Boost lambda with std::find_if does not compile - boost-lambda

Consider this template member method of some class:
template<typename T>
bool elementIsInSharedPtrVector(const T& p_elem, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< T > >& p_Vector) const
return (std::find_if(p_Vector.begin(), p_Vector.end(), **boost::lambda::_1 == p_elem) != p_Vector.end());
The compiler gives this error(besides hundreds of template errors):
usr/include/boost/pointee.hpp:30: error: no type named 'element_type' in 'struct SLnAdjW'
The type SLnAdjW is a POD C struct with a free defined == operator function.
What I'm doing wrong here?


operator== does not compile if I include <iostream>

The following code compiles perfectly if:
I don't include <iostream> or
I name operator== as alp::operator==.
I suppose there is a problem with <iostream> and operator==, but I don't know what.
I compile the code with gcc 7.3.0, clang++-6.0 and goldbolt. Always the same error.
The problem is that the compiler is trying to cast the parameters of operator== to const_iterator, but why? (I suppose the compiler doesn't see my version of operator==, and looks for other versions).
#include <vector>
#include <iostream> // comment and compile
namespace alp{
template <typename It_base>
struct Iterator {
using const_iterator = Iterator<typename It_base::const_iterator>;
operator const_iterator() { return const_iterator{}; }
template <typename It_base>
bool operator==(const Iterator<It_base>& x, const Iterator<It_base>& y)
{ return true;}
}// namespace
struct Func{
int& operator()(int& p) const {return p;}
template <typename It, typename View>
struct View_iterator_base{
using return_type = decltype(View{}(*It{}));
using const_iterator =
View_iterator_base<std::vector<int>::const_iterator, Func>;
using view_it =
alp::Iterator<View_iterator_base<std::vector<int>::iterator, Func>>;
int main()
view_it p{};
view_it z{};
bool x = operator==(z, p); // only compiles if you remove <iostream>
bool y = alp::operator==(z,p); // always compile
Error message:
yy.cpp: In instantiation of ‘struct View_iterator_base<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const int*, std::vector<int> >, Func>’:
yy.cpp:9:73: required from ‘struct alp::Iterator<View_iterator_base<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const int*, std::vector<int> >, Func> >’
yy.cpp:44:29: required from here
yy.cpp:28:42: error: no match for call to ‘(Func) (const int&)’
using return_type = decltype(View{}(*It{}));
yy.cpp:22:10: note: candidate: int& Func::operator()(int&) const <near match>
int& operator()(int& p) const {return p;}
yy.cpp:22:10: note: conversion of argument 1 would be ill-formed:
yy.cpp:28:42: error: binding reference of type ‘int&’ to ‘const int’ discards qualifiers
using return_type = decltype(View{}(*It{}));
I've made a more minimal test case here: .
The relevant details are:
A using type alias does not instantiate a template. So for example:
template<bool b>
struct fail_if_true {
static_assert(!b, "template parameter must be false");
using fail_if_used = fail_if_true<true>;
will not cause a compile time error (if fail_if_used isn't used)
ADL also inspects template parameter classes. In this case, std::vector<int>::iterator is __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const int*, std::vector<int> >, Func>, which has a std::vector<int> in it's template. So, operator== will check in the global namespace (always), alp (As alp::Iterator is in alp), __gnu_cxx and std.
Your View_iterator_base::const_iterator is invalid. View_iterator_base::const_interator::result_type is defined as decltype(Func{}(*std::vector<int>::const_iterator{})). std::vector<int>::const_iterator{} will be a vectors const iterator, so *std::vector<int>::const_iterator{} is a const int&. Func::operator() takes an int&, so this means that the expression is invalid. But it won't cause a compile time error if not used, for the reasons stated above. This means that your conversion operator is to an invalid type.
Since you don't define it as explicit, the conversion operator (To an invalid type) will be used to try and match it to the function parameters if they don't already match. Obviously this will finally instantiate the invalid type, so it will throw a compile time error.
My guess is that iostream includes string, which defines std::operator== for strings.
Here's an example without the std namespace:
// Avoid including headers for testing without std::
template<class T> struct is_const { static constexpr const bool value = false; } template<class T> struct is_const<const T> { static constexpr const bool value = true; }
namespace with_another_equals {
struct T {};
bool operator==(const T&, const T&) {
return true;
namespace ns {
template<class T>
struct wrapper {
using invalid_wrapper = wrapper<typename T::invalid>;
operator invalid_wrapper() {}
template<class T>
bool operator==(const wrapper<T>&, const wrapper<T>&) {
return true;
template<class T>
struct with_invalid {
static_assert(!is_const<T>::value, "Invalid if const");
using invalid = with_invalid<const T>;
template<class T>
void test() {
using wrapped = ns::wrapper<with_invalid<T>>;
wrapped a;
wrapped b;
bool x = operator==(a, b);
bool y = ns::operator==(a, b);
template void test<int*>();
// Will compile if this line is commented out
template void test<with_another_equals::T>();
Note that just declaring operator const_iterator() should instantiate the type. But it doesn't because it is within templates. My guess is that it is optimised out (where it does compile because it's unused) before it can be checked to show that it can't compile (It doesn't even warn with -Wall -pedantic that it doesn't have a return statement in my example).

boost bimap set_of with user defined comparator

I plan to use my own compare function with boost bimap. The issue i am trying to address is when i use boost bimap with a pointer, the comparison should not compare the two pointers but should compare the class which is pointed by the pointer.
I tried the following code. But it doesn't even compile. What am i doing wrong? Also is there a simpler way to achieve less function that compares two objects and not two pointers pointers)
typedef std::set<int> ruleset;
template <class myclass>
bool comp_pointer(const myclass &lhs, const myclass &rhs)
return ((*lhs) < (*rhs));
typedef boost::bimap<set_of<ruleset *, comp_pointer<ruleset *> >, int> megarulebimap;
Error messages:
party1.cpp:104:64: error: type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter list for 'template struct boost::bimaps::set_of'
party1.cpp:104:64: error: expected a type, got 'comp_pointer'
party1.cpp:104:70: error: template argument 1 is invalid
party1.cpp:104:85: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
typedef std::set<int> ruleset;
struct ruleset_cmp {
bool operator()(const ruleset *lhs, const ruleset *rhs) const
return ((*lhs) < (*rhs));
typedef boost::bimap<set_of<ruleset *, ruleset_cmp>, int> megarulebimap;
Okay. The above snippet works. It appears a functor needs to be used here.

templated function which accepts only string or arithmetic

I'm trying to get this to work:
template<class Type>
typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::or_<
is_string<Type> > >::type
get(const std::string &argPath, const Type &argDefault) {
bool caught = false;
std::stringstream ss;
Type value;
try {
value = ptree_.get<Type>(argPath);
} catch(ptree_bad_path &e) {
caught = true;
value = argDefault;
ss << value;
parameters_.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(argPath, ss.str()));
return value;
I used the following is_string type trait: Type trait for strings
My goal is to restrict my Type to string or arithmetic type so that I can push it to my stringstream.
So this builds, but when I try to use it, it returns the following errors:
error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
In member function ‘typename
is_string, mpl_::bool_, mpl_::bool_,
mpl_::bool_ >, void>::type FooClass::get(const std::string&,
const Type&) [with Type = uint8_t]’
error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void'
Here is how I try to use it:
FooClass f;
item_value = f.get("tag1.tag2.item", DEFAULT_ITEM_VALUE);
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
From, enable_if has a second parameter that defaults to void:
template <bool B, class T = void>
struct enable_if_c {
typedef T type;
Seems to me you need to include the return type in your enable_if. (It is defaulting to void now.)
template<class Type>
typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::or_<
is_string<Type> >,
Type >::type
get(const std::string &argPath, const Type &argDefault);

Compilation error with Type Traits in boost::type_traits::conditional

I am having a problem in some code using type_traits from boost.
It is quite a complex part of the code, but I could isolate the part that gives the compilation error:
template<const size_t maxLen>
class MyString {
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0), char[maxLen+1], std::string> ObjExternal;
template <class T>
class APIBase {
typedef T obj_type;
typedef typename T::ObjExternal return_type;
template <class T>
int edit(const T& field, const typename T::return_type& value)
return 0;
int myFunction()
APIBase<MyString<10> > b;
char c[11];
return edit(b, c);
This gives the following error:
test.cpp: In function ‘int myFunction()’:
tes.cpp:109: error: no matching function for call to ‘edit(APIBase >&, char [11])’
tes.cpp:100: note: candidates are: int edit(const T&, const typename T::return_type&) [with T = APIBase >]
However, if I change the line with the code
char c[11];
MyString<10>::ObjExternal c;
it works. Similarly, if instead I change the line
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0), char[maxLen+1], std::string> ObjExternal;
typedef char ObjExternal[maxLen+1];
it also works. I am thinking that it is a problem with boost::conditional, as it seems it is not being evaluated right. Is there a problem in my code, or there is an alternative that can be used instead of boost::conditional to have this functionality?
I am thinking about using the 2nd option, but then I could not use maxLen as 0.
You need to use the member typedef type provided by conditional and not the conditional type itself.
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0),
std::string> ObjExternal;
typedef typename boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0),
std::string>::type ObjExternal;

Using a templated parameter's value_type

How is one supposed to use a std container's value_type?
I tried to use it like so:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class TSContainer {
T container;
void push(T::value_type& item)
T::value_type pop()
T::value_type item = container.pop_front();
return item;
int main()
int i = 1;
TSContainer<vector<int> > tsc;
int v = tsc.pop();
But this results in:
prog.cpp:10: error: ‘T::value_type’ is not a type
prog.cpp:14: error: type ‘T’ is not derived from type ‘TSContainer<T>’
prog.cpp:14: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘pop’
prog.cpp:19: error: expected `;' before ‘}’ token
prog.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
prog.cpp:25: error: ‘class TSContainer<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > >’ has no member named ‘pop’
prog.cpp:25: warning: unused variable ‘v’
I thought this was what ::value_type was for?
You have to use typename:
typename T::value_type pop()
and so on.
The reason is that the compiler cannot know whether T::value_type is a type of a member variable (nobody hinders you from defining a type struct X { int value_type; }; and pass that to the template). However without that function, the code could not be parsed (because the meaning of constructs changes depending on whether some identifier designates a type or a variable, e.g.T * p may be a multiplication or a pointer declaration). Therefore the rule is that everything which might be either type or variable and is not explicitly marked as type by prefixing it with typename is considered a variable.
Use the typename keyword to indicate that it's really a type.
void push(typename T::value_type& item)
typename T::value_type pop()
Here is a full implementation of the accepted answers above, in case it helps anyone.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
template <typename T>
class C1 {
T container;
typedef typename T::value_type CT;
void push(CT& item) {
CT pop (void) {
CT item = container.front();
return item;
int main() {
int i = 1;
C1<std::list<int> > c;
std::cout << c.pop() << std::endl;
A fairly common practice is to provide an alias representing the underlying value type for convenience.
template <typename T>
class TSContainer {
T container;
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
void push(value_type& item)
value_type pop()
value_type item = container.pop_front();
return item;