Access 2013 on SharePoint 2013 Online - Multiple Questions - sharepoint-2013

Very long time since I even look at Access.. but on SPO, with a database on Azure it seems really nice ... wondering tho..
Any way to remove that left pane with the Databases from the UI?
Set a list button to go to a URL formatted using selected column fields in the row?
Join in oData datasource like SharePoint Online List? Validate against SharePoint list Data? set dropdowns to lookup using SharePoint list data?
Any file upload control and upload to a sharePoint Library? A way to add metadata to a file and do some validation - like does file exist with this metadata. Dynamically rename files to some unique string.
Perform complex field validation with REGEX?
Secure the application and database to SharePoint groups.
What's the business language of choice? Not clear on how to edit and save macros. Can it make calls to webservices?
Any way to change that obsure url you get for the App in SharePoint 2013 Online?

Any way to remove that left pane with the Databases from the UI?
No, but there is a workaround. Right click on the tables you don't want to be visible, and select the option to hide them individually. You can also rename the table-views in that pane, so they appear to have more user-friendly names for your end-users.
Set a list button to go to a URL formatted using selected column fields in the row?
The best way to achieve something like this would be using a hyperlink control attached to a calculated column in your table/query where the URL and display text are computed and linked together automatically. If you need list functionality, you can allow the user to select an item in the list, and have that automatically update a separate hyperlink control to provide the link functionality.
Join in oData data source like SharePoint Online List? Validate against SharePoint list Data? set dropdowns to lookup using SharePoint list data?
Access 2013 Web Apps cannot pull external data at this time. Access 2013 Web Apps only accept incoming data connections e.g. a MS-SQL or oData service can use industry-standard methods to connect to your Access Web App and validate data.
Any file upload control and upload to a SharePoint Library? A way to add metadata to a file and do some validation - like does file exist with this metadata. Dynamically rename files to some unique string.
The only file support currently provided by Access Web Apps is in the form of images uploaded to an image field inside a table. This is useful to add people's photos to their records in a "contacts" table, and things like this. Other than that, you will need to use a custom SharePoint library interface for this type of functionality.
Perform complex field validation with REGEX?
Not currently supported to my knowledge.
Secure the application and database to SharePoint groups.
This functionality is handled within SharePoint, not within Access or SQL Azure. Secure your SharePoint site collection as needed, and these security settings will apply appropriately to read and/or write operations by SharePoint users within your database. e.g. a SharePoint "visitor" (read-only access) will not be able to edit any data in your database - only view it.
What's the business language of choice? Not clear on how to edit and save macros. Can it make calls to web-services?
In Access 2013 Web Apps, VBA is no longer supported. Macros have to be written using the GUI "wizardy" macro interface, which greatly limits the scope of available operations. As a result, you cannot perform more complex tasks, such as making calls to external web-services. However, for basic data operations and UI operations, the GUI macro interface serves the purpose well.
Any way to change that obscure URL you get for the App in SharePoint 2013 Online?
The URL is randomly assigned when you create an Access 2013 Web App, but is guaranteed to never change after it is assigned. Therefore, you could reasonably use your DNS/web-host to "mask" the URL with a CNAME or other type of HTTP redirection. There are many ways to do this, and they are all external to SharePoint and Access 2013 Web Apps, so it's up to your DNS and web providers to support this.


Best practice in storing data to be used on multiple devices?

I'm currently making Microsoft Teams custom Tabs that utilize Sharepoint to store information. And, there could be multiple instances of that Tabs , each with its own Sharepoint file. 
What is the best way to link or connect the  Tabs to its corresponding Sharepoint File? Is there a way to store information on Microsoft Teams Tabs that persist through different device?
At the moment I store Tabs' entityId obtained from MS Teams SDK context on the Sharepoint Files related to that Tabs. Then on the custom tab, I queried the sharepoint site for the file that has a matching entityId with the tab.
As part of adding the tab to the Team, there is a "configuration" page, where you set the final url for the specific instance of that tab. Part of that configuration could be setting a custom querystring variable that will get passed to the tab, telling it which file to access. For instance, the final tab url could be:
and another tab with:
That's exactly what the "configuration" page is for when you set up a tab, I think -scenarios like this.

Infopath Sharepoint forms

I have been given a simple task of creating a sharepoint form, collect few information, Make and API call, do some calculation using response from API and the original input and show results on the page.
I don’t have much experience in working with sharepoint or infopath. I have been told that infopath is the way to achieve this
Can someone suggest what’s the best way to achieve this ?
Can we use JS in infopath ? Or is it only c# ?
FYI:- power apps is not an option due to legacy platforms
SharePoint has out-of-box features to implement your logic to collect data from user. It is out-of-box list and its list items. On list item creating you have out-of-box form with fields. No InfoPath required. You can add on this form some logic to implement your API calls and displaying its result. I think If I correctly understood then you can do it without any additional tools. You will need just to write code for API calls. SharePoint has also out-of-box list view. Here you can see all data collected from users.
InfoPath required if you need difficult form logic. Like I want choose value here and another value will be calculated on this value and set to another field and additionally will be formatted.

Is there a way to pre-filter a powerBI report server side?

I have uploaded a report, and using the .net SDK I've embedded said report into my website. However we show private data for many organizations. If I edit the reports iframe url to filter the report by the users org id so they can only see data for their organization then that ends up being a URL you can edit in javascript on the client side so a use could put another id there and view some other organizations data.
Is there any way possible to filter the data a report shows before it is sent client side?
I know you can edit the report file it'self but if you have hundreds of organizations, you'd need 100 copies of the same report which is obviously a maintenance and upkeep nightmare.
I would use the "Row Level Security" (RLS) feature for this requirement. Basically you set up roles, assign users to them and assign DAX expressions to them to filter the data.
There's a good explanation of it here:
The most efficient design of RLS (from a coding and admin perspective) is if you can feed in a username variable and filter your data by that (as shown in that example).

Sharepoint 2010, calling the external webservice without using workflow

I am very new to the SharePoint platform, and I need an insight as how can I achieve the following.
I need to call an external Webservice from Sharepoint(2010), without using workflow feature.
When the Webservice returns the data, I need to use one of value as a filter for an existing List.
e.g. Webservice returns user's department. I need to capture that department and use it a filer for an already existing List that displays information for all the departments. I need the List to display the information only for the department returned by the Webservice.
It may be possible to have your web service return the data as an external content type (BCS). That can then be used in an out of the box filter on a page. I do something similar with a client ID using the picker box from SP to select the item from the external source and then filter other web parts on the page.

What is the best way to display a filtered List View in SharePoint?

We got a standard-webpart, which displays the document library using views. We can use these views using the SharePoint Designer to customize to our customers needs.
Now the customer wants to have filter/search - option that is used on the title of the documents.
What would be the best ways without writing custom code?
Can it even be done just using SharePoint-Designer and standard-webparts?
I was able to this in sharepoint 2007, and i believe this is also applicable in sharepoint 2010, check this site for more info
this is by using data view web parts.