Where can I find old Ember/Ember-data links? - ember.js

Since some upgrades, the ember-data-latest no longer works with my code. For now, I would still like to finish my project on the outdated version before upgrading. Specifically, I would like to know where I can find versions of these online:
Ember-data: v0.13-54-g105cfc1
Ember: Version: v1.0.0-rc.6.1
Ember: Version: v1.0.0-rc.6-62-g213039a

I think beside from forking the repo and checking out the tags you need and build it yourself, a place to go is: http://builds.emberjs.com/
But hurry, I'm not sure how long it will stay there.
IMHO you should make the effort an port everything ember to the new releases.
Hope it helps anyway.


Ember.js migration from 1.8.1 to version 2.+

We have a quite big application built on the version 1.8.1. We would like to migrate to version 2.0 or higher. We have a few guestions:
Does exist some step-by-step manual how to do it?
Can we use 2 different versions of ember in the same time? Because of continuous migration...
We would like to avoid overwriting of the whole application...
I would suggest you to update the ember. and keep deprecation warnings open. Then you can try investigating each warning one by one and update the code with the new syntax.
This guide can be very useful : Upgrade to ember 2.x step-by step
Since Ember uses global window scope, it will result in conflicts and its not advisable to use two versions of ember.
It's possible to load different Ember versions based on which route you are on, but I really don't recommend doing that, as you lose all the benefits of having a Single Page App (apps will load again when you transition between them), and you end up doing significantly more work for yourself, with more opportunities to screw up. I'd follow locks' advice and upgrade the app step by step, testing as you go.

What are the advantages of using chiliproject over redmine?

This question already exists, but it is over one year old now and a lot has probably happened if the documentation is a good judge. There is no documented path to migrate from current redmine (2.1) to chiliproject for example.
Chiliproject is a fork of redmine, but I am unable to decide wherever I should migrate or not. There is no clear path as to how I should do the migrations and how much functionality I might loose.
Is there a way to compare the differences between the two projects? Is it worth to spend the time investigating the migration path?
If you have migrated what is your experience?
I searched StackOverflow for the "redmine vs. chiliproject" question because I am having a lot of trouble with installing plugins of any kind on the newest chiliproject version.
Usually, it looks like everything is working fine until you try to update the settings for the plugin (for example, install the Contact Form plugin and try to change something on http://SERVER:3000/settings?tab=contact_form), the debug log shows that the changes were made in the database, but they changes are never loaded back to the plugin page.
I have not been ale to find any documentation on potential changes to the plugin architecture in ChiliProject that would cause this. The plugin page does not list many plugins that are known to work with ChiliProject 3 either.
TL;DR: If you think that you will have any desire to use any existing plugins to extend the functionality of the program you choose, go with Redmine.

Which is the besy way to update a Django project from 1.25 to 1.4

I don't know what I was thinking and I don't have any kind of tests on this project. I want to upgrade it to 1.4 to be able to add to it all kind of different tests and have a more rigid project. What tips or recommendations can you guys give me?
I would recommend you to read through the release notes for each release to try to identify any areas that have changed that might break your existing code. Find them here https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/
Since you don't have any tests for your project you just have to roll up your sleeves and run full site tests where you run your app and try to test as many features you can to see if it is working as epxected.
I have just done the 1.1.1 to 1.4 upgrade (but I had some tests to help me) and it was not that bad.
There are 2 aspects of the upgrade. One is just to get your app to run on the new version and one is to change/update your code to utilize the new features in the 1.4 release. I would recommend that you first get it to work properly, release it and then refactor your code as you go along to use any new feature.

How to write modular Ember.js apps

Is there any guidance on how to write modular Ember.js apps? I have seen Tom Dale's position on AMD here so I am not going to force fit AMD on to the framework (as some have attempted here). It appears that Ember internally uses bpm/spade. Is that a reasonable approach to modularize Ember apps too? Any samples using this approach?
P.S. The getbpm.org site seems to be down which makes it difficult to learn about it. There is a github page but it refers to the site for install instructions.
BPM in it's current form is no longer supported by the core team, but is community supported. The only build tools they are officially providing support for is rake-pipeline. However, BPM does still work and it works well (I still use it with my projects). For info on how to use it see this: https://github.com/ud3323/bpm/wiki/Using-BPM-with-Ember. You may want to use my fork of bpm too. I've merged in Joe West's support for a proxy middleware.
There is also community build tools for node.js called ember-runner which looks promising as well.
As for using rake-pipeline. Look at the AssetFile on the emberjs projects to see how must be configured using rake-pipeline and rake-pipeline-web-filters. Also, take a look at the answers to this question on StackOverflow (especially Yehuda's). You may also find this gist helpful as well.
Try Ember App Kit - maybe it would help you.
I have played a bit with Rails, so for me, creating a rails 3.2 app was the easiest way to achieve this. So if you don't mind using rails as a back-end, I this might suit you.
Perhaps ember-tools could help:
I am novice still I found yeoman and ember-generator useful. In future you might need to add tests , mock rest calls you can easily npm install sinonjs and npm install ic-ajax

EmberJS, EmberJS/Data and Sproutcore-Datastore

With the move from SproutCore 2.0 to EmberJS there was the namespace and Github repo migration. Core things seem to have moved to the http://github.com/emberjs organization Github account while there are some others that seem to have been moved to the "addons" account http://github.com/emberjs-addons.
I am currently investigating EmberJS for use with a RESTful server, serving up JSON.
My question is: Do I use the new http://github.com/emberjs/data code or the older http://github.com/emberjs-addons/sproutcore-datastore code? I would assume the former but I would just like to be sure as well as get some clarification on what is going on with the old SproutCore "addons".
The emberjs-addons are ports from the old sproutcore ecosystem. They are not modified and it looks like they are not receiving much attention from the emberjs core-team. They are concentrating on the new "emberjs-data". However, the old datastore is production proven and the modified version does work fine with the current emberjs relase (0.9.3).
In contrast, while the rewritten version looks really nice, it is explicitly stated in the projects readme that it is not considered "production ready", yet.
Which one should you choose? In my opinion that depends on your project. If you are looking for something stable or you want to put your app in production any time soon, I would give the "old" sproutcore datastore a go. On the other hand, if you are just starting with your project use the new and shiny "emberjs-data" but be warned that you might have to fight around some edges.
I have been using ember-models with my own REST adapter while I am waiting for the ember-models one to be completed. git://github.com/ebryn/ember-model.git