Why is Multiple Inheritance in Classes avoided? [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it because it is very confusing and sometimes fields get intermixed or some other reason? Its allowed is C++ but not in Java??
For Example:
herbivore and carnivore are derived from animal and omnivore is derived from both herbivore and carnivore. So won't some fields get mixed up.

It is not avoided at all in C++. std::iostream uses multiple inheritance and is part of the standard classes. It's pretty hard to write a non trivial program without using it (think about std::fstream or std::stringstream).

Why is Multiple Inheritance in Classes avoided? Is it because it is very confusing and sometimes fields get intermixed or some other reason?
Multiple inheritance is often avoided because it leads to several problems which can be difficult to fix for a novice programmer. Possible problems:
Diamond inheritance.
Carelessly Inheriting multiple interfaces (which weren't carefully designed) can pollute object's "public" or "protected" section with methods that aren't that useful for this particular object.
You have to be aware of construction/destruction order when object inherits several other objects, otherwise you might get crashes due to undefined behavior caused by things like double-delete. In other words, If object C inherits objects A and B, and ~A somehow uses something provided by object B, then ~A should be called before ~B. I.e. in this scenario class C: public B, public A{}: will work, but class C: public A, public B{}; will crash when destroyed. Bug like this can be hard to find.
but not in Java??
Ask java question for that.
Its allowed is C++
Multiple inheritance is available in C++ because it is useful.
Typical scenario - there are couple of abstract interfaces your class has to support. Let's say "IReader", "IWriter" and "IUglyObject". Which have no common ancestor.
To support several interfaces without multiple inheritance, you'll either have to make sure all your interfaces have common ancestor (which isn't always possible) or you'll have to define extra classes (derived from interfaces you want to support), write a lot of glue code that forward calls from your class to derived classes, which is too much typing. With multiple inheritance you can simply protected inherit all your interfaces and add few methods that return pointer to required interface.
class MyClass: protected ISomething, protected ISomethingElse{
ISomething* getSomethingInterface(){ return this;}
ISomethingElse* getSomethingEkseInterface(){ return this;}
herbivore and carnivore are derived from animal and omnivore is derived from both herbivore and carnivore. So won't some fields get mixed up.
There are many ways to design hierarchy of classes, and the method you used in this example is not perfect. I could, for example, abstract "eating behavior" class and store it in "animal". That would allow me to change animal behavior on the fly and temporarily turn rabbits carnivores. Or I could create virtual method that either returns list of food types the animal accepts (or tests if the food is acceptable by this animal), that would allow me to make an animel that wants to eat only fried eggs and nothing else. There are other ways.
Class hierarchy doesn't have to mimic real world, you know...
when I was still learning C++, MI would often blow my mind and result in bad things when experimenting.
If you're new, then avoid it for now. Multiple Inheritance is useful in the scenario I listed - class supporting multiple different interfaces without writing glue code. In all other cases it can be avoided and probably isn't necessary.
If language has a feature, it doesn't mean you have to use this feature.
If language has a feature with bad reputation, doesn't mean you should never use it.
Choose your tools based on situation.


Multiple Inheritence in c++ [duplicate]

Is it a good concept to use multiple inheritance or can I do other things instead?
Multiple inheritance (abbreviated as MI) smells, which means that usually, it was done for bad reasons, and it will blow back in the face of the maintainer.
Consider composition of features, instead of inheritance
Be wary of the Diamond of Dread
Consider inheritance of multiple interfaces instead of objects
Sometimes, Multiple Inheritance is the right thing. If it is, then use it.
Be prepared to defend your multiple-inherited architecture in code reviews
1. Perhaps composition?
This is true for inheritance, and so, it's even more true for multiple inheritance.
Does your object really need to inherit from another? A Car does not need to inherit from an Engine to work, nor from a Wheel. A Car has an Engine and four Wheel.
If you use multiple inheritance to resolve these problems instead of composition, then you've done something wrong.
2. The Diamond of Dread
Usually, you have a class A, then B and C both inherit from A. And (don't ask me why) someone then decides that D must inherit both from B and C.
I've encountered this kind of problem twice in eight years, and it is amusing to see because of:
How much of a mistake it was from the beginning (In both cases, D should not have inherited from both B and C), because this was bad architecture (in fact, C should not have existed at all...)
How much maintainers were paying for that, because in C++, the parent class A was present twice in its grandchild class D, and thus, updating one parent field A::field meant either updating it twice (through B::field and C::field), or having something go silently wrong and crash, later (new a pointer in B::field, and delete C::field...)
Using the keyword virtual in C++ to qualify the inheritance avoids the double layout described above if this is not what you want, but anyway, in my experience, you're probably doing something wrong...
In Object hierarchy, you should try to keep the hierarchy as a Tree (a node has ONE parent), not as a graph.
More about the Diamond (edit 2017-05-03)
The real problem with the Diamond of Dread in C++ (assuming the design is sound - have your code reviewed!), is that you need to make a choice:
Is it desirable for the class A to exist twice in your layout, and what does it mean? If yes, then by all means inherit from it twice.
if it should exist only once, then inherit from it virtually.
This choice is inherent to the problem, and in C++, unlike other languages, you can actually do it without dogma forcing your design at language level.
But like all powers, with that power comes responsibility: Have your design reviewed.
3. Interfaces
Multiple inheritance of zero or one concrete classes, and zero or more interfaces is usually Okay, because you won't encounter the Diamond of Dread described above. In fact, this is how things are done in Java.
Usually, what you mean when C inherits from A and B is that users can use C as if it was an A, and/or as if it was a B.
In C++, an interface is an abstract class which has:
all its method declared pure virtual (suffixed by = 0) (removed the 2017-05-03)
no member variables
The Multiple inheritance of zero to one real object, and zero or more interfaces is not considered "smelly" (at least, not as much).
More about the C++ Abstract Interface (edit 2017-05-03)
First, the NVI pattern can be used to produce an interface, because the real criteria is to have no state (i.e. no member variables, except this). Your abstract interface's point is to publish a contract ("you can call me this way, and this way"), nothing more, nothing less. The limitation of having only abstract virtual methods should be a design choice, not an obligation.
Second, in C++, it makes sense to inherit virtually from abstract interfaces, (even with the additional cost/indirection). If you don't, and the interface inheritance appears multiple times in your hierarchy, then you'll have ambiguities.
Third, object orientation is great, but it is not The Only Truth Out ThereTM in C++. Use the right tools, and always remember you have other paradigms in C++ offering different kinds of solutions.
4. Do you really need Multiple Inheritance?
Sometimes, yes.
Usually, your C class is inheriting from A and B, and A and B are two unrelated objects (i.e. not in the same hierarchy, nothing in common, different concepts, etc.).
For example, you could have a system of Nodes with X,Y,Z coordinates, able to do a lot of geometric calculations (perhaps a point, part of geometric objects) and each Node is an Automated Agent, able to communicate with other agents.
Perhaps you already have access to two libraries, each with its own namespace (another reason to use namespaces... But you use namespaces, don't you?), one being geo and the other being ai
So you have your own own::Node derive both from ai::Agent and geo::Point.
This is the moment when you should ask yourself if you should not use composition instead. If own::Node is really really both a ai::Agent and a geo::Point, then composition will not do.
Then you'll need multiple inheritance, having your own::Node communicate with other agents according to their position in a 3D space.
(You'll note that ai::Agent and geo::Point are completely, totally, fully UNRELATED... This drastically reduces the danger of multiple inheritance)
Other cases (edit 2017-05-03)
There are other cases:
using (hopefully private) inheritance as implementation detail
some C++ idioms like policies could use multiple inheritance (when each part needs to communicate with the others through this)
the virtual inheritance from std::exception (Is Virtual Inheritance necessary for Exceptions?)
Sometimes you can use composition, and sometimes MI is better. The point is: You have a choice. Do it responsibly (and have your code reviewed).
5. So, should I do Multiple Inheritance?
Most of the time, in my experience, no. MI is not the right tool, even if it seems to work, because it can be used by the lazy to pile features together without realizing the consequences (like making a Car both an Engine and a Wheel).
But sometimes, yes. And at that time, nothing will work better than MI.
But because MI is smelly, be prepared to defend your architecture in code reviews (and defending it is a good thing, because if you're not able to defend it, then you should not do it).
From an interview with Bjarne Stroustrup:
People quite correctly say that you don't need multiple inheritance, because anything you can do with multiple inheritance you can also do with single inheritance. You just use the delegation trick I mentioned. Furthermore, you don't need any inheritance at all, because anything you do with single inheritance you can also do without inheritance by forwarding through a class. Actually, you don't need any classes either, because you can do it all with pointers and data structures. But why would you want to do that? When is it convenient to use the language facilities? When would you prefer a workaround? I've seen cases where multiple inheritance is useful, and I've even seen cases where quite complicated multiple inheritance is useful. Generally, I prefer to use the facilities offered by the language to doing workarounds
There's no reason to avoid it and it can be very useful in situations. You need to be aware of the potential issues though.
The biggest one being the diamond of death:
class GrandParent;
class Parent1 : public GrandParent;
class Parent2 : public GrandParent;
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2;
You now have two "copies" of GrandParent within Child.
C++ has thought of this though and lets you do virtual inheritence to get around the issues.
class GrandParent;
class Parent1 : public virtual GrandParent;
class Parent2 : public virtual GrandParent;
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2;
Always review your design, ensure you are not using inheritance to save on data reuse. If you can represent the same thing with composition (and typically you can) this is a far better approach.
See w:Multiple Inheritance.
Multiple inheritance has received
criticism and as such, is not
implemented in many languages.
Criticisms includes:
Increased complexity
Semantic ambiguity often summarized as the diamond
Not being able to explicitly inherit multiple times from a single
Order of inheritance changing class semantics.
Multiple inheritance in languages with
C++/Java style constructors
exacerbates the inheritance problem of
constructors and constructor chaining,
thereby creating maintenance and
extensibility problems in these
languages. Objects in inheritance
relationships with greatly varying
construction methods are hard to
implement under the constructor
chaining paradigm.
Modern way of resolving this to use interface (pure abstract class) like COM and Java interface.
I can do other things in place of this?
Yes, you can. I am going to steal from GoF.
Program to an Interface, not an Implementation
Prefer composition over inheritance
Public inheritance is an IS-A relationship, and sometimes a class will be an type of several different classes, and sometimes it's important to reflect this.
"Mixins" are also sometimes useful. They are generally small classes, usually not inheriting from anything, providing useful functionality.
As long as the inheritance hierarchy is fairly shallow (as it should almost always be), and well managed, you're unlikely to get the dreaded diamond inheritance. The diamond isn't a problem with all languages that use multiple inheritance, but C++'s treatment of it is frequently awkward and sometimes puzzling.
While I've run into cases where multiple inheritance is very handy, they're actually fairly rare. This is likely because I prefer to use other design methods when I don't really need multiple inheritance. I do prefer to avoid confusing language constructs, and it's easy to construct inheritance cases where you have to read the manual really well to figure out what's going on.
You shouldn't "avoid" multiple inheritance but you should be aware of problems that can arise such as the 'diamond problem' ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_problem ) and treat the power given to you with care, as you should with all powers.
At the risk of getting a bit abstract, I find it illuminating to think about inheritance within the frame of category theory.
If we think of all our classes and arrows between them denoting inheritance relations, then something like this
A --> B
means that class B derives from class A. Note that, given
A --> B, B --> C
we say C derives from B which derives from A, so C is also said to derive from A, thus
A --> C
Furthermore, we say that for every class A that trivially A derives from A, thus our inheritance model fulfills the definition of a category. In more traditional language, we have a category Class with objects all classes and morphisms the inheritance relations.
That's a bit of setup, but with that let's take a look at our Diamond of Doom:
C --> D
^ ^
| |
A --> B
It's a shady looking diagram, but it'll do. So D inherits from all of A, B, and C. Furthermore, and getting closer to addressing OP's question, D also inherits from any superclass of A. We can draw a diagram
C --> D --> R
^ ^
| |
A --> B
Now, problems associated with the Diamond of Death here are when C and B share some property/method names and things get ambiguous; however, if we move any shared behavior into A then the ambiguity disappears.
Put in categorical terms, we want A, B and C to be such that if B and C inherit from Q then A can be rewritten as as subclass of Q. This makes A something called a pushout.
There is also a symmetric construction on D called a pullback. This is essentially the most general useful class you can construct which inherits from both B and C. That is, if you have any other class R multiply inheriting from B and C, then D is a class where R can be rewritten as as subclass of D.
Making sure your tips of the diamond are pullbacks and pushouts gives us a nice way to generically handle name-clashing or maintenance issues which might arise otherwise.
Note Paercebal's answer inspired this as his admonitions are implied by the above model given that we work in the full category Class of all possible classes.
I wanted to generalize his argument to something which shows how complicated multiple inheritance relationships can be both powerful and non-problematic.
TL;DR Think of the inheritance relationships in your program as forming a category. Then you can avoid Diamond of Doom problems by making multiply-inherited classes pushouts and symmetrically, making a common parent class which is a pullback.
We use Eiffel. We have excellent MI. No worries. No issues. Easily managed. There are times to NOT use MI. However, it useful more than people realize because they are: A) in a dangerous language that does not manage it well -OR- B) satisfied with how they've worked around MI for years and years -OR- C) other reasons (too numerous to list I am quite sure--see answers above).
For us, using Eiffel, MI is as natural as anything else and another fine tool in the toolbox. Frankly, we're quite unconcerned that no one else is using Eiffel. No worries. We are happy with what we have and invite you to have a look.
While you're looking: Take special note of Void-safety and the eradication of Null pointer dereferencing. While we're all dancing around MI, your pointers are getting lost! :-)
You should use it carefully, there are some cases, like the Diamond Problem, when things can go complicated.
(source: learncpp.com)
Every programming language has a slightly different treatment of object-oriented programming with pros and cons. C++'s version places the emphasis squarely on performance and has the accompanying downside that it is disturbingly easy to write invalid code - and this is true of multiple inheritance. As a consequence there is a tendency to steer programmers away from this feature.
Other people have addressed the question of what multiple inheritance isn't good for. But we have seen quite a few comments that more-or-less imply that the reason to avoid it is because it's not safe. Well, yes and no.
As is often true in C++, if you follow a basic guideline you can use it safely without having to "look over your shoulder" constantly. The key idea is that you distinguish a special kind of class definition called a "mix-in"; class is a mix-in if all its member functions are virtual (or pure virtual). Then you are allowed to inherit from a single main class and as many "mix-ins" as you like - but you should inherit mixins with the keyword "virtual". e.g.
class CounterMixin {
int count;
CounterMixin() : count( 0 ) {}
virtual ~CounterMixin() {}
virtual void increment() { count += 1; }
virtual int getCount() { return count; }
class Foo : public Bar, virtual public CounterMixin { ..... };
My suggestion is that if you intend to use a class as a mix-in class you also adopt a naming convention to make it easy for anyone reading the code to see what's happening & to verify you're playing by the rules of the basic guideline. And you'll find it works much better if your mix-ins have default constructors too, just because of the way virtual base classes work. And remember to make all the destructors virtual too.
Note that my use of the word "mix-in" here isn't the same as the parameterised template class (see this link for a good explanation) but I think it is a fair use of the terminology.
Now I don't want to give the impression that this is the only way to use multiple inheritance safely. It's just one way that is fairly easy to check.
Uses and Abuses of Inheritance.
The article does a great job of explaining inheritance, and it's dangers.
Beyond the diamond pattern, multiple inheritance tends to make the object model harder to understand, which in turn increases maintenance costs.
Composition is intrinsically easy to understand, comprehend, and explain. It can get tedious to write code for, but a good IDE (it's been a few years since I've worked with Visual Studio, but certainly the Java IDEs all have great composition shortcut automating tools) should get you over that hurdle.
Also, in terms of maintenance, the "diamond problem" comes up in non-literal inheritance instances as well. For instance, if you have A and B and your class C extends them both, and A has a 'makeJuice' method which makes orange juice and you extend that to make orange juice with a twist of lime: what happens when the designer for 'B' adds a 'makeJuice' method which generates and electrical current? 'A' and 'B' may be compatible "parents" right now, but that doesn't mean they will always be so!
Overall, the maxim of tending to avoid inheritance, and especially multiple inheritance, is sound. As all maxims, there are exceptions, but you need to make sure that there is a flashing green neon sign pointing at any exceptions you code (and train your brain so that any time you see such inheritance trees you draw in your own flashing green neon sign), and that you check to make sure it all makes sense every once in a while.
The key issue with MI of concrete objects is that rarely do you have an object that legitimately should "Be an A AND be a B", so it is rarely the correct solution on logical grounds. Far more often, you have an object C that obeys "C can act as an A or a B", which you can achieve via interface inheritance & composition. But make no mistake- inheritance of multiple interfaces is still MI, just a subset of it.
For C++ in particular, the key weakness of the feature isn't the actual EXISTENCE of Multiple Inheritance, but some constructs it allows that are almost always malformed. For example, inheriting multiple copies of the same object like:
class B : public A, public A {};
is malformed BY DEFINITION. Translated into English this is "B is an A and an A". So, even in human language there's a severe ambiguity. Did you mean "B has 2 As" or just "B is an A"?. Allowing such pathological code, and worse making it a usage example, did C++ no favors when it came to making a case for keeping the feature in successor languages.
You can use composition in preference to inheritance.
The general feeling is that composition is better, and it's very well discussed.
it takes 4/8 bytes per class involved.
(One this pointer per class).
This might never be a concern, but if one day you have a micro data structure which is instanced billions of time it will be.

Private inheritance and composition, which one is best and why? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 2 years ago.
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suppose i have a class engin and i inherit a class car from engin class
class engin
engin(int nobofcylinders);
void start();
class car:private engin
void start()
engin e;
now the same can be done by the composition, the question is which approch would be best and is mostly used in programming, and why???????
Composition is to be preferred for two main reasons:
the thing(s) being composed can have names
you can compose more than one thing of the same type
I prefer to think of inheritance as derived is a kind of base, that basically means public inheritance. In case of private inheritance it more like derived has a base, which IMHO doesn't sound right, because that's IMHO the work for composition not inheritance of any kind. So, since private inheritance and composition essentially mean same thing logically, which to choose? With the example you posted, I'd most certainly go for composition. Why? I tend to think of all kinds of inheritance as a kind of relationship, and with the example you posted, I can't think of a situation where I could say a car is kind of an engine, it simply isn't. It's indeed like a car has an engine, so why would a car inherit from an engine? I see no reason.
Now, indeed there are cases where it's good to have private inheritance, namely boost::noncopyable, with it's ctor/dtor being protected, you'd have hard time instantiating it, and indeed since we want our class to have a noncopyable part, that's the only way to go.
Some style guides (e.g. google c++ style guide) even recommend to never use private inheritance, for reasons similar to what I already written - private inheritance is just a bit confusing.
If you want to compare private inheritance with composition, read http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/private-inheritance.html#faq-24.3. I don't think private inheritance is good.
A Car has-an Engine, but a Car is-not-an Engine, so it should be better done with composition.
Inheritence is useful for "is-a" relationships, e.g. a Bus is-a Car, a Car is-a vehicle, etc.
Composition is useful for "has-a" relationships, e.g. a Car has Wheel-s, a Car has-an Engine, etc.
So a logical code should be like
class Car : public Vehicle {
Engine engine;
Wheel wheels[4];
Private inheritance, despite the name, isn’t really inheritance – at least not from the outside (of the class), where it matters.
For that reason, different rules apply. In C++, private inheritance is said to model an “is implemented in terms of” relationship. Thus, a priority queue which is implemented in terms of a heap, could look like this:
template <typename T, typename Comp = std::less<T> >
class priority_queue : private heap<T, Comp> {
// …
Personally, I don’t see the advantage of this pattern, and Neil has already stated that in most cases, composition actually has the advantage over private inheritance.
One advantage exists, though: since it’s such an established pattern, the meaning of a private inheritance is immediately clear to a seasoned C++ programmer; the above code would tell them that the priority queue is implemented in terms of a heap – which wouldn’t be obvious if the class just happened to use a heap as one of its members.
Private inheritance tends to get used in C++ primarily for policy classes. The classical example is allocators, which determine how a container class manages storage internally:
template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T> >
class vector : private A {
// …
No harm done. But once again, this could also have been done using composition.
Usually, composition is to be preferred (others gave the major reasons), but private inheritance allows things which can't be done by composition:
zero-size base class optimization (a base class of size zero will not increase the size of a class, a member of size zero will), that't the reason behind its use for policy classes which often have no data members
controlling initialization order so that what is composed is initialized before a public base
overriding a virtual member in what is composed
with private virtual inheritance, ensuring that there is only one composed thing even if one do it in several bases
Note that for the later two uses, the fact that the base class exist can be observed in a descendant.
Composition is used more than private inheritance. The general rule I follow and would recommend is that unless you have a specific reason to use private inheritance you should use composition.
Composition has many benefits over private inheritance:
You can have more than one instance of a particular class.
You don't pollute your class' namespace with a bunch of private functions that don't make sense for your class.
You can give names to the parts of your object
Your class is less coupled to the classes it's composed of than it is to a class it inherits from
If you discover you need to swap out an object that you've included by composition during the lifetime of your object, you can, with private inheritance you're stuck.
There are a lot of other benefits to composition. Basically, it's more flexible and cleaner.
There are reasons to use private inheritance though. They are very specific reasons, and if you think they apply, you should think carefully about your design to make sure you have to do it that way.
You can override virtual functions.
You can get access to protected members of the base class.
You need to pass yourself to something that wants an object of the class you're inheriting from (this usually goes hand-in-hand with overriding virtual functions).
And there are a few rather tricky ones as well:
If you use composition for a class that has 0 size, it still takes up space, but with private inheritance it doesn't.
You want to call a particular constructor for a virtual base class of the class you're going to privately inherit from.
If you want to initialize the private base before other base classes are initialized (with composition, all the variables in your class will be initialized after all your base classes are).
Using private virtual inheritance to make sure there's only one copy of a thing even when you have multiple base classes that have it. (In my opinion, this is better solved using pointers and normal composition.)
Private inheritance means
is-implemented-in-terms of. It's
usually inferior to composition, but
it makes sense when a derived class
needs access to protected base class
members or needs to redefine
inherited virtual functions.
Unlike composition, private
inheritance can enable the empty base
optimization. This can be important
for library developers who strive to
minimize object sizes.
Scott Meyers "Effective C++" Third Edition.
Base classes are evil.
In my mind, good OO design is about encapsulation and interfaces. The convenience of base classes are not worth the price you pay.
Here's a really good article about this:

Using non-abstract class as base

I need to finish others developer work but problem is that he started in different way...
So now I found in situation to use existing code where he chooses to inherit a non-abstract class (very big class, without any virtual functions) that already implements bunch of interfaces or to dismiss that code (which shouldn't be to much work) and to write another class that implements interfaces I need.
What are the pros and cons that would help me to choose the better approach.
p.s. please note that I don't have to much experience
Many Thanks
Although it is very tempting to say write it from scratch again, don't do it! The existing code may be ugly, but it looks like it does work. Since the class is big, I assume there is fair bit of history behind it as well. It might have solutions for some very obscure cases which you might not have imagined till now. What I suggest is, if possible first talk to the person who developed that class, understand how it works, then derive from it (after making its destructor virtual of course) and complete your work. Then as and when time permits slowly refactor the parts of the class into smaller more manageable classes. Also, don't forget to write a good unit-tester before you start so that you can validate the new behavior against the existing class's behavior. One more thing, there is nothing wrong in inheriting from a non-abstract base class as long as it makes sense and the base class destructor is virtual.
If the other developer has written a base-class with no virtual functions, then those functions do not need to be overridden, and it is correct to define them in a non-abstract base class.
If those functions define functionality that all the child-classes require then it would be a mistake to get rid of the base class, as you would then need to implement those functions individually in each of the child classes.
I've seen a lot of developers go 'interface-mad' in the last couple of years, but base classes still serve a function over interfaces - to provide a concrete implementation that is common to all child classes. It would be a mistake to get rid of the base class and have seperate implementations of these functions in each of the child classes.
HOWEVER, if the child classes are inheriting functionality that they do not require, or require a separate implementation of, then the Base class is a mistake and interfaces would seem like the better option to divide the functionality between the child classes.
Despite this, I would agree with Naveen that its probably not worth the extra work this will give you, it may seem simple, but if this is a big class with a lot of inheritors then it could turn out to be a nightmare. Quite often in Software Engineering you have to deal with another developer's code that you might have implemented differently. If you re-implemented it ever time you will be a very unproductive developer. I say work with what you've got and get the project finished on time.
Is there anything at all you want to use from the base class or would you end up overriding everything?
Does it define some sort of type that you want to use for an "is-a" relationship?
(for example, base class is "animal" and you want to make "cat", but if it doesn't add any behavior to its interface, that doesn't seem likely)
Is the base class used in other interfaces you need to use? (like if someone is passing objects through a reference/pointer to the base class)
If not, I'd say there's no advantage in inheriting from that class over implementing the interface(s) yourself.
What are the pros and cons that would help me to choose the better approach.
It's legal to derive from a class with no virtual functions, but that doesn't make it a good idea. When you derive from a class with virtual functions, you often use that class through pointers (eg., a class Derived that inherits from Base is often manipulated through Base*s). That doesn't work when you don't use virtual functions. Also, if you have a pointer to the base class, delete-ing it can lead to a memory leak.
However, it sounds more like these classes aren't being used through pointers-to-the-base. Instead the base class is simply used to get a lot of built in functionality, although the classes aren't related in the normal sense. Inversion of control (and has-a relationships) is a more common way to do that nowadays (split the functionality of the base class into a number of interfaces -- pure virtual base classes -- and then have the objects that currently derive from the base class instead have member variables of those interfaces).
At the very least, you'll want to split the big base class into well-defined smaller classes and use those (like mixins), which sounds like your second option.
However, that doesn't mean rewrite all the other code that uses the blob base class all in one go. That's a big undertaking and you're likely to make small typos and similar mistakes. Instead, buy yourself copies of Working Effectively With Legacy Code and Large-Scale C++ Software Design, and do the work piecemeal.
From you question it is not too clear what the problem is - looking at the title (Using non-abstract class as base) I can tell you that using an abstract class (non pure virtual - when you talk about interfaces in C++ I am assuming pure virtual abstract classes) as base makes sense only if there is common functionality you can share between subclasses - meaning that a number of classes extend the same abstract class inheriting the common implementation. If that's not the case (and you're pretty confident it's never gonna happen) then it doesn't make sense to use an abstract class.
If you can extract out some of the functionality in you big class in such a way that leads to (even potential) code reuse then it could make sense - otherwise I wouldn't see the point.

When might multiple inheritance be the only reasonable solution? [closed]

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To be clear, I'm not asking if/why multiple inheritance is good or bad. I've heard a lot of arguments from both sides of that debate.
I'm wondering if there is any kind of design problem or scenario in C++ in which multiple inheritance is either the only way to accomplish something, or at least is the most optimal way over all other alternatives to the point that it wouldn't make sense to consider anything else.
Obviously, this question doesn't apply to languages that don't support multiple inheritance.
You can't do policy-based design without multiple inheritance. So if policy-based design is the most elegant way to solve your problem, than that means you need multiple inheritance to solve your problem, over all other options.
Multiple-inheritance can be very useful if it's not misused (like everything, in any language).
There is a situation in which you would inherit from a class and maybe implement one or two interfaces in Java. This is something you would resolve with multiple inheritance in c++ I think.
C++ streams use multiple inheritance: istream and ostream are both parents of iostream. Since they both inherit from ios_base, you have a diamond.
It's the only "reasonable" solution in the sense that it would be unreasonable for the streams part of the standard libraries to take the same line as the algorithms and collections. So ostream behaves polymorphically rather than being a "duck-typed" interface like Iterator(*).
As soon as you have dynamic polymorphism, you need multiple inheritance to implement more than one interface at the same time.
(*) Presumably this is because anything else would be a shambles. You have to be able to write actual functions which manipulate streams, rather than forcing users to have templates everywhere. This is because it's common to write to "some stream, I don't know what until runtime", but not to want to manipulate "some collection, I don't know what until runtime".
Multiple inheritance is useful if you need to inherit behavior, not just contract. However, as other languages demonstrate, multiple inheritance is not the only way to solve that problem, at the expense of making your inheritance tree deeper. As such, scenarios where you must and may only use multiple inheritance would be pretty rare.
I'd read up on Java Interfaces, and so on, to get a better idea as to the answer to this question. The idea behind an Interface is to create an abstract class that acts as a template for another class. the advantage, here, is that the templates can be combined within a concrete class. For example-
Parent class- FoodStore
Subclass- CoffeeShop
Subclass- Bakery
With this inheritance tree, a FoodStore can be a Bakery or a CoffeeShop but not both. But then what would we call a Starbucks?
Better way, IMO-
Parent Class- FoodStore
Interface- CoffeeShop
Interface- Bakery
public class Starbucks extends FoodStore implements CoffeeShop, Bakery { ... }
You'll have to know a bit of Java to understand that, but have at it. Interfaces are fairly elementary, IMO.
As a further musing, perhaps Interfaces are designed to obey "Don't repeat yourself." Obvious, now that I mention it.
When you want to inherit functionality rather than role, case in point boost::noncopyable (other languages that support this (unlike Java and C#) call this a mixin).
As have been said on the other answers:
Using pure virtual base classes as "Interfaces", as in Java ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_(Java) ), this is a very common O.O. pattern in all O.O. languages, not only Java
To do police-based design
But also:
To compose a class with several mixins ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixin ); I consider this a very good use of multiple inheritance to achieve code reuse!
When you must combine two or more third-party class hierarchies, each of which requires that objects be derived from the hierarchy's own Base class, then lacking multiple inheritance will make your code complex and fiddly.
namespace Object_Database {
class Object {
virtual void store() ;
virtual void fetch() ;
namespace Reflectives {
class Object {
virtual std::vector<std::string> > membernames();
virtual std::vector<std::string> > methodnames();
The first hierarchy lets users create objects which can be serialized to and from an object database, and requires that all such objects be derived from class Object_Database::Object. The second hierarchy lets users create objects which can be queried at runtime for the names of their members, and requires that all such objects be derived from Reflectives::Object.
If you require objects that can do both, you just need to write:
class ReflectivePickle :
public Object_Database::Object,
public Reflectives::Object {
// ...
The other solutions are unreasonable.
I tend to use multiple inheritance in C++ when the base classes are "interface classes", i.e. base classes where all methods are pure virtual, none have implementations [remember you can still define an implementation, but you have to invoke it explicitly], and there are no data members. Very similar to "interfaces" in Java or (from what I hear) C#.
To use polymorphism in C++, you can't use composition, you have to use (public) inheritance.
So if class Bar inherits (publicly) from Printable and Serializable, I can treat the object like a printable object, a serializable object, or a Bar object (using pointers or references).
With composition, you can't do that.
If you want to see a beautiful implementation of Multiple Inheritance check out Eiffel. They solve the diamond problem through feature renaming, far simpler than scope resolution and it even supports direct repeated inheritance such that:
A inherit B, B, B
when the need arises to use this type of inheritance.
Their Kernel library is open source and multiple inheritance is used extensively if you would like to see examples.

Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++?

Is it a good concept to use multiple inheritance or can I do other things instead?
Multiple inheritance (abbreviated as MI) smells, which means that usually, it was done for bad reasons, and it will blow back in the face of the maintainer.
Consider composition of features, instead of inheritance
Be wary of the Diamond of Dread
Consider inheritance of multiple interfaces instead of objects
Sometimes, Multiple Inheritance is the right thing. If it is, then use it.
Be prepared to defend your multiple-inherited architecture in code reviews
1. Perhaps composition?
This is true for inheritance, and so, it's even more true for multiple inheritance.
Does your object really need to inherit from another? A Car does not need to inherit from an Engine to work, nor from a Wheel. A Car has an Engine and four Wheel.
If you use multiple inheritance to resolve these problems instead of composition, then you've done something wrong.
2. The Diamond of Dread
Usually, you have a class A, then B and C both inherit from A. And (don't ask me why) someone then decides that D must inherit both from B and C.
I've encountered this kind of problem twice in eight years, and it is amusing to see because of:
How much of a mistake it was from the beginning (In both cases, D should not have inherited from both B and C), because this was bad architecture (in fact, C should not have existed at all...)
How much maintainers were paying for that, because in C++, the parent class A was present twice in its grandchild class D, and thus, updating one parent field A::field meant either updating it twice (through B::field and C::field), or having something go silently wrong and crash, later (new a pointer in B::field, and delete C::field...)
Using the keyword virtual in C++ to qualify the inheritance avoids the double layout described above if this is not what you want, but anyway, in my experience, you're probably doing something wrong...
In Object hierarchy, you should try to keep the hierarchy as a Tree (a node has ONE parent), not as a graph.
More about the Diamond (edit 2017-05-03)
The real problem with the Diamond of Dread in C++ (assuming the design is sound - have your code reviewed!), is that you need to make a choice:
Is it desirable for the class A to exist twice in your layout, and what does it mean? If yes, then by all means inherit from it twice.
if it should exist only once, then inherit from it virtually.
This choice is inherent to the problem, and in C++, unlike other languages, you can actually do it without dogma forcing your design at language level.
But like all powers, with that power comes responsibility: Have your design reviewed.
3. Interfaces
Multiple inheritance of zero or one concrete classes, and zero or more interfaces is usually Okay, because you won't encounter the Diamond of Dread described above. In fact, this is how things are done in Java.
Usually, what you mean when C inherits from A and B is that users can use C as if it was an A, and/or as if it was a B.
In C++, an interface is an abstract class which has:
all its method declared pure virtual (suffixed by = 0) (removed the 2017-05-03)
no member variables
The Multiple inheritance of zero to one real object, and zero or more interfaces is not considered "smelly" (at least, not as much).
More about the C++ Abstract Interface (edit 2017-05-03)
First, the NVI pattern can be used to produce an interface, because the real criteria is to have no state (i.e. no member variables, except this). Your abstract interface's point is to publish a contract ("you can call me this way, and this way"), nothing more, nothing less. The limitation of having only abstract virtual methods should be a design choice, not an obligation.
Second, in C++, it makes sense to inherit virtually from abstract interfaces, (even with the additional cost/indirection). If you don't, and the interface inheritance appears multiple times in your hierarchy, then you'll have ambiguities.
Third, object orientation is great, but it is not The Only Truth Out ThereTM in C++. Use the right tools, and always remember you have other paradigms in C++ offering different kinds of solutions.
4. Do you really need Multiple Inheritance?
Sometimes, yes.
Usually, your C class is inheriting from A and B, and A and B are two unrelated objects (i.e. not in the same hierarchy, nothing in common, different concepts, etc.).
For example, you could have a system of Nodes with X,Y,Z coordinates, able to do a lot of geometric calculations (perhaps a point, part of geometric objects) and each Node is an Automated Agent, able to communicate with other agents.
Perhaps you already have access to two libraries, each with its own namespace (another reason to use namespaces... But you use namespaces, don't you?), one being geo and the other being ai
So you have your own own::Node derive both from ai::Agent and geo::Point.
This is the moment when you should ask yourself if you should not use composition instead. If own::Node is really really both a ai::Agent and a geo::Point, then composition will not do.
Then you'll need multiple inheritance, having your own::Node communicate with other agents according to their position in a 3D space.
(You'll note that ai::Agent and geo::Point are completely, totally, fully UNRELATED... This drastically reduces the danger of multiple inheritance)
Other cases (edit 2017-05-03)
There are other cases:
using (hopefully private) inheritance as implementation detail
some C++ idioms like policies could use multiple inheritance (when each part needs to communicate with the others through this)
the virtual inheritance from std::exception (Is Virtual Inheritance necessary for Exceptions?)
Sometimes you can use composition, and sometimes MI is better. The point is: You have a choice. Do it responsibly (and have your code reviewed).
5. So, should I do Multiple Inheritance?
Most of the time, in my experience, no. MI is not the right tool, even if it seems to work, because it can be used by the lazy to pile features together without realizing the consequences (like making a Car both an Engine and a Wheel).
But sometimes, yes. And at that time, nothing will work better than MI.
But because MI is smelly, be prepared to defend your architecture in code reviews (and defending it is a good thing, because if you're not able to defend it, then you should not do it).
From an interview with Bjarne Stroustrup:
People quite correctly say that you don't need multiple inheritance, because anything you can do with multiple inheritance you can also do with single inheritance. You just use the delegation trick I mentioned. Furthermore, you don't need any inheritance at all, because anything you do with single inheritance you can also do without inheritance by forwarding through a class. Actually, you don't need any classes either, because you can do it all with pointers and data structures. But why would you want to do that? When is it convenient to use the language facilities? When would you prefer a workaround? I've seen cases where multiple inheritance is useful, and I've even seen cases where quite complicated multiple inheritance is useful. Generally, I prefer to use the facilities offered by the language to doing workarounds
There's no reason to avoid it and it can be very useful in situations. You need to be aware of the potential issues though.
The biggest one being the diamond of death:
class GrandParent;
class Parent1 : public GrandParent;
class Parent2 : public GrandParent;
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2;
You now have two "copies" of GrandParent within Child.
C++ has thought of this though and lets you do virtual inheritence to get around the issues.
class GrandParent;
class Parent1 : public virtual GrandParent;
class Parent2 : public virtual GrandParent;
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2;
Always review your design, ensure you are not using inheritance to save on data reuse. If you can represent the same thing with composition (and typically you can) this is a far better approach.
See w:Multiple Inheritance.
Multiple inheritance has received
criticism and as such, is not
implemented in many languages.
Criticisms includes:
Increased complexity
Semantic ambiguity often summarized as the diamond
Not being able to explicitly inherit multiple times from a single
Order of inheritance changing class semantics.
Multiple inheritance in languages with
C++/Java style constructors
exacerbates the inheritance problem of
constructors and constructor chaining,
thereby creating maintenance and
extensibility problems in these
languages. Objects in inheritance
relationships with greatly varying
construction methods are hard to
implement under the constructor
chaining paradigm.
Modern way of resolving this to use interface (pure abstract class) like COM and Java interface.
I can do other things in place of this?
Yes, you can. I am going to steal from GoF.
Program to an Interface, not an Implementation
Prefer composition over inheritance
Public inheritance is an IS-A relationship, and sometimes a class will be an type of several different classes, and sometimes it's important to reflect this.
"Mixins" are also sometimes useful. They are generally small classes, usually not inheriting from anything, providing useful functionality.
As long as the inheritance hierarchy is fairly shallow (as it should almost always be), and well managed, you're unlikely to get the dreaded diamond inheritance. The diamond isn't a problem with all languages that use multiple inheritance, but C++'s treatment of it is frequently awkward and sometimes puzzling.
While I've run into cases where multiple inheritance is very handy, they're actually fairly rare. This is likely because I prefer to use other design methods when I don't really need multiple inheritance. I do prefer to avoid confusing language constructs, and it's easy to construct inheritance cases where you have to read the manual really well to figure out what's going on.
You shouldn't "avoid" multiple inheritance but you should be aware of problems that can arise such as the 'diamond problem' ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_problem ) and treat the power given to you with care, as you should with all powers.
At the risk of getting a bit abstract, I find it illuminating to think about inheritance within the frame of category theory.
If we think of all our classes and arrows between them denoting inheritance relations, then something like this
A --> B
means that class B derives from class A. Note that, given
A --> B, B --> C
we say C derives from B which derives from A, so C is also said to derive from A, thus
A --> C
Furthermore, we say that for every class A that trivially A derives from A, thus our inheritance model fulfills the definition of a category. In more traditional language, we have a category Class with objects all classes and morphisms the inheritance relations.
That's a bit of setup, but with that let's take a look at our Diamond of Doom:
C --> D
^ ^
| |
A --> B
It's a shady looking diagram, but it'll do. So D inherits from all of A, B, and C. Furthermore, and getting closer to addressing OP's question, D also inherits from any superclass of A. We can draw a diagram
C --> D --> R
^ ^
| |
A --> B
Now, problems associated with the Diamond of Death here are when C and B share some property/method names and things get ambiguous; however, if we move any shared behavior into A then the ambiguity disappears.
Put in categorical terms, we want A, B and C to be such that if B and C inherit from Q then A can be rewritten as as subclass of Q. This makes A something called a pushout.
There is also a symmetric construction on D called a pullback. This is essentially the most general useful class you can construct which inherits from both B and C. That is, if you have any other class R multiply inheriting from B and C, then D is a class where R can be rewritten as as subclass of D.
Making sure your tips of the diamond are pullbacks and pushouts gives us a nice way to generically handle name-clashing or maintenance issues which might arise otherwise.
Note Paercebal's answer inspired this as his admonitions are implied by the above model given that we work in the full category Class of all possible classes.
I wanted to generalize his argument to something which shows how complicated multiple inheritance relationships can be both powerful and non-problematic.
TL;DR Think of the inheritance relationships in your program as forming a category. Then you can avoid Diamond of Doom problems by making multiply-inherited classes pushouts and symmetrically, making a common parent class which is a pullback.
We use Eiffel. We have excellent MI. No worries. No issues. Easily managed. There are times to NOT use MI. However, it useful more than people realize because they are: A) in a dangerous language that does not manage it well -OR- B) satisfied with how they've worked around MI for years and years -OR- C) other reasons (too numerous to list I am quite sure--see answers above).
For us, using Eiffel, MI is as natural as anything else and another fine tool in the toolbox. Frankly, we're quite unconcerned that no one else is using Eiffel. No worries. We are happy with what we have and invite you to have a look.
While you're looking: Take special note of Void-safety and the eradication of Null pointer dereferencing. While we're all dancing around MI, your pointers are getting lost! :-)
You should use it carefully, there are some cases, like the Diamond Problem, when things can go complicated.
(source: learncpp.com)
Every programming language has a slightly different treatment of object-oriented programming with pros and cons. C++'s version places the emphasis squarely on performance and has the accompanying downside that it is disturbingly easy to write invalid code - and this is true of multiple inheritance. As a consequence there is a tendency to steer programmers away from this feature.
Other people have addressed the question of what multiple inheritance isn't good for. But we have seen quite a few comments that more-or-less imply that the reason to avoid it is because it's not safe. Well, yes and no.
As is often true in C++, if you follow a basic guideline you can use it safely without having to "look over your shoulder" constantly. The key idea is that you distinguish a special kind of class definition called a "mix-in"; class is a mix-in if all its member functions are virtual (or pure virtual). Then you are allowed to inherit from a single main class and as many "mix-ins" as you like - but you should inherit mixins with the keyword "virtual". e.g.
class CounterMixin {
int count;
CounterMixin() : count( 0 ) {}
virtual ~CounterMixin() {}
virtual void increment() { count += 1; }
virtual int getCount() { return count; }
class Foo : public Bar, virtual public CounterMixin { ..... };
My suggestion is that if you intend to use a class as a mix-in class you also adopt a naming convention to make it easy for anyone reading the code to see what's happening & to verify you're playing by the rules of the basic guideline. And you'll find it works much better if your mix-ins have default constructors too, just because of the way virtual base classes work. And remember to make all the destructors virtual too.
Note that my use of the word "mix-in" here isn't the same as the parameterised template class (see this link for a good explanation) but I think it is a fair use of the terminology.
Now I don't want to give the impression that this is the only way to use multiple inheritance safely. It's just one way that is fairly easy to check.
Uses and Abuses of Inheritance.
The article does a great job of explaining inheritance, and it's dangers.
Beyond the diamond pattern, multiple inheritance tends to make the object model harder to understand, which in turn increases maintenance costs.
Composition is intrinsically easy to understand, comprehend, and explain. It can get tedious to write code for, but a good IDE (it's been a few years since I've worked with Visual Studio, but certainly the Java IDEs all have great composition shortcut automating tools) should get you over that hurdle.
Also, in terms of maintenance, the "diamond problem" comes up in non-literal inheritance instances as well. For instance, if you have A and B and your class C extends them both, and A has a 'makeJuice' method which makes orange juice and you extend that to make orange juice with a twist of lime: what happens when the designer for 'B' adds a 'makeJuice' method which generates and electrical current? 'A' and 'B' may be compatible "parents" right now, but that doesn't mean they will always be so!
Overall, the maxim of tending to avoid inheritance, and especially multiple inheritance, is sound. As all maxims, there are exceptions, but you need to make sure that there is a flashing green neon sign pointing at any exceptions you code (and train your brain so that any time you see such inheritance trees you draw in your own flashing green neon sign), and that you check to make sure it all makes sense every once in a while.
The key issue with MI of concrete objects is that rarely do you have an object that legitimately should "Be an A AND be a B", so it is rarely the correct solution on logical grounds. Far more often, you have an object C that obeys "C can act as an A or a B", which you can achieve via interface inheritance & composition. But make no mistake- inheritance of multiple interfaces is still MI, just a subset of it.
For C++ in particular, the key weakness of the feature isn't the actual EXISTENCE of Multiple Inheritance, but some constructs it allows that are almost always malformed. For example, inheriting multiple copies of the same object like:
class B : public A, public A {};
is malformed BY DEFINITION. Translated into English this is "B is an A and an A". So, even in human language there's a severe ambiguity. Did you mean "B has 2 As" or just "B is an A"?. Allowing such pathological code, and worse making it a usage example, did C++ no favors when it came to making a case for keeping the feature in successor languages.
You can use composition in preference to inheritance.
The general feeling is that composition is better, and it's very well discussed.
it takes 4/8 bytes per class involved.
(One this pointer per class).
This might never be a concern, but if one day you have a micro data structure which is instanced billions of time it will be.