Wonder if you can help me
I’ve got a dataset where the value in a column is also the field name of a column. I want to be able to use the value of the column to call the applicable field in a formula.
For instance … I have columns…
A record would look like this …and what I want the calc field to do…
123456 2 2 1 1 100.00 V01 value of V01 * AMOUNT
456789 4 4 4 4 250.00 M08 value of M08 * AMOUNT
If the PLAN field for a record says V01, then the value of the V01 column must be used in the CALC field. If the PLAN field says, M08, then the M08 value should be used. There are about 40 plans.
A static example of how to use VVALUEX() function for that.
data result;
V01 = 2;
CALC = 'value of V01 * AMOUNT';
length arg1 arg2 $32;
arg1 = scan(compress(CALC, 'value of'), 1);
arg2 = scan(compress(CALC, 'value of'), 2);
put arg1 arg2;
result = input(VVALUEX(arg1), 16.) * input(VVALUEX(arg2), 16.);
For your situation, you'd have to create logic to recognize all know patters of CALC, types and formats of variables (since VVALUEX() returns formatted values).
A dynamic approach but probably not suitable for lots of data is to generate the code for each row (see below).
Currently assumes a simple expression usable in IF .. THEN.
data input;
length CALC $50;
input V01 M08 AMOUNT CALC 9-58;
2 1 100 value of V01 * AMOUNT
2 4 100 value of M08 * AMOUNT
/* code generation */
data _null_;
file 'mycalc.sas';
set input end=last;
length line $150;
if _N_=1 then do;
put 'data result;';
put ' set input;';
line = 'if _N_ = ' || put(_N_, 8. -L) ||
' then RESULT = ' || compress(CALC, 'value of') || ';';
put line;
if last then put 'run;';
%include 'mycalc.sas'; /* run the code */
Ok, now if see I didn't notice your note about PLAN field - please adjust as you need.
Vasja's approach is the correct one - here is that approach using the PLAN variable as you describe.
data have;
input MERCH_NO V01 M02 V08 M08 AMOUNT PLAN $;
calc = input(vvaluex(plan),best12.) * amount;
put calc=;
123456 2 2 1 1 100.00 V01
456789 4 4 4 4 250.00 M08
I have a column for dollar-amount that I need to break apart into $1000 segments - so $0-$999, $1,000-$1,999, etc.
I could use Case/When, but there are an awful lot of groups I would have to make.
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
You could just use arithmetic. For example you could convert them to upper limit of the $1,000 range.
up_to = 1000*ceil(dollar/1000);
Let's make up some example data:
data test;
do dollar=0 to 5000 by 500 ;
up_to = 1000*ceil(dollar/1000);
Obs dollar up_to
1 0 0
2 500 1000
3 1000 1000
4 1500 2000
5 2000 2000
6 2500 3000
7 3000 3000
8 3500 4000
9 4000 4000
10 4500 5000
11 5000 5000
Absolutely. This is a great use case for user-defined formats.
proc format;
value segment
0-<1000 = '0-1000'
1000-<2000 = '1000s'
2000-<3000 = '2000s'
If the number is too high to write out, do it with code!
data segments;
fmtname 'segment'
type 'n' /* numeric format */
eexcl 'Y' /* exclude the "end" match, so 0-1000 excluding 1000 itself */
do start = 0 to 1e6 by 1000;
end = start + 1000;
label = catx('- <',start,end); * what you want this to show up as;
proc format cntlin=segments;
Then you can use segment = put(dollaramt,segment.); to assign the value of segment, or just apply the format format dollaramt segment.; if you're just using it in PROC SUMMARY or somesuch.
And you can combine the two approaches above to generate a User Defined Format that will bin the amounts for you.
Create bins to set up a user defined format. One drawback of this method is that it requires you to know the range of data ahead of time.
Use a user defined function via PROC FCMP.
Use a manual calculation
I illustrate version of the solution for 1 & 3 below. #2 requires PROC FCMP but I think using it a plain data step can be simpler.
data thousands_format;
fmtname = 'thousands_fmt';
type = 'N';
do Start = 0 to 10000 by 1000;
END = Start + 1000 - 1;
label = catx(" - ", put(start, dollar12.0), put(end, dollar12.0));
proc format cntlin=thousands_format;
data demo;
do i=100 to 10000 by 50;
custom_format = put(i, thousands_fmt.);
manual_format = catx(" - ", put(floor(i/1000)*1000, dollar12.0), put((ceil(i/1000))*1000-1, dollar12.0));
In the Data Step of SAS, you get value of a Column by directly using its name, for example, like this,
name = col1;
But for some reason, I want to get value of a column where column is represented by a string. For example, like this,
name = get_value_of_column(cats("col", i))
Is this possible? And if so, how?
The DATA Step functions VVALUE and VVALUEX will return the formatted value of a variable.
VVALUE(<variable-name>) static, a step compilation time interaction
VVALUEX(<expression>) dynamic, a runtime expression resolving to a variable name
The actual value of the variable can be dynamically obtained via a _type_ array scan
Array Scan
data have;
input name $ x y z (s t u) ($) date: yymmdd10.;
format s t u $upcase. date yymmdd10.;
x 1 2 3 a b c 2020-10-01
y 2 3 4 b c d 2020-10-02
z 3 4 5 c d e 2020-10-03
s 4 5 6 hi ho silver 2020-10-04
t 5 6 7 aa bb cc 2020-10-05
u 6 7 8 -- ** !! 2020-10-06
date 7 8 9 ppp qqq rrr 2020-10-07
data want;
set have;
length u_vvalue name_vvaluex $20.;
u_vvalue = vvalue(u);
name_vvaluex = vvaluex(name);
array nums _numeric_;
array chars _character_;
/* NOTE:
* variable based arrays cause automatic variable _i_ to be in the PDV
* and _i_ will be automatically dropped from output data sets
do _i_ = 1 to dim(nums);
if upcase(name) = upcase(vname(nums(_i_))) then do;
name_numeric_raw = nums(_i_);
do _i_ = 1 to dim(chars);
if upcase(name) = upcase(vname(chars(_i_))) then do;
name_character_raw = chars(_i_);
If you perform an 'excessive' amount of dynamic value lookup in your DATA Step a transposition could possibly lead to simpler processing.
I am trying to develop a recursive program to in missing string values using flat probabilities (for instance if a variable had three possible values and one observation was missing, the missing observation would have a 33% of being replace with any value).
Note: The purpose of this post is not to discuss the merit of imputation techniques.
DATA have;
INPUT id gender $ b $ c $ x;
1 M Y . 5
2 F N . 4
3 N Tall 4
4 M Short 2
5 F Y Tall 1
/* Counts number of categories i.e. 2 */
proc sql;
SELECT COUNT(Unique(gender)) into :rescats
FROM have
WHERE Gender ~= " " ;
%let rescats = &rescats;
%put &rescats; /*internal check */
/* Collects response categories separated by commas i.e. F,M */
proc sql;
SELECT UNIQUE gender into :genders separated by ","
FROM have
WHERE Gender ~= " "
GROUP BY Gender;
%let genders = &genders;
%put &genders; /*internal check */
/* Counts entries to be evaluated. In this case observations 1 - 5 */
/* Note CustomerKey is an ID variable */
proc sql;
SELECT COUNT (UNIQUE(customerKey)) into :ID
FROM have
WHERE customerkey < 6;
%let ID = &ID;
%put &ID; /*internal check */
data want;
SET have;
DO i = 1 to &ID; /* Control works from 1 to 5 */
seed = 12345;
/* Sets u to rand value between 0.00 and 1.00 */
u = RanUni(seed);
/* Sets rand gender to either 1 and 2 */
RandGender = (ROUND(u*(&rescats - 1)) + 1)*1;
/* PROBLEM Should if gender is missing set string value of M or F */
IF gender = ' ' THEN gender = SCAN(&genders, RandGender, ',');
I the SCAN function does not create a F or M observation within gender. It also appears to create a new M and F variable. Additionally the DO Loop creates addition entry under within CustomerKey. Is there any way to get rid of these?
I would prefer to use loops and macros to solve this. I'm not yet proficient with arrays.
Here is my attempt at tidying this up a little:
/*Changed to delimited input so that values end up in the right columns*/
DATA have;
INPUT id gender $ b $ c $ x;
infile cards dlm=',';
1,M,Y, ,5
2,F,N, ,4
3, ,N,Tall,4
4,M, ,Short,2
/*Consolidated into 1 proc, addded noprint and removed unnecessary group by*/
proc sql noprint;
/* Counts number of categories i.e. 2 */
SELECT COUNT(unique(gender)) into :rescats
FROM have
WHERE not(missing(Gender));
/* Collects response categories separated by commas i.e. F,M */
SELECT unique gender into :genders separated by ","
FROM have
WHERE not(missing(Gender))
/*Removed redundant %let statements*/
%put rescats = &rescats; /*internal check */
%put genders = &genders; /*internal check */
/*Removed ID list code as it wasn't making any difference to the imputation in this example*/
data want;
SET have;
seed = 12345;
/* Sets u to rand value between 0.00 and 1.00 */
u = RanUni(seed);
/* Sets rand gender to either 1 or 2 */
RandGender = ROUND(u*(&rescats - 1)) + 1;
IF missing(gender) THEN gender = SCAN("&genders", RandGender, ','); /*Added quotes around &genders to prevent SAS interpreting M and F as variable names*/
/*Changed to delimited input so that values end up in the right columns*/
DATA have;
INPUT id gender $ b $ c $ x;
infile cards dlm=',';
1,M,Y, ,5
2,F,N, ,4
3, ,N,Tall,4
4,M, ,Short,2
Tip: You can use a dot (.) to mean a missing value for a character variable during INPUT.
Tip: DATALINES is the modern alternative to CARDS.
Tip: Data values don't have to line up, but it helps humans.
Thus this works as well:
/*Changed to delimited input so that values end up in the right columns*/
DATA have;
INPUT id gender $ b $ c $ x;
1 M Y . 5
2 F N . 4
3 . N Tall 4
4 M . Short 2
5 F Y Tall 1
Tip: Your technique requires two passes over the data.
One to determine the distinct values.
A second to apply your imputation.
Most approaches require two passes per variable processed. A hash approach can do only two passes but requires more memory.
There are many ways to deteremine distinct values: SORTING+FIRST., Proc FREQ, DATA Step HASH, SQL, and more.
Tip: Solutions that move data to code back to data are sometimes needed, but can be troublesome. Often the cleanest way is to let data remain data.
For example: INTO will be the wrong approach if the concatenated distinct values would require more than 64K
Tip: Data to Code is especially troublesome for continuous values and other values that are not represented exactly the same when they become code.
For example: high precision numeric values, strings with control-characters, strings with embedded quotes, etc...
This is one approach using SQL. As mentioned before, Proc SURVEYSELECT is far better for real applications.
Proc SQL;
Create table REPLACEMENTS as select distinct gender from have where gender is NOT NULL;
%let REPLACEMENT_COUNT = &SQLOBS; %* Tip: Take advantage of automatic macro variable SQLOBS;
rownum+1; * rownum needed for RANUNI matching;
Proc SQL;
* Perform replacement of missing values;
Update have
set gender =
select gender
where rownum = ceil(&REPLACEMENT_COUNT * ranuni(1234))
where gender is NULL
%let SYSLAST = have;
DM 'viewtable have' viewtable;
You don't have to be concerned about columns not having a missing value because no replacement would occur in those. For columns having a missing the list of candidate REPLACEMENTS excludes the missing and the REPLACEMENT_COUNT is correct for computing the uniform probability of replacement, 1/COUNT, coded as rownum = ceil (random)
Suppose the data set have contains various outliers which have been identified in an outliers data set. These outliers need to be replaced with missing values, as demonstrated below.
Obs group replicate height weight bp cholesterol
1 1 A 0.406 0.887 0.262 0.683
2 1 B 0.656 0.700 0.083 0.836
3 1 C 0.645 0.711 0.349 0.383
4 1 D 0.115 0.266 666.000 0.015
5 2 A 0.607 0.247 0.644 0.915
6 2 B 0.172 333.000 555.000 0.924
7 2 C 0.680 0.417 0.269 0.499
8 2 D 0.787 0.260 0.610 0.142
9 3 A 0.406 0.099 0.263 111.000
10 3 B 0.981 444.000 0.971 0.894
11 3 C 0.436 0.502 0.563 0.580
12 3 D 0.814 0.959 0.829 0.245
13 4 A 0.488 0.273 0.463 0.784
14 4 B 0.141 0.117 0.674 0.103
15 4 C 0.152 0.935 0.250 0.800
16 4 D 222.000 0.247 0.778 0.941
Obs group replicate height weight bp cholesterol
1 1 A 0.4056 0.8870 0.2615 0.6827
2 1 B 0.6556 0.6995 0.0829 0.8356
3 1 C 0.6445 0.7110 0.3492 0.3826
4 1 D 0.1146 0.2655 . 0.0152
5 2 A 0.6072 0.2474 0.6444 0.9154
6 2 B 0.1720 . . 0.9241
7 2 C 0.6800 0.4166 0.2686 0.4992
8 2 D 0.7874 0.2595 0.6099 0.1418
9 3 A 0.4057 0.0988 0.2632 .
10 3 B 0.9805 . 0.9712 0.8937
11 3 C 0.4358 0.5023 0.5626 0.5799
12 3 D 0.8138 0.9588 0.8293 0.2448
13 4 A 0.4881 0.2731 0.4633 0.7839
14 4 B 0.1413 0.1166 0.6743 0.1032
15 4 C 0.1522 0.9351 0.2504 0.8003
16 4 D . 0.2465 0.7782 0.9412
The "get it done" approach is to manually enter each variable/value combination in a conditional which replaces with missing when true.
data have;
input group replicate $ height weight bp cholesterol;
1 A 0.4056 0.8870 0.2615 0.6827
1 B 0.6556 0.6995 0.0829 0.8356
1 C 0.6445 0.7110 0.3492 0.3826
1 D 0.1146 0.2655 666 0.0152
2 A 0.6072 0.2474 0.6444 0.9154
2 B 0.1720 333 555 0.9241
2 C 0.6800 0.4166 0.2686 0.4992
2 D 0.7874 0.2595 0.6099 0.1418
3 A 0.4057 0.0988 0.2632 111
3 B 0.9805 444 0.9712 0.8937
3 C 0.4358 0.5023 0.5626 0.5799
3 D 0.8138 0.9588 0.8293 0.2448
4 A 0.4881 0.2731 0.4633 0.7839
4 B 0.1413 0.1166 0.6743 0.1032
4 C 0.1522 0.9351 0.2504 0.8003
4 D 222 0.2465 0.7782 0.9412
data outliers;
input parameter $ 11. group replicate $ measurement;
cholesterol 3 A 111
height 4 D 222
weight 2 B 333
weight 3 B 444
bp 2 B 555
bp 1 D 666
EDIT: Updated outliers so that parameter avoids truncation and changed measurement to be numeric type so as to match the corresponding height, weight, bp, cholesterol. This shouldn't change the responses.
data want;
set have;
if group = 3 and replicate = 'A' and cholesterol = 111 then cholesterol = .;
if group = 4 and replicate = 'D' and height = 222 then height = .;
if group = 2 and replicate = 'B' and weight = 333 then weight = .;
if group = 3 and replicate = 'B' and weight = 444 then weight = .;
if group = 2 and replicate = 'B' and bp = 555 then bp = .;
if group = 1 and replicate = 'D' and bp = 666 then bp = .;
This, however, doesn't utilize the outliers data set. How can the replacement process be made automatic?
I immediately think of the IN= operator, but that won't work. It's not the entire row which needs to be matched. Perhaps an SQL key matching approach would work? But to match the key, don't I need to use a where statement? I'd then effectively be writing everything out manually again. I could probably create macro variables which contain the various if or where statements, but that seems excessive.
I don't think generating statements is excessive in this case. The complexity arises here because your outlier dataset cannot be merged easily since the parameter values represent variable names in the have dataset. If it is possible to reorient the outliers dataset so you have a 1 to 1 merge, this logic would be simpler.
Let's assume you cannot. There are a few ways to use a variable in a dataset that corresponds to a variable in another.
You could use an array like array params{*} height -- cholesterol; and then use the vname function as you loop through the array to compare to the value in the parameter variable, but this gets complicated in your case because you have a one to many merge, so you would have to retain the replacements and only output the last record for each by group... so it gets complicated.
You could transpose the outliers data using proc transpose, but that will get lengthy because you will need a transpose for each parameter, and then you'd need to merge all the transposed datasets back to the have dataset. My main issue with this method is that code with a bunch of transposes like that gets unwieldy.
You create the macro variable logic you are thinking might be excessive. But compared to the other ways of getting the values of the parameter variable to match up with the variable names in the have dataset, I don't think something like this is excessive:
data _null_;
set outliers;
call symput("outlierstatement"||_n_,"if group = "||group||" and replicate = '"||replicate||"' and "||parameter||" = "||measurement||" then "|| parameter ||" = .;");
call symput("outliercount",_n_);
%macro makewant();
data want;
set have;
%do i = 1 %to &outliercount;
Transposition is the key to a fully automatic programmatic approach. The transposition that will occur is of the filter data, not the original data. The transposed filter data will have fewer rows than the original. As John indicated, transposition of the want data can create a very tall table and has to be transposed back after applying the filters.
As to the the filter data, the presence of a filter row for a specific group, replicate and parameter should be enough to mark a cell for filtering. This is on the presumption that you have a system for automatic outlier detection and the filter values will always be in concordance with the original values.
So, what has to be done to automate the filter application process without code generating a wall of test and assign statements ?
Transpose filter data into same form as want data, call it Filter^
Merge Want and Filter^ by record key (which is the by group of Group and Replicate)
Array process the data elements, looking for filtering conditions.
For your consideration, try the following SAS code. There is an erroneous filter record added to the mix.
data have;
input group replicate $ height weight bp cholesterol;
1 A 0.4056 0.8870 0.2615 0.6827
1 B 0.6556 0.6995 0.0829 0.8356
1 C 0.6445 0.7110 0.3492 0.3826
1 D 0.1146 0.2655 666 0.0152
2 A 0.6072 0.2474 0.6444 0.9154
2 B 0.1720 333 555 0.9241
2 C 0.6800 0.4166 0.2686 0.4992
2 D 0.7874 0.2595 0.6099 0.1418
3 A 0.4057 0.0988 0.2632 111
3 B 0.9805 444 0.9712 0.8937
3 C 0.4358 0.5023 0.5626 0.5799
3 D 0.8138 0.9588 0.8293 0.2448
4 A 0.4881 0.2731 0.4633 0.7839
4 B 0.1413 0.1166 0.6743 0.1032
4 C 0.1522 0.9351 0.2504 0.8003
4 D 222 0.2465 0.7782 0.9412
5 E 222 0.2465 0.7782 0.9412 /* test record for filter value misalignment test */
data outliers;
length parameter $32; %* <--- widened parameter so it can transposed into column via id;
input parameter $ group replicate $ measurement ; %* <--- changed measurement to numeric variable;
cholesterol 3 A 111
height 4 D 222
height 5 E 223 /* test record for filter value misalignment test */
weight 2 B 333
weight 3 B 444
bp 2 B 555
bp 1 D 666
data want;
set have;
if group = 3 and replicate = 'A' and cholesterol = 111 then cholesterol = .;
if group = 4 and replicate = 'D' and height = 222 then height = .;
if group = 2 and replicate = 'B' and weight = 333 then weight = .;
if group = 3 and replicate = 'B' and weight = 444 then weight = .;
if group = 2 and replicate = 'B' and bp = 555 then bp = .;
if group = 1 and replicate = 'D' and bp = 666 then bp = .;
/* Create a view with 1st row having all the filtered parameters
* This is necessary so that the first transposed filter row
* will have the parameters as columns in alphabetic order;
proc sql noprint;
create view outliers_transpose_ready as
select distinct parameter from outliers
select * from outliers
order by group, replicate, parameter
/* Generate a alphabetic ordered list of parameters for use
* as a variable (aka column) list in the filter application step */
select distinct parameter
into :parameters separated by ' '
from outliers
order by parameter
%put NOTE: &=parameters;
/* tranpose the filter data
* The ID statement pivots row data into column names.
* The prefix=_filter_ ensure the new column names
* will not collide with the original data, and can be
* the shortcut listed with _filter_: in an array statement.
proc transpose data=outliers_transpose_ready out=outliers_apply_ready prefix=_filter_;
by group replicate notsorted;
id parameter;
var measurement;
/* Robust production code should contain a bin for
* data that does not conform to the filter application conditions
want2(label="Outlier filtering applied" drop=_i_ _filter_:)
want2_warnings(label="Outlier filtering: misaligned values")
merge have outliers_apply_ready(keep=group replicate _filter_:);
by group replicate;
/* The arrays are for like named columns
* due to the alphabetic ordering enforced in data and codegen preparation
array value_filter_check _filter_:;
array value ¶meters;
if group ne .;
do _i_ = 1 to dim(value);
if value(_i_) EQ value_filter_check(_i_) then
value(_i_) = .;
if not missing(value_filter_check(_i_)) AND
value(_i_) NE value_filter_check(_i_)
then do;
put 'WARNING: Filtering expected but values do not match. ' group= replicate= value(_i_)= value_filter_check(_i_)=;
output want2_warnings;
output want2;
Confirm your want and automated want2 agree.
proc compare noprint data=want compare=want2 outnoequal out=diffs;
by group replicate;
Enjoy your SAS
You could use a hash table. Load a hash table with the outlier dataset, with parameter-group-replicate defined as the key. Then read in the data, and as you read each record, check each of the variables to see if that combination of parameter-group-replicate can be found in the hash table. I think below works (I'm no hash expert):
data want;
if 0 then set outliers (keep=parameter group replicate);
if _N_ = 1 then
declare hash h(dataset:'outliers') ;
h.defineKey('parameter', 'group', 'replicate') ;
h.defineDone() ;
set have ;
array vars {*} height weight bp cholesterol ;
do i=1 to dim(vars);
if h.check()=0 then call missing(vars{i});
drop i parameter;
I like #John's suggestion:
You could use an array like array params{*} height -- cholesterol; and
then use the vname function as you loop through the array to compare
to the value in the parameter variable, but this gets complicated in
your case because you have a one to many merge, so you would have to
retain the replacements and only output the last record for each by
group... so it gets complicated.
Generally in a one to many merge I would avoid recoding variables from the dataset that is unique, because variables are retained within BY groups. But in this case, it works out well.
proc sort data=outliers;
by group replicate;
data want (keep=group replicate height weight bp cholesterol);
merge have (in=a)
outliers (keep=group replicate parameter in=b)
by group replicate;
array vars {*} height weight bp cholesterol ;
do i=1 to dim(vars);
if vname(vars{i})=parameter then call missing(vars{i});
if last.replicate;
Thank you #John for providing a proof of concept. My implementation is a little different and I think worth making a separate entry for posterity. I went with a macro variable approach because I feel it is the most intuitive, being a simple text replacement. However, since a macro variable can contain only 65534 characters, it is conceivable that there could be sufficient outliers to exceed this limit. In such a case, any of the other solutions would make fine alternatives. Note that it is important that the put statement use something like best32. Too short a width will truncate the value.
If you desire to have a dataset containing the if statements (perhaps for verification), simply remove the into : statement and place a create table statements as line at the beginning of the PROC SQL step.
data have;
input group replicate $ height weight bp cholesterol;
1 A 0.4056 0.8870 0.2615 0.6827
1 B 0.6556 0.6995 0.0829 0.8356
1 C 0.6445 0.7110 0.3492 0.3826
1 D 0.1146 0.2655 666 0.0152
2 A 0.6072 0.2474 0.6444 0.9154
2 B 0.1720 333 555 0.9241
2 C 0.6800 0.4166 0.2686 0.4992
2 D 0.7874 0.2595 0.6099 0.1418
3 A 0.4057 0.0988 0.2632 111
3 B 0.9805 444 0.9712 0.8937
3 C 0.4358 0.5023 0.5626 0.5799
3 D 0.8138 0.9588 0.8293 0.2448
4 A 0.4881 0.2731 0.4633 0.7839
4 B 0.1413 0.1166 0.6743 0.1032
4 C 0.1522 0.9351 0.2504 0.8003
4 D 222 0.2465 0.7782 0.9412
data outliers;
input parameter $ 11. group replicate $ measurement;
cholesterol 3 A 111
height 4 D 222
weight 2 B 333
weight 3 B 444
bp 2 B 555
bp 1 D 666
proc sql noprint;
cat('if group = '
, strip(put(group, best32.))
, " and replicate = '"
, strip(replicate)
, "' and "
, strip(parameter)
, ' = '
, strip(put(measurement, best32.))
, ' then '
, strip(parameter)
, ' = . ;')
into : listIfs separated by ' '
from outliers
%put %quote(&listIfs);
data want;
set have;
how can i perform calculation for the last n observation in a data set
For example if I have 10 observations I would like to create a variable that would sum the last 5 values of another variable. Please do not suggest that I lag 5 times or use module ( N ). I need a bit more elegant solution than that.
with the code below alpha is the data set that i have and bravo is the one i need.
data alpha;
input lima ## ;
cards ;
3 1 4 21 3 3 2 4 2 5
run ;
data bravo;
input lima juliet;
3 .
1 .
4 .
21 .
3 32
3 32
2 33
4 33
2 14
5 16
thank you in advance!
You can do this in the data step or using PROC EXPAND from SAS/ETS if available.
For the data step the idea is that you start with a cumulative sum (summ), but keep track of the number of values that were added so far (ninsum). Once that reaches 5, you start outputting the cumulative sum to the target variable (juliet), and from the next step you start subtracting the lagged-5 value to only store the sum of the last five values.
data beta;
set alpha;
retain summ ninsum 0;
summ + lima;
ninsum + 1;
l5 = lag5(lima);
if ninsum = 6 then do;
summ = summ - l5;
ninsum = ninsum - 1;
if ninsum = 5 then do;
juliet = summ;
proc print data=beta;
However there is a procedure that can do all kind of cumulative, moving window, etc calculations: PROC EXPAND, in which this is really just one line. We just tell it to calculate the backward moving sum in a window of width 5 and set the first 4 observations to missing (by default it will expand your series by 0's on the left).
proc expand data=alpha out=gamma;
convert lima = juliet / transformout=(movsum 5 trimleft 4);
proc print data=gamma;
If you want to do more complicated calculations, you need to carry the previous values in retained variables. I thought you wanted to avoid that, but here it is:
data epsilon;
set alpha;
array lags {5};
retain lags1 - lags5;
/* do whatever calculation is needed */
juliet = 0;
do i=1 to 5;
juliet = juliet + lags{i};
/* shift over lagged values, and add self at the beginning */
do i=5 to 2 by -1;
lags{i} = lags{i-1};
lags{1} = lima;
drop i;
proc print data=epsilon;
I can offer rather ugly solution:
run data step and add increasing number to each group.
run sql step and add column of max(group).
run another data step and check if value from (2)-(1) is less than 5. If so, assign to _num_to_sum_ variable (for example) the value that you want to sum, otherwise leave it blank or assign 0.
and last do a sql step with sum(_num_to_sum_) and group results by grouping variable from (1).
EDIT: I have added a live example of the concept in a bit more compacted way.
input var1 $ var2;
aaa 3
aaa 5
aaa 7
aaa 1
aaa 11
aaa 8
aaa 6
bbb 3
bbb 2
bbb 4
bbb 6
data step1;
set sourcetable;
by var1;
retain obs 0;
if first.var1 then obs = 0;
else obs = obs+1;
if obs >=5 then to_sum = var2;
proc sql;
create table rezults as
select distinct var1, sum(to_sum) as needed_summs
from step1
group by var1;
In case anyone reads this :)
I solved it the way I needed it to be solved. Although now I am more curious which of the two(the retain and my solution) is more optimal in terms of computing/processing time.
Here is my solution:
data bravo(keep = var1 summ);
set alpha;
do i=_n_ to _n_-4 by -1;
set alpha(rename=var1=var2) point=i;