EC2 Architecture design for Website - django

I have a site that I will be launching soon. Not entirely sure how heavy the traffic will get.
I am using Django+Nginx+Gunicorn+Mysql. There will be support for SSL/HTTPS.
As a starting point, I am thinking of having two micro instances balanced by Elastic Load Balancing.
The MySql database will be on one of the instances. If traffic gets heavy, I might move static files to a CDN. The micro instances serve as front-end servers responsible for only churning out HTML/JSON and serving static files. Static files are mainly CSS/js and several images (not many). I foresee database will be read-heavy and less writes.
Assuming the traffic rises to 100k page views per day, will the 2 micro instances suffice?
Do I have to move the database to a separate instance? And what instance type would be good?
What if the traffic is only 1k page views per day?
How many gunicorn processes to run on a micro instance?
In general, what type of metrics will help me determine what kind and how many instances I would need? What is the methodology to decide what kind of architecture I would need?
Thanks a lot!

Completely dependant on how dynamic the site is planning to be. Do users generate content towards the service or is it mostly static? If the former you're going to get a lot from putting stuff like avatars, images etc. into S3 and putting that on Cloudfront. Same with your static files... keeping your servers stateless will allow you scale with ease.
At 100k page views a day you will definitely struggle with just micros... you really should only use those in a development environment and aren't meant to handle stuff like serving users. I'd use at a minimum a single small instance in-front of a Load Balancer, may sound strange but you will be able to throw in another instance when things get busy without having to mess with Route 53 or potentially having your site fail. The stateless stuff is quite important now as user-generated assets may only be reference able from one instance and not the other.
At 1k page views I'd still use a small for web serving and another small for MySQL. You can look into RDS which is great if you're doing this solo, forget about needing to upgrade versions and stuff like maintenance, backups etc.
You will also be able to one-click spin up read replicas for peak. Look into the Amazon CLI as well to help automate those tasks. Cronjobs will make it a cinch if you're time stressed otherwise Opsworks, Cloudformation and Auto-Scaling will all help with the above.
Oh and just as a comparison, an Application server of mine running Apache, PHP with APC to serve our users starts to struggle with about 80 concurrent users. Runs on a small EC2 Instance with a Small RDS (which sits at about 15% at the same time as the Application Server is going downhill)

Probably not. Micro instances are not designed for heavy production loads. They use a burstable CPU profile. They can run at 2 ECU for a couple of minutes, and then they get locked at 0.1-0.2 ECU. I tend to like c1.medium, but small may be enough for you.
Maybe, as long as they are spread out during the day and not all in a short window.
1-2 per core. Micro only has 1 core.
Every application is different. The best thing to do is run your own benchmarks using tools like ab (Apache Bench)

Following the AWS best practices architecture diagram is always a good start.
I strongly advise you to store all your files on Amazon S3, and use a Route 53 DNS (or any other DNS if you want) in front of it to distribute the files, because later on if you decide to use CloudFront CDN it will be very easy to change. And, just to mention using CloudFront as CDN will increase your cost only a little bit, not a huge thing.
Doesn't matter the scenario, if we're talking a about production, you should definitely go for separate instances, at least 1 EC2 for web and 1 EC2/RDS for database.
If you are geek and like to get into the nitty gritty details, create your own infrastructure and feel free to use any automation tool (puppet, chef) or not. Or if you just want to collect the profit, or have scarce resources to take care of everything, you should try Elastic Beanstalk (
Anyway, going to create your own infrastructure or choose elastic beanstalk, always execute stress tests to have a better overview of your capacity planning needs. After you choose your initial environment, stress it using apache bench, siege or whatever other tool you may like.
Hope this helps.

I would suggest to use small instances instead of micro as micro instances often stop responding on heavy load and then it requires a stop-start. Use s3 for static files which helps in faster loading and have a look over cloud front.
The region for instance also helps in serving requests and if you target any specific region, create the instance selecting that region.
Create the database in new instance and attach ebs volume to that instance. Automate backup script to copy database files and store in ebs to avoid any issues. The instance selected here can be iops for faster processing over standard. Aws services provide lot of flexibility but you need to have scripts running to scale up and down the servers as per the timings.
Spot instance can help in future as they come cheap in case you are scaling up.


How much ram i need in cloud hosting for 100 kb website storage?

I have one website that has simple one page that fetches trending videos from youtube with the use of youtube api and size of the website is just 100 kb. website is created by using of HTML,CSS,PHP. I want to host it on any good cloud hosting. Suppose i will get 10000 daily visitors to my website then 1gb ram and 1 coreCPU is sufficient for that?
Nobody can answer this question for you because every application is different, and much of it depends on the patterns of your particular user base.
The only way to know the requirements is to deploy the system and then simulate user traffic. Monitor the system to identify stress points, which could be RAM, CPU or Network. You can then adjust the size of the instance accordingly, and even change Instance Type to obtain a different mix of RAM and CPU.
Alternatively, just deploy something and monitor it closely. Then, adjust things based on usage patterns you see. This is "testing in production".
You could also consider using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which can automatically launch new instances to handle an increased load. This way, the resources vary based on usage. However, this design would require a Load Balancer in front of the instances.
Then, if you want to get really fancy, you could simply host a static web page from Amazon S3 and have the page make API calls to a backend hosted in AWS Lambda. The Lambda function will automatically scale by running multiple functions in parallel. This way, you do not require any Amazon EC2 instances and you only pay for resources when somebody actually uses the website. It would be the cheapest architecture to run. However, you would need to rewrite your web page and back-end code to fit this architecture.

Architecture Questions to Autoscale Moodle on Google Cloud Platform

We're setting up a Moodle for our LMS and we're designing it to autoscale.
Here are the current stack specifications:
-Moodle Application (App + Data) baked into an image and launched into a Managed Instance Group
-Cloud SQL for database (MySQL 5.7 connected through Cloud SQL Proxy)
-Cloud Load Balancer - HTTPS load balancing with the managed instance group as backend + session affinity turned on
Do I still need Redis/Memcached for my session? Or is the load balancer session affinity enough?
I'm thinking of using Cloud Filestore for the Data folder. Is this recommendable vs another Compute Engine?
I'm more concerned of the session cache and content cache for future user increase. What would you recommend adding into the mix? Any advise on the CI/CD would also be helpful.
So, I can't properly answer these questions without more information about your use case. Anyway, here's my best :)
How bad do you consider to be forcing the some users to re-login when a machine is taken down from the managed instance group? Related to this, how spiky you foresee your traffic will be? How many users will can a machine serve before forcing the autoscaler to kick in and more machines will be added or removed to/from the pool (ie, how dynamic do you think your app will need to be)? By answering these questions you should get an idea. Also, why not using Datastore/Firestore for user sessions? The few 10s of millisecond of latency shouldn't compromise the snappy feeling of your app.
Cloud Filestore uses NFS and you might hit some of the NFS idiosyncrasies. Will you be ok hitting and dealing with that? Also, what is an acceptable latency? How big is the blobs of data you will be saving? If they are small enough, you are very latency sensitive, and you want atomicity in the read/write operations you can go for Cloud BigTable. If latency is not that critical Google Cloud Storage can do it for you, but you also lose atomicity.
Google Cloud CDN seems what you want, granted that you can set up headers correctly. It is a managed service so it has all the goodies without you lifting a finger and it's cheap compared to serving stuff from your application/Google Cloud Storage/...
Cloud Builder for seems the easy option, unless you want to support more advanced stuff that are not yet supported.
Please provide more details so I can edit and focus my answer.
there is study for the autoscaling, using redis memory store show large network bandwidth from cache server, compare than compute engine with redis installed.
moodle autoscaling on google cloud platform
regarding moodle data, it show compute engine with NFS should have enough performance compare than filestore, much more expensive, as the speed also depend on the disk size.
I use this topology for the implementation
Autoscale Topology Moodle on GCP

Amount of traffic t2.micro can handle

How can I estimate how many page views per second or in parallel an instance like t2.micro can handle? I know this varies depending on database queries, template processing and such, but I need some conservative estimates or real world examples just for a point of reference.
You're going to have issues if you try and apply a typical VPS type thought process to AWS. One of the strengths of AWS is that you have elasticity. Put up some instances, then add more when demand increases. Auto Scaling Groups mixed with an Elastic Load Balancer helps greatly with automatically dealing with demand (though it's not going to handle unexpected spike traffic very well, you'll just have to have a lot of standby instances ready if you want to deal with that).
One reason why you don't want to have t1.micros directly serving up requests is because slow clients can take up sockets that could be used to connect to the database. That's why you let ELB handle the clients instead so you don't have to deal with that. Also how many clients you can handle will be very much based on the number of available sockets, available resources, what type of web server you have installed, etc. etc.
If you're serving up static files then just use S3, potentially mixed with CloudFront to deal with that. For dealing with simple API calls that do CRUD operations on a database just use Lambda Functions with API Gateway. Since both Lambda and API Gateway will scale up with demand you won't really have to worry about the page views issue as much.
You're simply going to have an extremely difficult time finding a direct answer to your question just due to the way AWS works and how folks utilize it.

need some guidance on usage of Amazon AWS

every once in a while i read/hear about AWS and now i tried reading the docs.
But such docs seem to be written for people who already know which AWS they need to use and only search for how it can be used.
So, for myself, to understand AWS better i try to sketch a hypothetical Webapplication with a few questions.
The apps purpose is to modify content like videos or images. So a user has some kind of webinterface where he can upload his files, do some settings and a server grabs the file and modifies it (e.g. reencoding). The Service also extracts the audio track of a video and trys to index the spoken words so the customer can search within his videos. (well its just hypothetical)
So my questions:
given my own domain '' is it possible to host the complete webinterface on AWS? i thought about using GWT to create the interface and just deliver the JS/images via AWS, but which one, simple storage? what about some kind of index.html, is there an EC2 instance needed to host a webserver which has to run 24/7 causing costs?
now the user has the interface with a login form, is it possible to manage logins with an AWS? here i also think about an EC2 instance hosting a database, but it would also cause costs and im not sure if there is a better way?
the user has logged in and uploads a file. which storage solution could be used to save the customers original and modified content?
now the user wants to browse the status of his uploads, this means i need some kind of ACL, so that the customer only sees his own files. do i need to use a database (e.g. EC2) for this, or does amazon provide some kind of ACL, so the GWT webinterface will be secure without any EC2?
the customers files are reencoded and the audio track is indexed. so he wants to search for a video. Which service could be used to create and maintain the index for each customer?
hope someone can give a few answers so i understand AWS better on how one could use it
Amazon AWS offers a whole ecosystem of services which should cover all aspects of a given architecture, from hosting to data storage, or messaging, etc. Whether they're the best fit for purpose will have to be decided on a case by case basis. Seeing as your question is quite broad I'll just cover some of the basics of what AWS has to offer and what the different types of services are for:
EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing)
Amazon's cloud solution, which is basically the same as older virtual machine technology but the 'cloud' offers additional knots and bots such as automated provisioning, scaling, billing etc.
you pay for what your use (by hour), for the basic (single CPU, 1.7GB ram) would prob cost you just under $3 a day if you run it 24/7 (on a windows instance that is)
there's a number of different OS to choose from including linux and windows, linux instances are cheaper to run without the license cost associated with windows
once you're set up the server to be the way you want, including any server updates/patches, you can create your own AMI (Amazon machine image) which you can then use to bring up another identical instance
however, if all your html are baked into the image it'll make updates difficult, so normal approach is to include a service (windows service for instance) which will pull the latest deployment package from a storage (see S3 later) service and update the site at start up and at intervals
there's the Elastic Load Balancer (which has its own cost but only one is needed in most cases) which you can put in front of all your web servers
there's also the Cloud Watch (again, extra cost) service which you can enable on a per instance basis to help you monitor the CPU, network in/out, etc. of your running instance
you can set up AutoScalers which can automatically bring up or terminate instances based on some metric, e.g. terminate 1 instance at a time if average CPU utilization is less than 50% for 5 mins, bring up 1 instance at a time if average CPU goes beyond 70% for 5 mins
you can use the instances as web servers, use them to run a DB, or a Memcache cluster, etc. choice is yours
typically, I wouldn't recommend having Amazon instances talk to a DB outside of Amazon because of the round trip is much longer, the usual approach is to use SimpleDB (see below) as the database
the AmazonSDK contains enough classes to help you write some custom monitor/scaling service if you ever need to, but the AWS console allows you to do most of your configuration anyway
Amazon's non-relational, key-value data store, compared to a traditional database you tend to pay a penalty on per query performance but get high scalability without having to do any extra work.
you pay for usage, i.e. how much work it takes to execute your query
extremely scalable by default, Amazon scales up SimpleDB instances based on traffic without you having to do anything, AND any control for that matter
data are partitioned in to 'domains' (equivalent to a table in normal SQL DB)
data are non-relational, if you need a relational model then check out Amazon RDB, I don't have any experience with it so not the best person to comment on it..
you can execute SQL like query against the database still, usually through some plugin or tool, Amazon doesn't provide a front end for this at the moment
be aware of 'eventual consistency', data are duplicated on multiple instances after Amazon scales up your database, and synchronization is not guaranteed when you do an update so it's possible (though highly unlikely) to update some data then read it back straight away and get the old data back
there's 'Consistent Read' and 'Conditional Update' mechanisms available to guard against the eventual consistency problem, if you're developing in .Net, I suggest using SimpleSavant client to talk to SimpleDB
S3 (Simple Storage Service)
Amazon's storage service, again, extremely scalable, and safe too - when you save a file on S3 it's replicated across multiple nodes so you get some DR ability straight away.
you only pay for data transfer
files are stored against a key
you create 'buckets' to hold your files, and each bucket has a unique url (unique across all of Amazon, and therefore S3 accounts)
CloudBerry S3 Explorer is the best UI client I've used in Windows
using the AmazonSDK you can write your own repository layer which utilizes S3
Sorry if this is a bit long winded, but that's the 3 most popular web services that Amazon provides and should cover all the requirements you've mentioned. We've been using Amazon AWS for some time now and there's still some kinks and bugs there but it's generally moving forward and pretty stable.
One downside to using something like aws is being vendor locked-in, whilst you could run your services outside of amazon and in your own datacenter or moving files out of S3 (at a cost though), getting out of SimpleDB will likely to represent the bulk of the work during migration.

Creating External Monitoring for a web app

The company I work for built and hosts a web app used by our customers and I am interested in creating some kind of external monitoring page (similar to that users can go to to see the current state of our servers/app. I know there are tons of different 'monitoring' services out there but I want to create the service myself, to have complete control and customization. Obviously, the service would have to be hosted in a different location and data center than the app itself. One thing I am concerned about is that if I just choose a different host in a different location, if that host goes down for any reason (power failure, server failure, or even ISP failure) the monitoring software is down. For this reason, I am thinking of hosting the monitoring app on an amazon EC2 instance. With their elastic IP feature, if for some reason the data center or point where the instance is running fails, I can just create a duplicate instance with the same data (but in a different location) and everything would work fine still.
Does this sound like a feasible plan? For even more security, I was thinking of creating 2 instances in different locations and monitoring from both of them. If one instance fails, the other would still be up. Obviously, one instance has to act as the actual web host for the monitoring page. Is it possible programatically for one instance to switch the elastic IP over to itself if it detects the other instance has failed for any reason?
I know there's a lot of different things involved in this question, I'm just looking for feedback regarding ANY of it...
If you've made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read this!
What you are talking about is a complicated solution for a complicated issue. I think you are on the right track with using something like Amazon's EC2 to reduce the chance of your monitoring app of going down. Also, you could develop it yourself but there are a great deal of free monitoring solutions out there like Nagios that will do everything you are asking for and is highly extensible so you can spend your time making it look and feel like you want while leaving the more complicated portions under the hood to software that is tried and tested. The worst thing would be for you to have a bug in your software that shows something as up when it is actually down. Based off of what you are talking about doing, I would assume that would be a huge issue.
Instead of using an elastic ip - which is only assigned to one instance, consider using the Elastic Load Balancer which then can route over instances in any of the availability zones. This way AWS manages taking instances in/out of the pool if they become unavailable for some reason and you do not have to spend time 'moving' the Elastic IP around. It is then easy to assign your monitoring cname to the ELB hostname.
I think RandomBen's idea of using Nagios on your instances is a good one because then you do not have to recreate all the functionality in Nagios. You then spend development time setting up the system and customizing the look and feel to your needs.
Also, if you can use MySQL, you should consider using RDS although you will need to pay transfer fees if you have servers outside of a region accessing the RDS in another region.