Flask import static resources - flask

The problem: I get a 404 when I access static resources from any route other than '/'.
I have an image called volume.png in my static folder in my Flask application. When I route my main page to '/' using #app.route('/') it finds the image fine, and I can display the image when I hit localhost:5000/static/images/volume.png. But when I use any other link, for example, '/s', it says it can't find the image in s/static/images/volume.png. Even when I create an s directory and copy the static directory to it, I get a 404 when I type localhost:5000/s/static/images/volume.png. I've considered using Flask-Assets, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation or examples. What's a good way to make sure my routes have access to the static resources?

You need to qualify the path to your image in your HTML (or CSS):
<!-- This will break in the way you describe -->
<img src="static/images/volume.png" />
<!-- This will not -->
<img src="/static/images/volume.png" />
<!-- Nor will this (assuming you are using a Jinja template) -->
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/volume.png') }}" />
The reason for this is because of the way that user-agents are required to resolve relative paths for URIs (see section 5.1 of RFC 3968 for the details).
Using static/images/volume.png results in the following path at /:
and the following at /s:
as you have discovered. By ensuring that you provide an absolute path component (at the very least) for your resources, you ensure that the browser will merge your provided path with only scheme and host.name, rather than with scheme, host.name and path.


Jquery Cycle2 won't produce slideshow

I'm trying to implement the cycle2 plugin with jquery on an HTML page.
I've used the site http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2 as a guide
I downloaded (copied) the file jquery.cycle2.js I placed it on the server in on the server in the location public_html/cycle2/jquery.cycle2.js
In my HTML page's Header section I added the lines:
<!-- include jQuery library -->
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- include Cycle2 -->
<script src="cycle2/jquery.cycle2.js"></script>
Then, in the HTML page's BODY I added:
<div class="cycle-slideshow">
<img src="cycle_images/image1.jpg" alt="Image1"/>
<img src="cycle_images/image2.jpg" alt="Image2"/>
<img src="cycle_images/image3.jpg" alt="Image3"/>
The guide doesn't give a css-type example for the class "cycle-slideshow". Instead it says that by using that class in the DIV tag it will auto-activate the slideshow.
This doesn't seem to activate the slideshow. Instead it lays out the images out in three rows, one row after another.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong to activate the cycle2 slideshow?
The problem was with the HTTP:// on the server line. Since the Cycle2 documentation was published, the GOOGLEAPIS sever must have obtained a certificate, making it HTTPS. The mismatch between HTTP and HTTPS caused the plugin to fail. The working code now reads:
<!-- include jQuery library -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- include Cycle2 -->
<script src="cycle2/jquery.cycle2.js"></script>
It seems to me that it's safer to remove "HTTP" or "HTTPS" and just being the server line with "//".

Ionic2: From one of the pages, what is the proper `src` URL to display an image?

From one of the pages, what is the proper src URL to display an image located in www/assets/images/image.jpg?
<!-- Invalid Path -->
<ion-img width="80" height="80" src="assets/images/image.jpg"></ion-img>
Use path:
It needs to be relative
It will be assets/images/image.jpg.
I would recommend you to put you images in src folder since when you build app it will be copied into www folder.

Is it possible to hardcode CSS link in django?

I have an django project and want to hardcode a link to CSS (I do not want to use STATIC_FILES...etc). The reason is because I want to be able to click index.html and it will work on browser (including getting the css file).
I put both index.html and index.css in the same directory and added this line in index.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./index.css"/>
When I double-click index.html, it imports index.css perfectly.
However, when I load it with the django development server and open via browser, it does not import the index.css.
What should be done so that index.html takes the index.css?
The answer by Christopher Schäpers works nicely, I'd like to extend her answer by showing how you may actually do what she suggests.
Let's say you have
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/index.css"/>
which means the browser is requesting to localhost:8000/index.css, so in your root urls.py file, you add something like this
from django.urls import path
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse
def css_path(request): # This is basically a "view"
path = settings.BASE_DIR / 'index.css' # For earlier Django version: os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'index.css')
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
return HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/css')
urlpatterns = [
# ... (your other url patterns)
path('index.css', css_path)
NOTE: Remember to set the content_type keyword argument correctly base on what you are serving (Example: application/javascript for .js, image/png for .png, .etc).
That's because the browser uses a directory based approach.
Say your template directory looks like this:
→ index.html
→ index.css
When opening index.html with your browser it plainly looks for index.css in the same directory, thus for /home/yura/project/templates/index.css.
Now when you run the development server it's not directory based anymore. There's the urls.py file that specifies where each path leads to.
You probably have a route / that leads to index.html even though index.html isn't called nothing. You could also add a route /blog/ that may lead to blog_home.html even though the file is called blog_home.html.
Every url that enters django is routed through the urls.py file.
This is one of django's core concepts. URLs should be user-typable and readable without cruft as .php, .html and so on that comes from directory based approaches like PHP or CGI.
Since you haven't defined a route called /index.css thus index.css isn't found.
If the thing you are doing is a one-off your best bet would be to just add a route to /index.css that delivers index.css.
Otherwise there is no way of doing this, since django isn't directory based, as pointed out above.
You might then want to think about why exactly you want to be able to open the raw html file directly in the browser too, since it makes the django templating language entirely useless for you, thus you can't do anything variable, loop and logic related and are stuck with basic html where you, instead of the django-dev server could just as well use a simple http-server instead.

Custom image in Django template via static

I am programming a website powered by Django 1.6.3. Under news you always see a big story and on the side recent articles. Therefore, I used Bootstrap 3 and wrote a static html page serving my requirements.
Now I would like to program the logic behind this. I save all my files under static that consists of the folders css, fonts (from Bootstrap), img and js. The image folder has some subfolder e.g. news. To create a new entry on the news page I would like to open the admin page, add a news_entry and select one image that should be under the titel. How is it possible to include the image in the page? My approach was:
<img src="{% static {{ news.image_name }} %}" class="img-title">
Unfortunately I get an parsing error. Image_name is a property of my news model.
You need to access the url attribute of your image_name.
<img src="{{ news.image_name.url }}" class="img-title">
Similar question here.

Django - absolute path image not showing up

I am trying to display an image with the src equal to an absolute path. This is what I did in the template
<img src="/home/userName/Documents/app/userPhotos/1/uploadedPhotos/imageName.png" alt="" />
and it does not show up. I'm positive that it is the correct absolute path. Is there anything I need to do, say in my settings.py file, to be able to use absolute paths? Do I need to
import os
in my template?
Just in case it helps, when I run the server and go to the url which calls the template (/displayImages/, this is what it says in my terminal:
[23/Feb/2014 12:07:27] "GET /displayImages/ HTTP/1.1" 200 413
[23/Feb/2014 12:07:27] "GET /home/userName/Documents/app/userPhotos/1/uploadedPhotos/imageName.png HTTP/1.1" 404 2993
As Daniel wrote in his answer, you should not use absolute path for any content on your website. This leads to a security concern and to a not working statement position. When the browser sees /absolute/path/img.png, it searches for this path starting at the root of your website. So, this can become /home/userName/Documents/app/absolute/path/img.png, which doesn't exists.
The right way is:
Read the doc :)
Add (or use) the settings.STATIC_URL defined in settings.py. The default path is the folder static/ in your app folder.
Use {% load staticfiles %} and {{ static "relative/path/file.ext" }} in your template
Why would you use a file path in your template? You should be using a URL, absolute or relative: the address where that image is being served from.