Use django-contrib-comments (the app) in new Django projects? - django

From the documentation: "Django’s comment framework has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Most users will be better served with a custom solution, or a hosted product like Disqus. The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments is still available in an external repository."
Is the move to django-contrib-comments only a fallback for existing projects that use django.contrib.comments? Should I use django-contrib-comments in new projects and why (not)?

I have been developing comments for our site using django.contrib.comments and found it to be quite a simple module and nothing else. If you are building a "just" commenting app to engage people, disqus might be a nice option. For instance, if you are building something like what stackoverflow is doing, you need to do by yourself.
For that, you can pretty well use django.contrib.comments and built your rest of the code on the top of it. I have been doing this and the following are points I would like to note
Very good chance that you are going to write all Views again for Ajax support or any other custom support
The app does not authenticate users. So, you might need to tweak this too
Add some special fields in comments, remove some provided
You might want to provide users to delete comments.. The built-in delete is just a flag where its marked "deleted" but not deleted exactly..
Regarding administration of commments, there might be lot you are going to improve.
It goes on, when you start doing it, you continue to tweak almost everything and make fit for your site. Probably if your tweaks seems to look too huge, I guess, start from scratch or take only parts of that django.contrib.comments where ever needed..

The Google Groups Django developers has the proposal:
"... if you don't really care much about how comments work but just want something easy, then Disqus (and its competitors) are easier to use and have much better features (spam prevents, moderation, etc.). If you want something complex and specific, on the other hand, you're better off writing something from scratch."
And the django-contrib-comments (the new home) is intended as a boneyard.


Commenting / Forum type software for ColdFusion

We operate a ColdFusion site with a custom CSS acting as a directory of various companies. Depending on the type of company, we have a set of subpages containing specific information pulled from the CMS about the company, such as "location/directions". We're looking to add functionality enabling users to add comments to the existing content. I'm looking for suggestions on open source or other available ColdFusion software out there that could work for this. While we could write something custom, commenting tools have been done a thousand times and probably better than we can do it.
While what we're looking for sounds like a blog or forum, its more of a hybrid. We'd like to be able to add functionality enabling commenting on the content we post in the context we post it in. Seems like there must be something out there that can be easily modified and integrated with our CMS.
Does anyone know of anything out there we should look into?
I'm going to vote to close this too, as per the others, but here's an answer anyway.
If you just want to add commenting to existing content, perhaps use Disqus. It's not locally installable (and is not CFML-based; it's all JS), but it does handle most things one would need if just wanting to add comments to a site.
If you want a native, self-managed solution, unfortunately StackOverflow have deemed that sort of question "unworthy", so you'll need to ask elsewhere. Despite being an entirely reasonable question, for which the answers would be helpful to other people later on (which is - in theory - the raison d'etre of Stack Overflow. Although that's hard to tell, sometimes).

Django simple-pages stable or not?

I want to create a pretty simple site with a few pages using Django. I guess I could use Wordpress. But there is some custom stuff (like a special kind of calendar app) that I rather do in Python than PHP.
I came across simple-pages which seems like a nice middle way between flat-pages and a fullblown Django CMS (which just seems overkill). It can automatically generate menus. But it seems like it hasn't been updated in a long time. Is it deprecated or is it stable? Or do flat-pages have the same functionality these days?
Honestly, It would be super easy to build your own small custom CMS since you know python. It would only take a few models and not a lot of time - the result being something better customized for your needs.
I've used some of these examples before - and they work ok, but I always find myself having to add something more.
One idea is to check out what sub-applications some of these things are using - maybe import only what you really need.
But I almost always find myself spending a LITTLE extra time to build out my own schema/structure for simple pages Then using a nice admin skin like grappelli when handing it over to clients (you get SORT of that wordpress feel (sort of))
Lots of admin customization that can make it easy for clients (and You) to work with static pages.

my Django development (needs advice)

I am writing a website using Django. I need to push the web site out as soon as possible. I don't need a lot of amazing things right now.
I am concern about the future development.
If I enable registration, which means I allow more contents to be writable. If I don't, then only the admins can publish the content. The website isn't exactly a CMS.
This is a big problem, as I will continue to add new features and rewriting codes (either by adapting third-party apps, or rewrites the app itself). So how would either path affects my database contents?
So the bottom line is, how do I ensure as the development continues, I can ensure the safety of my data?
I hope someone can offer a little insights on this matter.
Thank you very much. It's hard to describe my concern, really.
Whatever functionalities you will add after, if you add new fields, etc ... you can still migrate your data to the "new" database.
It becomes more complicated with relationships, because you might have integrity problems. Say you have a Comment model, and say you don't enable registration, so all users can comment on certain posts. If after, you decide to enable registration, and you decide that ALL the comments have to be associated with a user, then you will have problems migrating your data, because you'll have lots of comments for which you'll have to make up a user, or that you'll just have to drop. Of course, in that case there would be work-arounds, but it is just to illustrate some of the problems you might encounter later.
Personally, I try to have a good data-model, with only the minimum necessary fields (more fields will come after, with new functionalities). I especially try to avoid having to add new foreign keys in already existing models. For example, it is fine to add a new model later, with a foreign key to existing model, but the opposite is more complicated.
Finally, I am not sure about why you hesitate to enable registration. It is actually very very simple to do (you can for example use django-registration, and you would just have to write some urlconf, and some templates, and that's all ...)
Hope this helps !
if you are afraid of data migration, just use south...

Need a simple wiki system to replace DokuWiki to integreate with my homepage

Currently I'm using DokuWiki to manage my apps/scripts documentation, some articles I write and stuff like that... I like DokuWiki very much, it's simple and powerful but it's still too much for the use I've given it in the last 1/2 years.
I need something else, something different...
I'm looking for a way to integrate the little things I like in DokuWiki into my own website without needing a script, like DokuWiki, with it's own admin page. The website itself, my homepage, I like to code myself most of the things so it becomes exactly what I want. However, somethings I don't have much time for, that is why I'm using DokuWiki.
I want to ditch DokuWiki and scripts like these because I don't even use half of their capabilities. A wiki is a platform where people join their efforts and collaborate together to write stuff, it also has a revision system. These are two very important aspects about wikis that I don't care about for my own. I'm the only one writing stuff there and I don't care about revisions, never needed them.
What I like about DokuWiki is that I can point my browser to any URL within the wiki domain and create a page from there if it doesn't exist. I also like DokuWiki's syntax very much but sometimes it's very limited and I can't do what I want. The way you link between namespaces and such is also very nice. Too finish, a media/file manager is also very handy. These are probably the most important aspects for me in DokuWiki.
Basically, I'm looking for something, maybe a script, that would allow me to do the stuff I described above in a way I could integrate into my own website without needing a special administration area.
Does anyone know about such thing or I'm better off coding my own since my requirements are not that tricky to begin with, I just didn't want to have the extra work...
Or maybe any other suggestions?
Maybe you'll want to have a look at something like TiddlyWiki, which is a single-file wiki, that you can even put on a USB stick.
I chose xwiki over dokuwiki.
Another simple wiki is the one included with fogbugz. It is hosted for free for up to 2 users and might suit your project.
I may be off but very simple wiki with no administration and no users is LionWiki. I don't know how easy it's gonna be to integrate it into your website.
It's just one file and does not use database (like DokuWiki).
It does not have a lot of features though. It also uses a different syntax from that of DokuWiki.

Need help choosing a framework for bilingual site

First, some background information... I'm coming up on a medium-scale website for a non-profit that will require both English and Korean translations. Feature-set includes: CMS for normal content, a blog, some form submission/handling (including CSV/PDF exports), a job posting board, a directory of related businesses and non-profits (that accepts visitor submissions), and a basic (probably blog-driven) newsroom.
I have a fairly strong development background, and I've done some sites using Drupal, built some basic custom CMSes using frameworks like CodeIgniter, and I've recently started getting into Django. These are the primary options that I am exploring, and I would consider using different tools for different portions of the project, but what I'm mainly interested in, is if anyone has any experience to share with regards to localization/internationalization. I haven't yet put together a site that supports multiple languages, so before I get in trouble by underestimating the task, or making poor assumptions, I'd like to get some input to help guide my decision-making process.
Do you have any recommendations for frameworks (Drupal, Django, CodeIgniter) that handle localization/internationalization/translation well for a CMS? I know they all support it, but I'm looking for real-world experience here (or suggestions for modules/plugins given explanations).
Sorry for the longwinded question, but I wanted to be clear as possible. Thanks in advance!
There is a distinction between "site" translation and content translation. Django handles the site translation great, out of the box. The content translation, however, requires making some decisions (there's no one right way at this point). This probably makes sense, because of the very nature of Django as a lower level framework (when compared to something like Drupal, which is intended to serve as a complete CMS).
There are applications for Django which are meant to add this functionality (in the form of translations configured at the model level):
Also, I found this question that is related.
The bottom line though, is that this is still being explored in the Django world, and neither approach has been decided upon for the framework. Also, although I haven't used it, Drupal has module support for this in the form of the i18n module.
I will update with more conclusions as I come to them. If you have anything to add about content translation in Django or in Drupal, feel free to add your own answer as well.
You probably already know that the native i18n support in django is quite good. As for translation, you might try the django-rosetta app which allows you to grant translation rights to a subset of users, who are then able to translate through an admin-like interface.
Zend_Translate is pretty comprehensive. And if you decide to use PHP, I suggest you take a look at it. It provides multiple interfaces (e.g. an Array, CSV, Gettext, etc.) to manage your translations, which makes it IMHO unmatched when it comes to PHP.
I'm not sure how well it plays with Drupal, since Drupal is hardly a framework but more a CMS -- or maybe a CMS framework. I'm pretty sure that Drupal either has a thing build in or that there is a plugin for it.
With CodeIgniter you would start from scratch and Zend_Translate plays well with it.
I liked Drupal over Joomla. You should also look into DotNetNuke, out of the box it has lot of things that will meet your needs.
Checkout django-blocks. Has multi-language Menu, Flatpages and even has a simple Shopping Cart!!