Resolve c++ pointer-to-member error in VS 2003 - c++

I have a c++ program that I'm trying to port from VS98 to VS2003 (incremental steps). One error that occurs throughout is "Error 2275"
For instance: k:\RR\chart\chartdlg.cpp(2025): error C2475: 'CRrDoc::cFldFilter' : forming a pointer-to-member requires explicit use of the address-of operator ('&') and a qualified name
The offending code is shown below:
void CDataPage::OnBtnLabelField()
FLDID fid ;
CRrApp *pApp = (CRrApp *)AfxGetApp();
CMainFrame *pFrame = (CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd();
CRrDoc *pDoc = (CRrDoc *)pFrame->GetActiveDocument();
CSelectFieldDlg dlg;
//BOOL CRrDoc::*zcFldFilter = &CRrDoc::cFldFilter;
// = CRrDoc->*zcFldFilter;
//************************************************** = pDoc->cFldFilter ;
dlg.TitleTextID = IDS_2676;
fid = (FLDID)dlg.DoModal();
if (fid != NOID)
f = pDoc->m_pComposite->mfbyndx(fid);
// find index
int i, iCount;
iCount = m_lboxLabel.GetCount();
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
if(fid == m_lboxLabel.GetItemData(i))
I tried handling it according to a Microsoft page: But that just generated a set of other problems (the commented code between the asterisks). Note that I also commented out the following line: = pDoc->cFldFilter
Unfortunately, this leads to a new error: k:\RR\chart\chartdlg.cpp(2022): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'BOOL (__cdecl )(LPMFFIELD)' to 'BOOL CRrDoc:: '
The definition in the .H file looks like:
static BOOL cFldFilter(LPMFFIELD f);
Any ideas how to handle the pointer-to-member issue?

since you have:
static BOOL CRrDoc::cFldFilter(LPMFFIELD f);
its type is not a member variable but a function:
//BOOL CRrDoc::*zcFldFilter = &CRrDoc::cFldFilter; // doesn't work
BOOL (*zcFldFilter)(LPMFFIELD) = &CRrDoc::cFldFilter; // works
Since is of a correct type, you should do = &CRrDoc::cFldFilter;


why does cocos2d-x version 4.0 not have macro CCARRAY_FOREACH?

I can't find macro CCARRAY_FOREACH but i found CCARRAYDATA_FOREACH. Are those the same ? I mean can i use CCARRAYDATA_FOREACH instead?
And i tried but visual studio gives me an error of expression must have pointer type when i was using CCARRAYDATA_FOREACH and i can't solve. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is part of my code
void BaseManager::update(float dt){
auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Ref* obj = NULL;
Coin* coin = NULL;
int setNum = 0;
CCARRAYDATA_FOREACH(m_coinArr,obj){ // this line produces error: expression must have pointer type
coin = (Coin*)obj;
if(coin->getPositionX() < -coin->getConSize().width/2){
if( !coin->isVisible() ){
setNum ++;

array of functions c++ Error initialising?

I am trying to create an array of boolean functions, this is currently where I am at.
typedef bool(*fn)(DIYObject*, DIYObject*);
static fn collisionfunctionArray[] =
bool DIY::sphere2Sphere(DIYObject* obj1, DIYObject* obj2)
DIYSphere *sphere1 = dynamic_cast<DIYSphere*>(obj1);
DIYSphere *sphere2 = dynamic_cast<DIYSphere*>(obj2);
if (sphere1 != NULL && sphere2 != NULL)
float X;
X= sphere1->m_position.x - sphere2->m_position.x;
X = X *X;
float Y;
Y = sphere1->m_position.y - sphere2->m_position.y;
Y = Y *Y;
float distance;
distance = sqrt(X + Y);
float distanceCompare;
distanceCompare = sphere1->m_radius + sphere2->m_radius;
if (distance < distanceCompare)
sphere1->m_velocity = vec3(0,0,0);
sphere2->m_velocity = vec3(0, 0, 0);
return false;
So at the moment I am only trying to insert one function into the array but I am receiving the following error
Error 2 error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'bool (__thiscall DIY::* )(DIYObject *,DIYObject *)' to 'fn'
I think I'm taking in the same arguments so I don't really understand what the issue is here. Thanks
The problem is that sphere2Sphere is a member function of the DIY class and needs an object to put in its this pointer.
As your sphere2Sphere function doesn't use the this pointer (I think), you can make it static, which means it will then match the fn type (as the compiler will know it doesn't need the (hidden) this parameter).
Note: The static keyword goes in the method declaration in your class definition, which you haven't shown here.

OGRE No suitable conversion function exists

I'm having a hard time trying to get an app to compile in Visual Studio 2013. I've solved a good amount of errors but I can't find a solution for the last one.
here it is:
void Application::setupRenderSystem() {
String val = mState->getStringValue("renderSystem");
RenderSystemList *renderSystems = mRoot->getAvailableRenderers();
RenderSystemList::iterator r_it;
bool renderSystemFound = false;
for (r_it = renderSystems->begin(); r_it != renderSystems->end(); r_it++) {
RenderSystem *tmp = *r_it;
std::string rName(tmp->getName());
// returns -1 if string not found
if ((int)rName.find(val) >= 0) {
renderSystemFound = true;
if (!renderSystemFound) {
OGRE_EXCEPT(0, "Specified render system (" + val + ") not found, exiting...", "Application")
Visual Studio indicates that the line RenderSystemList *renderSystems = mRoot->getAvailableRenderers(); is the problem, especially mRoot
Here is the error I get:
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const Ogre::RenderSystemList' to 'Ogre::RenderSystemList *'
The getAvailableRenderers method doesn't return a pointer to a RenderSystemList. You'd want to have the value stored in a reference to a RenderSystemList:
RenderSystemList const& renderSystems = mRoot->getAvailableRenderers();
The Ogre API says:
const RenderSystemList & getAvailableRenderers (void)
So it returns a const reference and not a pointer.
Modify your code like this
const RenderSystemList &renderSystems = mRoot->getAvailableRenderers();

How to know written var type with Clang using C API instead of actual?

I'm trying to use Clang via C API, indexing to be detailed. The problem is that some types are returned not as they are written, but as they are for compiler. For example "Stream &" becomes "int &" and "byte" becomes "int.
Some test lib:
// TODO make it a subclass of a generic Serial/Stream base class
class FirmataClass
FirmataClass(Stream &s);
void setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor);
I'm using the code to get method information:
void showMethodInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *info) {
int numArgs = clang_Cursor_getNumArguments(info->cursor);
fprintf(stderr, " %i args:\n", numArgs);
for (int i=0; i<numArgs; i++) {
CXCursor argCursor = clang_Cursor_getArgument(info->cursor, i);
CXString name = clang_getCursorDisplayName(argCursor);
CXString spelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(argCursor);
CXType type = clang_getCursorType(argCursor);
CXString typeSpelling = clang_getTypeSpelling(type);
CXCursorKind kind = clang_getCursorKind(argCursor);
fprintf(stderr, " kind=[%s (%i)], type=[%s], spelling=[%s]\n",
cursor_kinds[kind], kind, clang_getCString(typeSpelling),
// return type
CXType returnType = clang_getCursorResultType(info->cursor);
CXString returnTypeSpelling = clang_getTypeSpelling(returnType);
fprintf(stderr, " returns %s\n", clang_getCString(returnTypeSpelling));
[105:10 4689] access=[CX_CXXPublic]
kind=[CXIdxEntity_CXXInstanceMethod] (21)
name=[setFirmwareNameAndVersion] is_container=[0] 3 args:
kind=[CXCursor_ParmDecl (10)], type=[const char *], spelling=[name]
kind=[CXCursor_ParmDecl (10)], type=[int], spelling=[major]
kind=[CXCursor_ParmDecl (10)], type=[int], spelling=[minor]
returns void
So you can see that byte function arguments are described as int.
How can i get actual spelling?
Is byte declared via a typedef, or a #define?
When I declare these types:
typedef int MyType_t;
#define MyType2_t int
class Foo
bool bar( MyType_t a, MyType2_t b );
And then print the type names I get from clang_GetTypeSpelling this is what I get:
bool Foo_bar( MyType_t a, int b )
Libclang presumably can't print the #defined name because the preprocessor has already replaced it with int by the time the parse tree is built.
I've solved this a few days ago.
"Stream &" becomes "int &" and "byte" becomes "int.
libclang doesn't know what Stream or byte are until you insert the standard headers manualy using the flag -isystem <pathToStdHeaderDirectory>
I wrote a C# function that retrieves all the visual studio VC headers include directory:
private static string[] GetStdIncludes()
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(#"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio"))
if (key != null)
var lastVcVersions = key.GetSubKeyNames()
.Select(s =>
float result = 0;
if (float.TryParse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
return result;
else return 0F;
}).Where(w => w > 0F)
.OrderByDescending(or => or)
.Select(s => s.ToString("n1", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
foreach (var v in lastVcVersions)
using (var vk = key.OpenSubKey(v))
var val = (string)vk.GetValue("Source Directories");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
return val.Split(";");
throw new Exception("Couldn't find VC runtime include directories");
hope that helps
I was having the same issue with my own classes.
You need to pass on the same flags you would use for compiling with clang to either clang_parseTranslationUnit or clang_createTranslationUnit, in particular the -I flags which are used to look up the header files where your class or type definitions are.
it seems that if libclang can't find a type declaration, it just defaults to all of then to int.
calling clang_createIndex ( 1, 1 ) should provide you with hints on what you are missing via stderr.
Here is some sample code that works for me now:
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
char *clang_args[] =
CXIndex Idx = clang_createIndex ( 1, 1 );
CXTranslationUnit TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit ( Idx, argv[1], clang_args, 9, NULL, 0, CXTranslationUnit_Incomplete | CXTranslationUnit_SkipFunctionBodies );
clang_visitChildren ( clang_getTranslationUnitCursor ( TU ),
TranslationUnitVisitor, NULL );
clang_disposeTranslationUnit ( TU );
return 0;
I am trying to get the AST for a header file, hence the CXTranslationUnit_Incomplete | CXTranslationUnit_SkipFunctionBodies flags and -ast-dump -fsyntax-only command line options, you may want to omit them if you dont need them and of course add and change the -I parameters according to your needs.

error C2663: overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer

please help me for this errors
u16 ip_defragment(){
u16 result;
fragip_set::iterator i;
IP_FRAGMENTED new_defrag;
IP* pcurpack = (IP*) malloc(cur.len);
memcpy(pcurpack,, cur.len);
new_defrag.saddr = cur.saddr;
new_defrag.daddr = cur.daddr;
new_defrag.protocol = cur.ip.ppack->protocol; = i2i(cur.ip.ppack->id);
i = ip_frags.find(new_defrag);
if(i != ip_frags.end()){
const_cast<u16&>(i->cur_len) += cur.ip.len - cur.ip.hlen;
const_cast<u32&>(i->last_time) = time();
if(!(cur.ip.bmore_fr) && (i->tot_len == 0)){
const_cast<u16&>(i->tot_len) = cur.ip.fr_offs + cur.ip.len;
if(i->cur_len == i->tot_len){
for(set<IP*>::iterator k = i->packets.begin(); k != i->packets.end(); k++){
// must copy to another buffer
if(i2i((*k)->frag_off) & IP_OFFMASK){
memcpy(ip_defrag_buffer, *k, (*k)->ihl<<2);
} else {
memcpy(ip_defrag_buffer + (i2i((*k)->frag_off) & IP_OFFMASK) * 8,
*k + ((*k)->ihl<<2), (i2i((*k)->tot_len))-((*k)->ihl<<2));
IP* defr_ip = (IP*) &ip_defrag_buffer;
defr_ip->tot_len = i2i(i->tot_len);
defr_ip->frag_off = 0;
result = i->tot_len;
return result;
return 0;
new_defrag.tot_len = cur.ip.fr_offs + cur.len;
} else {
new_defrag.tot_len = 0;
new_defrag.cur_len = cur.ip.len; // with header size
new_defrag.last_time = time();
i = ip_frags.insert(new_defrag).first;
if(i != ip_frags.end())
return 0;
compiled project and view only 2 errors similar
line 15 : i->packets.insert(pcurpack);
end line : i->packets.insert(pcurpack);
error with 2 lines : error C2663: 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::insert' : 4 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer
IntelliSense: no instance of overloaded function "std::set<_Kty, _Pr, _Alloc>::insert [with _Kty=IP *, _Pr=std::less<IP *>, _Alloc=std::allocator<IP *>]" matches the argument list and object (the object has type qualifiers that prevent a match)
please help me?
I had exact same error with std::set, while passing it to a lambda expression:
C2663 'std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<_Kty,_Pr,_Alloc,false>>::insert': 5 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer
lambda expression prototype was:
[se1, ele1](auto val) {
/* here I was editing se1 set, but above se1 is passed value type */
I have changed to:
[&se1, ele1](auto val) {
/* now since se1 set is sent as reference type above, it is good to edit
changes stays as I expect it to be
Now compilation succeeds.
I used with count_if function, which calls the lamda expression for eac element, so the compiler knows that modifications should persist in set se1, which is perfectly logical.
If you desire to have the original set unchanged, then send a copy of it.