowUp. FollowUp can have a foreign key of Story. Story has a foreign key of User.
I can get all Story that are associated with a User with user.story_set.all(). I would like to, without iterating through the queryset, be able to get all FollowUps associated with all the Storys.
I had initially tried user.story_set.all().followup_set.all(), but that does not work.
How can I accomplish this?

The easier way would be to use prefetch_related to preload all the objects, and then just iterate:
followups = []
for story in user.story_set.all().prefetch_related():
Alternatively, you could do:
followups = Followup.objects.filter(story__in = user.story_set.all())
(The second piece of code might need a list compression to use IDs and not objects, but you get the idea)

A more concise approach is:


Following nested foreign keys while prefetching in Django

I have an information model with deep and complex foreign key relations. and lots of them. Because of it I am trying to use select_related() and prefetch_related() to minimize the number of queries to my DB.
I am having the problem, however, that I cannot figure out a way to make pre-fetching operators follow foreign keys to an arbitrary depth. I am aware of the double underscore operator (__), but that isn't really an option, because I do not know in advance how deep the nesting will be.
So for example let's say I have objects A, B, C,...Z. Any object can have an arbitrary number of foreign keys pointing to any object that appear, say, later on in the alphabet. How can I make sure that, for example, prefetching the foreign key that from A points to B will follow all the foreign keys on B?
My best shot for now was a semi-hard coded approach on the get_queryset() method on the object manager.
Thank you in advance
Ok so an idea on how I am trying to do it at the moment is as follows:
class MyModelmanager(model.Manger):
def get_queryset()
qs = super().get_queryset()
qs = qs.select_related(*thefiledsiwannaprefetch)
return qs
Now in the fields I am prefetching there are foreign keys relations I would like to follow. How do I achieve that (without using '__')?
Another attempt was the following:
class MyModelmanager(model.Manger):
def get_queryset()
return super().get_queryset().prefetch_related()
I did then overrode the manger of the other models, so that they also performed prefetching in their get_queryset() method. This also didn't work.
From the docs:
There may be some situations where you wish to call select_related() with a lot of related objects, or where you don’t know all of the relations. In these cases it is possible to call select_related() with no arguments. This will follow all non-null foreign keys it can find - nullable foreign keys must be specified. This is not recommended in most cases as it is likely to make the underlying query more complex, and return more data, than is actually needed.

Performance: Store likes in PostgreSQL ArrayField (Django example)

I have 2 models: Post and Comment, each can be liked by User.
For sure, total likes should be rendered somewhere near each Post or Comment
But also each User should have a page with all liked content.
So, the most obvious way is just do it with m2m field, which seems will lead to lots of problems in some future.
And what about this?
Post and Comment models should have some
users_liked_ids = ArrayField(models.IntegerField())
User model should also have such fields:
posts_liked_ids = ArrayField(models.IntegerField())
comments_liked_ids = ArrayField(models.IntegerField())
And each time User likes something, two actions are performed:
User's id adds to Post's/Comment's users_liked_ids field
Post's/Comment's id adds to User's posts_liked_ids/comments_liked_ids field
The questions are:
Is it a good plan?
Will it be efficient to make lookups in such approach to get "Is that Post/Comment` was liked but current user
Will it be better to store likes in some separate table, rather then in liked model, but also in ArrayField
Probably better stay with obvious m2m?
1) No.
2) Definitely not.
3) Absolutely, incredibly not. Don't split your data up even further.
4) Yes.
Here are some of the problems:
no referential integrity, since you can't create foreign keys on array elements, meaning you could easily have garbage values in an ID array
data duplication with posts having user ids and users having post ids means it's possible for information to get out of sync (what happens when a user or post is deleted?)
inefficient lookups in match arrays (your #2)
Don't, under any circumstances, do this. You may want to combine your "post" and "comment" models to simplify the relationship, but this is what junction tables are for. Arrays are good for use cases that don't involve foreign keys or the potential for extreme length.

How to modify a queryset and save it as new objects?

I need to query for a set of objects for a particular Model, change a single attribute/column ("account"), and then save the entire queryset's objects as new objects/rows. In other words, I want to duplicate the objects, with a single attribute ("account") changed on the duplicates. I'm basically creating a new account and then going through each model and copying a previous account's objects to the new account, so I'll be doing this repeatedly, with different models, probably using django shell. How should I approach this? Can it be done at the queryset level or do I need to loop through all the objects?
# Now I need to set account = "acct_2" for the entire queryset,
# and save as new rows in the database
From the docs:
If the object’s primary key attribute is not set, or if it’s set but a
record doesn’t exist, Django executes an INSERT.
So if you set the id or pk to None it should work, but I've seen conflicting responses to this solution on SO: Duplicating model instances and their related objects in Django / Algorithm for recusrively duplicating an object
This solution should work (thanks #JoshSmeaton for the fix):
models = MyModel.objects.filter(account="acct_1")
for model in models: = None
model.account = "acct_2"
I think in my case, I have a OneToOneField on the model that I'm testing on, so it makes sense that my test wouldn't work with this basic solution. But, I believe it should work, so long as you take care of OneToOneField's.

django queryset ordering

I'm listing queryset results and would like to add an option for choosing the order results are displayed.
I would like to pass the actual data from the database to other page for sorting.
I was able to achieve such thing by getting all objects ids and use django session to recreate a new queryset based on the order criteria.
I was thinking if there is any other way to achieve such goal?
Assuming you are currently displaying the data as a table, you could give chance to some javascript client side table sorter such as tablesorter. There are lots of javascript table sorte.
I'm away from my development machine right now, but I think you could just pass the list of ids to a new Queryset, pk__in=list_of_object_ids, and then use the native order_by function.
For example:
objs = Object.objects.filter(pk__in=list_of_object_ids).order_by('value_to_order_by')
Anyway, that's what I would try first, though I'm sure there are better optimizations.
For example, instead of a list of object ids, you could pass a dictionary with a key:value pair that has the value you want to order by.
For example:
Then use some lambda function to sort it, like here.

Django .order_by() with .distinct() using postgres

I have a Read model that is related to an Article model. What I would like to do is make a queryset where articles are unique and ordered by date_added. Since I'm using postgres, I'd prefer to use the .distinct() method and specify the article field. Like so:
articles = Read.objects.order_by('article', 'date_added').distinct('article')
However this doesn't give the desired effect and orders the queryset by the order they were created. I am aware of the note about .distinct() and .order_by() in Django's documentation, but I don't see that it applies here since the side effect it mentions is there will be duplicates and I'm not seeing that.
# To actually sort by date added I end up doing this
articles = sorted(articles, key=lambda x: x.date_added, reverse=True)
This executes the entire query before I actually need it and could potentially get very slow if there are lots of records. I've already optimized using select_related().
Is there a better, more efficient, way to create a query with uniqueness of a related model and order_by date?
The output would ideally be a queryset of Read instances where their related article is unique in the queryset and only using the Django orm (i.e. sorting in python).
Is there a better, more efficient, way to create a query with uniqueness of a related model and order_by date?
Possibily. It's hard to say without the full picture, but my assumption is that you are using Read to track which articles have and have not been read, and probably tying this to User instance to determine if a particular user has read an article or not. If that's the case, your approach is flawed. Instead, you should do something like:
class Article(models.Model):
read_by = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='read_articles')
Then, to get a particular user's read articles, you can just do:
That takes the need to use distinct out of the equation, since there will not be any duplicates now.
To get all articles that are read by at least one user:
Or, if you want to set a threshold for popularity, you can use annotations:
from django.db.models import Count
Which would give you only articles that have been read by at least 10 users.