Opencart Colorbox AUTO height and width? - height

i tried everything, but i cant figure out how to do that, that when i press 'next' photo, and size of the hole popup changes with photo size. Like this : elastic transition example. I tried do maxWidth and maxHeight 100% and upload this new version of colorbox files to the server... style a little bit changes, but main thing, resposive auto width and height didnt. Maybe i did something wrong, but i almost finished my page and have one problem left.
I believe in Stackoverflow now :)

Firstly, make sure, that scalePhotos is not set to false. Secondly, maxWidth and maxHeight must be set with absolute values (pixels), not percentage. Percentage value is a way to get colorbox window with responsive dimensions. As I understand, you need "per contra" behavior, when colorbox's window does not change its size after new image is loaded from current set. So, you should use absolute values for maxWidth and maxHeight. For example:
scalePhotos: true, //'true' by default BTW
maxWidth: '600px',
maxHeight: '600px'


Having trouble understanding how HStack content works with fluid widths

I've been running into a pretty consistent problem with how views inside HStack work, with a simplified screenshot to exemplify the issue.
My expectation would be for the width of the green to basically be (expressed like an equation):
Section.width - Image.width
The section width is fluid, and the image width is explicit. Surely that means the green should be correctly calculated?
Any help with what seems to be a basic misunderstanding on my part would be hugely appreciated.
Actually you're right, but there are just default List/Form insets, which can be either changed or removed.
So all you need is
that gives on Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5
The height property in your frame for the image is messing with width dimensions. By setting the maxHeight to be infinity, the height property will expand the image to the max possible height, meaning the height of the section, even if it changes the width. You can think of it as, in a way, overriding the ability of the text to stretch its full width.
To fix this, consider changing the maxHeight property by adding a set height, or play around with different types of frames dimensions.
I know this doesn't talk about HStack's specifically, but feel free to check out this video to learn more about layout:
If you want to launch an app on the app store, you may want to consider learning Geometry Reader to have dynamic dimensions across different screen sizes. This is a tutorial from a really good website, hacking with swift:

foundation zurb change font-size and full width

I use foundation 4 with SASS. but I can't really find how to change default font-size.
For my language, default font-size is too big.
I have tried to change some part. as you may know, it's related full-width as well.
1st of all I have changed full width size : $row-width: em-calc(1200)
1000 to 1200. I need wider. is it correct way to change full-width?
I have tried to change font size.
$base-font-size: 100% !default;
$em-base: 16px !default;
When I change these. it's related full width.
Then How Can I change font-size and full-width? if you have sass, please let me know which file I need modified.
Not 100% clear what you are asking for in your question, but I hope I got it right - you want to know how to change the font without changing the grid size right?
Then the answer can be found in the documentation:
/* Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size. */
/* If you want your base font-size to be a different size and not have it effect grid size too, */
/* set the value of $em-base to $base-font-size ($em-base: $base-font-size;) */
$em-base: 16px !default;
So basically just set:
#import "foundation/variables";
$base-font-size: 4px;
$em-base: $base-font-size;
Change the em-base back to the default and you'll see that the grid also changes accordingly to $base-font-size. You are also doing the right thing by setting the row-width.
If you'r having trouble getting the SASS function em-calc() to work, make sure you call it after #import "foundation/variables"; I don't know why em-calc() is used in the documentation, maybe the sourcecode on git is outdated - but I had to use emCalc(#px) - ie: emCalc(2000px);
This is currently an issue, Github repo.
Until it is fixed in a new version, this changes the font-size without changing the grid.
$base-font-size: 120% !default; // pixels to percent
body { font-size: $base-font-size; } // set the body font size to $base-font-size variable

Setting 100% height on an absolutely positioned element when the content expands past the window size

So after reading Stack Overflow and the web, I've gathered that there are two main tricks to achieving 100% height:
Set height:100% on both the HTML and BODY
Set your element to have either:
height:100%, or
top:0, bottom:0, position:absolute
However, even with those tricks I'm having difficulty setting the height of an absolutely positioned DIV to a true 100%. I can get 100% of the viewport size, but if the user scrolls down at all it becomes apparent that the div doesn't truly have 100% height.
I've made a simple JS Fiddle of the situation here:
My question is: does anyone know any further tricks to get a true (ie. content-height, not viewport-height) 100% height absolutely positioned div?
Sorry, I missed the real question before and thought you wanted the window filled. If the issue is that the contents are longer than the window then what you need is to add position:relative to the body.
What is happening is that when you absolutely position something it positions (and sizes) relative to the nearest positioned element. If you don't tell it to position to the body then it will position to the window.
You can use jQuery to achieve this trick
var h = $(window).height();
I would use javascript to assign the height and width equal to document's height and window's width respectively; I've modified your jsfiddle to demonstrate it here:

Show more than 1 panel for Coda Slider 2.0

Is there a way to show more than 1 panel at a time with the coda slider? I want to keep its original scrolling logic the same. The only difference, to show more than one panel at a time. Such as 2 or 3 or 4 panels in view.
How would we go about doing that?
Here is a sample that heads in the direction of a working example of what you'd like. I'll explain why it seems to be more trouble than it's worth (Assuming you want flexible content in both panels) and tell you how I did it.
Here is the jsFiddle.
So, the initial issue is that the current slide is taken into account for height. Well, what if the next slide contains more content and requires a higher slider height? I suppose you'd need to compare the height of both for each height calculation. That's not so difficult, but it may lead you to more trouble if you had to fight with Niall's code.
The second issue is that you have to set a static width for two elements, which is normal in most cases for this slider, but potentially a drag depending on what your content is.
.coda-slider-wrapper.arrows .coda-slider, .coda-slider-wrapper.arrows .coda-slider .panel { width: 230px }
.coda-slider { float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 460px !important }
You should be able to locate these selectors using find in your editor. The !important is a drag, but required if you don't want to rework much code. Basically, you want to set .coda-slider .panel to the width you want each panel, then double the width of .coda-slider.
Let me know if I've missed anything here or failed to explain something properly. I'd be happy to go over this more! I've worked with this slider a lot due to inheriting a project at work that made extremely heavy use of it. I've since moved on to something custom.

Popover resizing erraticly

I have a UITabBarController inside a UIPopoverController, which I am displaying solely from one UIBarButtonItem. When shown I want the popover to take up the maximum vertical height allowed. It works fine if I tap to display it, then dismiss, and then rotate. However if I have the popover displayed in landscape, and then rotate to portrait, it no longer will fill the entire vertical distance. I have the tab bar controller's content size property set to 320 by 1000, and I have even tried resetting this every time the device rotates. Worse yet, when the user activates the search bar the popover shrinks up extremely small, and stays that way until the app is restarted. to
How can I stop this, and have the popover always fill up the max vertical size?
I was just having the same problem and found out that it only happens when I present the UIPopoverController using the method:
- (void)presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)item permittedArrowDirections:(UIPopoverArrowDirection)arrowDirections animated:(BOOL)animated
but it works fine when I use:
- (void)presentPopoverFromRect:(CGRect)rect inView:(UIView *)view permittedArrowDirections:(UIPopoverArrowDirection)arrowDirections animated:(BOOL)animated
Unfortunately UIBarButtonItem does not have a frame Rect you can use with this last method so my fix was to use the UIToolbar's frame and modify frame.origin.x and frame.size.width accordingly to make the popover appear on the right place next to the UIBarButtonItem.
Hopefully Apple will fix this in next releases of iOS.