SAS transport file explanation? - sas

I am trying to find an easy to understand definition of what a SAS transport file is, but most of what I find is on how to create them.
I am hoping for a basic explanation/definition, if possible geared towards someone who isn't too techno-savvy.

A SAS transport file is one format for saving a SAS dataset that is easily read in by other sources. SAS's native format, .sas7bdat, is proprietary - they do not publish how to make a .sas7bdat, so the few people who have done so had to reverse engineer it themselves. SAS does however have some interest in being able to send or receive data to other programs; so they created the transport file format, which is an "open" format - meaning they published the specification for how to make a transport file, so anybody could easily write a program in another language to make a SAS transport file.
Think of it like the old DOC format for Microsoft Word, versus RTF. Both convey the same information (roughly), but RTF is an open format that many programs can write out, while the old DOC format was not initially published (I think).
The transport format does lose some advantages of the sas7bdat, in terms of speed of access and some of the more modern choices in terms of lengths of variable name, as well as formats. They're most commonly used for FDA transmittals.


How to read/restore big data file (SEGY format) with C/C++?

I am working on a project which needs to deal with large seismic data of SEGY format (from several GB to TB). This data represents the 3D underground structure.
Data structure is like:
1st tract, 2,3,5,3,5,....,6
2nd tract, 5,6,5,3,2,....,3
3rd tract, 7,4,5,3,1,....,8
What I want to ask is, in order to read and deal with the data fast, do I have to convert the data into another form? Or it's better to read from the original SEGY file? And is there any existing C package to do that?
If you need to access it multiple times and
if you need to access it randomly and
if you need to access it fast
then load it to a database once.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
When dealing of data of that size, you may not want to convert it into another form unless you have to - though some software does do just that. I found a list of free geophysics software on Wikipedia that look promising; many are open source and read/write SEGY files.
Since you are a newbie to programming, you may want to consider if the Python library segpy suits your needs rather than a C/C++ option.
Several GB is rathe medium, if we are toking about poststack.
You may use segy and convert on the fly, you may invent your own format. It depends whot you needed to do. Without changing segy format it's enough to createing indexes to traces. If segy is saved as inlines - it's faster access throug inlines, although crossline access is not very bad.
If it is 3d seismic, the best way to have the same quick access to all inlines/crosslines is to have own format - based od beans, e.g 8x8 traces - loading all beans and selecting tarces access time may be very quick - 2-3 secends. Or you may use SSD disk, or 2,5x RAM as your SEGY.
To quickly access timeslices you have 2 ways - 3D beans or second file stored as timeslices (the quickes way). I did same kind of that 10 years ago - access time to 12 GB SEGY was acceptable - 2-3 seconds in all 3 directions.
SEGY in database? Wow ... ;)
The answer depends upon the type of data you need to extract from the SEG-Y file.
If you need to extract only the headers (Text header, Binary header, Extended Textual File headers and Trace headers) then they can be easily extracted from the SEG-Y file by opening the file as binary and extracting relevant information from the respective locations as mentioned in the data exchange formats (rev2). The extraction might depend upon the type of data (Post-stack or Pre-stack). Also some headers might require conversions from one format to another (e.g Text Headers are mostly encoded in EBCDIC format). The complete details about the byte locations and encoding formats can be read from the above documentation
The extraction of trace data is a bit tricky and depends upon various factors like the encoding, whether the no. of trace samples is mentioned in the trace headers, etc. A careful reading of the documentation and getting to know about the type of SEG data you are working on will surely make this task a lot easier.
Since you are working with the extracted data, I would recommend to use already existing libraries (segpy: one of the best python library I came across). There are also numerous free available SEG-Y readers, a very nice list has already been mentioned by Daniel Waechter; you can choose any one of them that suits your requirements and the type file format supported.
I recently tried to do something same using C++ (Although it has only been tested on post-stack data). The project can be found here.

"Best" Input File Formats for C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am starting work on a new piece of software that will end up needing some robust and expandable file IO. There are a lot of formats out there. XML, JSON, INI, etc. However, there are always plusses and minuses so I thought I would ask for some community input.
Here are some rough requirements:
The format is a "standard"...I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to. It doesn't have to be a formal IEEE standard, but something you could Google and get some information on as a new user, may have some support tools (editors) beyond vi. (Though the software users will generally be computer savvy and happy to use vi.)
Easily integrates with C++. I don't want to have to pull along a 100mb library and three different compilers to get it up and running.
Supports tabular input (2d, n-dimensional)
Supports POD types
Can expand as more inputs are required, binds well to variables, etc.
Parsing speed is not terribly important
Ideally, as easy to write (reflect) as it is to read
Works well on Windows and Linux
Supports compositing (one file referencing another file to read, and so on.)
Human Readable
In a perfect world, I would use a header-only library or some clean STL implementation, but I'm fine with leveraging Boost or some small external library if it works well.
So, what are your thoughts on various formats? Drawbacks? Advantages?
Options to consider? Anything else to add?
Google Protocol Buffers
Boost Serialization
There is one excellent format that meets all your criteria:
Please read article about using SQLite as an application file format. Also, please watch Google Tech Talk by D. Richard Hipp (SQLite author) about this very topic.
Now, lets see how SQLite meets your requirements:
The format is a "standard"
SQLite has become format of choice for most mobile environments, and for many desktop apps (Firefox, Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Adobe Reader, you name it).
Easily integrates with C++
SQLite has standard C interface, which is only one source file and one header file. There are C++ wrappers too.
Supports tabular input (2d, n-dimensional)
SQLite table is as tabular as you could possibly imagine. To represent say 3-dimensional data, create table with columns x,y,z,value and store your data as a set of rows like this:
Supports POD types
I assume by POD you meant Plain Old Data, or BLOB. SQLite lets you store BLOB fields as is.
Can expand as more inputs are required, binds well to variables
This is where it really shines.
Parsing speed is not terribly important
But SQLite speed is superb. In fact, parsing is basically transparent.
Ideally, as easy to write (reflect) as it is to read
Just use INSERT to write and SELECT to read - what could be easier?
Works well on Windows and Linux
You bet, and all other platforms as well.
Supports compositing (one file referencing another file to read)
You can ATTACH one database to another.
Human Readable
Not in binary, but there are many excellent SQLite browsers/editors out there. I like SQLite Expert Personal on Windows and sqliteman on Linux. There is also SQLite editor plugin for Firefox.
There are other advantages that SQLite gives you for free:
Data is indexable which makes it very fast to search. You just cannot do this using XML, JSON or any other text-only formats.
Data can be edited partially, even when amount of data is very large. You do not have to rewrite few gigabytes just to edit one value.
SQLite is fully transactional: it guarantees that your data is consistent at all times. Even if your application (or whole computer) crashes, your data will be automatically restored to last known consistent state on next first attempt to connect to the database.
SQLite stores your data verbatim: you do not need to worry about escaping junk characters in your data (including zero bytes embedded in your strings) - simply always use prepared statements, that's all it takes to make it transparent. This can be big and annoying problem when dealing with text data formats, XML in particular.
SQLite stores all strings in Unicode: UTF-8 (default) or UTF-16. In other words, you do not need to worry about text encodings or international support for your data format.
SQLite allows you to process data in small chunks (row by row in fact), thus it works well in low memory conditions. This can be a problem for any text based formats, because often they need to load all text into memory to parse it. Granted, there are few efficient stream-based XML parsers out there, but in general any XML parser will be quite memory greedy compared to SQLite.
Having worked quite a bit with both XML and json, here's my rather subjective opinion of both as extendable serialization formats:
The format is a "standard": Yes for both
Easily integrates with C++: Yes for both. In each case you'll probably wind up with some kind of library to handle it. On Linux, libxml2 is a standard, and libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for it; you should be able to get both of those from your distro's package manager. It will take some small effort to get those working on Windows. There appears to be some support in Boost for json, but I haven't used it; I've always dealt with json using libraries. Really, the library route is not very onerous for either.
Supports tabular input (2d, n-dimensional): Yes for both
Supports POD types: Yes for both
Can expand as more inputs are required: Yes for both - that's one big advantage to both of them.
Binds well to variables: If what you mean is some way inside the file itself to say "This piece of data must be automatically deserialized into this variable in my program", then no for both.
As easy to write (reflect) as it is to read: Depends on the library you use, but in my experience yes for both. (You can actually do a tolerable job of writing json using printf().)
Works well on Windows and Linux: Yes for both, and ditto Mac OS X for that matter.
Supports one file referencing another file to read: If you mean something akin to a C #include, then XML has some ability to do this (e.g. document entities), while json doesn't.
Human readable: Both are typically written in UTF-8, and permit line breaks and indentation, and thus can be human-readable. However, I've just been working with a 479 KB XML file that's all on one line, so I had to run it through a prettyprinter to make sense of it. json can also be pretty unreadable, but in my experience is often formatted better than XML.
When starting new projects, I generally prefer json; it's more compact and more human-readable. The main reason I might select XML over json would be if I were worried about receiving badly-formed documents, since XML supports automated document format validation, while you have to write your own validation code with json.
Check out google buffers. This handles most of your requirements.
From their documentation, the high level steps are:
Define message formats in a .proto file.
Use the protocol buffer compiler.
Use the C++ protocol buffer API to write and read messages.
For my purposes, I think the way to go is XML.
The format is a standard, but allows for modification and flexibility for the schema to change as the program requirements evolve.
There are several library options. Some are larger (Xerces-C) some are smaller (ezxml), but there are many options, so we won't be locked in to a single provider or very specific solution.
It can supports tabular input (2d, n-dimensional). This requires more parsing work on "our" end, and is likely the weakest point for XML.
Supports POD types: Absolutely.
Can expand as more inputs are required, binds well to variables, etc. through schema modifications and parser modifications.
Parsing speed is not terribly important, so processing a text file or files is not an issue.
XML can be programmatically written just as easily as read.
Works well on Windows and Linux or any other OS that supports C and text files.
Supports compositing (one file referencing another file to read, and so on.)
Human Readable with many text editors (Sublime, vi, etc.) supporting syntax highlighting out of the box. Many web browsers display the data well.
Thanks for all the great feedback! I think if we wanted a purely binary solution, Protocol Buffers or boost::serialization is likely the way that we would go.

Data recording and extraction software for C++

I am interested to learn about what libraries, tools, or frameworks there are for having a C++ program record data for later analysis and extraction. I provide a description of what I envision to give an idea of what I'm looking to do, but your suggestions need not fit it exactly.
I'd like to specify different record types for my program to record. For example, there might be a distinct record type for each type of message I get from a device, a record type for the results of major algorithms, a record type for each kind of operator input. Ideally the code changes for adding a new record type would be fairly minimal: Define a struct for the data to record, correlate it to a record type ID, and add the code to record instances to file.
After the main program runs, I'd like to run a data extraction tool that could give a summary of the data recorded and allow me to extract specific record types over a specified time period of the run. I could provide the exec to the tool and it would use some of the same hooks a debugger tool uses to figure out the names of the fields in the struct for use in the extraction report. It would be nice if the extraction report could be specified as .txt, .xml, .csv (for opening in Excel), or .hdf (for opening in Matlab).
This would be for Linux and GCC compiler. Ideally suggestions would be FOSS, but proprietary solutions are welcome too. Let me know!
What you described isn't anything special. Just generic serialization and de-serialization. If you want some specific library you should describe what exactly you want to do with the recorded data.
For serialization support, look into Boost::Serialization and s11n.

alternative for jasperreport in c++

from a c++ program i need to print a simple label. the label contains a text, an image and a barcode.(in my project the label is more complex, this is just for example)
my customer need a way to customize che label layout.
in the past in java I solve this problem using a report created with jasperreport. my customer customize the report with ireport and then i fill the data with an hashtable datasource (i never connect to an sql database)
anybody know a way to obtain something like this in java
really sorry for my scholastic english
Offhand, it's a bit hard to say -- most report generators assume some sort of database (SQL or at least accessible via ODBC) as the data source. I'd probably look into some that are free and include source code so you can change the data source (though I've no idea how difficult a modification that will be).
The other problem is that printing anything but plain text is somewhat non-portable; you'll need different code for Linux, Mac/OS or Windows. For Windows, one possibility would be Report Generator from If you want something more portable, you could use something like Xport to create XHTML output to be viewed in/printed from a browser (or any number of other programs that understand [X]HTML (there's also a commercial version). Of course, you could generate output in any number of other formats that support graphics, such as Postscript/PDF, LaTex, etc. This lets you use portable code to generate the report, but usually requires some non-portable code to invoke a viewer.

Best way to store data in C++

I'm just learning C++, just started to mess around with QT, and I am sitting here wondering how most applications save data? Is there an industry standard? Do they store it in a XML file, text file, SQLite? What about sensitive data that say accounting software would need to save? I'm just interested in learning what the best practices for this are.
This question is way too broad. The only answer is it depends on the nature of the particular application and the data, and whether or not it is written in C++ has very little to do with it.
For example, user-configurable application settings are often stored in text files, but on Windows they are typically stored in the Registry. Accounting applications typically keep their data in a database of some sort.
There are many good ways to store application data (call it serialization).
Personally, I think for larger datasets, using an open format is much, much easier for debugging. If you go with XML, for example, you can store your data in an open form so that if you have file corruption issues (i.e. a client can't open your file for some reason), it's easier to find. If you have sensitive data in there, you can always encrypt it before writing it to file using key encryption. Microsoft, for instance, has gone from using a proprietary format to open xml in their office docs. They use .*x extension (.docx, .xlsx, etc). It's really just a compressed folder with xml files.
Using binary serialization is, of course, the industry standard at the moment for most standalone applications. Most likely that is because of the application framework they are using (such as MFC, which is old). If you take a look at most of the serialization techniques in modern application frameworks, XML serialization is very well supported.
First you need to clarify what kind of data you would like to save.
If you just want to save some application settings, use QSettings to save your settings to an INI file or registry.
If it is much more than just some application settings, go for XML files or SQL.
There is no standard practice, however if you want to use complex structured data, consider using an embedded database engine such as SQLite or Metakit, or Berkeley DB files. XML files would also do the job and be human readable/writable. Preferences can use INI files or the Windows registry, and so on. In short, it really depends on your usage pattern.
This is a general question. Like many things, the right answer depends on your application and its needs.
Most desktop applications save end-user data to a file (think Word and Excel). The format is up to you, XML, binary, etc. And if you can serialize/deserialize objects to file it will probably make your life easier.
Internal application data such as configuration files or temporary data might be saved to an XML file or an lightweight, local database such as SQLite
Often, "enterprise" applications used internally by a business will save their data to a back-end database such as SQL Server or Oracle. This is so all of the enterprise's data is saved to a single central location. And then it is available for reporting, etc.
For accounting software, you would need to consider the business domain and end users. For example, if the software is to be sold to large businesses you would probably use some form of a database to save data. Otherwise a binary file would be fine, perhaps with some form of encryption if you are really paranoid.
When you say "the best way", then you have to define what you mean by "good".
The problem is that various requirements conflict with each other, therefore so you can't satisfy all of them simultaneously.
For example, if one requirement is "concurrent multi-user access to the data" then this suggests using a database engine, but that conflicts with "as small as possible" and "minimize dependencies on 3rd-party software".
If a requirement is "portable data format" then this suggests XML, but that conflicts with "compact" and "indexed".
Do they store it in a XML file, text file, SQLite?
Also, Binary files and relational databases.
Anything else?