c++, output of FindFirstFile() - c++

I wrote the program of finding file using FindFirstFile(...) function. But when I try to print the output of this function, there is a several strings of unknown characters printed in console windows.
I read some posts, there was written to try using wcout instead of cout. I try it, but it doesn't help. I think, that the problem is in difference between ANSI and UNICODE encodings. Can somebody help me? I will be very thankful for any help!
Here is my code:
#include "FindFile.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void FindFileCl::Execute(Input * input, Response * response )
WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindFileData;
HANDLE h = FindFirstFileA((input->FileName).c_str(), // name of the file
if (h)
cout << "Search Results:\n";
cerr << "File is NOT found:" << GetLastError() << "\n";

If FindFirstFile() fails it returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, not NULL:
If the function fails or fails to locate files from the search string in the lpFileName parameter, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and the contents of lpFindFileData are indeterminate. To get extended error information, call the GetLastError function.
and INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE is #defined as -1 (following macro located in WinBase.h):
Meaning the if (h) will be entered in either success or failure. In the event of failure, cFileName will not be modified resulting in junk being printed as it is not initialized. Change the if condition to explicitly check for INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:

One of the "least bad" ways would be to convert the Unicode name to the Console's encoding.
For this, I suggest compiling in Unicode (There's a project option for that in Visual Studio >=8; otherwise you have to define both UNICODE and _UNICODE manually), using the TCHAR version of FindFirstFile(), and then using CharToOem() or CharToOemBuff() (neither is perfect). -- Or alternately, use the W version followed by WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP).


How to fix CopyFile() error 5 - access denied error

I am trying to write a copy file function that can be used on both Linux and Windows. It works on Linux, but on Windows, I get error code 5 when trying to use the WinApi function CopyFile().
In header File.h
This is the custom defined function in the File namespace that I should be able to use on both Linux and windows.
class File
static bool copyFile(std::string source, std::string destination);
In File.cpp
For Linux it is simple:
#ifdef __unix__
#include "File.h"
bool File::copyFile(std::string source, std::string destination)
std::string arg = source + " " + destination;
return launchProcess("cp", arg);
In the Windows specific block of code, I use the WinAPI (#include < windows.h >) function CopyFile(). This accepts LPCWSTR data types instead of strings. To overcome this I have created a function that converts strings to LPCWSTR types.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "File.h"
#include <Windows.h>
std::wstring strtowstr(const std::string &str)
// Convert an ASCII string to a Unicode String
std::wstring wstrTo;
wchar_t *wszTo = new wchar_t[str.length() + 1];
wszTo[str.size()] = L'\0';
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.c_str(), -1, wszTo,(int)str.length());
wstrTo = wszTo;
delete[] wszTo;
return wstrTo;
bool File::copyFile(std::string source, std::string destination)
std::wstring wsource = strtowstr(source);
std::wstring wdestination = strtowstr(destination);
int result = CopyFileW(wsource.c_str(), wdestination.c_str(), TRUE);
//for debugging...
std::wcout << "The error is " << GetLastError() <<std::endl;
std::wcout << wsource.c_str() << std::endl;
std::wcout << wdestination.c_str() << std::endl;
if (result == 0)
return false;
return true;
In my Test Programme
std::cout << "Testing copyFile() function..." << std::endl;
std::string srcDir = File::currentWorkingDirectory() + "srcDir";
std::string destDir = File::currentWorkingDirectory() + "destDir/";
File::makeFile(srcDir, "testFile", ".txt");
ASSERT_TRUE(File::fileExists(srcDir + "/testFile.txt")) << "Error: Test file has not been generated" << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE(File::directoryExists(destDir)) << "Error: Destination directory does not exist" <<std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE(File::copyFile(srcDir + "/testFile.txt", destDir)) << "Error: Coppy unsucsessfull" << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE(File::fileExists(destDir + "/testFile.txt")) << "Error: CoppyFile() flagged as sucsessfull but file does not exist" << std::endl;
In the application Output (on Windows)
Testing copyFile() function...
The error is 5
error: Value of: File::copyFile(srcDir + "/testFile.txt", destDir)
Actual: false
Expected: true
Error: Coppy unsucsessfull
Error code 5 is an access denied error. I think it gives this error when either the directory does not exist, the directory is open somewhere else, or I do not have permissions.
Since I have tested that the directory does exist, I think it must be one of the latter two. I might only have restricted Admin rights (I don't know), but I can paste into the "destDir" without admin permission. So maybe it thinks the directory is open? Is there a command that exists to make sure the directory is closed?
The test is successful when running on Linux.
The CopyFile API expects file names for both source and destination files. Your code passes a directory name for the destination. This causes the API to fail. You need to append the file name for the destination as well.
Besides that, there are several other issues with your code:
The path separator on Windows is a backslash (\). Your are mixing forward slashes (/) and backslashes. Depending on the arguments passed, the system won't translate forward slashes to backslashes, before passing them on to lower-level file I/O API's.
You are calling GetLastError too late. You need to call it immediately, whenever it is documented to return a meaningful value. Do not intersperse it with any other code, however trivial it may appear to you. That code can modify and invalidate the calling thread's last error code.
Your code assumes ASCII-encoded strings. This will stop working, when dealing with files containing non-ASCII characters. This is quite common.
new wchar_t[...] buys you nothing over std::vector<wchar_t>, except the possibility to introduce bugs.
Your MultiByteToWideChar-based string conversion implementation makes (undue) assumptions about the code unit requirements of different character encodings. Those assumptions may not be true. Have the API calculate and tell you the destination buffer size, by passing 0 for cchWideChar.
Your string conversion routine ignores all return values, making bugs ever so likely, and unnecessarily hard to diagnose.
I know this is an old post, but for anyone who stumbles here needing more help:
CopyFile has the following constraints which if not met can give access denied error:
Insufficient permissions for the current user
File is in use
Filepath is a directory and not a file
File is read-only
In my case all the above were met, still I kept getting the same error. What helped me was a simple
Retrieving and Changing File Attributes

C++ _findfirst and TCHAR

I've been given the following code:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
_finddata_t dirEntry;
intptr_t dirHandle;
dirHandle = _findfirst("C:/*", &dirEntry);
int res = (int)dirHandle;
while(res != -1) {
cout << dirEntry.name << endl;
res = _findnext(dirHandle, &dirEntry);
return (0);
what this does is printing the name of everything that the given directory (C:) contains. Now I have to make this print out the name of everything in the subdirectories (if there are any) as well. I've got this so far:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
_finddata_t dirEntry;
intptr_t dirHandle;
dirHandle = _findfirst(argv[1], &dirEntry);
vector<string> dirArray;
int res = (int)dirHandle;
unsigned int attribT;
while (res != -1) {
cout << dirEntry.name << endl;
res = _findnext(dirHandle, &dirEntry);
attribT = (dirEntry.attrib >> 4) & 1; //put the fifth bit into a temporary variable
//the fifth bit of attrib says if the current object that the _finddata instance contains is a folder.
if (attribT) { //if it is indeed a folder, continue (has been tested and confirmed already)
cout << "Pass" << endl;
//res = _findfirst(dirEntry.name, &dirEntry); //needs to get a variable which is the dirEntry.name combined with the directory specified in argv[1].
return (0);
Now I'm not asking for the whole solution (I want to be able to do it on my own) but there is just this one thing I can't get my head around which is the TCHAR* argv. I know argv[1] contains what I put in my project properties under "command arguments", and right now this contains the directory I want to test my application in (C:/users/name/New folder/*), which contains some folders with subfolders and some random files.
The argv[1] currently gives the following error:
Error: argument of type "_TCHAR*" is incompatible with parameter of type "const char *"
Now I've googled for the TCHAR and I understand it is either a wchar_t* or a char* depending on using Unicode character set or multi-byte character set (I'm currently using Unicode). I also understand converting is a massive pain. So what I'm asking is: how can I best go around this with the _TCHAR and _findfirst parameter?
I'm planning to concat the dirEntry.name to the argv[1] as well as concatenating a "*" on the end, and using this in another _findfirst. Any comments on my code are appreciated as well since I'm still learning C++.
See here: _findfirst is for multibyte strings while _wfindfirst is for wide characters. If you use TCHAR in your code then use _tfindfirst (macro) which will resolve to _findfirst on non UNICODE, and _wfindfirst on UNICODE builds.
Also instead of _finddata_t use _tfinddata_t which will also resolve to correct structure depending on UNICODE config.
Another thing is that you should use also correct literal, _T("C:/*") will be L"C:/*" on UNICODE build, and "C:/*" otherwise. If you know you are building with UNICODE defined, then use std::vector<std::wstring>.
btw. Visual Studio by default will create project with UNICODE, you may use only wide versions of functions like _wfindfirst as there is no good reason to build non UNICODE projects.
TCHAR and I understand it is either a wchar_t* or a char* depending on using UTF-8 character set or multi-byte character set (I'm currently using UTF-8).
this is wrong, in UNICODE windows apis uses UTF-16. sizeof(wchar_t)==2.
Use this simple typedef:
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> TCharString;
Then use TCharString wherever you were using std::string, such as here:
vector<TCharString> dirArray;
See here for information on std::basic_string.

Wrong filename when using chinese characters

I'm trying to create a file on Windows using a Chinese character. The entire path is inside the variable "std::string originalPath", however, I have a charset problem that I simply cannot understand to overcome.
I have written the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <windows.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// Start the rand
srand( time( NULL ) );
// Create and install global locale
std::locale::global( boost::locale::generator().generate( "" ) );
// Make boost.filesystem use it
boost::filesystem::path::imbue( std::locale() );
// Check if set to utf-8
if( std::use_facet<boost::locale::info>( std::locale() ).encoding() != "utf-8" ){
std::cerr << "Wrong encoding" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::string originalPath = "C:/test/s/一.png";
// Convert to wstring (**WRONG!**)
std::wstring newPath( originalPath.begin(), originalPath.end() );
LPWSTR lp=(LPWSTR )newPath.c_str();
return 0;
Running it, however, I get inside the folder "C:\test\s" a file of name "¦ᄌタ.png", instead of "一.png", which I want. The only way I found to overcome this is to exchange the lines
std::string originalPath = "C:/test/s/一.png";
// Convert to wstring (**WRONG!**)
std::wstring newPath( originalPath.begin(), originalPath.end() );
to simply
std::wstring newPath = L"C:/test/s/一.png";
In this case the file "一.png" appears perfectly inside the folder "C:\test\s". Nonetheless, I cannot do that because the software get its path from a std::string variable. I think the conversion from std::string to std::wstring is being performed the wrong way, however, as it can be seen, I'm having deep problem trying to understand this logic. I read and researched Google exhaustively, read many qualitative texts, but all my attempts seem to be useless. I tried the MultiByteToWideChar function and also boost::filesystem, but both for no help, I simply cannot get the right filename when written to the folder.
I'm still learning, so I'm very sorry if I'm making a dumb mistake. My IDE is Eclipse and it is set up to UTF-8.
You need to actually convert the UTF-8 string to UTF-16. For that you have to look up how to use boost::locale::conv or (on Windows only) the MultiByteToWideChar function.
std::wstring newPath( originalPath.begin(), originalPath.end() ); won't work, it will simply copy all the bytes one by one and cast them to a wchar_t.
Thank you for your help, roeland. Finally I managed to find a solution and I simply used this following library: "http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/". I used the function "utf8::utf8to16" to convert my original UTF-8 string to UTF-16, this way allowing Windows to display the Chinese characters correctly.

How to check if a file already exists before creating it? (C++, Unicode, cross platform)

I have the following code which works on Windows:
bool fileExists(const wstring& src)
return (_waccess(src.c_str(), 0) == 0);
// ???? how to make C access() function to accept the wstring on Unix/Linux/MacOS ?
How do I make the code work on *nix platforms the same way as it does on Windows, considering that scr is a Unicode string and might contain file path with Unicode characters?
I have seen various StackOverflow answers which partly answer my question but I have problems to put it all together. My system relies on wide strings, especially on Windows where file names might contain non-ASCII characters. I know that generally it's better to write to the file and check for errors, but my case is the opposite - I need to skip the file if it already exists. I just want to check if the file exists, no matter if I can read/write it or not.
On many filesystems other than FAT and NTFS, filenames aren't exactly well defined as strings. They're technically byte sequences. What those byte sequences mean is a matter of interpretation. A common interpretation is UTF-8-like. Not exact UTF-8, because Unicode specifies string equality regardless of encoding. Most systems use byte equality instead. (Again, FAT and NTFS are exceptions, using case-insensitive comparisons)
A good portable solution I use is to use the following:
ifstream my_file(myFilenameHere);
if (my_file.good())
// file exists and do what you need to do when it exists
// the file doesn't exist do what you need to do to create it etc.
For example a small file existence checker function could be (this one works in windows, linux and unix):
inline bool doesMyFileExist (const std::string& myFilename)
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__posix__) || defined(__linux__ )
// all UNIXes, POSIX (including OS X I think (cant remember been a while)) and
// all the various flavours of Linus Torvalds digital offspring:)
struct stat buffer;
return (stat (myFilename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)|| defined(_WIN32)
// this includes IOS AND OSX and Windows (x64 and x86)
// note the underscore in the windows define, without it can cause problems
if (FILE *file = fopen(myFilename.c_str(), "r"))
return true;
return false;
#else // a catch-all fallback, this is the slowest method, but works on them all:)
ifstream myFile(myFilename.c_str());
if (myFile.good())
return true;
return false;
The function above uses the fastest possible method to check the file for each OS variant, and has a fallback in case you are on an os other than the ones explicitly listed (original Amiga OS for example). This has been used in GCC4.8.x and VS 2010/2012.
The good method will check that everything is as it should be, and this way you actually have the file open.
The only caveat is pay close attention to how the file name is represented in the OS (as mentioned in another answer).
So far this has worked cross platform for me just fine:)
I spent some hours experimenting on my Ubuntu machine. It took many trials and errors but finally I got it working. I'm not sure if it will work on MacOS or even on other *nixes.
As many suspected, direct casting to char* did not work - then I got only the first slash of my test path /home/progmars/абвгдāēī . The trick was to use wcstombs() combined with setlocale() Although I could not get the text to display in console after this conversion, still access() function got it right.
Here is the code which worked for me:
bool fileExists(const wstring& src)
return (_waccess(src.c_str(), 0) == 0);
// hopefully this will work on most *nixes...
size_t outSize = src.size() * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1;// max possible bytes plus \0 char
char* conv = new char[outSize];
memset(conv, 0, outSize);
// MacOS claims to have wcstombs_l which has locale argument,
// but I could not find something similar on Ubuntu
// thus I had to use setlocale();
char* oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); // let's hope, most machines will have "en_US.UTF-8" available
// "Works on my machine", that is, Ubuntu 12.04
size_t wcsSize = wcstombs(conv, src.c_str(), outSize);
// we might get an error code (size_t-1) in wcsSize, ignoring for now
// now be good, restore the locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, oldLocale);
return (access(conv, 0) == 0);
And here is some experimental code which led me to the solution:
// this is crucial to output correct unicode characters in console and for wcstombs to work!
// empty string also works instead of en_US.UTF-8
// setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
wstring unicoded = wstring(L"/home/progmars/абвгдāēī");
int outSize = unicoded.size() * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1;// max possible bytes plus \0 char
char* conv = new char[outSize];
memset(conv, 0, outSize);
size_t szt = wcstombs(conv, unicoded.c_str(), outSize); // this needs setlocale - only then it returns 31. else it returns some big number - most likely, an error message
wcout << "wcstombs result " << szt << endl;
int resDirect = access("/home/progmars/абвгдāēī", 0); // works fine always
int resCast = access((char*)unicoded.c_str(), 0);
int resConv = access(conv, 0);
wcout << "Raw " << unicoded.c_str() << endl; // output /home/progmars/абвгдāēī but only if setlocale has been called; else output is /home/progmars/????????
wcout << "Casted " << (char*)unicoded.c_str() << endl; // output /
wcout << "Converted " << conv << endl; // output /home/progmars/ - for some reason, Unicode chars are cut away in the console, but still they are there because access() picks them up correctly
wcout << "resDirect " << resDirect << endl; // gives correct result depending on the file existence
wcout << "resCast " << resCast << endl; // wrong result - always 0 because it looks for / and it's the filesystem root which always exists
wcout << "resConv " << resConv << endl;
// gives correct result but only if setlocale() is present
Of course, I could avoid all that hassle with ifdefs to define my own version of string which would be wstring on Windows and string on *nix because *nix seems to be more liberal about UTF8 symbols and doesn't mind using them in plain strings. Still, I wanted to keep my function declarations consistent for all platforms and also I wanted to learn how Unicode filenames work in Linux.

Listing Folders in a Directory C+

I am aware that this may well be a duplicate. However, I am struggling to actually get a working answer.
What I am trying to do is list all of the folders in the working directory. Below is some code that I have adapted from the MS website (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365200(v=vs.85).aspx)
This gives the output:
I have checked the folder - and there are three folders that I am wanting to list 'Vidoe' 'John' 'David' I am not sure as to why it is printing out the result above.
I do not want to use Boost - nor to download any third party plugings.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//The Directory where the .exe is run from.
hFind = FindFirstFile(TEXT(".\\Players\\*"), &ffd);
bool isDirectory = ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
cout << "DirectoryName: " << *ffd.cFileName << endl;
cout << "FileName: " << *ffd.cFileName << endl;
}while(FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0);
I do not have a specific way that I want to do this, all I am wanting to do is output the Folders in the directory - I do not care how it is done.
In …
remove the *.
Also remove the call to Sleep.
Also remove the silly TEXT macro call, use wide string literals like L"blah".
Oh I forgot, also replace the do loop with a while loop (or for loop), because it's not sure that the FindFirstFile call will succeed.
Oh, and important, for the debug output use wcout, not cout. The latter doesn't know anything about output of Unicode strings. But wcout can handle them.
The output you're getting,
appears to be wchar_t value 0xCCCC, treated as an integer by cout, which value indicates uninitialized storage, which implies that the FindFirstFile call failed.
So, also be sure about the current directory when you run the program. A good idea is to run it from the command line. Then you're sure.