Buildbot : how to manually launch a build? - c++

We are using BuildBot ( to build our C++ project.
Is there any way to run the exact build commands from the command line that are executed when you hit the "force build" button on the web UI? I'm trying to debug a build problem that is present on our build server but not on our local machines, and don't want to spam the email list each time it fails.
Thank you,

To run a command COMMAND [ARG]... in a clean environment use env --ignore-environement COMMAND [ARG]....

I assume buildbot sends an http request to the buildbot server asking it to build when you hit the force build button. So if you work out what it's senfing you can send the same thing using wget or python or whatever?
That may or may not do what you're trying to do? I guess there's a difference between running buildbot builds from the cmd line and duplicating a buildbot build without using buildbot.


How to set up cypress run for TypeScript in WebStorm

I have a project build in TypeScript and I would like to use cypress run to run my unit test. Everything works when I trigger command line from terminal, but how can I set up cypress run with WebStorm IDE under Run/Debug Configuration? The only possibility is to set up npm command but my project is using pnpm not npm.
So how can I set up cypress run under Run/Debug configuration?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for Cypress (feel free to upvote and comment WEB-32819 to increase its priority and to be notified on updates). But you can still use Node.js run configurations to start your scripts.
I'd also suggest trying a third-party Cypress-Pro plugin

WebStorm, setting JavaScript Debug with another task running before

In WebStorm I can very easy setup JavaScript Debug and then when I run this configuration, IDE opens the Chrome browser and all breakpoints are active. The problem begins when I need to run specific tasks prior to starting debugging, for example running npm build script. When I define it in Before launch (see the picture below), the Chrome browser not being opened when I activate this debug configuration but being opened after I stop it.
This requires from me, manually run a project from command line and then run Browser Debug
Can I define the additional tasks in a way that Chrome will be opened as usually?
Thank you.
A process added to Before launch section has to return an exit code, the main process is waiting for it to start and thus doesn't start until the first process terminates. This is the way Before launch is designed - it's supposed to be used to run some sort of pre-processing before running the main process. You can add a build task (a script that builds your app and then exits) to this section; but start:dev likely doesn't exit, it starts the server your application is hosted on, and it has to be running to make your application work, doesn't it? Please remove your npm script from Before launch, start it separately or use the Compound configuration to start both npm script and Javascript Debug run configuration concurrently

How to configure my Jenkins to auto build and test my Qt project?

I'm a newer to Qt project,strange to its project structure.
I have used jenkins+git+github+MSBuild+xUnit to build CI for VS project in windows.
Now my job is to configure jenkins so that it can auto build and test my qt project(in Ubuntu).
However,it seems there is few information about "jenkins build Qt project".
I don't know which plugins should I use on jenkins and how to configure them.
Can you show me how to do that?(I use Ubuntu 16.04)
I have read this blog,and try to run that way:
In this blog,it use "qmake && make && make check" to do all the thing(build and test) without installing any plugin.what does this command do?Does it work for all Qt project?
What's more,in Ubuntu,can I pack my Qt project using jenkins?If yes,how to do that?(Windows can pack qt project as .exe file, Ubuntu pack as what kind of file?)
I'll just link to already existing materials, which there's plenty of.
In general there's three main steps in what you want to do:
Trigger Jenkins build after git push: How can I make Jenkins CI with git trigger on pushes to master?. That gives you Jenkins job execution (that at this point does nothing) after each git push automatically.
Pulling changes from SCM - that is a ready step within regular Jenkins project that you just click through.
Building your project - in case of QT project which can be built from command line (Compile a Qt project from command Line) you can add this as a simple shell command build step in Jenkins.
Optionally you can then run tests on the result, store your artifacts after a successful build and/or trigger email notifications on failed builds.
As for storing artifacts - there's a ready plugin for that (

How debug wso2 Emm version 2 java souce code?

I want to do some cutomization to the wso2 mdm-product source code (EMM version 2) :
Indeed, when i made some modification to the source code, i need at least 15 min to build the maven projet with eclipce IDE.
Is there other solution to build project directly on carbon server?
How can we debug project with eclipse IDE on carbon IDE?
Usually, it takes some amount of time to build the WSO2 product-mdm, in your case, 15 minutes looks perfectly normal. I'd recommend building the source code using the terminal as follows.
Navigate to the repository directory
cd [path-to-dir]/product-mdm
Perform a clean Maven Build
mvn clean install
If you're unclear about the building process of WSO2 EMM Repositories, the answer on below question might help you to understand the building order.
How to use and understand wso2 git repositories?
Remote debugging the project is easy.
Setup the Eclipse IDE for remote debugging as described in this link,
Debugging With Eclipse
Navigate to "[EMM_HOME]/bin/" folder and run the server in debug mode.
sh ./ -debug [specify-port-here]
eg: sh ./ -debug 5005
Once the server is up, you can start debugging.

How to run selenium tests in jenkins?

I have selenium tests written in python 3.4. How to run them from jenkins after success build ?
Process is :
1. pull from git repository
2. python build
3. python install
After that i need to run server and selenium tests.
How to run them from jenkins after success build ?
- You can add a trigger to your selenium job so it runs after the build job runs successfully
To answer your question accurately, I need to know whether you are planning in running selenium tests in jenkins box...
Assuming you aren't planning in running the tests in jenkins (which IMO is something you dont want to) you can take 2 different directions:
1:. add a "execute shell" step to your build with the ssh to the machine you want to fire your tests on along with the command you need to run your tests in that machine. This would mean your pull from git to get latest code from selenium would have to happen in this step
2:. if you are outsourcing your browser execution to browserstack, sauce labs etc, add a "execute shell" step with the command needed to trigger your tests (firing from jenkins). This is assuming your tests know that it should point to outsourced env etc... You will most likely have a step to start a tunnel between your CI box and outsourced env...
Try using Selenium and Seleniumhq plugins for the same.
To add plugin : Manage Jenkins/ Manage Plugins/Available