How to compute the center of a polygon in 2D and 3D space - c++

Consider a simple convex polygon in 2D Cartesian space. If given a list of vertex coordinates sorted in a counter-clockwise orientation like this [[x0, y0], ..., [xn, yn]]. How could you compute the center of the polygon (the point inside the polygon that is equidistant to all vertices)?
Also consider a second case where the polygon is placed in 3D Cartesian space and its normal vector is not parallel to any of the Cartesian axes. How could you compute the center, without rotating the polygon?
I can read C/C++, Fortran, MATLAB and Python, however any pseudo-code is also well appreciated.
I now realise that my question was not well-posed. I am sorry for that. It appears that what I was looking for is the centroid of the polygon (i.e. the point on which a cardboard cut-out would balance while assuming uniform density and a uniform gravity field).

You definition of center doesn't make sense in general.
To see this just draw three non-aligned points on a plane and compute the one an only circle that passes for all three points. Clearly your center of the triangle must be the center of this circle.
Now draw a fourth point that doesn't lie on the circle and form the four sided polygon. What is the center? There is no point in the plane that is equidistant from all vertices.
Note also that even in case of triangles using the point equidistant from the vertices can give you points outside and far away from the polygon and is also numerically unstable (given any ε>0 and M>0 you can always build a triangle in which a specific movement of a vertex by a distance of less than ε moves the center by a distance greater than M).
Commonly used "centers" that are simple to compute are the average of all vertices, the average of the boundary, the center of mass or even just the center of the axis-aligned bounding box. All of them can however fall outside the polygon if the polygon is not convex, but in your case they may work.
The simplest reasonable one (because it doesn't depends on the coordinate system) is the barycenter of the vertices (code in Python):
xc = sum(x for (x, y) in points) / len(points)
yc = sum(y for (x, y) in points) / len(points)
something bad about it it's that just splitting one side of the polygon gives you a different center (in other words it depends on the vertices and not on the set of points bounded by the polygon). The simplest that depends on the polygon is IMO the barycenter of the boundary:
sx = sy = sL = 0
for i in range(len(points)): # counts from 0 to len(points)-1
x0, y0 = points[i - 1] # in Python points[-1] is last element of points
x1, y1 = points[i]
L = ((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2) ** 0.5
sx += (x0 + x1)/2 * L
sy += (y0 + y1)/2 * L
sL += L
xc = sx / sL
yc = sy / sL
For both of them the extension to 3d is trivial... just add z using the same formulas.
In the case of a general (not necessarily convex, not necessarily simply connected) polygon a "center" that I found useful but that is not trivial to compute is the (an) inner point that is at a maximum distance from the boundary (in other words a "most inner" point).
In this case I resorted to use a discrete (bitmap) representation and a gaussian distance transform.

First of all for a polygon, the centroid may not always imply equidistant lengths from the centroid to the vertices. In most cases this is probably NOT true. That being said, you can find the centroid simply by finding the mean of your x coordinates and the mean of your y coordinates. In Matlab: centroidx = mean(xcoords) and centroidy = mean(ycoords) are the coordinates of the centroid. See this if you really need more.


Ray tracing texture implementation for spheres

I'm trying to implement textures for spheres in my ray tracer. I managed to get something working, but I am unsure about its correctness. Below is the code for getting the texture coordinates. For now, the texture is random and is generated at runtime.
virtual void GetTextureCoord(Vect hitPoint, int hres, int vres, int& x, int& y) {
float theta = acos(hitPoint.getVectY());
float phi = atan2(hitPoint.getVectX(), hitPoint.getVectZ());
if (phi < 0.0) {
phi += TWO_PI;
float u = phi * INV_TWO_PI;
float v = 1 - theta * INV_PI;
y = (int) ((hres - 1) * u);
x = (int) ((vres - 1) * v);
This is how the spheres look now:
I had to normalize the coordinates of the hit point to get the spheres to look like that. Otherwise they would look like:
Was normalising the hit point coordinates the right approach, or is something else broken in my code? Thank you!
Instead of normalising the hit point, I tried translating it to the world origin (as if the sphere center was there) and obtained the following result:
I'm using a 256x256 resolution texture by the way.
It's unclear what you mean by "normalizing" the hit point since there's nothing that normalizes it in the code you posted, but you mentioned that your hit point is in world space.
Also, you didn't say what texture mapping you're trying to implement, but I assume you want your U and V texture coordinates to represent latitude and longitude on the sphere's surface.
Your first problem is that converting Cartesian to spherical coordinates requires that the sphere is centered at the origin in the Cartesian space, which isn't true in world space. If the hit point is in world space, you have to subtract the sphere's world-space center point to get the effective hit point in local coordinates. (You figured this part out already and updated the question with a new image.)
Your second problem is that the way you're calculating theta requires that the the sphere have a radius of 1, which isn't true even after you move the sphere's center to the origin. Remember your trigonometry: the argument to acos is the ratio of a triangle's side to its hypotenuse, and is always in the range (-1, +1). In this case your Y-coordinate is the side, and the sphere's radius is the hypotenuse. So you have to divide by the sphere's radius when calling acos. It's also a good idea to clamp the value to the (-1, +1) range in case floating-point rounding error puts it slightly outside.
(In principle you'd also have to divide the X and Z coordinates by the radius, but you're only using those for an inverse tangent, and dividing them both by the radius won't change their quotient and thus won't change phi.)
Right now your sphere intersection and texture-coordinate functions are operating in world space, but you'll probably find it useful later to implement transformation matrices, which let you transform things from one coordinate space to another. Then you can change your sphere functions to operate in a local coordinate space where the center is the origin and the radius is 1, and give each object an associated transformation matrix that maps the local coordinate space to the world coordinate space. This will simplify your ray/sphere intersection code, and let you remove the origin subtraction and radius division from GetTextureCoord (since they're always (0, 0, 0) and 1 respectively).
To intersect a ray with an object, you'd use the object's transformation matrix to transform the ray into the object's local coordinate space, do the intersection (and compute texture coordinates) there, and then transform the result (e.g. hit point and surface normal) back to world space.

Detect if vertex is inside a list of points (cube)

I want to find if a vertex is inside of a cube in a C++ program.
Take this example, I want to find all vertices of the torus that lie inside of the cube.
How would I go on doing this, knowing that my cube is just a list of points to start with (I'm parsing an .obj file)
For example, my cube vertices:
v -56.269790649414 -100.226547241211 -29.616094589233
v 3.730209350586 -100.226547241211 -29.616094589233
v -56.269790649414 -40.226547241211 -29.616094589233
v 3.730209350586 -40.226547241211 -29.616094589233
v -56.269790649414 -100.226547241211 30.383905410767
v 3.730209350586 -100.226547241211 30.383905410767
v -56.269790649414 -40.226547241211 30.383905410767
v 3.730209350586 -40.226547241211 30.383905410767
What are the best practices/algorithms to achieve this (raycasting?)
For arbitrary mesh (not just the cube), you can generate a ray from the point you want to test and see how many times the ray intersects with your mesh. For even number of intersections (including zero) => point is outside, for odd number of intersections => point is inside. But it could be faster if you can bring your cube to origin and align it along the axes. Then it's just a matter or three ifs.
Apparently your cube is axis-parallel, so it is sufficient to check whether the vertex to test lies in the intersection of the slice of the parellel side planes. To put it differently, an axis-parallel cube is its own bounding box. Let
x_max = maximum x-coordinate of the cube
x_min = minimum x-coordinate of the cube
y_max = maximum y-coordinate of the cube
y_min = minimum y-coordinate of the cube
z_max = maximum z-coordinate of the cube
Z_min = minimum z-coordinate of the cube
then a point (x,y,z) is contained in the cube if and only if
x_min <= x <= x_max && y_min <= y <= y_max && z_min <= z <= Z_max
However things are more complicated if the cube is actually not axis-parallel.

Intersection of a mesh with a parametric surface

I'm wondering how a precise algorithm can be written to compute the frontier of the surface of intersection between a parametric surface f : R^2 --> R^3 and a triangulated mesh.
I've thought to a first approach:
nStepsU = 100
nStepsV = 100
tolerance=0.01 // pick some sensical value
for u from minU to maxU in nStepsU:
for v from minV to maxV in nStepsV:
for v in verticesInMesh:
if euclidean distance( f(u,v), v ) < tolerance:
add vertex v in a set
connect the vertices in intersectionVertices with a line strip
draw the vertices in intersectionVertices
This algorithm, is very simple but slow (n^3) and does not keep in account that the topography of the mesh is based on triangles so the output points are points of the mesh and not points computed exploiting the intersection of surface with the triangles and is heavily dependent of the tolerance one has to set.
Has someone some better idea or can one drive me to a suitable library for this purpose?
I would iterate over each triangle, and compute the intersection of the triangle with the surface. I would use a geometry shader which takes the triangles as input, and outputs line strips. For each vertex in the triangle, compute the signed distance to the surface. Then iterate over the edges: If there are two vertices where h has different signs, the edge between these vertices intersects with the surface. While I'm sure the exact intersection can be computed, the easiest solution would be to interpolate linearly, i.e.
vec3 intersection = (h0 * v1 + h1 * v0) / (h0 + h1);
Then output each intersection as a vertex of your line segment.
The code I posted here can get you started. If you want to just draw the result, you will probably run into the same problem that I described in that question. If you need the vertices on the client, you can use transform feedback.
Edit: I just did a little test. As the distance function I used
float distToHelicoid(in vec3 p)
float theta = p.y / 5 + offset.x / 50;
float a = mod(theta - atan(p.z, p.x), 2*PI) - PI; // [-PI, PI[
if (abs(a) > PI/2)
a = mod(theta - atan(-p.z, -p.x), 2*PI) - PI;
return a;
Since there is no inside/outside, and this distance function goes from -90° to 90°, you can only emit vertices if the sign goes from small negative to small positive or vice versa, not when it flips from 90° to -90°. Here I simply filtered out distances where abs(dist) > 45°:
The clean way would be to determine the index of the closest revolution. E.g. [-pi, pi] would be revolution 0, [pi, 3pi] = revolution 1, etc. You would then only emit if two distances refer to the same revolution.
If your surface is always helicoid, you can try to project everything on a cylinder around axis Y.
The surface of helicoid consists of lines orthogonal to the surface of that cylinder and after projection you will get a spiral. After projection of 3D triangle mesh onto that cylinder you will get 2D triangle mesh (note that some areas may be covered with several layers of triangles).
So the task becomes finding triangles in 2D triangle mesh intersecting the spiral which is simpler. If you are OK with approximations, you can segment that spiral and use some kind of tree to find triangles intersecting the spiral.
When you have a triangle intersecting part of spiral, its intersection will be a segment, you can just recalculate 3D coordinates of the segment and set of these segments is your intersection line.

Line - Circle intersection test in 3d world?

i have a 3d world where i have several 2d circles laying on the ground facing to the sky.
how can i check if a line will intersect one of those circles frop top-to-down?
i tried to search but all i get is this kind of intersection test:
but its not what i need, here is image what i mean:
If you are in a coordinate system, where the ground is given by z = c for c some constant, then you could simply calculate the x, y coordinates of the line for z = c. Now for a circle of origin x0, y0 and radius R, you would simply check if
(x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 <= R^2.
If this is true, the line intersects the circle.
In a 3D sense you are first concerned with not with a circle but with the plane where the circle lies on. Then you can find the point of intersection between the ray (line) and the plane (disk).
I like to use homogeneous coordinates for point, planes and lines and I hope you are familiar with vector dot · and cross products ×. Here is the method:
Plane (disk) is defined by a point vector r=[rx,ry,rz] and a normal direction vector n=[nx,ny,nz]. Together they form a plane W=[W1,W2]=[n,-r·n].
Line (ray) is defined by two point vectors r_A=[rAx,rAy,rAz] and r_B=[rBx,rBy,rBz]. Together they form the line L=[L1,L2]=[r_B-r_A, r_A×r_B]
The intersecting Point is defined by P=[P1,P2]=[L1×W1-W2*L2, -L2·W1], or expanded out as
P=[ (r_B-r_A)×n-(r·n)*(r_A×r_B), -(r_A×r_B)·n ]
The coordinates for the point are found by r_P = P1/P2 where P1 has three elements and P2 is scalar.
Once you have the coordinates you check the distance with the center of the circle by d=sqrt((r_p-r)·(r_p-r)) and checking d<=R where R is the radius of the circle. Note the difference in notation between a scalar multiplication * and a dot product ·
If you know for sure that the circles lie on the ground (r=[0,0,0]) and face up (n=[0,0,1]) then you can make a lot of simplifications to the above general case.
[ref: Plucker Coordinates]
When using the ground (with +Z up) as the plane (where circles lie), then use r=[rx,ry,0] and n=[0,0,1] and the above intersection point simplifies to
r_p = [ rBy-rAy, rAx-rBx, 0] / (rAy*rBx-rAx*rBy)
of which you can check the distance to the circle center.

uniform generation of 3D points on cylinder/cone

I wish to randomly and uniformly generate points on a cylinder and a cone (separately). The cylinder is defined by its center, its radius and height. Same specifications for the cone. I am able to get the bounding box for each shape so I was thinking of generating points within the bounding box. However, I'm not sure how to project them onto the cylinder/cone or if this is the best idea.
Any suggestions?
The cylinder case is trivial. If the cylinder of radius r > 0 and height h > 0 is the image of (x, y, z) = (r cos φ, r sin φ, z) on φ ∈ [0, 2π[ and z ∈ [-h/2, h/2], then simply choose φ and z randomly on these intervals. Of course one can simply parametrise the cone as well using the standard parametrisation, but then the area element will not be constant on the parameter plane, and so the distribution of points will not be random. Thus you need to find a different parametrisation. I have discussed this topic in detail for a sphere at my AlgoSim site.
One way to think of this is that both the cylinder and the cone can be unwrapped into flat surfaces - just cut each one with a straight line from top to bottom.
The cylinder unwraps to a rectangle (if you're including the top and bottom, then add a couple of disks).
The cone unwraps to a triangle with a curved bottom that is the arc of a circle (if you're including the base of the cone, then add a disk).
It's easy enough to embed these flat surfaces inside a rectangle R on the xy plane. Generate uniformly distributed points in R, and whenever they are inside the flat surfaces, map them back to the original surfaces.
Watch out for some of the other answers here which try to co-ordinatize a cone in terms of angle and height. Although the points will be uniformly distributed with respect to angle and height, they will not be uniformly distributed w.r.t. area. They will be more densely distributed at the tip.
It would be simpler to generate the points directly on the cylinder or cone.
It's been a while since I did this, but parametrise the axis of the cylinder and then for each point parametrise the circle at that height. This will create points on the surface. The radius of the circle is the radius of the cylinder.
For the cone you need to reduce the radius of the circle as you move from the base to the apex.
Let a point be defined by coordinates r, a, h, where r is the "radius" (distance from the vertical axis passing from the center), a is the angle as in polar coordinates, and h is its height.
For the cylinder (radius R and height H): choose independently
a uniform in [0, 2pi),
h uniform in [0, H], and
r with a "triangular density": f(r) = 2 r / R if 0 <= r <= R, 0 otherwise (the density at r should be proportional to the length of the circumference of radius r).
It should not be difficult to sample from such triangular distribution, since its cumulative distribution (a quadratic monomial) is easily invertible (see this article). Also, this answer is based on intuition, but it should not be difficult to prove that the distribution you obtain on the cylinder is uniform.
For the cone (radius R and height H): choose
a uniform in [0, 2pi),
h with a density made with a segment of parabola: f(h) = 3 (H - h)^2 / H^3 if 0 <= h <= H, 0 otherwise (the density at h should be proportional to the area of the circular section at height h),
let r( h ) = (H - h) R / H (the radius of the section at height h); then choose r with a "triangular distribution" f(r) = 2 r / r( h ) if 0 <= r <= r( h ), 0 otherwise.
Again, sampling h should be easy, since the cumulative distribution is easily invertible.
EDIT. If you mean to generate points on the surface of the shapes, then the solution is simpler:
Cylinder: choose
a uniform in [0, 2pi),
h uniform in [0, H],
r = R.
Cone: choose
a uniform in [0, 2pi),
h with a triangular density: f(h) = 2 (H - h) / H^2 if 0 <= h <= H, 0 otherwise (the density at h should be proportional to the length of the circumference at height h).
r = r( h ) = (H - h) R / H = radius at height h.
Other answers have already covered the cylinder case pretty well. For the cone, things are a bit more difficult. To maintain a constant density of points, you need to compensate for the change in radius.
To do that, you can start by picking a distance between the points. As you move along the axis of the cone, you compute the circumference at that height, then divide the circumference the linear distance between the points to get the number of points. You then divide 2pi radians (or 360 degrees, or whatever) by the number of points to get the angular distance for that radius.
Depending on the accuracy you need, you can keep track of the remainder from one circle as you're computing the next circle. For example, if you have two circles in a row that work out to needing xxx.4 points, you'd round each down if looked at in isolation -- but looking at them together, you have xxx.8 points, so you should round one down and the other up to keep the overall density as close as possible to the correct value.
Note that although it's not as obvious, the latter can apply to the cylinder as well -- you'll typically have some rounding in distributing each circle of points.
To put those answers in pseudocode:
For a cylinder, given cylinderRadius and cylinderHeight:
angle = random number between 0 & 360
x = cos(pi/180*angle)*cylinderRadius
y = sin(pi/180*angle)*cylinderRadius
z = random number between 0 and cylinderHeight.
For a cone, given coneRadius, coneHeight:
angle = random number between 0 & 360
z = random number between 0 and coneHeight
thisRadius = coneRadius * (1-(z/coneHeight)); //This gives a decreasing radius as height increases.
x = cos(pi/180*angle)*thisRadius
y = sin(pi/180*angle)*thisRadius
Each point (x,y,z) will lie on the cylinder/cone. Generate enough of these points and you can spawn particles on the surface of a cylinder/cone, but it may not make an exactly uniform distribution...
For uniform points on a circle or cone of radius R, and height/elevation H:
angle= uniform_random(0,2*pi)
value= uniform_random(0,1)
in either case, let:
r= R * sqrt(value)
then (using separate random numbers for each):
circle_point= point3d( r*cos(angle), r*sin(angle), H )
cone_point= point3d( r*cos(angle), r*sin(angle), r*H )
Note that if you want a base on your cone, you will need to do it separately from the curved shape. To make sure the density of points is the same for the different parts, an easy way is to calculate the areas of the parts and generate a proportional number of points for each part.
The sqrt(value) is what makes sure the density of your random points is uniform. As other questions have mentioned, you want a triangular distribution for this; taking the sqrt() turns the uniform distribution on [0,1) into a triangular one.
For a cylinder you don't want the sqrt(); the curved part is:
cylinder_point= point3d( R*cos(angle), R*sin(angle), H*value )