Consider the following leiningen project core.clj file
(ns records.core)
(defn hello [] "hello")
(defprotocol my-sequence
(add [seqq item]))
(defrecord my-vector [coll]
(add [_ item] (conj coll item)))
I can compile this and test it in the REPL as follows:
records.core> (hello)
records.core> (add (my-vector. []) 42)
But when I transcribe this into the leiningen unit-test file as follows:
(ns records.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[records.core :refer :all]))
(deftest a-test
(testing "adding to a my-vector"
(is (= (hello) "hello"))
#_(is (= [42] (add (my-vector. []) 42)))))
The first test succeeds, showing that symbol hello is correctly moved into the records.core-test namespace, but the test of my-vector throws a compiler error (remove the #_ on the second line above):
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Unable to resolve classname: my-vector, compiling:
This does not seem to be a duplicate of this SO question because I am using require and refer, as the answer to that question suggested.
EDIT: the following also do not help
(add (records.core/my-vector. []) 42)
(add (#'records.core/my-vector. []) 42)
(add (##'records.core/my-vector. []) 42)
Unless my defrecord skills become rusty, you should first require the namespace and then import the defrecord.
(:require records.core)
(:import [records.core my-vector])
When I start a repl with lein repl I can run the function greet and it works as expected.
(ns var-test.core
(declare ^:dynamic x)
(defn greet []
(binding [x "Hello World."]
(println (load-string "x"))))
(defn -main [& args]
But if run the code via lein run it fails with
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context.
What am I missing?
Is the var x dropped during compilation, despite being declared, since it is never used outside of the string?
#amalloy's comment helped me understand I need to bind *ns* in order load the string within the expected namespace, instead of a new, empty namespace.
This works as expected:
(ns var-test.core
(declare ^:dynamic x)
(defn greet []
(binding [x "Hello World."
*ns* (find-ns 'var-test.core)]
(println (load-string "x"))))
(defn -main [& args]
Wow, I've never seen that function before!
According to the docs, load-string is meant to read & load forms one-at-a-time from an input string. Observe this code, made from my favorite template project:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test)
(:require [tupelo.string :as str]))
(def y "wilma")
(throws? (eval (quote y)))
(throws? (load-string "y"))
So it appears that load-string starts with a new, empty environment, then reads and evaluates forms one at a time in that new env. Since your x is not in that new environment, it can't be found and you get an error.
Try it another way:
"(def ^:dynamic x)
(binding [x 'fred']
(println :bb (load-string 'x'))) " ))
;=> :bb fred
In this case, we give all the code as text to load-string. It reads and eval's first the def, then the binding & nested load-string forms. Everything works as expected since the working environment contains the Var for x.
Some more code illustrates this:
(spy :cc
"(def x 5)
x "))
with result
:cc => 5
So the eval produces the var x with value 5, then the reference to x causes the value 5 to be produced.
To my surprise, the partial load-string works in a fresh REPL:
demo.core=> (def x "fred")
demo.core=> (load-string "x")
So load-string must be coded to use any pre-existing
REPL environment as the base environment. When using lein run, there is no REPL environment available, so load-string starts with an empty environment.
I am trying to run the following program on my Mac:
(ns clojure.examples.hello
(require ‘’)
(defn Example []
(.exists (file "Example.txt")))
I do this wih the following command:
clojure Exists.clj
But this gives me the following error:
Syntax error (ClassNotFoundException) compiling at (Exists.clj:5:1).
How can I go about including the class?
Here is how you would normally write this in a source code file:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:require [ :as io]) ; proper form, but not used anywhere
(:import [ File]))
(println (spit "demo.txt" "stuff happens"))
(println (slurp "demo.txt"))
(println (.exists ( "./demo.txt"))) ; will work w/o `:import` above
(println (.exists (File. "./demo.txt"))) ; requires `:import` declaration above
with results:
(spit "demo.txt" "stuff happens") => nil
(slurp "demo.txt") => "stuff happens"
(.exists ( "./demo.txt")) => true
(.exists (File. "./demo.txt")) => true
Note that using the :require keyword in a ns form requires different syntax and quoting than using the (require ...) function call.
If you are typing these lines into a REPL, you may do something like:
demo.core=> (ns demo.core)
demo.core=> (require '[ :as io]) ; function-call version
demo.core=> (spit "demo.txt" "stuff happens")
demo.core=> (println (slurp "demo.txt"))
stuff happens
You may find this template project helpful in getting started. Also be sure to check out the list of documentation sources, esp. the Clojure CheatSheet!
I would like a macro this-ns such that it returns the namespace of the location where it is being called. For instance, if I have this code
(ns nstest.main
(:require [nstest.core :as nstest]))
(defn ns-str [x]
(-> x (.getName) name))
(defn -main [& args]
(println "The ns according to *ns*:" (ns-str *ns*))
(println "The actual ns:" (ns-str (nstest/this-ns))))
I would expect that calling lein run would produce this output:
The ns according to *ns*: user
The actual ns: nstest.main
What I came up with as implementation was the following code:
(ns nstest.core)
(defmacro this-ns []
(let [s (gensym)]
`(do (def ~s)
(-> (var ~s)
It does seem to work, but it feels very hacky. Notably, in the above example it will expand to def being invoked inside the -main function which does not feel very clean.
My question: Is there a better way to implement this-ns to obtain the namespace where this-ns is called?
here is one more variant:
(defmacro this-ns []
`(->> (fn []) str (re-find #"^.*?(?=\$|$)") symbol find-ns))
the thing is the anonymous function is compiled to a class named something like
playground.core$_main$fn__181#27a0a5a2, so it starts with the name of the actual namespace the function gets compiled in.
Can't say it looks any less hacky, then your variant, still it avoids the side effect, introduced by def in your case.
Interesting question. I would never have guessed that your code would output user for the first println statement.
The problem is that only the Clojure compiler knows the name of an NS, and that is only when a source file is being compiled. This information is lost before any functions in the NS are called at runtime. That is why we get user from the code: apparently lein calls demo.core/-main from the user ns.
The only way to save the NS information so it is accessible at runtime (vs compile time) is to force an addition to the NS under a known name, as you did with your def in the macro. This is similar to Sean's trick (from Carcingenicate's link):
(def ^:private my-ns *ns*) ; need to paste this into *each* ns
The only other approach I could think of was to somehow get the Java call stack, so we could find out who called our "get-ns" function. Of course, Java provides a simple way to examine the call stack:
(ns demo.core
(:use tupelo.core)
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn caller-ns-func []
(let [ex (RuntimeException. "dummy")
st (.getStackTrace ex)
class-names (mapv #(.getClassName %) st)
class-name-this (first class-names)
class-name-caller (first
(drop-while #(= class-name-this %)
; class-name-caller is like "tst.demo.core$funky"
[ns-name fn-name] (str/split class-name-caller #"\$")]
(vals->map ns-name fn-name)))
and usage:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[clojure.string :as str]
[demo.core :as core]))
(defn funky [& args]
(spyx (core/caller-ns-func)))
with result:
(core/caller-ns-func) => {:ns-name "tst.demo.core", :fn-name "funky"}
And we didn't even need a macro!
Where in the clojurescript library can I access a function to compile snippets of clojure into js?
I need this to run in the clojure (not clojurescript) repl:
(->js '(fn [x y] (+ x y)))
=> "function(x,y){return x+y}"
Snippet compilation from Clojure REPL
(require '[cljs.analyzer.api :refer [analyze empty-env]])
(require '[cljs.compiler.api :refer [emit]])
(let [ast (analyze (empty-env) '(defn plus [a b] (+ a b)))]
(emit ast))
;; result
" = (function cljs$user$plus(a,b){\nreturn (a + b);\n});\n"
Snippet compilation from ClojureScript REPL:
(require '[cljs.js :refer [empty-state compile-str]])
(compile-str (empty-state) "(defn add [x y] (+ x y))" #(println (:value %)))
;; Output (manually formatted for easier reading)
cljs.user.add = (function cljs$user$add(x,y){
return (x + y);
compile-str takes a callback as the last argument. It will be called with a map either with a key :value containing result JS as a string or :error with the compilation error.
In both cases org.clojure/tools.reader is needed on your classpath.
there is a lightweight alternative: which creates the right output asked by the question.
Examples can be seen here:
I have written a function which takes a directory as input and returns a list of files.
(ns musicdb.filesystem)
(import '( '( '(
(use '
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn getFiles
"get a list of all files"
(def directory ( searchPath))
(def files (file-seq directory))
(def fonly (filter (fn [x]
(. x isFile)) files))
(def names [])
(doseq [x fonly]
(conj names (. x toString)) ;doesn't seem to work
(println (. x toString))) ;but this DOES print the file path
The only thing that doesn't work here, is the conj call.
Here is my test
(ns musicdb.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[musicdb.core :refer :all]
[musicdb.filesystem :refer :all]))
(deftest test_0
(testing "getFiles returns valid result"
(is (> (count (getFiles "/home/ls/books/books")) 1))
(doseq [i (take 5 (getFiles "/home/ls/books/books"))] (searchBook i))))
This test fails and shows that the return value of getFiles is empty.
names is an immutable vector. (conj names (. x toString)) creates a new vector but doesn't do anything with it. There are other problems with your code:
you don't want to use doseq. It's for side effects, such as printing things out. If you're creating a collection you usually don't need to iterate in clojure, or if you do you can use an immutable accumulator, loop and recur.
You don't want to use nested defs. You're defining globals, and what you want are function locals. Use let instead.
The clojure naming style is to use dashes instead of camel case (minor, just a convention).
You don't seem to be using your importa in this code.
use in general is not a good idea, unless you restrict it to a few explicitly named functions with :only. This is to avoid confusion when looking at an unqualified name in your code, because you wouldn't know where it came from.
You want something like this:
(defn get-files [search-path]
(let [directory ( search-path)
files (file-seq directory)
fonly (filter #(.isFile %) files)]
(map #(.toString %) fonly)))