How to include special chars in this regex - regex

First of all I am a total noob to regular expressions, so this may be optimized further, and if so, please tell me what to do. Anyway, after reading several articles about regex, I wrote a little regex for my password matching needs:
What I am trying to do is: it must start with an uppercase letter, must contain a lowercase letter, must contain at least one number must contain at least on special character and must be between 8-20 characters in length.
The above somehow works but it doesn't force special chars(. seems to match any character but I don't know how to use it with the positive lookahead) and the min length seems to be 10 instead of 8. what am I doing wrong?
PS: I am using to test this.

Let's strip away the assertions and just look at your base pattern alone:
This will match one or more uppercase Latin letters, followed by by a single lowercase Latin letter or decimal digit, followed by 8 to 20 of any character. So yes, at minimum this will require 10 characters, but there's no maximum number of characters it will match (e.g. it will allow 100 uppercase letters at the start of the string). Furthermore, since there's no end anchor ($), this pattern would allow any trailing characters after the matched substring.
I'd recommend a pattern like this:
Where !##$ is a placeholder for whatever special characters you want to allow. Don't forget to escape special characters if necessary (\, ], ^ at the beginning of the character class, and- in the middle).
Using POSIX character classes, it might look like this:
Or using Unicode character classes, it might look like this:
Note: each of these considers a different set of 'special characters', so they aren't identical to the first pattern.

The following should work:
I removed the (?=.*[A-Z]) because the requirement that you must start with an uppercase character already covers that. I added (?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]) for the special characters, this will only match if there is at least one character that is not a letter or a digit. I also tweaked the length checking a little bit, the first step here was to remove the + after the [A-Z] so that we know exactly one character has been matched so far, and then changing the .{8,20} to .{7,19} (we can only match between 7 and 19 more characters if we already matched 1).

Well, here is how I would write it, if I had such requirements - excepting situations where it's absolutely not possible or practical, I prefer to break up complex regular expressions. Note that this is English-specific, so a Unicode or POSIX character class (where supported) may make more sense:
/^[A-Z]/ && /[a-z]/ && /[1-9]/ && /[whatever special]/ && ofCorrectLength(x)
That is, I would avoid trying to incorporate all the rules at once.


Regex to have two out of three character types [duplicate]

My client has requested that passwords on their system must following a specific set of validation rules, and I'm having great difficulty coming up with a "nice" regular expression.
The rules I have been given are...
Minimum of 8 character
Allow any character
Must have at least one instance from three of the four following character types...
Upper case character
Lower case character
Numeric digit
"Special Character"
When I pressed more, "Special Characters" are literally everything else (including spaces).
I can easily check for at least one instance for all four, using the following...
The following works, but it's horrible and messy...
So you don't have to work it out yourself, the above is checking for (1,2,3|1,2,4|1,3,4|2,3,4) which are the 4 possible combinations of the 4 groups (where the number relates to the "types" in the set of rules).
Is there a "nicer", cleaner or easier way of doing this?
(Please note, this is going to be used in an <asp:RegularExpressionValidator> control in an ASP.NET website, so therefore needs to be a valid regex for both .NET and javascript.)
It's not much of a better solution, but you can reduce [^a-zA-Z0-9] to [\W_], since a word character is all letters, digits and the underscore character. I don't think you can avoid the alternation when trying to do this in a single regex. I think you have pretty much have the best solution.
One slight optimization is that \d*[a-z]\w_*|\d*[A-Z]\w_* ~> \d*[a-zA-Z]\w_*, so I could remove one of the alternation sets. If you only allowed 3 out of 4 this wouldn't work, but since \d*[A-Z][a-z]\w_* was implicitly allowed it works.
Extended version:
Because of the fourth condition specified by the OP, this regular expression will match even unprintable characters such as new lines. If this is unacceptable then modify the set that contains \W to allow for more specific set of special characters.
I'd like to improve the accepted solution with this one
The above Regex worked well for most scenarios except for strings such as "AAAAAA1$", "$$$$$$1a"
This could be an issue only in iOS ( Objective C and Swift) that the regex "\d" has issues
The following fix worked in iOS, i.e changing to [0-9] for digits
Password must meet at least 3 out of the following 4 complexity rules,
[at least 1 uppercase character (A-Z) at least 1 lowercase character (a-z) at least 1 digit (0-9) at least 1 special character — do not forget to treat space as special characters too]
at least 10 characters
at most 128 characters
not more than 2 identical characters in a row (e.g., 111 not allowed)
'^(?!.(.)\1{2}) ((?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[0-9])|(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[^a-zA-Z0-9])|(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[0-9])(?=.[^a-zA-Z0-9])|(?=.[a-z])(?=.[0-9])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9])).{10,127}$'

Regular expression Password is not working

We have a requirement for validating the password format with following rules
Length of the password should be 8- 25 character
1.numbers Mandatory [0-9]
2.small case mandatory [a-z]
3.upper case mandatory [A-Z]
4.special character optional
the following regex is not working. its forcing to provide the special character
If the special character be optional, then just use this:
Your lookaheads had problems, e.g. (?=.\d) does not assert that a number appears anywhere in the password, it asserts that the second character in the password is a number. You meant (I think) to use (?=.*\d).
So there are three lookaheads to cover your mandatory requirements, then we match 8 to 25 characters from the following character class:
This matches word characters as well as the special characters you want, though special characters are not mandatory. Note that in some regex engines you would need to escape square brackets in the character class.
Why are you after one, big, totally unreadable and in effect unmaintainable regexp expression. Switch to 4 different expressions and check them one at a time. It's easier to maintain and less error prone. It's easier to add more rules or modify existing ones.

RegEx: Non-repeating patterns?

I'm wrestling with how to write a specific regex, and thought I'd come here for a little guidance.
What I'm looking for is an expression that does the following:
Character length of 7 or more
Any single character is one of four patterns (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and a specific set of special characters. Let's say #$%#).
(Now, here's where I'm having problems):
Another single character would also match with one of the patterns described above EXCEPT for the pattern that was already matched. So, if the first pattern matched is an uppercase letter, the second character match should be a lowercase letter, number or special character from the pattern.
To give you an example, the string AAAAAA# would match, as would the string AAAAAAa. However, the string AAAAAAA, nor would the string AAAAAA& (as the ampersand was not part of the special character pattern).
Any ideas? Thanks!
If you only need two different kinds of characters, you can use the possessive quantifier feature (available in Objective C):
or more concise with an atomic group:
Since each branch of the alternation is a character class with a possessive quantifier, you can be sure that the first character matched by [a-zA-Z0-9#$%#]+ is from a different class.
About the string size, check it first separately with the appropriate function, if the size is too small, you will avoid the cost of a regex check.
First you need to do a negative lookahead to make sure the entire string doesn't consist of characters from a single group:
Then check that it does contain at least 7 characters from the list of legal characters (and nothing else):
Combining them (thanks to Shlomo for pointing that out):

Regular expression for passwords with special characters

Here is the regular expression i fount from microsoft's website
and it Validates a strong password. It must be between 8 and 10 characters, contain at least one digit and one alphabetic character, and must not contain special characters.
But now we decide to allow user using special characters in their passwords, so how do I modify this regular expression? I don't quite understand why put ?! in front.
(?!^[0-9]*$) is a negative lookahead. This assertion fails if there are only digits from the start to the end. So, you have different possibilities:
I would rewrite those conditions to require at least one and not to forbid only that characters.
(?=.*\d) would require at least one digit
(?=.*[a-zA-Z]) would require at least one letter
Your regex would then look something like this:
means require at least one digit, one letter and consist of 8 to 10 characters. The . can be any character, but no newlines.
See it here at Regexr

Regex for minimum number of characters

I created this regular expression to validate names:
Is there a way add the minimum number of characters?
I know we can use {x,}, but I cannot make it work.
{x,} should be used instead of + here...
But this would mean, "at least 5 characters in the beginning match those from the character class, and then anything...
If you write it like this (almost your original - just with {5,} instead of +):
This means "at least 5 characters in the beginning match those from the character class, and any one character, and then optionally an asterisk, and that should be the end of it".
Use a lookahead at the beginning of the regex to make sure the total number of characters is at least your minimum. For example, if your minimum is 8 characters:
Also, you don't need to escape the comma.