Is x++; threadsafe? - c++

If I update a variable in one thread like this:
and then from another thread I only ever read this variable and write its value to a GUI.
Is that safe? Or could this instruction be interrupted in the middle so the value in receiveCounter is wrong when it is read by another thread? it must be so right since ++ is not atomic, it is several instructions.
I don't care about synchronizing reads and writes, it just needs to be incremented and then update in the GUI but this does not have to happen directly after each other.
What I care about is that the value cannot be wrong. Like the ++ operation being interrupted in the middle so the read value is completely off.
Do I need to lock this variable? I really do not want to since it is update very often. I could solves this by just posting a message to a MAIN thread and copy the value to a Queue (which then would need to be locked but I would not do this on every update) I guess.
But I am interested in the above problem anyway.

If one thread changes the value in a variable and another thread reads that value and the program does not synchronize the accesses it has a data race, and the behavior of the program is undefined. Change the type of receiveCounter to std::atomic<int> (assuming it's an int to begin with)

At its core it is a read-modify-write operation, they are not atomic. There are some processors around that have a dedicated instruction for it. Like Intel/AMD cores, very common, they have an INC instruction.
While that sounds like that could be atomic, since it is a single instruction, it still isn't. The x86/x64 instruction set doesn't have much to do anymore with the way the execution engine is actually implemented. Which executes RISC-like "micro-ops", the INC instruction is translated to multiple micro-ops. It can be made atomic with the LOCK prefix on the instruction. But compilers don't emit it unless they know that an atomic update is desired.
You will thus need to be explicit about it. The C++11 std::atomic<> standard addition is a good way. Your operating system or compiler will have intrinsics for it, usually named something like "Interlocked" or "__built_in".

Simple answer: NO.
because i++; is the same as i = i + 1;, it contains load, math-operation, and saving the value. so it is in general not atomic.
However the really executed operations depend on the instruction set of the CPU and might be atomic, depending on the CPU architecture. But the default is still not atomic.

Generally speaking, it is not thread-safe because the ++ operator consists in one read and one write, the pair of which is not atomic and can be interrupted in between.
Then, it probably also depends on the language/compiler/architecture, but in a typical case the increment operation is probably not thread safe.
As for the read and write operations themselves, as long as you are not in 64-bit mode, they should be atomic, so if you don't care about other threads having the value wrong by 1, it may be ok for your case.

No. Increment operation is not atomic, hence not thread-safe.
In your case it is safe to use this operation if you don't care about its value in specific time (if you only read this variable from another thread and not trying to write to it). It will eventually increment receiveCounter's value, you just don't have any guarantees about operations order.

++ is equivalent to i=i+1.
++ is not an atomic operation so its NOT thread safe. Only read and write of primitive variables (except long and double) are atomic and hence thread safe.


memory model, how load acquire semantic actually works?

From very nice Paper and article about memory reordering.
Q1: I understand that cache-coherence, store buffer and invalidation queue is root cause of memory reordering ?
Store release is quite understandable, have to wait for all load and store are completed before set flag to true.
About load acquire, typical use of atomic load is waiting for a flag. Suppose we have 2 threads:
int x = 0;
std::atomic<bool> ready_flag = false;
// thread-1
// (1)
// load x here
// (2)
// load x here
// thread-2
x = 100;, std::memory_order_release);
EDIT: in thread-1, it should be a while loop, but I copied the logic from article above. So, assume memory-reorder is occurred just in time.
Q2: Because (1) and (2) depends on if condition, CPU have to wait for ready_flag, does it mean write-release is enough ? How memory-reordering can happens with this context ?
Q3: Obviously we have load-acquire, so I guess mem-reorder is possible, then where should we place the fence, (1) or (2) ?
Accessing an atomic variable is not a mutex operation; it merely accesses the stored value atomically, with no chance for any CPU operation to interrupt the access such that no data races can occur with regard to accessing that value (it can also issue barriers with regard to other accesses, which is what the memory orders provide). But that's it; it doesn't wait for any particular value to appear in the atomic variable.
As such, your if statement will read whatever value happens to be there at the time. If you want to guard access to x until the other statement has written to it and signaled the atomic, you must:
Not allow any code to read from x until the atomic flag has returned the value true. Simply testing the value once won't do that; you must loop over repeated accesses until it is true. Any other attempt to read from x results in a data race and is therefore undefined behavior.
Whenever you access the flag, you must do so in a way that tells the system that values written by the thread setting that flag should be visible to subsequent operations that see the set value. That requires a proper memory order, one which must be at least memory_order_acquire.
To be technical, the read from the flag itself doesn't have to do the acquire. You could perform an acquire operation after having read the proper value from the flag. But you need to have an acquire-equivalent operation happen before reading x.
The writing statement must set the flag using a releasing memory order that must be at least as powerful as memory_order_release.
Because (1) and (2) depends on if condition, CPU have to wait for ready_flag
There are 2 showstopper flaws in that reasoning:
Branch prediction + speculative execution is a real thing in real CPUs. Control dependencies behave differently from data dependencies. Speculative execution breaks control dependencies.
In most (but not all) real CPUs, data dependencies do work like C++ memory_order_consume. A typical use-case is loading a pointer and then dereferencing it. That's still not safe in C++'s very weak memory model, but will happen to compile to asm that works for most ISAs other than DEC Alpha. Alpha can (in practice on some hardware) even manage to violate causality and load a stale value when dereferencing a just-loaded pointer, even if the stores were correctly ordered.
Compilers can break control and even data dependencies. C++ source logic doesn't always translate directly to asm. In this case a compiler could emit asm that works like this:
tmp = load(x); // compile time reordering before the relaxed load
if (load(ready_flag)
actually use tmp;
It's data-race UB in C++ to read x while it might still be being written, but for most specific ISAs there's no problem with that. You just have to avoid actually using any load results that might be bogus.
This might not be a useful optimization for most ISAs but nothing rules it out. Hiding load latency on in-order pipelines by doing the load earlier might actually be useful sometimes, (if it wasn't being written by another thread, and the compiler might guess that wasn't happening because there's no acquire load).
By far your best bet is to use ready_flag.load(mo_acquire).
A separate problem is that you have commented out code that reads x after the if(), which will run even if the load didn't see the data ready. As #Nicol explained in an answer, this means data-race UB is possible because you might be reading x while the producer is writing it.
Perhaps you wanted to write a spin-wait loop like while(!ready_flag){ _mm_pause(); }? Generally be careful of wasting huge amounts of CPU time spinning; if it might be a long time, use a library-supported thing like maybe a condition variable that gives you efficient fallback to OS-supported sleep/wakeup (e.g. Linux futex) after spinning for a short time.
If you did want a manual barrier separate from the load, it would be
if (ready_flag.load(mo_relaxed))
int tmp = x; // now this is safe
// atomic_thread_fence(mo_acquire); // still wouldn't make it safe to read x
// because this code runs even after ready_flag == false
Using if(ready_flag.load(mo_acquire)) would lead to an unconditional fence before branching on the ready_flag load, when compiling for any ISA where acquire-load wasn't available with a single instruction. (On x86 all loads are acquire, on AArch64 ldar does an acquire load. ARM needs load + dsb ish)
The C++ standard doesn't specify the code generated by any particular construct; only correct combinations of thread communication tools product a guaranteed result.
You don't get guarantees from the CPU in C++ because C++ is not a kind of (macro) assembly, not even a "high level assembly", at least not when not all objects have a volatile type.
Atomic objects are communication tools to exchange data between threads. The correct use, for correct visibility of memory operations, is either a store operation with (at least) release followed by a load with acquire, the same with RMW in between, either the store (resp. the load) replaced by RMW with (at least) a release (resp. acquire), on any variant with a relaxed operation and a separate fence.
In all cases:
the thread "publishing" the "done" flag must use a memory ordering at least release (that is: release, release+acquire or sequential consistency),
and the "subscribing" thread, the one acting on the flag must use at least acquire (that is: acquire, release+acquire or sequential consistency).
In practice with separately compiled code other modes might work, depending on the CPU.

Atomic operation propagation/visibility (atomic load vs atomic RMW load)

I am writing a thread-safe protothread/coroutine library in C++, and I am using atomics to make task switching lock-free. I want it to be as performant as possible. I have a general understanding of atomics and lock-free programming, but I do not have enough expertise to optimise my code. I did a lot of researching, but it was hard to find answers to my specific problem: What is the propagation delay/visiblity for different atomic operations under different memory orders?
Current assumptions 
I read that changes to memory are propagated from other threads, in such a way that they might become visible:
in different orders to different observers,
with some delay.
I am unsure as to whether this delayed visibility and inconsistent propagation applies only to non-atomic reads, or to atomic reads as well, potentially depending on what memory order is used. As I am developing on an x86 machine, I have no way of testing the behaviour on weakly ordered systems.
Do all atomic reads always read the latest values, regardless of the type of operation and the memory order used? 
I am pretty sure that all read-modify-write (RMW) operations always read the most recent value written by any thread, regardless of the memory order used. The same seems to be true for sequentially consistent operations, but only if all other modifications to a variable are also sequentially consistent. Both are said to be slow, which is not good for my task. If not all atomic reads get the most recent value, then I will have to use RMW operations just for reading an atomic variable's latest value, or use atomic reads in a while loop, to my current understanding.
Does the propagation of writes (ignoring side effects) depend on the memory order and the atomic operation used? 
(This question only matters if the answer to the previous question is that not all atomic reads always read the most recent value. Please read carefully, I do not ask about the visibility and propagation of side-effects here. I am merely concerned with the value of the atomic variable itself.) This would imply that depending on what operation is used to modify an atomic variable, it would be guaranteed that any following atomic read receives the most recent value of the variable. So I would have to choose between an operation guaranteed to always read the latest value, or use relaxed atomic reads, in tandem with this special write operation that guarantees instant visibility of the modification to other atomic operations.
Is atomic lock-free ?
First of all, let's get rid of the elephant in the room: using atomic in your code doesn't guarantee a lock-free implementation. atomic is only an enabler for a lock-free implementation. is_lock_free() will tell you if it's really lock-free for the C++ implementation and the underlying types that you are using.
What's the latest value ?
The term "latest" is very ambiguous in the world of multithreading. Because what is the "latest" for one thread that might be put asleep by the OS, might no longer be what is the latest for another thread that is active.
std::atomic only guarantees is a protection against racing conditions, by ensuring that R, M and RMW performed on one atomic in one thread are performed atomically, without any interruption, and that all other threads see either the value before or the value after, but never what's in-between. So atomic synchronize threads by creating an order between concurrent operations on the same atomic object.
You need to see every thread as a parallel universe with its own time and that is unaware of the time in the parallel universes. And like in quantum physics, the only thing that you can know in one thread about another thread is what you can observe (i.e. a "happened before" relation between the universes).
This means that you should not conceive multithreaded time as if there would be an absolute "latest" across all the threads. You need to conceive time as relative to the other threads. This is why atomics don't create an absolute latest, but only ensure a sequential ordering of the successive states that an atomic will have.
The propagation doesn't depend on the memory order nor the atomic operation performed. memory_order is about sequential constraints on non-atomic variables around atomic operations that are seen like fences. The best explanation of how this works is certainly Herb Sutters presentation, that is definitively worth its hour and half if you're working on multithreading optimisation.
Although it is possible that a particular C++ implementation could implement some atomic operation in a way that influences propagation, you cannot rely on any such observation that you would do, since there would be no guarantee that propagation works in the same fashion in the next release of the compiler or on another compiler on another CPU architecture.
But does propagation matter ?
When designing lock-free algorithms, it is tempting to read atomic variables to get the latest status. But whereas such a read-only access is atomic, the action immediately after is not. So the following instructions might assume a state which is already obsolete (for example because the thread is send asleep immediately after the atomic read).
Take if(my_atomic_variable<10) and suppose that you read 9. Suppose you're in the best possible world and 9 would be the absolutely latest value set by all the concurrent threads. Comparing its value with <10 is not atomic, so that when the comparison succeeds and if branches, my_atomic_variable might already have a new value of 10. And this kind of problems might occur regardless of how fast the propagation is, and even if the read would be guaranteed to always get the latest value. And I didn't even mention the ABA problem yet.
The only benefit of the read is to avoid a data race and UB. But if you want to synchronize decisions/actions across threads, you need to use an RMW, such compare-and-swap (e.g. atomic_compare_exchange_strong) so that the ordering of atomic operations result in a predictable outcome.
After some discussion, here are my findings: First, let's define what an atomic variable's latest value means: In wall-clock time, the very latest write to an atomic variable, so, from an external observer's point of view. If there are multiple simultaneous last writes (i.e., on multiple cores during the same cycle), then it doesn't really matter which one of them is chosen.
Atomic loads of any memory order have no guarantee that the latest value is read. This means that writes have to propagate before you can access them. This propagation may be out of order with respect to the order in which they were executed, as well as differing in order with respect to different observers.
std::atomic_int counter = 0;
void thread()
// Imagine no race between read and write.
int value = counter.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
In this example, according to my understanding of the specs, even if no read-write executions were to interfere, there could still be multiple executions of thread that read the same values, so that in the end, counter would not be 1000. This is because when using normal reads, although threads are guaranteed to read modifications to the same variable in the correct order (they will not read a new value and on the next value read an older value), they are not guaranteed to read the globally latest written value to a variable.
This creates the relativity effect (as in Einstein's physics) that every thread has its own "truth", and this is exactly why we need to use sequential consistency (or acquire/release) to restore causality: If we simply use relaxed loads, then we can even have broken causality and apparent time loops, which can happen because of instruction reordering in combination with out-of-order propagation. Memory ordering will ensure that those separate realities perceived by separate threads are at least causally consistent.
Atomic read-modify-write (RMW) operations (such as exchange, compare_exchange, fetch_add,…) are guaranteed to operate on the latest value as defined above. This means that propagation of writes is forced, and results in one universal view on the memory (if all reads you make are from atomic variables using RMW operations), independent of threads. So, if you use atomic.compare_exchange_strong(value,value, std::memory_order_relaxed) or atomic.fetch_or(0, std::memory_order_relaxed), then you are guaranteed to perceive one global order of modification that encompasses all atomic variables. Note that this does not guarantee you any ordering or causality of non-RMW reads.
std::atomic_int counter = 0;
void thread()
// Imagine no race between read and write.
int value = counter.fetch_or(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
In this example (again, under the assumption that none of the thread() executions interfere with each other), it seems to me that the spec forbids value to contain anything but the globally latest written value. So, counter would always be 1000 in the end.
Now, when to use which kind of read? 
If you only need causality within each thread (there might still be different views on what happened in which order, but at least every single reader has a causally consistent view on the world), then atomic loads and acquire/release or sequential consistency suffice.
But if you also need fresh reads (so that you must never read values other than the globally (across all threads) latest value), then you should use RMW operations for reading. Those alone do not create causality for non-atomic and non-RMW reads, but all RMW reads across all threads share the exact same view on the world, which is always up to date.
So, to conclude: Use atomic loads if different world views are allowed, but if you need an objective reality, use RMWs to load.
Multithreading is surprising area.
First, an atomic read is not ordered after a write. I e reading a value does not mean that it were written before. Sometimes such read may ever see (indirect, by other thread) result of some subsequent atomic write by the same thread.
Sequential consistency are clearly about visibility and propagation. When a thread writes an atomic "sequentially consistent" it makes all its previous writes to be visible to other threads (propagation). In such case a (sequentially consistent) read is ordered in relation to a write.
Generally the most performant operations are "relaxed" atomic operations, but they provide minimum guarranties on ordering. In principle there is ever some causality paradoxes... :-)

Is it possible that a store with memory_order_relaxed never reaches other threads?

Suppose I have a thread A that writes to an atomic_int x = 0;, using, std::memory_order_relaxed);. Without any other synchronization methods, how long would it take before other threads can see this, using x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);? Is it possible that the value written to x stays entirely thread-local given the current definition of the C/C++ memory model that the standard gives?
The practical case that I have at hand is where a thread B reads an atomic_bool frequently to check if it has to quit; Another thread, at some point, writes true to this bool and then calls join() on thread B. Clearly I do not mind to call join() before thread B can even see that the atomic_bool was set, nor do I mind when thread B already saw the change and exited execution before I call join(). But I am wondering: using memory_order_relaxed on both sides, is it possible to call join() and block "forever" because the change is never propagated to thread B?
I contacted Mark Batty (the brain behind mathematically verifying and subsequently fixing the C++ memory model requirements). Originally about something else (which turned out to be a known bug in cppmem and his thesis; so fortunately I didn't make a complete fool of myself, and took the opportunity to ask him about this too; his answer was:
Q: Can it theoretically be that such a store [memory_order_relaxed without (any following) release operation] never reaches the other thread?
Mark: Theoretically, yes, but I don't think that has been observed.
Q: In other words, do relaxed stores make no sense
whatsoever unless you combine them with some release operation (and
acquire on the other thread), assuming you want another thread to
see it?
Mark: Nearly all of the use cases for them do use release and acquire, yes.
This is all the standard has to say on the matter, I believe:
[intro.multithread]/25 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.
In practice
Without any other synchronization methods, how long would it take
before other threads can see this, using
No time. It's a normal write, it goes to the store buffer, so it will be available in the L1d cache in less time than a blink. But that's only when the assembly instruction is run.
Instructions can be reordered by the compiler, but no reasonable compiler would reorder atomic operation over arbitrarily long loops.
In theory
Q: Can it theoretically be that such a store [memory_order_relaxed
without (any following) release operation] never reaches the other
Mark: Theoretically, yes,
You should have asked him what would happen if the "following release fence" was added back. Or with atomic store release operation.
Why wouldn't these be reordered and delayed a loooong time? (so long that it seems like an eternity in practice)
Is it possible that the value written to x stays entirely thread-local
given the current definition of the C/C++ memory model that the
standard gives?
If an imaginary and especially perverse implementation wanted to delay the visibility of atomic operation, why would it do that only for relaxed operations? It could well do it for all atomic operations.
Or never run some threads.
Or run some threads so slowly that you would believe they aren't running.
This is what the standard says in 29.3.12:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
There is no guarantee a store will become visible in another thread, there is no guaranteed timing and there is no formal relationship with memory order.
Of course, on each regular architecture a store will become visible, but on rare platforms that do not support cache coherency, it may never become visible to a load.
In that case, you would have to reach for an atomic read-modify-write operation to get the latest value in the modification order.

CRITICAL_SECTION for set and get single bool value

now writing complicated class and felt that I use to much CRITICAL_SECTION.
As far as I know there are atomic operations for some types, that are always executed without any hardware or software interrupt.
I want to check if I understand everything correctly.
To set or get atomic value we don't need CRITICAL_SECTION because doing that there won't be interrupts.
bool is atomic.
So there are my statements, want to ask, if they are correct, also if they are correct, what types variables may be also set or get without CRITICAL_SECTION?
P. S. I'm talking about getting or setting one single value per method, not two, not five, but one.
You don't need locks round atomic data, but internally they might lock. Note for example, C++11's std::atomic has a is_lock_free function.
bool may not be atomic. See here and here
Note: This answer applies to Windows and says nothing of other platforms.
There are no InterlockedRead or InterlockedWrite functions; simple reads and writes with the correct integer size (and alignment) are atomic on Windows ("Simple reads and writes to properly-aligned 32-bit variables are atomic operations.").
(and there are no cache problems since a properly-aligned variable is always on a single cache line).
However, reading and modifying such variables (or any other variable) are not atomic:
Read a bool? Fine. Test-And-Set a bool? Better use
Overwrite an integer? great! Add to
it? Critical section.
Here this can be found:
Simple reads and writes to properly aligned 64-bit variables are
atomic on 64-bit Windows. Reads and writes to 64-bit values are not
guaranteed to be atomic on 32-bit Windows. Reads and writes to
variables of other sizes are not guaranteed to be atomic on any
Result should be correct but in programming it is better not to trust should. There still remains small possibility of failure because of CPU cache.
You cannot guarantee for all implementations/platforms/compilers that bool, or any other type, or most operations, are atomic. So, no, I don't believe your statements are correct. You can retool your logic or use other means of establishing atomicity, but you probably can't get away with just removing CRITICAL_SECTION usage if you rely on it.

Synchronizing access to variable

I need to provide synchronization to some members of a structure.
If the structure is something like this
struct SharedStruct {
int Value1;
int Value2;
and I have a global variable
SharedStruct obj;
I want that the write from a processor
obj.Value1 = 5; // Processor B
to be immediately visible to the other processors, so that when I test the value
if(obj.Value1 == 5) { DoSmth(); } // Processor A
else DoSmthElse();
to get the new value, not some old value from the cache.
First I though that if I use volatile when writing/reading the values, it is enough. But I read that volatile can't solve this kind o issues.
The members are guaranteed to be properly aligned on 2/4/8 byte boundaries, and writes should be atomic in this case, but I'm not sure how the cache could interfere with this.
Using memory barriers (mfence, sfence, etc.) would be enough ? Or some interlocked operations are required ?
Or maybe something like
lock mov addr, REGISTER
The easiest would obviously be some locking mechanism, but speed is critical and can't afford locks :(
Maybe I should clarify a bit. The value is set only once (behaves like a flag). All the other threads need just to read it. That's why I think that it may be a way to force the read of this new value without using locks.
Thanks in advance!
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. If your data is being accessed from multiple threads, and it is necessary that updates are immediately visible by those other threads, then you have to protect the shared struct by a mutex, or a readers/writers lock, or some similar mechanism.
Performance is a valid concern when synchronizing code, but it is trumped by correctness. Generally speaking, aim for correctness first and then profile your code. Worrying about performance when you haven't yet nailed down correctness is premature optimization.
Use explicitly atomic instructions. I believe most compilers offer these as intrinsics. Compare and Exchange is another good one.
If you intend to write a lockless algorithm, you need to write it so that your changes only take effect when conditions are as expected.
For example, if you intend to insert a linked list object, use the compare/exchange stuff so that it only inserts if the pointer still points at the same location when you actually do the update.
Or if you are going to decrement a reference count and free the memory at count 0, you will want to pre-free it by making it unavailable somehow, check that the count is still 0 and then really free it. Or something like that.
Using a lock, operate, unlock design is generally a lot easier. The lock-free algorithms are really difficult to get right.
All the other answers here seem to hand wave about the complexities of updating shared variables using mutexes, etc. It is true that you want the update to be atomic.
And you could use various OS primitives to ensure that, and that would be good
programming style.
However, on most modern processors (certainly the x86), writes of small, aligned scalar values is atomic and immediately visible to other processors due to cache coherency.
So in this special case, you don't need all the synchronizing junk; the hardware does the
atomic operation for you. Certainly this is safe with 4 byte values (e.g., "int" in 32 bit C compilers).
So you could just initialize Value1 with an uninteresting value (say 0) before you start the parallel threads, and simply write other values there. If the question is exiting the loop on a fixed value (e.g., if value1 == 5) this will be perfectly safe.
If you insist on capturing the first value written, this won't work. But if you have a parallel set of threads, and any value written other than the uninteresting one will do, this is also fine.
I second peterb's answer to aim for correctness first. Yes, you can use memory barriers here, but they will not do what you want.
You said immediately. However, how immediate this update ever can be, you could (and will) end up with the if() clause being executed, then the flag being set, and than the DoSmthElse() being executed afterwards. This is called a race condition...
You want to synchronize something, it seems, but it is not this flag.
Making the field volatile should make the change "immediately" visible in other threads, but there is no guarantee that the instant at which thread A executes the update doesn't occur after thread B tests the value but before thread B executes the body of the if/else statement.
It sounds like what you really want to do is make that if/else statement atomic, and that will require either a lock, or an algorithm that is tolerant of this sort of situation.