NavigationPane pop from C++ BB10 - c++

I'm right now creating my app only in C++, i creating the NavigationPane and adding the container with the Views i need. It works fine, but i want to capture a Button clicked to make the NavigationPane pop the current page and push a diferent (made in runtime) Page.
How can it be achieved, i tried working with the signals, but i think i'm not getting how it works the signals and the QT_SLOTS, in the case of the NavigationPane, it doesn't have those methods as QT_SLOT.
Any advice will be appreciated.

You first need to connect the clicked() signal of your Button to the pop() slot of your NavigationPane. It should look like this:
// Connect the button's clicked() signal to the navigation pane's
// pop() slot.
bool connectResult = QObject::connect(myButton,
// Use the Q_ASSERT() function to test the return value and
// generate a warning message if the signal slot connection
// wasn’t successful.
// Indicate that the variable connectResult isn't used in the
// rest of the app to prevent a compiler warning.
This page about buttons might help you understand how to handle this. To better understand how to connect objects together, you might also want to have a look at a the signals and slots documentation.
You then have to create and push your new page after the pop. To do that, you simply have to connect the popTransitionEnded (bb::cascades::Page *page) slot of your NavigationPane to your custom function that will do the job.
bool connectResult = QObject::connect(myPane,
See this page for more details about the usage of NavigationPane to stack pages.

---------------------TRY THIS-------------
Get sample app from my github samples for your query....
main.qml: (first page)
import bb.cascades 1.0
NavigationPane {
id: navigationPane
backButtonsVisible: false
peekEnabled: false
id: rootPage
Container {
background: Color.LightGray
layout: DockLayout {
Label {
text: "First page"
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
actions: [
ActionItem {
title: "Next page"
ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
onTriggered: {
var page = pageDefinition.createObject();
attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
id: pageDefinition
source: "PageTwo.qml"
onPopTransitionEnded: {
2.second page
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
id: pageTwo
Container {
background: Color.Gray
layout: DockLayout {
Label {
text: "Second page"
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
Container {
layout: StackLayout {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
Button {
text: qsTr("Next Page")
imageSource: "asset:///images/picture1thumb.png"
onClicked: {
// show detail page when the button is clicked
var page = getSecondPage();
console.debug("pushing detail " + page)
property Page secondPage
function getSecondPage() {
if (! secondPage) {
secondPage = secondPageDefinition.createObject();
return secondPage;
attachedObjects: [
ComponentDefinition {
id: secondPageDefinition
source: "PageTwoOne.qml"
Button {
text: "Previous Page"
onClicked: {
/* ------------- Use this Code If back button visibility is "True"-----------------
paneProperties: NavigationPaneProperties {
backButton: ActionItem {
title: "Back"
// imageSource: "asset:///back.png"
onTriggered: {
} */
3.last page
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
id: pageTwoone
Container {
background: Color.DarkGray
layout: DockLayout {}
Label {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
text: "Last Page"
Container {
layout: StackLayout {}
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
text: qsTr("Goto Home Page")
onClicked: {
// show detail page when the button is clicked
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
text: qsTr("Goto Back")
onClicked: {
// show detail page when the button is clicked
------------ ADD More pages to navigate using this code----------------------------
-------------copy this code and run.. get sample app from above link if needed ------

Have you checked this?
NavigationPane* navigationPane; // Global var to change current Page with push/pop
void initializeNavigationPane()
ActionItem* nextAction = ActionItem::create()
.title("Next page")
.onTriggered(this, SLOT(pushPage()));
navigationPane = NavigationPane::create();
QObject::connect(navigationPane, SIGNAL(popTransitionEnded(bb::cascades::Page*)),
this, SLOT(popFinished(bb::cascades::Page*)));
// Put a new page
.content(Label::create("First page"))
.addAction(nextAction, ActionBarPlacement::OnBar));
void popFinished(bb::cascades::Page* page){
delete page;
//You have to connect this method when you want a new Page pushed.
Q_SLOT void pushPage(){
ActionItem* backAction = ActionItem::create()
.title("Previous page")
.onTriggered(navigationPane, SLOT(pop()));
.content(Label::create("Second page"))
An instance of the object NavigationPane allows change the current page to others with the push/pop effect (see image):
You have to inicialice with:
navigationPane = NavigationPane::create();
And tell to the Application you will use this instance to change page:
Now you app got a NavigationPane, but nothing is inside, if you run it, you will get a black screen, to add a page (the principal page - page0) use push:
.content(Label::create("First page")));
To add a new Page that It can go back to the page0 we just push use Push again, Remeber include the back button to go back:
.content(Label::create("Second page"))
.title("Previous page")
.imageSource(QUrl("asset:///back.png")) //You should add manually this image.
.onTriggered(navigationPane, SLOT(pop()))));
Q_INVOKABLE void insert (intindex, bb::cascades::Page *page )
Inserts a page at a specified index in the NavigationPane.
The page that is passed must not be 0 or it will be ignored. If the
page is already present in the navigation stack, the operation will
fail. This operation will not trigger a transition effect, even if the
page is added to the top of the stack. If a transition effect is
desired, use push() instead. The topChanged() signal will be emitted
if the operation affects the top node.
1- index
The index where the page will be placed. If the index < 0 the the page is inserted in the bottom. If the index > the number of pages in the navigation stack, it is added on top of the stack.
2- page
The page to be inserted, must not be 0.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
An idea is
You could use:
navigationPane.count() To get the current pages in the nagationPane stack, and use:
navigationPane.insert(navigationPane.count()-1, myPageToBeBack); To push a page between the current page and
the previous one


Return from child qml to main one

I have several QML files, main one is the one that opens the ApplicationWindow when ever I try to get back from child QML to main, new window is opened again!
how can I prevent of doing this?
I thought that enabling a flag in child QML, but there may be other ways!
I tried stackview in QML
Is there any way to prevent from opening new page when I get back to main QML?
create a loader in main window and call every page into that loader when ever you need to change page just change loader's source
Window {
anchors.fill: parent
source: "LoginPage.qml"
target: myLoader.item
loginid = ""
myLoader.source = "LoginPage.qml"
myLoader.source = "Setting.qml"
and for child qml files : (for me Setting.qml)
Item {
signal back_clicked()
Button {
id: button1
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
onClicked: {
but if you want to not destroy old page use SwipeView Or StackView:
SwipeView {
id: swipeView
clip: true
currentIndex: 0
//your page
//your page
and to change pages just change currentIndex
swipeView.currentIndex = 1
StackView {
id: stackView
initialItem: one
Component {
id: one
Item{//your first page }
Component {
id: two
Item{//your second page }
and to push your pages :
stackView.push({ item: two})
to get back to old or main page just pop it :

QML TreeView display nodes by levels or custom delegate

I have a tree model derived from a QAbstractItemModel. And I can display the data in a tree like way.
What I want is to display teh data by the layers. To display only one level of a layer at a time AND put each layer on a stack and navigate backwards by poping the layer from the stack.
I guess I have to implement a custom delegate? Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
I recently implemented something similar, based on a QFileSystemModel, set as a qml contextProperty, named treeModel in the example below.
The idea was to keep track of the current QModelIndex, and to use the data() & rowCount() functions of the QAbstractItemModel to get the actual model data, and to use a recursive stack view for the navigation
General layout
ApplicationWindow {
id: main
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
anchors.fill: parent
// Breadcrumb
// View
id: stackView
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
initialItem: TreeSlide {}
The view itself is pretty simple. I didn't used anything fancy here, and it displays only one role, but you could extend it without trouble. Note that the view's model is NOT your treeModel, but instead just the rowCount for the rootIndex.
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: treeModel.rowCount(rootIndex)
clip: true
snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
property var rootIndex
// I used a QFileSytemModel in my example, so I had to manually
// fetch data when the rootIndex changed. You may not need this though.
onRootIndexChanged: {
Connections {
target: treeModel
onRowsInserted: {
delegate: ItemDelegate {
property var modelIndex: treeModel.index(index,0, rootIndex)
property bool hasChildren: treeModel.hasChildren(modelIndex)
width: parent.width
onClicked: {
// Recursively add another TreeSlide, with a new rootIndex
stackView.push("TreeSlide.qml", {rootIndex: modelIndex})
To navigate the model, instead of a simple back button, I used a kind of dynamic breadcrumb
// Breadcrumb
id: repeat
model: {
var res = []
var temp = stackView.currentItem.rootIndex
while( != undefined)
temp = temp.parent
return res
text : modelData
onClicked: {
goUp(repeat.count - index-1)
the goUp function simply goes up the stack by poping items
function goUp(n)
for(var i=0; i<n; i++)
To to do it completely by guides we should use DelegateModel and DelegateModel.rootIndex
DelegateModel {
id: delegateSupportPropConfigModel
model: supportModel
delegate: SupportPropConfigListItem {
id: currentItem
width: scrollRect2.width - 60
fieldName: model.fieldName
fieldValue: model.value
delegateSupportPropConfigModel.rootIndex = supportPropConfigModel.index(0, 0, supportPropConfigModel)
Column {
id: columnSettings
spacing: 2
Repeater {
model: delegateSupportPropConfigModel

How to switch Qt5 Controls QML styles in realtime

So my objective is to set up themes for an application that I have made. I would like to be able to check a menu option that will change the theme of the application as soon as I press it; and change the theme back to the native one on pressing the button. I understand how to style the Qt Quick Controls but I am having trouble with the loading and unloading of these themes. Currently my application comes with the native-like theme that Qt Controls comes with. I am able to load custom styles but I am unable to swap them the custom styles and the native theme. How would I go about creating this feature?
For example I am trying to swap the theme of a TableView. I first tried setting a property of TableViewStyle to be styleData.value This produced the desired effect of keeping the native-like theme, but now how would I go about assigning the Rectangle QmlObject to a property value? The interpreter complains about how I cannot assign a Object to a property.
TableViewStyle {
property string color: styleData.value
headerDelete: color // This does not work. Because
// styleData.value in undefined
//property string color: rect // Currently doing this does not
//Rectangle {id: rect; color: "red"} // have any effect on the value of
//headerDelegate: color // the headerDelegate. Putting the
// Rectangle in a Component produces
// The same value too.
I did not find a way to go back to the default style without having to load the element first with the default style and save it but this works for a Button switching between two custom styles and the default ButtonStyle
// Property used to save the default ButtonStyle
property var defaultStyle: undefined
// Property used to know the current style
property string currentStyle: "blue"
Button {
id: myBtn
text: qsTr("Hello World")
anchors.centerIn: parent
onClicked: {
if(currentStyle == "blue") {
style = myButtonStyleRed;
currentStyle = "red";
} else if(currentStyle == "red") {
style = defaultStyle;
currentStyle = "default";
} else {
style = myButtonStyleBlue;
currentStyle = "blue";
// Save the default Button style on load before switching to the blue one
Component.onCompleted: {
defaultStyle =; = myButtonStyleBlue;
Component {
id: myButtonStyleBlue
ButtonStyle {
label: Text {
color: "blue"
text: control.text
Component {
id: myButtonStyleRed
ButtonStyle {
label: Text {
color: "red"
text: control.text

Implementing the back button on bb10

I have one navigation pane and I disabled the back button in the main.qml, however I want to display the back button again to some part of the app. How do i implement this? here's my cpp
pane = qml->createRootObject<NavigationPane>();
// Set created root object as the application scene
qml->setContextProperty("cppObj", this);
void ApplicationUI::onLoginClicked() {
// create scene document from buttonclicked.qml asset
// set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///projects.qml").parent(this);
qml->setContextProperty("cppObj", this);
Page* root = qml->createRootObject<Page>();
void ApplicationUI::onAddClicked() {
// create scene document from buttonclicked.qml asset
// set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///addprojects.qml").parent(this);
Page* root = qml->createRootObject<Page>();
and here's my main where I disabled the back button
NavigationPane {
backButtonsVisible: false }
How do i make the back button active to some section of the app?
Let's say you have the following code:
import bb.cascades 1.0
NavigationPane {
id: navPane
Page {
Container {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
layout: DockLayout {
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
text: "Next Page"
onClicked: {
var nextPage = page.createObject();
attachedObjects: [
ComponentDefinition {
id: page
source: "NextPage.qml"
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
// disables backButton (not peeking)
paneProperties: NavigationPaneProperties {
backButton: ActionItem {
enabled: false
// [0]
Container {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
layout: DockLayout {
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
text: "Prev page"
onClicked: {
var page = navPane.pop();
if (page)
} // [0]
// hides navigation bar
onCreationCompleted: {
navPane.backButtonsVisible = false;
Then you can completely disable backButton with this code in NextPage.qml
onCreationCompleted: {
navPane.backButtonsVisible = false;
Alternatively, if you want to have navigation pane visible but just Back Button disabled, use following in the same NextPage.qml file:
paneProperties: NavigationPaneProperties {
backButton: ActionItem {
enabled: false
Also, don't forget about peekEnabled property. Using peek BB10 feature user can move between sibling pages using sliding finger movement not touching any buttons on the screen.
It could be done in similar way:
onCreationCompleted: {
navPane.peekEnabled = false;
Hope it helps.

Close Sheet with signal from C++ in Blackberry Cascades

I have a UI for some decryption software that gets invoked from the mail client on an encrypted attachment.
My decryption object emits a signal on successful completion of the decryption :
emit decryptedChanged();
which I pass through my controller object (attached as _encryptedattachmentencryptedattachment to the QML UI:
connect(m_decryptor, SIGNAL(decryptedChanged()), this, SIGNAL(decryptedChanged()));
I have a Sheet which is shown on invocation on an encrypted file: when the UI is initialised:
onCreationCompleted: {;
(at the end of my TabbedPane, before the attachedObjects where the Sheet is.)
I am trying to get the Sheet to close based on the signal.
Sheet {
id: splashscreen
peekEnabled: false
Page {
Container {
layout: DockLayout {
ImageView {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
imageSource: "asset:///images/background.png"
Label {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
text: "Decrypting..."
multiline: true
onCreationCompleted: {
function onDecryptedChanged () {
The splashscreen will not close. I know the object can be seen by the UI, as I use other properties etc. Am I missing a QPROPERTY or something?
This is my signal definition:
Q_INVOKABLE void decryptedChanged();
Update again:
I have added some console.logs to the QML:
onCreationCompleted: {
_encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged() );
function onDecryptedChanged() {
This gives me the following ouptut:
which is backwards, and the splashscreen does not close.
The problem is in this line:
_encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged() );
the parentheses after the onDecryptedChanged mean that that function is called, not connected to.
_encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged );
works fine.