Simple 3D OpenGL Game Engine [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any 3D C++ based game engines or rendering libraries that just provide a little abstraction from the OpenGL API? I don't want a GUI, just code to build off of. If possible, cross-platform or Linux-Windows-Mac Compatable.

SDL is a common library for doing things like this, and I highly recommend. Although, it does not use OpenGL for rendering, but you have the ability to use OpenGL with it.
SFML is a great alternitive for SDL. The only problem is that it's not C supported (although if you're using C++, that isn't a problem), and that it's not very adopted yet, in oppose to SDL, so the chances are you're not going to get as much support and help as if you're using SDL.
Allegro is an option that works for both C and C++, which gives the user a easy to use interface, and self explanatory functions. Although it isn't as advanced as the other two library.
For just graphics a great start would be Irrlicht. You can switch between OpenGL, DirectX, and a software renderer, without learning any API specific stuff.
Hope this helps!


Rendering a n-body simulation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm using openCL to simulate a n-body problem. The output I'm getting is positions of particles in 3-dimensional space (x,y,z). What I want to do now is to render them frame by frame and was just wondering how I would go around to getting that done. I'm using C++ and do not have any previous experience with graphics.
If you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
If you're just looking for a graphics library to use, I recommend SFML. I am actually using it for a similar project right now and it works great!
This is a broad question and likely to get closed but some starting points could be:
Using openCL/openGL interoperability to directly render your data
If speed is not crucial and you don't mind transferring data back to the host you might use openGL libraries (steep learning curve) or Windows-specific DirectX (hard) or GDI+ (easier and basic graphic capabilities)
Other simpler alternatives: sfml or openGL wrappers like OGLplus
Notice that you didn't describe how you're going to render that data or what are your expectations. This makes the question impossible to be answered correctly. Just guessing is possible.
There are many ways to achieve your goal. The most common ones would be to use either OpenGL or Direct3D. Both can be hooked with OpenCL. I'm an OpenGL guy, so I'd recommend you OpenGL, but Direct3D is a very nice API if you plan on targeting Windows based systems only.
Take some time and search for the keywords OpenCL/OpenGL interop or OpenCL/Direct3D interop and you shoul find a lot of stuff.

2D Game development in C++ tutorial [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Terry Cavanaugh reccomended I learn C++ the other day, so can somebody link me to a complete and recent(late 2012 at the oldest), game development tutorial? I would prefer just C++, but, if you don't know one, an external library would be okay.
I can make games in C#/Python/Java, so I know the very basics(like what an int is), but I have tried to use C++ and noticed a vast difference in the syntax of the language, and so far I have been unable to find a decent tutorial on YouTube. Can someone please point me towards a good windows friendly 2d game development tutorial in C++ tutorial.
1.) Start out by just learning some C++ and getting comfortable with the language. I recommend thenewboston:
2.) Then you can move on to learning game libraries such as Allegro, SDL, OpenGL, etc.
This site has some good Allegro tutorials:
And some good OpenGL and SDL tutorials:
First you need to learn C++ with general tutorials. For making games, I recommend

Good concrete place (book/tutorial) to start with programming games in C/C++? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a learning resource that goes over the ins and outs of game programming in C++? I'm looking for something thorough that details the industry standards, tricks, and common approaches rather than just a "build a game in 10 steps" type material - something like the C++ Primer for games. What would a good book or tutorial be?
It depends to a degree on what kind of game you want to make. If you're planning on using a premade engine (like Unity), then the documentation on that would be the best bet.
If you're planning to build a 3D gameengine from scratch, and you want it to work on anything other than just Windows, then you'd need to learn OpenGL. There are some excellent OpenGL tutorials at , but for a full treatment you'd do well to read the OpenGL Red Book, the definitive OpenGL reference:
If you're planning to make a 2D game engine, then check out SDL: It's cross-platform and relatively simple to use, and you can also optionally use 3D with it via OpenGL.
I'd advise that the first decision you make (if you haven't already decided) should be: do I want to roll my own game engine, or use a premade one?
The book that I used to learn and would recommend is Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11
Pro OGRE 3D Programming (Expert's Voice in Open Source) was what we used at vizible (

Very easy to use 2d (optionally 3d) drawing library / wrapper for directx or opengl? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm studying physics and I know C++ at a basic level. at my study it's sometimes really useful to create a program which can graphicly represent some data or do calculations and then graphicly represent them. I read that, for example, to be able to master the basics of openGL I would need to do a 10 week long course of openGL. But that is too much time.
I'm wondering if there are any libraries available (for windows) which allow me to do some easy stuff like:
-DrawCircle/Line/Shape/Polygon([list of points])/Triangle/Square (+rotation)
Is there any library which has this easyness? It would be really cool because if I do something (create a program) and I need to explain my team (who have never programmed) how I have done it (the program / results), this would make it much easier to explain!
I looked at SDL, HGE, OpenFrameworks (somewhat the "closest" yet still far away) and a few other popular libraries but they are all so far away.. why is there no such easy library?
Are there any available which are just not being found with the keywords i search in google?
I would suggest that you take a look at cinder. Try out the Hello Cinder tutorial. I think you will find it supports your needs by providing an abstraction layer above DirectX or OpenGL.

What are the best engines for a 2D indie game? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What are the best engines for a (small) indie game? I am interested in info about how much does it takes to familiarize self with the engine, special functions et cetera.
In addition, I would like to know what physics engine I should use for this type of game.
Even though I don't know if its the "best" for what your doing but, SDL is pretty good. You can write in C++ with it. It's 2D and good for indies. Plus, its cross platform so its not just limited to PC. Also there's Box2d which is a 2D physics engine in C++.
Just taking a stab. But, you should really clarify exactly what you want to do.
This depends a lot on what you want to do (i.e. genre of game and features). I suggest you check out the canonical which has covered this topic several times (both in articles and forums).
Try this one:
It is modern hardware accelerated framework for 2D C++ games, could be build on top of SDL or Marmalade.